=head1 NAME
xref.pl - graphing subroutine cross-reference reports for Perl modules
To graph the subroutine cross-reference of 'Functional.pm':
% perl -MO=Xref,-r Functional.pm > examples/Functional.xref
% ./xref_aux.pl Functional.xref > Functional.png
% gqview Functional.png
# (or your favourite image viewer)
xref.pl uses the information gleamed by the B::Xref module to draw a
pretty graph showing how subroutines in a module call each other.
For example, the "GraphViz.png" image shows that:
=over 4
=item * _as_debug can call _attributes
=item * both _parse_dot and _as_generic can call run
Unfortunately, it is quite hard to understand this without looking at
the picture, hence this program and the GraphViz module ;-)
A couple of options are available by changing variables in the
program. It is expected that these become command-line options for the
next version.
=head1 AUTHOR
Leon Brocard E<lt>F<[email protected]>E<gt>
Copyright (C) 2000, Leon Brocard
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use GraphViz;
use IO::File;
my $multiple_edges = 0;
my $show_lines = 0;
$multiple_edges = 1 if $show_lines;
my $fh = IO::File->new(shift || 'Functional.xref') || die "$!";
my $g = GraphViz->new();
my %edges;
while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) {
chomp $line;
my($file, $subroutine, $line, $package, $proto, $name, $type) = split /\s+/, $line;
next if $file =~ /^\//;
next unless $proto =~ /&/;
next if $subroutine eq '(definitions)';
# warn "$file $subroutine $package $proto $name $type\n";
#warn "$subroutine -> $package $name\n";
my $subcluster = $subroutine;
$subcluster =~ s|::.*?$||;
$subroutine =~ s|^.*::||;
my $namecluster = $package;
#warn "# $subroutine ($subcluster) -> $name ($namecluster)\n";
my $subnode = $g->add_node($subroutine, cluster => $subcluster);
my $namenode = $g->add_node($name, cluster => $namecluster);
next if !$multiple_edges && $edges{$subnode}->{$namenode}++;
my $edge = { from => $subnode,
to => $namenode,
if ($show_lines) {
$g->add_edge($subnode => $namenode, label => $line);
} else {
$g->add_edge($subnode => $namenode);
print $g->as_png;
#print $g->_as_debug;
#print $g->as_text;