While researching a music project for ctproduced.com, I stumbled across this article by Anita Poirier in the Los Angeles Free Press, December 28th, 1973. It’s a fascinating read given how we are depending on electric Vehicles to save the planet from an impending planetary melt-down. Both pages of the newspaper can be read here (PDF) – the pages also contain an interesting article on the EPA.
Detroit and the federal government have turned their backs on the discovery of a low-cost, smog-free engine. This amazing machine, perfected by a Van Nuys engineering firm, actually operates on four wet cell, 6-volt batteries identical to those in your car.
The concept of utilizing static electricity actually makes it possible for a single 12-volt battery to control room and water temperatures in the average home. The process can be effectively used for any of a number of today’s electrical needs.
The federal government, the county of Los Angeles and the State of California, with all the tearful energy crisis political speeches, are apparently uninterested in this amazing new ceivably change the course of the nation’s future.
Edwin V. Grav Sr. has spent over 18 years studying the means by which static electricity can competently replace present electrical energy sources without the complicated circuitry and costly power plant facilities now in operation.
The real culprit in the snubbing of the new potential energy sources are those politicians who have been dominated by the oil companies and other energy producers who might lose large sums of money as a result of the use of an energy source which actually was once considered the only source of electrical power. At the turn of the century, lots of people used static electricity in penny arcade games. Apparently the use of static electricity fell to the wayside along with the use of the penny.
According to Richard Hackenberger, EvGray Enterprises vice-president and electronics expert, the electromagnetic association (EMA) motor can produce, with the aid of four 6-volt batteries, the same amount of power available in a normal 6-cylinder internal combustion engine, without the expensive extras of oil and gasoline and the damaging extra of smog.
In operation, the incredible and timely EMA motor works something like this: energy, steadily drawn from batteries through a starter switch, activites a rotor inside a drum that reaches a speed of 500 rpm. Once that revolution count is reached, the starter switch is no longer required in order to maintain engine operation. Static electricity is then created and certain amounts are stored in capacitors, which automatically discharge when it becomes necessary to release additional energy.
A fascinating 755-pound EMA motor prototype was constructed in the laboratory of EvGray’s Van Nuys-based offices and operates on four 6-volt batteries, not unlike an internal combustion-automobile engine.
Hackenberger strongly emphasized the fact that the EMA motor, contrary to certain beliefs, in not a perpetual motion device. In operation as a constant energy source, the motor is powered by what Hackenberger refers to as “chopped DC,” or non-continual current. For that reason, and because the motor is run on a small and controlled current flow, it is impossible for the engine to overheat as is the case with an internal combustion engine.
Hackenberger also pointed out that the EMA motor, which must be run on entirely solid state (transistors and integrated circuits) parts, reduces engine size by two-thirds and increases power to three times normal capacity. The engine area, he stated, would contain the EMA motor and four regular 6-volt batteries. And, while the motor is capable of recharging 90 per-
cent of expended battery energy, admittedly it cannot recharge them as well as the alternator or a regular automobile engine under normal circumstances.
However, although the batteries must be recharged after approximately 500 to 1000 miles of usage, Hackenberger mentioned the possibility of keeping an additional four charged Batteries in the vehicle at all times.
Therefore, by combining the principles of electromagnetism and static electricity with the
non-fossil fuel burning energy source of a regular wet-cell battery. Edwin Gray has entered upon what could possibly be the clean-smelling energy find of this decade. And, if Washington isn’t too concerned these days with crucial matters like limousine services,
rising court costs (their own) and our widespread national insecurity, maybe somebody ought
to tip ’em off about what’s going on out here in reality.