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Alas, my ADHD panic hasn’t set in yet, so all I do all day is dilly-dally.


That latest episode of The White Lotus is quite something.

Irgendwann möchte ich auch diesen Level an Erleuchtung erreichen.

Another week that was mostly dominated by work stuff – enough so that I’m seriously thinking about the future which is a terrifying and unfamiliar concept, given that my brain puts everything further away than a week into the realm of “weird science fiction.”

The weather is still dark and grey, so I sleep a lot. Or at least I’m in bed or on the couch a lot, drifting in and out of sleep. I am sure that is extremely productive. The antihistamines might have something to do with it, but with hazel being particularly strong around this time of the year, there’s not much to be done.

On a more positive note: I have gotten into podcasts again. Mostly catching up on Omnibus though. Having almost a year of light entertainment in the backburner is pretty neat.

Well, another week. Time marches on. Because it’s March already. Haha. Oh no.

Anyway – I’m not really progressing in any of the tasks that I set myself and mostly that’s because I don’t want to do them. I just want (frankly: need) the result of them, but try to tell to the chattering monkeys in my brain that the work will lead to the result. It seems like an impossible task.

But what has brought me an extraordinary amount of peace in my life is when I finally fell in love with myself. Genuinely, I think that is the path of all spirituality. You can say it’s about finding god, but when you find your god you’re still going to have to face yourself. And either you’re going to cross that Rubicon or you’re not, but that in and of itself is a theology. The moment where I finally loved myself in a way that I could actually forgive myself and forgive the people in my life that may have caused me trauma and have that currency going forward to forgive and have compassion and empathy for other people—that is, I think, spirituality in a nutshell.

Walton Goggins

Instead of writing weeknotes I spent the last 20 minutes watching this video about the rivers in Red Dead Redemption 2.

In general I’m hiding myself in media consumption lately. The Traitors US are still on, Survivor US and Australia have new seasons, there’s a new season of Reacher, The White Lotus is amazing and then there’s so much old things to watch as well. Very convenient if one wants to avoid everything.

EA just open-sourced a whole bunch of C&C games, which gave me the great idea to get C&C Generals on Steam. For such an old game, it is quite fun but it’s also quite amazing how small everything is. I remember the maps feeling big, but even with the slowest unit it doesn’t take long to get from one side to the other. Very different from modern games.

Went to vote, went for a walk. It’s warm, but doesn’t look like it – the constant cloud cover creates a weird grey light without many shadows. First signs of the allergies are here as well.

The first episode of The White Lotus is here and I spent a lot of time reading fan theories. I’m now very much looking forward to the next episode.

Another of these weird, weird weeks.

Talking about weeks – I saw this “My Life in Weeks” page and it’s actually a wee bit scary.

Meanwhile my adventures in microjournaling can be easily summarized in this video. It’s not even that I’m against doing it, quite the opposite. But I just forget.

Another weekend and another week where I’m sitting here, staring at the blank document and going: Hm.

Maybe it’s still the greyness of the light or the state of everything or the fact that I’ve started eating antihistamines like candy (thanks, hazel, for all your early pollen) but to be quite frank: I could sleep all day long lately. And since nobody is around to stop me, that’s basically what I’ve been doing with my free time. It doesn’t really make for good content though, right? (Good god, I haven’t even taken a photo this week. Not a single one!)

Oh well. Time for a nap.


Roughly a year ago I decided I had to do something about my slowly declining enjoyment of taking photos. And because I am me, obviously the solution would be to buy a new camera.

Ever since learning about the system I was very intrigued by the while Micro Four Thirds thing. The early prototypes were so pretty. Later I really liked the GF1 (who could forget that Himalaya field test by Craig Mod?) and playing with Teymur’s version 15(!) years ago, didn’t help. Alas, I had my Nikon and at some point Sony started selling “affordable” full-frame cameras, so I went that way.
So when I felt the need to try something new last year, that’s where I looked. Affordable, pocketable (or at least semi-pocketable) and with interchangeable lenses to satisfy the nerd in me? Sign me up.
As much as I like my Sony (and I really do. It is such an amazing camera) – even with the “small” lenses it is a pretty hefty thing to carry around. So my theory was that I could bring a smaller camera with me everywhere to rekindle the fire and use the Sony when I go somewhere with the goal of taking photos.

So now that I’m in the MFT ecosystem (mostly using a Lumix GX–9 that I bought second-hand.) I am obviously watching what is happening. And today OM-Systems launched a new “premium” MFT camera with retro styling, the OM–3. But oh boy: that thing is very pretty but also rather pricey and to be honest – with the SLR styling it currently doesn’t really do it for me. Even if it is roughly the same size as my Lumix, just on a psychological level it doesn’t feel pocketable. And if that pro is gone, I’d rather buy a Sony a7c2 for that money.
So for now I’ll be happy with the GX–9. Let’s see what happens when Panasonic shows up with an updated version of that. Or when OM-Systems comes around with a new Pen-F.


My lunch breaks usually look like this:

  1. I decide that it is time to have a break
  2. I set my Slack status to “lunch break” – usually with a little 🛌 emoji
  3. I go to the kitchen, cook something
  4. I eat that something
  5. I fall down on the couch and nap for a while

Today I had some potatoes in my lunch and frankly, I blame them (instead of my constant state of tiredness and the dark grey skies) that step 5 was extremely deep today and that I’m still not all there more than half an hour and a cup of strong black coffee later.

The app by Iconfactory is out and as expected it’s pretty and works very well. Two thumbs up, etc.

That’s not really the fascinating part to me, though. When it came out, basically every single old school apple nerd who I follow on Mastodon posted about it. Random blogs who aren’t in the “writing about apps” business wrote about it. (As do I, now.) And while this is usually a sign of a coordinated “Influencer marketing” push, I don’t think that this is the case here. Iconfactory just managed to create such a passionate niche nerdy fan base with their software over the years. Very interesting. (And frankly, well deserved – they seem to be good folks.)

That hasn’t happened in a while: someone bought a whole bunch of followers for my (mostly dormant, but eh) Instagram account by accident.