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LIPS Scheme Function and Macro Reference

  • -

    (- n1 n2 ...)
    (- n)
    Subtracts n2 and subsequent numbers from n1. If only one argument is passed
    it will negate the value.
  • -->

    Helper macro that simplifies calling methods on objects. It works with chaining
    usage: (--> ($ "body")
                (css "color" "red")
                (on "click" (lambda () (display "click"))))
           (--> document (querySelectorAll "div"))
           (--> (fetch "")
                (match #/<title>([^<]+)<\/title>/)
           (--> document
                (querySelectorAll ".cmd-prompt")
                (replace #/<("[^"]+"|[^>])+>/g ""))
           (--> document.body
                (style.setProperty "--color" "red"))
  • .

    (. obj . args)
    (get obj . args)
    This function uses an object as a base and keeps using arguments to get the
    property of JavaScript object. Arguments need to be a strings.
    e.g. `(. console "log")` if you use any function inside LIPS it
    will be weakly bound (can be rebound), so you can call this log function
    without problem unlike in JavaScript when you use
    `var log = console.log`.
    `get` is an alias because . doesn't work everywhere, e.g. you can't
    pass it as an argument.
  • ..

    Gets the value from a nested object where the argument is a period separated symbol.
  • *

    (* . numbers)
    Multiplies all numbers passed as arguments. If single value is passed
    it will return that value.
  • **

    (** a b)
    Function that calculates number a to to the power of b.
  • /

    (/ n1 n2 ...)
    (/ n)
    Divides n1 by n2 and subsequent arguments one by one. If single argument
    is passed it will calculate (/ 1 n).
  • &

    (& a b)
    Function that calculates the bitwise and operation.
  • +

    (+ . numbers)
    Sums all numbers passed as arguments. If single value is passed it will
    return that value.
  • <

    (< x1 x2 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    monotonically increasing, i.e. x1 < x2 and x2 < x3 and so on.
  • <<

    (<< a b)
    Function that left shifts the value a by value b bits.
  • <=

    (<= x1 x2 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    monotonically nondecreasing, i.e. x1 <= x2 and x2 <= x3 and so on.
  • =

    (== x1 x2 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    all equal.
  • ==

    (== x1 x2 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    all equal.
  • >

    (> x1 x2 x3 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    monotonically decreasing, i.e. x1 > x2 and x2 > x3 and so on.
  • >=

    (>= x1 x2 ...)
    Function that compares its numerical arguments and checks if they are
    monotonically nonincreasing, i.e. x1 >= x2 and x2 >= x3 and so on.
  • >>

    (>> a b)
    Function that right shifts the value a by value b bits.
  • |

    (| a b)
    Function that calculates the bitwise or operation.
  • ~

    (~ number)
    Function that calculates the bitwise inverse (flip all the bits).
  • 1-

    (1- number)
    Function that subtracts 1 from the number and return result.
  • 1+

    (1+ number)
    Function that adds 1 to the number and return result.
  • abs

    (abs number)
    Function that returns the absolute value (magnitude) of number.
  • alist->assign

    (alist->assign alist . list-of-alists)
    Function that works like Object.assign but for LIPS alists.
  • alist->object

    (alist->object alist)
    Function that converts alist pairs to a JavaScript object.
  • always

    (always constant)
    Higher-order function that returns a new thunk that always returns
    the given constant when called.
  • and

    (and . expressions)
    Macro that evaluates each expression in sequence and if any value returns false
    it will stop and return false. If each value returns true it will return the
    last value. If it's called without arguments it will return true.
  • angle

    (angle x)
    Returns angle of the complex number in polar coordinate system.
  • append

    (append item ...)
    Function that creates a new list with each argument appended end-to-end.
    It will always return a new list and not modify its arguments.
  • append!

    (append! arg1 ...)
    Destructive version of append, it can modify the lists in place. It returns
    a new list where each argument is appended to the end. It may modify
    lists added as arguments.
  • apply

    (apply fn list)
    Function that calls fn with the list of arguments.
  • apropos

    (apropos name)
    Search the current environment and display names that match the given name.
    name can be regex, string or symbol.
  • array->list

    (array->list array)
    Function that converts a JavaScript array to a LIPS cons list.
  • array?

    (array? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is an array.
  • assoc

    (assoc obj alist)
    Returns pair from alist that match given key using equal? check.
  • assq

    (assq obj alist)
    Returns pair from a list that matches given key using eq? check.
  • assv

    (assv obj alist)
    Returns pair from alist that match given key using eqv? check.
  • atan

    (atan z)
    (atan x y)
    Function calculates arcus tangent of a complex number.
    If two arguments are passed and they are not complex numbers
    it calculate Math.atan2 on those arguments.
  • await

    (await value)
    Unquotes a quoted promise so it can be automagically evaluated (resolved
    to its value).
  • begin

    (begin . args)
    Macro that runs a list of expressions in order and returns the value
    of the last one. It can be used in places where you can only have a
    single expression, like (if).
  • begin*

    (begin* . body)
    This macro is a parallel version of begin. It evaluates each expression
    in the body and if it's a promise it will await it in parallel and return
    the value of the last expression (i.e. it uses Promise.all()).
  • binary

    (binary fn)
    Returns a new function with arguments limited to two.
  • binary-port?

