
megpie71: 9th Doctor resting head against TARDIS with repeated *thunk* text (Default)

January 2025

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megpie71: Animated "tea" icon popular after London bombing. (sit down and drink your tea)
Thursday, January 16th, 2025 03:36 pm
Well, we've finished all the "heavy lifting" side of the move, and we're now going to be living in my in-laws downstairs spare bedrooms for around 3 - 6 months (hopefully not much longer than that) while all the various fuss and bother around getting the inheritance sorted out goes through. Our next move, hopefully, will be into our Forever Home, once we've found it. It's been a busy few days, and my plans for tomorrow definitely have slid into "collapse in a heap" with extreme prejudice. Or at least "collapse in a heap" once I've put in the mail redirection form.

I am feeling a lot better now I have my computer up and running and am connected to the outside internet again.
megpie71: 9th Doctor resting head against TARDIS with repeated *thunk* text (Default)
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 08:33 am
This is more in the nature of a warning than anything - our lease where we are runs out on 17 January; we're currently unable to find anything in my home city (or home state) that fits the criteria of both "affordable on my income" and "close enough to work to make commuting feasible" (I mean, there's lots of places we could afford in Kambalda and Kambalda West, but an 8 hour commute each way to work isn't exactly helpful); so we will be moving back in with my in-laws and occupying their downstairs spare bedrooms. For the next couple of weeks, I will be involved in the throws (no, deliberate choice, it's a pun) of packing and storing away our gear (we're hiring a storage unit).

Fortunately, this is likely to be fairly short-term - we'd be looking at 3 - 6 months at best. This is because I'm gaining access to my inheritance early (see "Life is an emotional rollercoaster", from 19 OCT 2024) and once that comes through, we have a fair stab at being able to enter the property market and get a place of our own. Once that's all sorted out, we will be moving again, hopefully for the last time ever. After twenty-something years in the Australian rental market, the idea of not having to move approximately every three years is starting to sound like a lovely one.

But, in the meantime, we have to pack up, run around, cancel everything, figure out the new stuff, sort out this, that and the other thing, and get everything organised for the move. Which is stressful.
megpie71: Animated "tea" icon popular after London bombing. (Tea damnit)
Friday, December 6th, 2024 06:07 am
Well, the scan results came back, and the diagnosis is tendinosis in the peroneus brevis muscle. Which, once you strip the fancy latin away, means "your ankle hurts because the tendon is inflamed where it's attaching a muscle to the bones in your ankle". I'm seeing a physiotherapist (first appointment was last Monday, another one this coming Monday) and I've been prescribed some exercises to build up strength in the muscles and hold things together. The muscle affected is one of the ones which helps your foot tilt up and down (which is why driving has been so uncomfortable) as well as controlling the foot turning outward and inward. I've also been told I'm allowed to do utility walking (getting from a to b) but I should skip exercise walking for now, as well as driving. She also strapped up my ankle a bit, to add a bit of support to things.

At present I'm getting to and from work with the assistance of my partner, who is driving me in, dropping me off, driving home and then returning to pick me up again in the afternoon, which is very sweet of him. Hopefully things will be repairing themselves relatively soon.
megpie71: Avon standing in front of Zen's dome, caption "Confirmed" (confirmed)
Saturday, November 16th, 2024 07:53 am
Well, the COVID has largely gone. I've regained my sense of smell back to its normal (low) levels, and the only remaining issue is a persistent cough and a bit of vocal congestion (or in other words, it's easier to be using a chest voice than a head voice, and people can hear the difference).

Meanwhile, back just before I'd caught the COVID, I'd done something to my right ankle, and this still hasn't fixed itself up. So I took myself to the GP on Monday, and he's sent me off to get a scan (booked for the 25th) to determine whether my ATFL is sprained or torn. I'm suspecting it might be a tear, myself, simply because it's been about two weeks and the only direction things are going is worse. So one of the things I'm going to be doing on Monday is seeing whether there's a physio somewhere local that can book me in to get the ankle at least strapped up a bit to prevent it wobbling all over the place and give it a chance to heal properly. In the meantime, it's ibuprofen (for the anti-inflammatory properties) and paracetamol (for painkilling) and lots of not moving too much or too fast.
megpie71: Animated "tea" icon popular after London bombing. (sit down and drink your tea)
Monday, November 4th, 2024 07:01 am
Well, it's the beginning of day five (end of the formal quarantine period, but I think I'll keep up masking until I've stopped coughing; also my medical certificate covers me until tomorrow, so I'm definitely going to use the day off) and things have definitely eased off. I have a minor (occasionally productive) cough that can be kept under control by drinking hot liquids (tea), minor sinus congestion (so far - I've been awake for about half an hour) that also hopefully should start subsiding as I keep up the hot liquids, and very definite anosmia, which looks like it is very much about the COVID and not about the purely mechanical effect of "of course you can't smell anything, your sinuses are blocked up to blazes!". I keep a couple of jar candles in the linen cupboard, and normally I can smell them pretty distinctly; today, they could just be plain wax to me.

