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I update the section "Burmistras" (vok.: Bürgermeister) when new votes will be coming. Our last one Joachim Erwin died after his cancer disease. I will let you know when we have a new one. They will be at the end of August. Then i add the new one.

Other thing: i have a problem add this one: <quote>automobilių žymėjimas=D (Autokennzeichen)</quote>

Statistics see here (vokiečių):

Einwohner: 577.505 - 274.408 Männer (vyrai)

- 303.097 Frauen (moterys)

Fläche:217,01 km² (miesto plotas)

Postleitzahl: 40210–40629 (alt: 4000) (Pašto kodas, senas: 4000)(new zip codes since 1993.07.01, July 1st, 1993)

Vorwahlen: 0203, 0211 (miesto telefono kodai)

Kennzeichen: D (automobilių žymėjimas)

Höhe ü. NN: 36 m (Aukštis)

Arbeitslose:29.168 (bedarbių sk.)

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