Threads for vcg3rd

    1. 2

      I don’t know if it’s one of the things that makes Betterbird better, but I have a Cozi family calendar, a couple of fastmail calendars, and a local calendar, and they all work great in Betterbird.

      1. 1

        Hadn’t heard of Betterbird, will take a look.

        1. 6

          Betterbird is largely just a rebranded Thunderbird so I guess the point also applies to Lightning (Thunderbird’s built-in calendar solution). FWIW I’m using Lightning with etesync and it’s working fine.

          1. 5

            My thoughts on Thunderbird are mentioned explicitly in the post.

            1. 1

              Yep, I mean I wouldn’t expect anything better in that regard from Betterbird.

    2. 1

      Sure, you can put the file in one directory and then create a shortcut or link in the other directories, but the original file will only ever exist in one place

      I suppose symlinks started as a way to save drive space, but TBs are cheap now. No reason one can’t $ mv file ~/dir1 dir2 dir3. Files do not have to exist in one place, and some filemanagers let you tag a file too.

      1. 5

        This works for immutable files like invoices, but not for mutable files.

        1. 1

          Doh! Indeed. Thanks.

    3. 13

      I use Nushell. The reasons are:

      • Doesn’t feel POSIX-y.
      • Has structured data out of the box, no need for jq which I despise.
      • Has a ton of builtin commands, I can create whole scripts without ever calling something external.
      • Also works as a scripting language. It has totally replaced Python for small to medium sized scripts for me.
      • Has proper typing. And it is validated at parse-time which is great to stop errors.
      • It can use fish completions, making the interactive experience as good.
      • It is efficient and runs much faster when working with a ton of structured data. You can even query SQLite DBs with Nushell builtins and create stors. You can even use dataframes if you install Nu with support for them.
      • It supports any data format that you could want - not just JSON, YAML or TOML. I can even load up an Excel or ODF file.
      • Has a great binary repr format: (run "foobar!? awesome" | into binary)
        Length: 16 (0x10) bytes | printable whitespace ascii_other non_ascii
        00000000:   66 6f 6f 62  61 72 21 3f  20 61 77 65  73 6f 6d 65   foobar!? awesome
      • The explore command is great for inspecting tons of data.
    4. 1

      “‘Only an issue for 3.3 or earlier’ but I had the problem with 3.16”

      Must be a typo there, either meant later or typo is in the version numbers.

        1. 1

          Maybe it was a typo, and they meant 3.33?

    5. 1

      So, I’m also interested in this topic. I don’t need it often, and I totally forgot about Kleopatra mentioned in another comment.

      I am totally self-taught in all tech. I’ve been using Linux for over 2 decades and I still struggle with the ssh, pgp stuff. I don’t like the way Gnupg, at least the way I know how to use it, encrypts the file as a copy.

      Your question gave me 2 ideas though. First, I suspect you’re right with the email use case, so I’m just spitballing here, but can one just write a draft email using encryption and then just save as file?

      Two, because I struggle with encryption, I have a vault. It has a strong password and also requires kdewallet with a seperate strong password to open. It may be easier for a unsophisticated user (like me) to set that up and just keep all files he would encrypt in it.

      In fact, I have Bitwarden as an appImage in my vault, and I have my vault set to disconnect from the internet and Bluetooth when it’s open.

      Speaking of Bitwarden, unless the user wants to share the file that may also be a more simple solution.

      1. 1

        Your question gave me 2 ideas though. First, I suspect you’re right with the email use case, so I’m just spitballing here, but can one just write a draft email using encryption and then just save as file?

        Sure one can do that. Many people use the email drafts folder as a note taking stash. However, I really want to achieve this with a file on the disk, one that can be easily moved, backed-up, etc.

        The same applies to “vault” software. They are great, but they come with their own complexities especially with regard to understanding how they work and how to operate them. Meanwhile editing a text file is such a basic task, virtually anyone could do it without thinking twice.

        The second problem with “vault” software is reliability and portability: with PGP I know it’s stable, portable, and it won’t go away any time soon. Also its simple and just uses the file-system. Then look at the various “vaults” with they latest vulnerabilities; it doesn’t look so great after all…

        1. 1

          So you can’t save the draft as file and it remain encrypted?

          Really don’t know, especially without knowing your MUA. I’ll have to try on Betterbird next time I’m at my desktop.

          1. 1

            I don’t think the email clients encrypt / decrypt drafts automatically. From what I’ve seen in their UI’s, the encryption / signature happens only prior to sending.