The main effect this has had is I've taken the scented teas out of my tea rotation, and brought the cheap supermarket Lan-Choo leaf tea (the stuff I usually drink with spices added to add a bit of flavour) to the forefront. Why waste the expensive stuff if it's all going to taste the same, after all?

The other main side-effect of COVID is being tired, but that's mainly down to not sleeping as well as I could (sinus congestion, coughing, and the natural consequences of keeping up a steady intake of liquids etc) and should go away once I get a few nights of semi-decent sleep under my belt.
megpie71: AC Tifa Lockheart looking at camera, very determined (Give me the chocolate & nobody dies)
Friday, November 1st, 2024 05:41 am
I have (finally) caught COVID-19. It's amazing what you can achieve by being autistic and not going out much.

I went home early on Wednesday after I'd injured my right ankle (somehow) - it was feeling like the tendons were unspooling, and aching badly enough that it was distracting me from work. At the same time, it's polledd seasodd here, and everyone in the office has been a bit sniffly and sinus-y, because the trees and grasses are having their sex lives. So I was snuffly and miserable due to that. Oh drat. Went home, put my right foot up for the rest of the day, and thought no more of anything.

Yesterday, the ankle was still giving me problems, so I booked a GP appointment and kept up the rest and elevation to see if I could get it to improve. Well, the ankle got better, but during the day I developed a fever and chills, which I really hadn't expected. Oh drat, I thought, maybe I have flu. So I did one of those combined COVID / flu tests about a half an hour before I had to head off to the GP's surgery (because I'm polite and don't want to subject other people to anything infectious if I can avoid it). Nope, not flu. COVID.

So since then, I've been contacting various people - work, the GP's office (they were very nice, changed my appointment to telehealth for me, although I had to pay the charge up front), and all the various appointments I have on Monday (which will officially be Day 5), as well as all the various people I've come into contact with since about Tuesday.

Himself is fine, and doesn't have COVID.
megpie71: Simplified Bishie Sephiroth says "Neat!" (Enthuse)
Saturday, October 19th, 2024 04:22 pm
Okay, so if you've read the previous entry, you'll know I've had a bit of a Week this past week. I had to go and visit with family, which I generally don't fancy, because my family is one of those ones that put the "fun" in "dysfunctional".


It turns out that part of the reason my parents were wanting to downsize is because they'd decided (after much research into retirement villages and aged care) to deal with the whole business where Australian aged care placements tend to rely on you selling the family home in order to finance your accommodation there by selling their existing place to my brother (who lives with them) and setting themselves up as tenants for life (he owns the place, they live with him). Then my brother would take out a mortgage, and give me half the value of the house. First lawyer they saw to try and set this up basically threw a wobbly at the idea and didn't set things up correctly (set up my brother as Tenant-for-Life in my parents' place, which meant if they died, he got everything, I got nothing, which was not what they wanted to happen). Second lawyer managed to get things sorted out correctly, but in the meantime the value of the house my parents currently occupy had gone up to the point where my brother couldn't have afforded the mortgage on it. So they've sold the house, they're downsizing to a three bedroom unit, they will give the place to my brother (and become his tenants for life), and then he will take out a mortgage and give me half the value of the new place.

This will be about $200,000 or thereabouts. Or in other words, enough money to get myself and my partner into the real estate market ourselves.

So, I've been knocked sideways by one of the top three Good Things in my life (the other two were meeting my partner and landing my current job), and while the money won't be coming through fast enough for us to buy the place we're currently in, it will hopefully be coming through by about January, at which point I can go find a mortgage broker, put down about a 1/3 deposit on a place for my partner and myself, and settle down to paying off the mortgage as fast as possible before I hit 70. But this means we get a chance to get off the rental treadmill at long fucking last, and have a place we can genuinely call our own.

I'm still processing things at present, but for the first time in about ... ever, I'm able to look at the future without immediately jumping to "dying destitute in a ditch" and immediately getting as depressed as all hells.
megpie71: AC Tifa Lockheart looking at camera, very determined (Give me the chocolate & nobody dies)
Saturday, October 19th, 2024 06:26 am
In rough order of arrival, if not annoyance:

