26 Oct '24
New FL!
It's been a while since I actually updated anything, I apologize! The process lately have been slower than the usual, other than casually updating the fanlistings and cliques with new members. I'm trying my best on completing the next revamp I wanted to get done before the end of this month, but creating a design is always the most difficult part. This also applies to another site I plan to open soon. Since there isn't any actual deadlines set for this new project in particular, I want to take my time and enjoy it. In the meantime, I recently completed another fanlisting for you all!
- Mangaka - General
Also known as Manga Artist, falls under the broader career category of Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators. Unlike Western-style comics, manga from Japan are usually bound like a typical book, with hundreds of pages per volume primarily printed in black and white. Though there is a wide variety of drawing styles, the art in manga is usually much more finely detailed than Western comic books, and the content can be aimed at a variety of age groups, from young children to adults.