Map SDK Overview

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Jumpstart your mapmaking experience, bringing geospatial analytics and data science to your browser.

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Map SDK Guides

The Map SDK has many endpoints you can leverage to programmatically manipulate and embed maps.



Add, update, and remove datasets via the Map SDK.



Apply filters across your dataset. Filters can also be used to explore temporal data through animation



Use layers to visualize geospatial data. Multiple layers can be added to a map, visualizing any number of datasets (or different aspects of the same dataset).



Discover how to configure the map — the foundation for your Studio projects.



Add labels with text and pointers to your maps.

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`; } async function selectItem({ target }) { if (target.tagName === "BUTTON") { const link = target.dataset.object; const addressDetail = await fetchAddressDetails(link); const { location = {} } = addressDetail; const { address = "", country = "", postcode = "", locality = "", region = "", } = location; addressInput.value = address; address2Input.value = ""; countryInput.value = country; postcodeInput.value = postcode; cityInput.value = locality; regionInput.value = region; // generate new session token after a complete search sessionToken = generateRandomSessionToken(); address2Input && address2Input.focus(); = "none"; } } async function fetchAddressDetails(link) { try { const results = await fetch(`${link}`, { method: "get", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", Authorization: fsqAPIToken, }), }); const data = await results.json(); return data; } catch (err) { logError(err); } } function highlightedNameElement(textObject) { if (!textObject) return ""; const { primary, highlight } = textObject; if (highlight && highlight.length) { let beginning = 0; let hightligtedWords = ""; for (let i = 0; i < highlight.length; i++) { const { start, length } = highlight[i]; hightligtedWords += primary.substr(beginning, start - beginning); hightligtedWords += "" + primary.substr(start, length) + ""; beginning = start + length; } hightligtedWords += primary.substr(beginning); return hightligtedWords; } return primary; } function debounce(func, timeout = 300) { let timer; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, timeout); }; } } localAddressAutoFillJs(); } if (state && state.params && state.params.slug === "local-search-map") { function loadLocalMapSearchJs() { mapboxgl.accessToken = "pk.eyJ1IjoiZm91cnNxdWFyZSIsImEiOiJjbDNqNXdrN20wN3JtM2JvMWFqZGxoaGljIn0.uSxJ2t7E96TrBFsn3cXT_g"; const fsqAPIToken = "fsq3bgqdcpLAJFkodk8gisc2F+NenA7gK/zI97A9nKQAXIw="; let userLat = 40.7128; let userLng = -74.006; let sessionToken = generateRandomSessionToken(); const inputField = document.getElementById("explorer-search"); const dropDownField = document.getElementById("explorer-dropdown"); const ulField = document.getElementById("explorer-suggestions"); const errorField = document.getElementById("explorer-error"); const notFoundField = document.getElementById("explorer-not-found"); const onChangeAutoComplete = debounce(changeAutoComplete); inputField.addEventListener("input", onChangeAutoComplete); ulField.addEventListener("click", selectItem); function success(pos) { const { latitude, longitude } = pos.coords; userLat = latitude; userLng = longitude; flyToLocation(userLat, userLng); } function logError(err) { console.warn(`ERROR(${err.code}): ${err.message}`); } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, logError, { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 5000, maximumAge: 0, }); const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: "map", style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10", center: [userLng, userLat], zoom: 12, }); map.addControl(new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl()); map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl()); let currentMarker; /* Generate a random string with 32 characters. Session Token is a user-generated token to identify a session for billing purposes. Learn more about session tokens. */ function generateRandomSessionToken(length = 32) { let result = ""; const characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)]; } return result; } let isFetching = false; async function changeAutoComplete({ target }) { const { value: inputSearch = "" } = target; ulField.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; = "none"; if (inputSearch.length && !isFetching) { try { isFetching = true; const results = await autoComplete(inputSearch); if (results && results.length) { results.forEach((value) => { addItem(value); }); } else { notFoundField.innerHTML = `Foursquare can't find ${inputSearch}. Make sure your search is spelled correctly. Don't see the place you're looking for?.