* The owners of the unit we're renting have decided to sell it out from under us. We have a lease which is good to the middle of January next year, and the best-case scenario at this point is that the place is purchased by another investor, who is happy to keep us on as tenants. Worst-case scenario has us moving over the Christmas / New Year period.
* First "home open" for the place was last Sunday (it hasn't sold, so there's another on Sunday week).
* Monday, I had dental work done, which tends to wipe me out for the day. Just a couple of fillings, but it meant I had to take the day off on Tuesday in order to recover from everything.
* Tuesday was my day off, and I wound up needing to run all the errands I would have run on Monday (mostly grocery shopping).
* Wednesday was back at work, but we had a farewell lunch for one of our team-members who was retiring. I'm not exactly at the top of my social game at the moment (due to Factors and Reasons, including the whole "home open" and "photo shoot" and "damn it I was hoping for a nice relaxing two weeks of leave but looks like that was far too much to expect" things, because guess when all the news about the sale of the house came through?) so I was stress eating a lot. On the one hand, I didn't have a public meltdown. On the other hand, the "diet talk" node of my brain has woken up and is screaming at me.
* Thursday was our team member's final day, including farewell morning tea, so more being "on" in public around other people. Not the best experience, and more stress-eating.
* Friday was actually relatively quiet at work, and I managed to get at least some improvement in our backlog of work. The three of us who were present also cleared out about four or five years of accumulated stationery and random this-and-that from a storage cabinet (and discovered so much free space in there) - this was prompted by our new team member (who is replacing the retired one) having cleaned out the bottom drawer of her desk drawers and found a whole heap of cutlery which had apparently been abandoned there by the previous incumbent.
* Got a call last night from my father. My parents are downsizing, and they were wanting to offer me some furniture. Which at least meant I got to tell them about the whole "yeah, we might have to be moving soon ourselves" - I declined the furniture on that grounds. But then he mentioned they wanted to see me today, to talk about their wills. Now, I have largely been low-to-no contact with my family for the better part of the past twenty-five years; this is not something you do if associating with your family is a fun and pleasant thing to do. So I am not looking forward to heading to their place this morning to discuss things.
* I had a rotten night's sleep last night, not least because of anxiety, but also because it's October, the barometer is up and down like a blasted yo-yo, and that means the arthritis in my back is playing up, so I'm dealing with back pain.
* Saturday is usually my Gaming Day. I had been planning (prior to my father's call last night) to run all my various FFXIV characters through the All Saint's Wake content, and then concentrate on getting my main character through a few more bits and pieces. This is now on hold, depending on how emotionally and psychologically wrecked I am when I get home today.

So yeah, how's everyone else going?
megpie71: Impossibility established early takes the sting out of the rest of the obstacles (Impossibility)
Thursday, November 23rd, 2023 07:38 pm
  • She's loved Cid for as long as she's known him, and she blamed herself for delaying the rocket launch. Which is why she basically threw herself onto the pyre for him.

  • Another big part of it was getting the scare of her life - she took a big knock to the self-confidence, and it showed in a lot of ways. Plus, as a woman who'd pretty much devoted herself to science, she was a lousy housewife (even though she'd convinced herself that being a housewife was all she was good for in many ways), which was another big knock to the ego (because housework is easy, right? No learned and practiced skills there, no way! After all, even the most unintelligent woman can be a housewife... Yes, the Shera in my head has succumbed to the Manager's Fallacy: anything I can't do is easy to do).

  • There was also an element of punishment involved... because Cid did delay over the decision, and they both knew this.

  • Cid's involvement in the events of the game give her a quick kick upside the ego, particularly when the space program is revived and she's put in the position of being the chief engineer. But I think being away from Cid for a while, and not knowing where he was, helped her to put things into perspective. She missed him, and she wanted him back, and I suspect she and Cid found time to communicate this to each other.
megpie71: Simplified Bishie Sephiroth says "Neat!" (Neat)
Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 07:41 pm
  • Cid is het. In my head, he and Shera are engaged in one of the more roundabout and cross-grained courtships available to humankind.

  • He knows he loves Shera - he's known subconsciously since he made the decision to save her life rather than launch the rocket and chase his dreams. He admits it consciously to himself after they've retrieved the Large Materia, and probably lets Shera know before they do the final penetration of the Northern Crater.

  • He found her self-immolating behaviour after the launch to be extremely frustrating, and wound up lashing out at her verbally. He also wasn't really expecting her to be such a bad housewife (although he probably couldn't explain why).

  • They both appreciated the break that Cid running off with Cloud and co. turned out to be. Gave them both a chance to get their heads sorted out.

  • Cid really did need the experience of running about with the AVALANCHE crew, if only because it gave him an exposure to a wider definition of tragedy, and an impetus to get past his own self-pity. It's hard to feel sorry for yourself about lost chances when you're hearing about people who have lost what's effectively their whole lives (Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Yuffie, Vincent, Nanaki). I suspect Aerith's sacrifice was a real turning point, though - she was a willing sacrifice, someone who was willing to give her life for everyone else. In Aerith's sacrifice, I think he finally saw a little of what had been driving Shera that day, and finally managed to get over that last, selfish little bitterness about not getting his dream.

  • Cid realises he misses Shera in the middle of all the fun and games. He wants her around. I suspect he and Shera found time to communicate this to each other.

