
WelcomeWelcome to metal.hurlant.com

I created this site mostly to keep track of various little things I throw together. Also, I was feeling a bit sad everytime I had to upload one of my hacks to a geocities page. So I feel much better now. :)

I’ve been interested in computer security and web applications for over 10 years. My day job has frequently involved both of those. Yet I’ve never really tried to organize or keep track of what I’ve done.

This is an attempt at fixing that. Post updates are not likely to follow any predictable schedule, as this is more of an exercise in self-development than in building up a readership.

Explore posts in the same categories: Meta

4 Comments on “Welcome”

  1. Shawn Says:

    Hello sir. Nice. heh.

  2. shinkaiho Says:

    wh4tz up l33t h4×0r

  3. Metal Hurlant Says:

    Get off my lawn, you hoodlums!@!!!

    Err, I mean, hi guys.

  4. Ghozt Says:

    Ahoy, how be you doin’ today?
