#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

mimeabuse - try hard to break MIME parsing


This is meant to be run from the MIME-tools distribution directory
as a test.  It will attempt to parse the same several messages 1000 
times each.  It does a purge after each parse, so it shouldn't fill up
your disk; however, it should be a good test for hitting resource 

I wrote this after I discovered that, under Perl 5.002 at least,
FileHandle->new_tmpfile returned an object that did not get
destructed automatically when it exited scope.  :-(

=head1 AUTHOR

Eryq, [email protected]


use MIME::Parser;

my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
((-d "./testin") && (-d "./testout")) or 
	die "run this from the MIME-tools distribution directory";

foreach $input (
) {
    $parser->parse_nested_messages($input eq 'mp-msg-rfc822.msg');

    for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
	print STDERR "$input: i = $i\n";
	open IN, "testin/$input" or die "open testin/$input: $!";
	$entity = $parser->read(\*IN) or die "MIME error";
	close IN;

print "Who-hooo! Done!\n";