  • Cid gets along with Barrett best, but it's a "drinking buddies" friendship more than anything else. Barrett's hatred of anything Shinra sometimes gets in the way of a genuine friendship. Next easiest to deal with is Tifa, then Reeve, and Yuffie. They're all pretty normal. He has problems coping with Cloud and Vincent because they're just too damaged by what Hojo did to them. Nanaki is just plain alien to him - he can manage to be polite, but he's never really going to be on good terms with what he can't help but seeing as a talking animal.
megpie71: Simplified Bishie Sephiroth says "Neat!" (Neat)
Monday, November 20th, 2023 06:49 am
  • The Seph-in-my-head defaults to asexual by preference, because he really wasn't raised as a human being. He can't recognise most human sexual cues, or understand them in context of applying to him. He can recognise the effects of his own physique, legend, charisma and so on in others - indeed, he's able to deliberately manipulate people using their vision of his sexuality, but he doesn't really feel anything about it. It's a biological function, it appears to have some use in controlling others, but he doesn't understand why they react in such a fashion, only that they do.

  • His fascination for Cloud, therefore, is much more intellectual than hormonal - he's constantly confused by the way the younger man keeps resisting him, even with the Jenova connection between the two of them, even though he remembers Cloud as a hero-worshipping young trainee.

  • He doesn't really think of himself as a people, although he would have liked to be one, back before Nibelheim. Genesis and Angeal between them were originally helping him to understand what being a people would have meant, and Zack was sort of helping toward the end there, but then Genesis deserted, Angeal followed, and Sephiroth locked himself up tighter than a maglocked safe.

  • Yes, it was him running things with regard to the Black Materia and Meteor. He'd cracked back in Nibelheim, and thrown the biggest tantrum known to humanity as a way of proving he wasn't human any more. What survived the reactor wasn't much more than his need for revenge, and his desire to destroy - much more primal than intellectual, and much more visceral than either. He wanted to hurt people as he'd been hurt, and he had the capacity to do it, so he did it because he could.

  • There wasn't much left of him by the time Advent Children came along - just the hunger to get his revenge, and to return; he needed those last Jenova cells to manifest, but what manifested was already more Kadaj than Sephiroth, and wouldn't have lasted long in any case (at least part of the reason Kadaj was dying when Sephiroth dissipated was because Sephiroth had taken just about everything he had to offer, even before Cloud hit him with the Omnislash). The Great Gospel that Aerith was throwing out would have taken him down even if Cloud hadn't succeeded, because it was purifying the Lifestream from the inside out.
megpie71: Cloud Strife says "Meep" (I'm sure that's not regulation)
Thursday, November 16th, 2023 06:16 pm
  • Cloud Strife is, at best, most likely to be strongly male-oriented bisexual. If he's in a romantic relationship with someone, it's more likely they're going to be male than female. His friendships are going to be with either gender, but the only way he's having sex with someone female is as a release of tension (and because he's a good man, he's not going to just use a female friend that way for himself, although he may just let himself be used as a fuck-buddy by one of them in order to deal with tension situations, provided there's a "no harm, no foul" proviso afterwards).

  • Most likely, however, he's going to be asexual. He's lost too many memories of key periods in his psychological and psychosexual development, and had too many of the others fiddled with, been tortured too often, and is probably still dealing with a certain amount of rape trauma as well (because, let's face it, he's a pretty boy, and I really can't imagine any guards Hojo had were all that polite). All of this will make him functionally asexual - he can see what's going on, but I don't think he's going to want any part of it.

  • He's an introvert, who will never be the life of any party. He's much more interested in what's going on inside his own head than he'll ever be in what's happening outside, and given what's been going on inside his head for the last however long, he's not going to really be connecting much with the outside world until things are really solidly bedded down in there. The delivery job allows him to get away with taking a lot of thinking time and brooding time to do this.

  • Cloud thinks of women in a more romantic than physical manner. Women are to be cherished, watched over, protected and adored (which is at least part of why he doesn't do well in relationships with them - it gets awfully cold and windy up on that there pedestal he's placing them on). He'd find it easier to be sexual with and around men because there isn't that whole business of purity to get past.

  • Of the AVALANCHE crew, Cloud gets along with Vincent, Reeve and Aerith best. Tifa is too clingy, Barrett and Cid are boisterous and too aggressively masculine, Nanaki is too alien (he keeps thinking Nanaki can smell the difference of him, or something like that) and Yuffie is just too hyper for words.

  • Aerith's death hurt him not only because he feels implicit in it (if he'd been able to fight off Sephiroth/Jenova, she might have survived) but also because the part of him that imprinted on Zack also mourned her. He didn't really get time to mourn, to grieve - he didn't even get enough time to register the impact of the event before they were fighting for their lives against Jenova. So when he finally did get enough time to grieve and register what had happened, it really hit him hard.
megpie71: Unearthed skeleton, overlaid with phrase "What made you think I was nice?" (Nice?)
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 05:51 pm
From - "One presumes the Holmes Boys come from money, but it's difficult to know for sure."

From the level of education and the attitudes evinced by Mr Holmes in "A Study in Scarlet", I'd put him at the upper levels of the middle classes at the very least, but more likely a younger son of an aristocratic family whose relations don't want the inconvenience of dealing with him at home (in an earlier era, young Sherlock would most likely have been sent out of "colonial experience" to one of the colonies - either Australia or Canada would have been good candidates). He doesn't have the right sorts of attitudes to be believable as someone from a lower strata of society, and (the kicker) he's too highly educated to be believable as someone from any stratum below the upper middle classes. University education only really became available to the lower classes in the late 20th century, and Sherlock Holmes is a product of the early 20th century at best.

