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07 Feb '25

Pokemon Clique Updates!

A thousand apologies for a (very) long absence! I certainly haven't forgotten about this place—life just seems to have gotten the better of me and it's easy to watch the new year slip by without even realizing it.

For several months, I have been working closely with Aelyn, changing and adding new contents for both the Keyblade and Pokemon clique. Aelyn has modded to enable favorites field to either be a regular text field or a dropdown list. She also has made it more simple to customize how I want to display the members list with "personality" compared to a fanlisting which normally consists only a name, email, URL and country. Due to recent changes to the script, the rules section were slightly updated. I went through 300+ members to do my sporadic link checks and pruned out dead links, links that took me a trip to find the code (and never found them), and links that had decided not to link back to the clique. Although there were a handful I had to unfortunately remove, I've added more new members to the clique, welcome!

From Aelyn's effort in coding to converting to HTML5 semantics, to renaming every sprite files, then adding over 1000+ Pokémon names onto the dropdown field (region forms Galarian, Alola, Hisuian, and Paldean included), she's also donated Pokéballs for the codes section! Thank you so much!

category: Clique

28 Dec '24

Happy Holidays!

So, one could say I've been kind of dead, but not entirely too. I've been working on changes, additions and whatnot in silence the past three months. Sadly, I bring nothing new today as well. However, I'm here to let you all know that I am, now, working tirelessly to bring about the roadmap here I had talked about months ago. Please look forward to it!

That said, since I normally prefer to release updates about the next fanlisting whenever TFL or TAFL announces them, I will hold this update until next year. 'Til then, I'll be using this as an attempt of an excuse to have an update for you all! In the meantime, I have updated the layout archive as Aelyn hasn't updated anything recently. Additionally, a member brought up layout issues regarding my Kingdom Hearts clique where the navigation on the bottom right of the design was not accessible on certain resolutions. Therefore, I moved the navigation above the contents instead. My sincere apologies!

Wishing everyone a belated happy holidays and a blessed new year!

category: Update

26 Oct '24

New FL!

It's been a while since I actually updated anything, I apologize! The process lately have been slower than the usual, other than casually updating the fanlistings and cliques with new members. I'm trying my best on completing the next revamp I wanted to get done before the end of this month, but creating a design is always the most difficult part. This also applies to another site I plan to open soon. Since there isn't any actual deadlines set for this new project in particular, I want to take my time and enjoy it. In the meantime, I recently completed another fanlisting for you all!

  1. Mangaka - General
    Also known as Manga Artist, falls under the broader career category of Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators. Unlike Western-style comics, manga from Japan are usually bound like a typical book, with hundreds of pages per volume primarily printed in black and white. Though there is a wide variety of drawing styles, the art in manga is usually much more finely detailed than Western comic books, and the content can be aimed at a variety of age groups, from young children to adults.
There is another subject I've applied for which hopefully be approved prior to my next update. 'Til then, hope everyone has a great week!category: Fanlisting

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