I don't want your data

The web loves data. Data about you. Data about who you are, about what you do, what you love doing, what you love eating. Data about where you go and who you talk to, data about what you watch, data about what you play. Google, Facebook, and Amazon, they're all god-tier level creeps. If they could know how many times you go pee they'd gladly collect that piece of information.

I, on the other end, couldn't care less about your data. I don't run analytics on this website. I don't care which articles you read, I don't care if you read them. I don't care about which post is the most read or the most clicked. I don't A/B test, I don't try to overthink my content. I just don't care.

My People and Blogs newsletter, my From the Summit newsletter, and my "posts via email" thingy, all run on Buttondown. Buttondown has analytics turned off by default and I made sure to keep it that way because I don't care about knowing if you click on my emails. You signed up and so I assume you want to receive them and that's all I care about. And if you unsubscribe I make sure to delete your address from my list and not just leave it there marked as "unsubscribed". You unsubscribed, so your data should be gone. That's because I don't want your data.

I hate what data is doing to the web. I hate that some people get obsessed with data. I hate that the entire advertising and marketing world has evolved to only care about data. But I realize that this will not change. Still, I like to do my part which is why I try hard to not collect and keep any data about you.

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