    (binary-port? port)
    Function that tests if argument is binary port.
  • boolean?

    (boolean? x)
    Returns true if value is boolean.
  • boolean=?

    (boolean=? b1 b2 ...)
    Checks if all arguments are boolean and if they are the same.
  • bound?

    (bound? x [env])
    Function that check if the variable is defined in the given environment,
    or interaction-environment if not specified.
  • buffer->u8vector

    (buffer->u8vector bin)
    Cross platform function that can be used in both Node and browser.
    It can be used together with %read-file or %read-binary-file to convert
    the result ArrayBuffer or Buffer to u8vector.
  • bytevector

    (u8vector v1 v2 ...)
    Create unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char) from give arguments.
  • bytevector-append

    (bytevector-append v1 ...)
    Create new bytevector u8vector that is created from joining each argument.
  • bytevector-copy

    (bytevector-copy v)
    (bytevector-copy v start)
    (bytevector-copy v start end)
    Returns a new vector from start to end. If no start and end is provided
    whole vector is copied and returned.
  • bytevector-copy!

    (bytevector-copy! to at from)
    (bytevector-copy! to at from start)
    (bytevector-copy! to at from start end)
    Copies the bytes of bytevector from between start and end to bytevector to,
    starting at at.
  • bytevector-length

    (u8vector-length v)
    return length of unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char).
  • bytevector-u8-ref

    (u8vector-ref vector k)
    Returns value from vector at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • bytevector-u8-set!

    (u8vector-set! vector k)
    Function set value of unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char) at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • bytevector?

    (u8vector? x)
    Returns #t of argument is unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char),
    otherwise it return #f.
  • caaaaar

    (caaaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (car (car arg)))))
  • caaaadr

    (caaaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (car (cdr arg)))))
  • caaaar

    (caaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (car arg))))
  • caaadar

    (caaadar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (cdr (car arg)))))
  • caaaddr

    (caaaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • caaadr

    (caaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car (cdr arg))))
  • caaar

    (caaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (car arg)))
  • caadaar

    (caadaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (car (car arg)))))
  • caadadr

    (caadadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (car (cdr arg)))))
  • caadar

    (caadar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (car arg))))
  • caaddar

    (caaddar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (cdr (car arg)))))
  • caadddr

    (caadddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • caaddr

    (caaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr (cdr arg))))
  • caadr

    (caadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car (cdr arg)))
  • caar

    (caar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (car arg))
  • cadaaar

    (cadaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (car (car arg)))))
  • cadaadr

    (cadaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (car (cdr arg)))))
  • cadaar

    (cadaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (car arg))))
  • cadadar

    (cadadar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (cdr (car arg)))))
  • cadaddr

    (cadaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cadadr

    (cadadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car (cdr arg))))
  • cadar

    (cadar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (car arg)))
  • caddaar

    (caddaar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (car (car arg)))))
  • caddadr

    (caddadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (car (cdr arg)))))
  • caddar

    (caddar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (car arg))))
  • cadddar

    (cadddar arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (car arg)))))
  • caddddr

    (caddddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cadddr

    (cadddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr (cdr arg))))
  • caddr

    (caddr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr (cdr arg)))
  • cadr

    (cadr arg)
    Function that calculates (car (cdr arg))
  • call-with-current-continuation

    (call/cc proc)
  • call-with-input-file

    (call-with-input-file filename proc)
    Procedure open file for reading, call user defined procedure with given port
    and then close the port. It return value that was returned by user proc
    and it close the port even if user proc throw exception.
  • call-with-output-file

    (call-with-output-file filename proc)
    Procedure open file for writing, call user defined procedure with port
    and then close the port. It return value that was returned by user proc
    and it close the port even if user proc throw exception.
  • call-with-port

    (call-with-port port proc)
    Proc is executed with given port and after it returns, the port is closed.
  • call-with-values

    (call-with-values producer consumer)
    Calls the producer procedure with no arguments, then calls the
    consumer procedure with the returned value as an argument -- unless
    the returned value is a special Values object created by (values), if it is
    the values are unpacked and the consumer is called with multiple arguments.
  • call/cc

    (call/cc proc)
  • car

    (car pair)
    This function returns the car (item 1) of the list.
  • cdaaaar

    (cdaaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (car (car arg)))))
  • cdaaadr

    (cdaaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (car (cdr arg)))))
  • cdaaar

    (cdaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (car arg))))
  • cdaadar

    (cdaadar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (cdr (car arg)))))
  • cdaaddr

    (cdaaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cdaadr

    (cdaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car (cdr arg))))
  • cdaar