Some of the cues for this: he picks and chooses his case load, rather than taking whatever comes up. This is not the behaviour of someone who is doing this because they need to earn a living. It's the behaviour of someone who is amusing themselves. He spends large amounts of time experimenting - again, amusing himself. He's odd in his personal habits to the point of eccentricity, something which would most likely have had him locked up in an insane asylum (or at the very least, being kicked out onto the street by his landlady) had he not got the backing to support them. He certainly appears to have a nigh-unlimited budget for transport and travel, as well as the sorts of connections which get him in at all levels of society (read these connections, and the ones with the aristocracy are at a level of equality; the ones with the lower classes all have that element of "young master" in them).

Needing to split the rent with Watson is just a reflection of lousy day-to-day money-management skills, something you're likely to come by if money isn't something you've had to think about all your life. If it's literally been Someone Else's Problem, then you don't need to learn about it yourself.

Mycroft Holmes working as a public servant is still workable if you take the position that they're part of an aristocratic family. The tradition for aristocratic sons was to have one son who was the heir, then the others were sent to the army, the church, or the government if they wanted to be productive. So if we posit an aristocratic family with a minimum of three sons, there's the eldest who inherits the estates (and possibly a title, thus distancing himself from his brothers who wear the family name), Mycroft who has gone into government service, and Sherlock, who didn't want any of the defined social roles and instead chose to be an eccentric wastrel in the eyes of his Family.
megpie71: AC Reno crouched over on the pavement, looking pained (bad day at work)
Monday, November 13th, 2023 06:52 am
Notes for the future:

  • I suspect that Loki's entropic abilities to disrupt plans, create chaos, accentuate discord, and basically make a fair degree of havoc wherever he is are going to be central to any further re-appearance on his part. I'd be interested to see what Loki turns into if he's ever completely unbound, or permits himself to let loose without restraint. Norse mythology suggests they were aware of his entropic tendencies, since he's listed as one of the key figures in Gotterdammerung and Ragnarok - it's likely that in the Marvel-verse, he'd turn into the equivalent of a black hole.

  • Should the Avengers ever manage to turn Loki to their side, they'd be best off using him as a sort of mobile bomb, or double agent. Send him over to deal with the enemy in their place of power, and stand well back.
megpie71: Animated: "Are you going to come quietly/Or do I have to use earplugs?" (Come Quietly)
Saturday, November 11th, 2023 08:30 pm
Avengers Movie:

  • By this time, Loki has had enough time to come to learn of his chaotic nature, and his existence as a creature of discord. My guess is that his journey between falling off Bifrost and arriving in the joint facility in New Mexico was definitely occurring on non-Newtonian timescales - or in other words, while only a few months may have passed back out here on Earth, for Loki it's been the equivalent of years, maybe even centuries. He's learned, to an extent, how to plan around his inherent abilities. His plans incorporate his involuntary ability to mess up plans and work to mitigate this.

  • This is, in part, why he got himself captured by SHIELD in the first place. His capture in Germany is entirely too easy, let's face it, particularly when you consider the Avengers aren't actually working as a team at this stage, so it has to be a deliberate move by Loki.

  • Another clue toward this is that he doesn't escape while Thor, Iron Man and Captain America get into a three-way argument. He practically gives the impression of just wanting to sit there with popcorn and watch. So his capture isn't against his will in the least. On the one hand, it gets him away from Selvig and what his team are trying to do, and minimises the chance of their work being sabotaged by his chaotic nature. On the other hand, it gets him (and his effects) into the place where his ability to create disharmony and discord will do the most damage to his enemies: right slap bang in the centre of where his enemies are. I'd be looking for this in future plans of Loki's - he's going to turn into something of a suicide bomber, in effect.

  • The reason Loki's plans for conquering the earth wind up falling apart are twofold: firstly, the structure of something like SHIELD is such that it works to counter or at least mitigate Murphy's law the whole damn time it's in operation (a besetting tendency of any bureaucracy, because large numbers of people cause problems just by being gathered).

  • Secondly, Loki winds up getting involved at the crucial moment - the actual conquest. His ability to cause discord started backfiring at about the point where the Avengers crew worked out that Loki's effects are able to create discord just as much as he is, and they're being affected by them. End result is that while they're aware of the effect Loki creates, they're going to work to counter that effect.

  • When Loki got involved in the actual conquest of New York, he wound up trying all the wrong tactics on all the wrong people.

