Mary's Bio
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
He’s Smart But His Birds Are Sloppy
Japan picks an astronaut
Life in a Box
The perilous psychology of isolation and confinement
Star Crazy
Can space blow your mind?
You Go First
The alarming prospect of messing with gravity
Escaping gravity on board NASA’s C-9
Throwing Up and Down
The astronaut’s secret misery
The Cadaver in the Space Capsule
NASA visits the crash test lab
One Furry Step for Mankind
The strange careers of Ham and Enos
Next Gas: 200,000 Miles
Planning a moon expedition is tough, but not as tough as planning a simulated one
Houston, We Have a Fungus
Space hygiene and the men who stopped bathing for science
The Horizontal Stuff
What if you never got out of bed?
The Three-Dolphin Club
Mating without gravity
Withering Heights
Bailing out from space
Separation Anxiety
The enduring saga of zero gravity elimination
Discomfort Food
When veterinarians make dinner, and other tales of woe from aerospace test kitchens
Eating Your Pants
Is Mars worth it?
Mary's Bio
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