            But, setting that aside, I don’t think using encrypted draft emails is a good workflow / experience. Sure, if needed one could use that, but trying to convince someone to go through such strange “loops” just for “security” that they can’t directly perceive, is a losing battle…

    6. 2

      I suppose the title should be “has happened.” I’m very stale on stats, but maybe if you ran it out to, say, 3000 it might be different.

      1. 3

        It is, but Sunday is still the top spot, and Monday is still the bottom spot.

        Sunday	206
        Tuesday	206
        Friday	205
        Thursday	202
        Wednesday	202
        Saturday	199
        Monday	198
      2. 1

        If you want to just tinker manually with dates and see the frequency numbers for which weekdays they fall on, here’s a Python script. To calculate for January 8, run python 1 8. Sub in other month/day arguments as you like.

    7. 40

      Everyone uses an editor? No no no no… 1000 times no. I hate WYSIWYG editors and what thei represent. Putting formating ahead of content was an horrible idea that tends to survive in the heads of many, while at the same time it already has been proven conter productive anyway.

      Markdown is human writable, and could be adopted by the masses for example on messaging apps, social media, etc. If people are introduced or forced to use it at work or school.

      Bbcode was very popular in the 2000s and webforums broke through in popularity well beyond techies.

      What if students had to make their written school assignments in mark down? Is it such a complicated thing to ask the? In which way is MSWord any simpler? It’s not!

      1. 9

        If you need to include tabular data, markdown is hard, IMO. The original markdown required you to just write HTML for them, which was no picnic. None of the dialects that have evolved since then are anywhere near as easy as editing a table in Word. And I say this as someone who intensely dislikes Word.

        I like writing in markdown, using a plain old text editor. But when I need to insert a table, I use visidata to edit and export github-flavored markdown. I don’t mind it, because I appreciate the other benefits of markdown. I could not claim, with a straight face, that it’s as easy as a WYSIWYG editor would be for creating the document.

        (Also, FWIW, markdown has been adopted on discord, and I think most matrix clients do the right thing with it too.)

        1. 16

          another nice option is pandoc:

          $ pandoc -f csv -t gfm <<-EOF
          | foo | bar | baz |
          | 1   | 2   | 3   |
          | 4   | 5   | 6   |
        2. 4

          FWIW, Emac’s markdown-mode has a few functions that make writing tables easy.

          There’s markdown-insert-table which prompts for the size and alignment and inserts a pre-built table, and even allows tabbing between cells.

          And then there’s a number of markdown-table-* functions for editting them - moving rows, adding columns, etc..

        3. 2

          I wrote my own Markdown/ORG mode markup language for my blog. The one thing I do not do is store the posts in my markup language, but the final HTML render—that way, I’m not stuck with whatever syntax I use forever (and I’ve changed some of the syntax since I initially developed it). Also, for tables, I use simple tab-separated values:

          #+table Some data goes here
          *foo        bar     baz
          **foo       bar     baz
          3   14      15
          92  62      82
          8   -1      4

          Whitespace are tabs, the line starting with the asterisk is a header line; the double asterisk is the footer. This handles 95% of the tables I generate, and because I store posts HTML format, it doesn’t matter much that it looks a bit messy here.

          I think most people don’t get what John Gruber was trying to do—make it easier to write blog posts.

      2. 2

        “Putting formating ahead of content was an horrible idea that tends to survive in the heads of many”

        I use Emacs and Org-mode but I have never understood the insistence that those who use anything from LaTeX to Docbook to Markdown are separating content and structure.

        Oh, how I tried to learn LaTeX until it smacked me in the forehead that I had to complie a document!

        Anyone who types #header ##subheading * bullet while typing (or using autocomplete) is thinking about format and structure while producing content.

        I loathe word processors but creating a template makes it just as easy to seperate content and structure. Even back in the 90s on USENET and other pure plaintext forums, or RCF’s that matter, it was commonplace to insert ASCII tables and /emphasis/, like I am now with * and /s.

        Nothing has ever stopped anyone from treating a screen like a typewriter or pad of paper and just writing and writing and writing and come back later to add structure and formatting.

        Writing is writing. Editing is editing. Typesetting is typesetting. The only difference now is we all have to do all three, but nothing but our minds prevents us from doing them separately.

      3. 1

        Agreed. The only WYSIWYG editor I’ve ever enjoyed using is TexMacs, despite it’s strange window/buffer approach and bugs. I wish every WYSIWYG editor learned from it. The vast majorty of them are a complete nightmare. I want to throw my computer every time Slack’s new WYSIWYG message box screws up my formatting.