  • He tried to suborn Tony Stark by force (which failed because he didn't take the arc reactor into account - it's likely he never knew of it prior to the point where he attempted to turn Stark, and instead of touching his spear to flesh, he hit the reactor instead. I have to admit, I love that he tries it twice, just in case he did something wrong the first time). One thing which he's forgotten to take into account is that Tony Stark is, as they pointed out in Iron Man II, a textbook narcissist, albeit one with a profound masochistic streak - Tony doesn't do what Tony doesn't want to do. In that, he's very much like Loki himself (if Loki had decided to try and seduce Tony over to the Dark Side, he might have stood a chance... but only a small one).

  • Then Loki tried to grandstand intellectually against the Hulk. This didn't work because Hulk knows he's not the smart one out of him and Banner, and Hulk is fine with that. After all, it's not Banner who gets the two of them out of situations where people are shooting heavy artillery at them. Loki might be smart like Banner, but he's also squishy, like Banner. Hence, "puny god". Which led to a smackdown worthy of Wile. E. Coyote at his best/worst.

  • Loki also under-estimated both Clint and Natasha. As several fanwriters have pointed out, Clint is a sniper, and he could have killed off both Fury and Hill with head shots very early on in the plot line, as well as probably taking out Natasha from a distance on the catwalk in the helicarrier if he so desired. If he'd been completely under the control of Loki, he would have done so. That he didn't implies firstly that there was still some part of Clint Barton which was in control of choosing targets, and which chose to hit the non-lethal ones. That arrow he sends at Loki later on is a brilliant example of how damn good Clint Barton is when he needs to be - he anticipated that Loki was going to catch the arrow before it hit him, and used an explosive arrow in order to injure him when he did.

  • Loki under-estimated Natasha in her interrogation of him. She's a very clever player, because she'll use everything at her disposal as a weapon, including her own vulnerabilities. (The hints are there early in the film in her interrogations firstly of the Russian general, and secondly of Bruce Banner, when she's trying to bring him in - watch carefully, and you'll see she uses her own weaknesses as weapons against both of them). She goes into things well aware that as a small, delicate-looking woman, she's judged to be weak by a lot of male players (head canon: she secretly appreciates Bruce Banner because he never really believed it for a fucking second) and she uses that perception of weakness to perform feats of psychological judo which leave her opponents winded and gasping for breath. And she did that on Loki, and did it so smoothly he barely noticed when she'd extracted the information she was after and walked out.
megpie71: Slave computer, captioned "My most humble apologies, master" (tech support 4)
Friday, November 10th, 2023 04:44 pm
In the Thor movie:

  • Loki plans the original incursion of Jotunn into Asgard as a practical joke, and possibly as a sideways minor reproach to his father for paying too much attention to Thor's big day (possibly this has been the only damn thing people in Asgard have been talking about for months, so Loki's well and truly gotten sick of the subject).

  • His prank backfires, and becomes much more serious than he originally intended (the first sign of his chaotic nature surfacing) when the Jotunn make it as far as the armoury and almost succeed in walking away with the casket.

  • He's present for the argument with Odin, but doesn't realise or recognise that it's his presence which makes this argument much more vitriolic than it otherwise would have been. However, he sees the potential for another object reproach to Odin through encouraging Thor to sneak off to Jotunheim.

  • It's pretty clear that Loki's actual objective was to have Thor and the gang stopped before they actually left Asgard in the first place - that's why he told the guard where they were going and what they were doing, with the object that the guard would immediately tell Odin. However, again, Loki's chaotic nature is interfering in his plans - and the plan goes awry when the guard takes much longer to tell Odin than Loki had been counting on.

  • Loki probably didn't plan on going to Jotunheim in the first place, which is what Heimdall is needling him about when they first speak (Heimdall's first words to Loki are basically telling him they're not dressed warmly enough). Heimdall is also well aware of what's going on, and probably of what Loki is expecting to happen.

  • Heimdall doesn't trust Loki. Loki is the only person on Asgard who can disappear off his radar on occasion. If you're used to being able to see everyone and everything (and therefore not having to trust anyone anyway, because trust implies a certain lack of knowledge) being expected to take it on trust that the one person you can't observe isn't being malicious is a Bad Thing.

  • Between Heimdall's instinct not to trust what he can't observe constantly, and Loki's unconsidered chaotic nature, the decision to go along with Thor rather than stalling long enough for the guard Loki primed to get to Odin and get the whole business stopped is a lot easier than it would have been. Plus, there's Heimdall's honour as the gatekeeper to be considered - he wants answers, and he wants to be able to clear his name.

  • So, Loki winds up on Jotunheim, and unbeknownst to himself, he's back on what should be his home turf for the first time in his life since he was taken from the temple by Odin (it would be interesting to know which temple it was that Loki was lying in, and which god he'd been intended to be dedicated to - also whether the sacrifice he was presumably meant to be had been completed or not). This is probably the key event in Loki's life which really kicks the chaotic, discordian, trickster side of his nature into full bloom.

  • Loki's "damn" when Thor is taunted is sincere and heartfelt. Just when he thought they'd be able to get away without blood being spilled, and without anyone getting hurt, some loudmouth in the Jotunn camp has to insult Thor's manhood, and oh gods, it's on for young and old. The boost Loki's chaotic side has received by returning to Jotunheim is also partially to blame for this - his plans are unravelling almost as fast as he can make them here, and he doesn't have the time and the wherewithal to make better ones.

