
Available since LÖVE 0.5.0
This module is not supported in earlier versions.

Provides an interface to connected joysticks.


Joystick Represents a physical joystick. Added since 0.9.0


love.joystick.close Closes a joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getAxes Returns the position of each axis. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getAxis Returns the direction of the axis. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getBall Returns the change in ball position. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString Gets the full gamepad mapping string of the Joysticks which have the given GUID, or nil if the GUID isn't recognized as a gamepad. Added since 11.3
love.joystick.getHat Returns the direction of a hat. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getJoystickCount Gets the number of connected joysticks. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystick.getJoysticks Gets a list of connected Joysticks. Added since 0.9.0
love.joystick.getName Returns the name of a joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getNumAxes Returns the number of axes on the joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getNumBalls Returns the number of balls on the joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getNumButtons Returns the number of buttons on the joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getNumHats Returns the number of hats on the joystick. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.getNumJoysticks Returns how many joysticks are available. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.isDown Checks if a button on a joystick is pressed. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.isOpen Checks if the joystick is open. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings Loads a gamepad mappings string or file created with love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings. Added since 0.9.2 Opens up a joystick to be used. Added since 0.5.0 Removed in 0.9.0
love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings Saves the virtual gamepad mappings of all recently-used Joysticks that are recognized as gamepads. Added since 0.9.2
love.joystick.setGamepadMapping Binds a virtual gamepad input to a button, axis or hat. Added since 0.9.2


GamepadAxis Virtual gamepad axes. Added since 0.9.0
GamepadButton Virtual gamepad buttons. Added since 0.9.0
JoystickHat Joystick hat positions. Added since 0.5.0
JoystickInputType Types of Joystick inputs. Added since 0.9.0

See Also

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