`; = "block"; } } catch (err) { = "block"; logError(err); } finally { isFetching = false; = "block"; } } else { = "none"; } } async function autoComplete(query) { const { lng, lat } = map.getCenter(); userLat = lat; userLng = lng; try { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ query, types: "place", ll: `${userLat},${userLng}`, radius: 50000, session_token: sessionToken, }).toString(); const searchResults = await fetch( `${searchParams}`, { method: "get", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", Authorization: fsqAPIToken, }), } ); const data = await searchResults.json(); return data.results; } catch (error) { throw error; } } function addItem(value) { const placeDetail = value[value.type]; if (!placeDetail || !placeDetail.geocodes || !placeDetail.geocodes.main) return; const { latitude, longitude } = placeDetail.geocodes.main; const fsqId = placeDetail.fsq_id; const dataObject = JSON.stringify({ latitude, longitude, fsqId }); ulField.innerHTML += `
  • ${highlightedNameElement(value.text)}
  • `; } async function selectItem({ target }) { if (target.tagName === "LI") { const valueObject = JSON.parse(target.dataset.object); const { latitude, longitude, fsqId } = valueObject; const placeDetail = await fetchPlacesDetails(fsqId); addMarkerAndPopup(latitude, longitude, placeDetail); flyToLocation(latitude, longitude); // generate new session token after a complete search sessionToken = generateRandomSessionToken(); const name =; inputField.value = target.children[0].textContent; = "none"; } } async function fetchPlacesDetails(fsqId) { try { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ fields: "fsq_id,name,geocodes,location,photos,rating", session_token: sessionToken, }).toString(); const results = await fetch( `${fsqId}?${searchParams}`, { method: "get", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", Authorization: fsqAPIToken, }), } ); const data = await results.json(); return data; } catch (err) { logError(err); } } function createPopup(placeDetail) { const { location = {}, name = "", photos = [], rating } = placeDetail; let photoUrl = ""; if (photos.length && photos[0]) { photoUrl = `${photos[0].prefix}56${photos[0].suffix}`; } const popupHTML = `
    photo of ${name}
    ${ rating ? `
    ` : `
    ` }
    `; const markerHeight = 35; const markerRadius = 14; const linearOffset = 8; const verticalOffset = 8; const popupOffsets = { top: [0, verticalOffset], "top-left": [0, verticalOffset], "top-right": [0, verticalOffset], bottom: [0, -(markerHeight + verticalOffset)], "bottom-left": [ 0, (markerHeight + verticalOffset - markerRadius + linearOffset) * -1, ], "bottom-right": [ 0, (markerHeight + verticalOffset - markerRadius + linearOffset) * -1, ], left: [ markerRadius + linearOffset, (markerHeight - markerRadius) * -1, ], right: [ -(markerRadius + linearOffset), (markerHeight - markerRadius) * -1, ], }; return new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: popupOffsets, closeButton: false, }).setHTML(popupHTML); } function addMarkerAndPopup(lat, lng, placeDetail) { if (currentMarker) currentMarker.remove(); currentMarker = new mapboxgl.Marker({ color: "#3333FF", }) .setLngLat([lng, lat]) .setPopup(createPopup(placeDetail)) .addTo(map); currentMarker.togglePopup(); } function flyToLocation(lat, lng) { map.flyTo({ center: [lng, lat], }); } function highlightedNameElement(textObject) { if (!textObject) return ""; const { primary, highlight } = textObject; if (highlight && highlight.length) { let beginning = 0; let hightligtedWords = ""; for (let i = 0; i < highlight.length; i++) { const { start, length } = highlight[i]; hightligtedWords += primary.substr(beginning, start - beginning); hightligtedWords += "" + primary.substr(start, length) + ""; beginning = start + length; } hightligtedWords += primary.substr(beginning); return hightligtedWords; } return primary; } function debounce(func, timeout = 300) { let timer; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, timeout); }; } } loadLocalMapSearchJs(); } }); $(window).on("pageLoad", function (e, state) { const openSearchPopup = () => { const headerSearch = document.getElementById("hub-search-results"); if (headerSearch) { headerSearch.classList.add("hub-search-results-active"); document .getElementsByClassName("Input Input_md SearchBox-InputUQZAW9QXMe-c")[0] ?.focus(); } }; const triggerSearchButton = document.getElementsByClassName( "landing-page-trigger-search-button" )[0]; if (triggerSearchButton) { triggerSearchButton.addEventListener("click", openSearchPopup); } }); // START: Add Segment Tracking to Try It button // TODO: Verify this runs on route changes, so button gets instrumented on every page $(window).on("load", function (e, state) { var tryItBtn = document.querySelector(".rm-TryIt"); // in case the button has not yet renedered if (tryItBtn === undefined) return; tryItBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("Try It button Clicked (project)"); analytics.track("Try It button Clicked"); }); }); // END: Add Segment Tracking to Try It button