  • Discovering he's not affected by the Jotunn in the same way that his friends are is frightening for Loki. Nobody thinks well when they're frightened, so his ability to think fast and plan on his feet is also hindered here.

  • By the time he gets back home to Asgard, he's been scared half to death and in fear for his life, he's angry with Thor, he's bewildered and shocked by this new strangeness about himself he's discovered, and he's definitely not thinking straight. His mental abilities are also probably a lot stronger than they've previously been, and they're certainly a lot stronger than anyone around him is expecting they'd be. This is probably why the argument between Odin and Thor goes so very wrong so very quickly, and winds up with Thor being stripped of his power and exiled. This isn't something that Odin would have done in his right mind (and I suspect this is where Odin, at least, comes to realise that something is wrong) and it's a major strain on Odin's system.

  • Loki's next major shock is discovering he's Jotunn, and that he was effectively taken from Jotunheim as a trophy, in many ways. He's not what he was raised to be, he's not who he was raised to be, and he's just discovered that the whole competition he was engaged in was rigged from the start (since, as he rather sagely points out, there's next to no likelihood of a Jotunn being acceptable on the throne of Asgard). The realisation that he's actually a Jotunn prince probably isn't much of a comfort - Jotunheim is a dying world, and is therefore very much the booby prize in this competition.

  • What isn't said here is just as important as what was said. What isn't covered is which temple Loki was left in (these things can be very important, after all) and which powers the Jotunn were beseeching for assistance. Laufey was a besieged war leader at this point, and it's likely he was far more interested in finding allies against the Asgardians than in whether or not the particular allies he was recruiting were a Good Idea or not. So we don't know which deity-level figures Loki was intended to be given to. We also don't know whether Loki was intended as a sacrifice or a gift (that's another important distinction as well - if he was intended as a sacrifice which wasn't completed, he may still have Someone or Something out for his blood; if he was intended as a gift, the dedication may have already been completed, in which case there's issues of theft by Odin to be considered). My guess is that the deities Loki was being dedicated to were chaos beings, that the dedication had already taken place (and as such Loki was tainted by chaos) and that as a result, Laufey wasn't going to throw a huge tantrum about his son being taken from the temple. Let Odin have the raising of the boy - it'd come back to bite him in the bum later.

  • Odin falling suddenly into the Odinsleep is very much a product of Loki's chaotic influence (it helps for Loki if you think of him as the walking embodiment of Murphy's Law - around him, if there's two ways of a thing happening, and one of them will cause chaos when it happens, that's the one which is going to be more likely to happen. He basically warps probabilities to a fine old fare-thee-well). However, Loki genuinely cares about Odin, no matter how angry with his father he may be. So he does try to do the right thing, even though his very self is warping that right thing around him to be the wrong one.

  • Quite honestly, the two pieces of genuine malice Loki exhibits in the film are the deliberate mis-information of Thor, telling him that their father is dead, and that their mother doesn't want to see him (and this can be explained as Loki basically wanting Thor to feel as isolated and homeless as he suddenly does) and Loki's sending the Destroyer to kill the Warriors Three, Sif and the entire population of the small town in New Mexico where Thor is hiding out.

  • Loki wants to be respected, he wants to be liked, he wants to be appreciated. This is why he does a lot of what he's doing. He's destroying the Jotunn not only as a way of cutting the diplomatic Gordian Knot he wound up creating with his brother, but also as a way of destroying that which he hates about himself. His besetting sin isn't malice, however - it's pride. He's too proud to accept second place.
megpie71: a phone, ringing. (hardly working)
Friday, November 10th, 2023 06:51 am
It occurs to me the other mobile phone providers in Australia could capitalise on this particular mishap quite successfully by offering free, pre-paid mobile phones to Optus customers "for use in case of outages" - particularly people such as age pensioners, people with disabilities, people who work from home, people in rural areas and so on.
megpie71: a phone, ringing. (phone)
Thursday, November 9th, 2023 06:03 pm
Some preliminary thoughts about Loki

  • Loki starts to come into his own as a deity of chaos during the Thor movie.

  • At the start of things, he isn't aware of his identity and potential as a chaotic deity. While he may be mildly aware of his potential to cause or heighten discord, it's probably just in the sense that he's aware that other people always seem to be arguing around him. He thinks this is a property of other people, rather than any quality of his own.

  • Loki's presence around arguments (eg Thor vs Odin in the armoury re what's to be done; Thor trying to convince his friends to go to Jotunheim with him; Thor attempting "diplomacy" in Jotunheim; and Odin dressing down Thor in the observatory afterwards) makes the argument more tenacious, more vicious, and more hurtful.

