This gigantic pack of 104 different styles of thought and speech bubbles is a fun addition to your collection. The styles include comic book, 3D, hand drawn, modern, and more. It is available for download as vector (EPS) and images (PNG w/ transparent background). The images are 4000px at 300 ppi.
As with all of our resources, personal and commercial use is welcomed and encouraged!
It’s still amazing.
true. I think this will be a great addition to something like
They have some nice idea of speech bubbling and threads
Great and very complete resource.
Thanks Jeya, Your blog is a must stop in my web journey…
Thanks Jeya, do you know how to get vector clips from visual Studio?
And.. Is it possible to make a text in commenting bars a bit brighter…
Thank you. And I like your posts, so I often come to see what`s new ? .
Thank you so much!
still in awe how you folks keep coming up with new and fresh ideas for packets.
Great pack idea…not something I have ever seen. These are great. Posted them up @
Yeah, practice is the most important part
Awesome bubble collection. Thanks for sharing.
Don’t know how these bubbles can help me, but they are so cool that i have downloaded them right away.
Awesome. I love the hand-drawn or sketch-type ones. Great work!!!
Thanks for sharing your speech bubbles! I am sure they will come in handy. Pam
Thanks a lot men!
These are great and thanks for the variety and for supplying the images separately from the vectors.
Thanks!!! It’s amazing
These are great. Thanks for an awesome website.
just what i needed thanks
Thank you!!! These are so awesome.
thank you
thank you!! These are amazing for my needs! You are very talented. Love your site =)
Después de varios días de busqueda tuve la suerte de encontrar sus globos de dialogo para historietas, los cuales son verdaderamente funcionales versátiles y muy útiles. Les envío mi sincero agradecimiento por su ayuda.
thank you!! good!!
Greaattt and very coool..!! If you don’t mind.. i consider to convert ’em to coreldraw format to share in my website.. thanks
Sure. I don’t mind as long as you link to us as the original creators. Thanks!
Awesome! These are great. Thanks!
loved it!
I see a lot of people like this. i just want to ask before i download: are you able to change the length, width and placement of the stem things?
Yes, if you have any vector based program you can edit them.
These are great, thanks for sharing them
Nice work thanks for…
Gracias, son geniales!!!
thanks a lot for the draws, I’m going to use them
These are amazing! Much appreciated! Be put to good use ?
Thanks a lot, this was just what I needed!!!
thanks very much, it’s really amazing!!
photos and speech bubbling stream lined at
Some fun up there. i liked it.
An y free programs that open the vector files? And when they are opened how do I use them? Do they work like Microsoft Word Shapes?
How do I use the vector files?
Thanks to people like yourself I,ll be able to work without learning to draw.
Merry Christmas!
Really amazing and useful. Many many thanks for sharing it.
Many thanks for sharing, really useful!!!
Awesome, thx
Nice Vectors and Images. Thanks a lot.
Hey, just wanted to say thank you so much for these! I was missing something on a site im creating and your speech bubbles “popped” some ideas in my head. It
s greatly appreciated!
Thanks a bunch!
Nice Vectors and Images. Thanks a lot.
Thanks so much, just what I needed for a Superhero themed charity event I’m doing!
Great idea! I’ve downloaded the Thought & Speech Bubble folder…but how do you type text into the speech bubbles?
Thanks Jeya, you are amazing
This is amazing!!!! Thanks!!!!
Thanks a lot! I can use it for my new project!
Thanks in advance, Jeya.
I have an idea to use speech bubbles in a short film and was wondering where I could get some.
I based my idea on the fact that you can buy funny greetings cards with speech bubbles in them. These greetings cards feature people in ordinary situations but make the situation funny by giving them something funny to say.
I shot a piece of video featuring people in ordinary situations and plan to make it funny by giving the people in it something funny to say.
Awesome dude, thanks a lot!
Your welcome and THX!
These are great! Exactly what I was looking for – thanks so much for sharing!
Your welcome!
Thank you!
Thanks!!! Great images. ?
these are awesome.
Thank you! Really didn’t feel like hand drawing one this morning; this is perfect!
thanks !!!!
Cool designs. We gotta use these in the future!
nice sharing.. thanks..
Gracias, de gran utilidad. Saludos.
Nice graphic collection
Awesome graphics, I’ve shared them on my free vector showcase website:
Please send instructions on how to isolate and use a specific vector speech bubble.
Never mind, I got it. Thx much!
Really really amazing stuff thanks so much and keep it coming !
Thank you so much MM! ?
cool pack ……love it
Great collection, thank you very much!
Very cool and nice blogz
Thank you so much for this awesome pack!
So cool. I liked it. Really amazing thank you very much for share.
nice share. I liked this images. Thank you my friend.
nice share thank you so much