  • Loki is probably the weakest physically of the "gang" he hangs around with (mainly it's Thor and Thor's pals, who accept Loki because he's Thor's brother). On sheer physical power he's on a par with Sif, but where Sif supplements her strength with warrior tenacity, Loki supplements his with trickery and magic (neither of which are much respected in a warrior society such as that of Asgard). Loki is basically a geek in amongst all the Asgardian jocks.

  • As someone who isn't able to compete on grounds of brute force, Loki makes up for his "lack" through planning. Prior to his chaotic side maturing, he was probably the one who was the planner in their group (the skinny little kid who came up with the plan for raiding the larder and so on). He probably handled logistics, intelligence and cover-up in their original childhood escapades, and was still handling the planning side when they were teenagers and as they grew to maturity. However, at present the Warriors Three and Thor are all at that stage of their lives where they're young, they're strong, and as far as they're concerned, they're immortal, so they don't see the value of planning when they can pretty much overwhelm everything with brute strength. So Loki's importance has been fading.

  • Loki gives the impression of always having had to take second place to Thor. He's learned to accept it, but he's also grown to resent it. He would like to have his potential recognised, and his talents praised for what they were. He knows he's better at the thinking side of kingship than Thor ever will be, and can't see why (in a time of peace) he's not an equivalent candidate for the throne.
megpie71: 9th Doctor resting head against TARDIS with repeated *thunk* text (Default)
Thursday, November 9th, 2023 05:58 pm
Okay, Auttomatic have announced they are no longer throwing good money after bad with Tumblr, and are instead going to be redeploying the staff who work on the site at present to do other things. So, over the next however long, I am going to be slowly importing (i.e. copying) my old Tumblr posts over here. It's largely fandom stuff, but given I started out on Tumblr back in September 2012, it's going to be old fandom stuff. I'll be tagging it all "tumblr archive" and subdividing by year, so if you want to ignore it, that's the tag to block.
megpie71: 9th Doctor resting head against TARDIS with repeated *thunk* text (Default)
Sunday, October 1st, 2023 09:38 am
Finally got FFXIV downloaded (took over 24 hours all up, at about 1.44MB/s. I love the NBN, and I hope Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Joe Hockey all wind up with boils on their bums that prevent them from talking out their arses about things they don't know crap about in future) and got to play it yesterday.


The main monitor for this new PC is a 30" curved screen, which is pretty much huge to begin with - I have a 27" one as a secondary and it looks titchy beside the main screen. Of course, both of them look small compared against the size of the TV out in the main room (which I have to sit about 2m back from in order to be able to see the whole screen) so I wasn't expecting there to be too much difference in available "screen size" when I started playing.

Well. That was a mistake. I opened up FFXIV, and all of a sudden I was looking at SPACE between each of the HUD elements on the screen. I'd forgotten the difference in pixel count between the TV, which is about 1920 x 1080, and the new monitor, which is currently at its recommended density of 2560 x 1440. The pixels really make a difference, folks.

I also headed down to Officeworks yesterday morning, and picked up some speakers (I'd forgotten I was going to need them, consequence of my last few machines having been largely laptops and all-in-ones with built-in speakers) and a headset (earphones and microphone) for if I need to talk to people online. Currently I'm just using the speakers, because they're easier, and they have a nice little headphone jack in them for if I need to shut off the noise for whatever reason (such as if I decide for some reason to be gaming past about 8pm, which is my usual "start bedtime routine" time). The headset has a dongle for plugging the headphones and microphone into the back of the computer, but I currently have the speakers occupying the "audio out" position on there. I'll think about it if I need to have voice input in future.

But I now have enough screen real estate that I can see what's going on in various raids, trials and dungeons, rather than having HUD elements overlapping each other. A definite plus, and now I can see the point of some of the various HUD elements that are included by default (I'd previously thought I might never use them - now I'm shuffling them into spaces where if I do decide to use them, they're not occupying the main view space).

I've also learned all the various bits in FFXIV which are stored locally (i.e. on your machine) when it comes to changing medium (e.g. from PS4 to Windows PC). This includes things like: gear sets for your character(s) (had to recreate all of those from scratch - tip for people doing this: changing class requires equipping the main hand tool/weapon; changing JOB requires equipping the soul crystal as well); HUD and toolbar configurations (resetting the toolbars for something like 22 different jobs is a nuisance, and I'm going to be doing it gradually over the next however long); and inventory settings. One thing which apparently isn't stored locally is your blacklist (so if you do as I do with the gold-spam bots, and report then blacklist them, you will still have your blacklist accurate). Further updates as I discover them.

But yeah, this new machine is great. Handled FFXIV and Discord running together without a hiccup, and I'm now considering having a Firefox window open on the second monitor so I can start doing the various "sightseeing" quests. (For those who don't speak FFXIV: the "sightseeing" quests are a bunch of challenges where you have to go to a particular location, at a particular time, in a particular weather condition, and perform a particular action in order to cross them off your list. The first 40 or so, from A Realm Reborn, are right whatsits. The ones in subsequent expansions have slightly less onerous conditions, simply because people pointed out the particularity of the challenges resulted in people being reluctant to do them).