    (cdaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (car arg)))
  • cdadaar

    (cdadaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (car (car arg)))))
  • cdadadr

    (cdadadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (car (cdr arg)))))
  • cdadar

    (cdadar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (car arg))))
  • cdaddar

    (cdaddar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (cdr (car arg)))))
  • cdadddr

    (cdadddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cdaddr

    (cdaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr (cdr arg))))
  • cdadr

    (cdadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car (cdr arg)))
  • cdar

    (cdar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (car arg))
  • cddaaar

    (cddaaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (car (car arg)))))
  • cddaadr

    (cddaadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (car (cdr arg)))))
  • cddaar

    (cddaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (car arg))))
  • cddadar

    (cddadar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (cdr (car arg)))))
  • cddaddr

    (cddaddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cddadr

    (cddadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car (cdr arg))))
  • cddar

    (cddar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (car arg)))
  • cdddaar

    (cdddaar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (car (car arg)))))
  • cdddadr

    (cdddadr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (car (cdr arg)))))
  • cdddar

    (cdddar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (car arg))))
  • cddddar

    (cddddar arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (car arg)))))
  • cdddddr

    (cdddddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))))
  • cddddr

    (cddddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr arg))))
  • cdddr

    (cdddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))
  • cddr

    (cddr arg)
    Function that calculates (cdr (cdr arg))
  • cdr

    (cdr pair)
    This function returns the cdr (all but first) of the list.
  • ceiling

    (ceiling number)
    Function that calculates the ceiling of a number.
  • char->integer

    (char->integer chr)
    Returns the codepoint of Unicode character.
  • char-alphabetic?

    (char-alphabetic? chr)
    Returns true if character is leter of the ASCII alphabet.
  • char-ci<?

    (char-ci<? chr1 chr2)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically increasing case insensitive.
  • char-ci<=?

    (char-ci<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically non-decreasing, case insensitive.
  • char-ci=?

    (char-ci=? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Checks if all characters are equal, case insensitive.
  • char-ci>?

    (char-ci<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically decreasing case insensitive.
  • char-ci>=?

    (char-ci<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically non-increasing, case insensitive.
  • char-downcase

    (char-downcase chr)
    Create lowercase version of the character.
  • char-foldcase

    (char-foldcase char)
    Returns lowercase character using the Unicode simple case-folding algorithm.
  • char-lower-case?

    (char-upper-case? char)
    Checks if character is lower case.
  • char-numeric?

    (char-numeric? chr)
    Returns true if character is number.
  • char-ready?

    (char-ready? port)
    Checks if characters is ready in input port. This is useful mostly
    for interactive ports that return false if it would wait for user input.
    It return false if port is closed.
  • char-upcase

    (char-upcase char)
    Create uppercase version of the character.
  • char-upper-case?

    (char-upper-case? char)
    Checks if character is upper case.
  • char-whitespace?

    (char-whitespace? chr)
    Returns true if character is whitespace.
  • char?

    (char? obj)
    Checks if the object is a character.
  • char<?

    (char<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically increasing.
  • char<=?

    (char<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically non-decreasing.
  • char=?

    (char=? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Checks if all characters are equal.
  • char>?

    (char<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically decreasing.
  • char>=?

    (char<? chr1 chr2 ...)
    Returns true if characters are monotonically non-increasing.
  • clone

    (clone list)
    Function that returns a clone of the list, that does not share any pairs with the
    original, so the clone can be safely mutated without affecting the original.
  • close-input-port

    (close-input-port port)
    Procedure close port that was opened with open-input-file. After that
    it no longer accept reading from that port.
  • close-output-port

    (close-output-port port)
    Procedure close port that was opened with open-output-file. After that
    it no longer accept write to that port.
  • close-port

    (close-port port)
    Close input or output port.
  • command-line

    Returns the command line arguments, or an empty list if not running under Node.js.
  • complement

    (complement fn)
    Higher order function that returns the Boolean complement of the given function.
    If the function fn for a given arguments return true the result function
    will return false, if it would return false, the result function will return true.
  • complex?

    (complex? x)
    Checks if argument x is complex.
  • compose

    (compose . fns)
    Higher-order function that creates a new function that applies all functions
    from right to left and returns the last value. Reverse of pipe.
    ((compose (curry + 2) (curry * 3)) 10) ==> (+ 2 (* 3 10)) ==> 32
  • concat

    (concat . strings)
    Function that creates a new string by joining its arguments.
  • cond

    (cond (predicate? . body)
          (predicate? . body)
          (else . body))
    (cond (predicate? => procedure)
          (predicate? => procedure)
          (else . body))
    Macro for condition checks. For usage instead of nested ifs.
    You can use predicate and any number of expressions. Or symbol =>
    Followed by procedure that will be invoked with result
    of the predicate.
  • cons

    (cons left right)
    This function returns a new list with the first appended
    before the second. If the second is not a list cons will
    return a dotted pair.
  • constructor

    Function that is present in JavaScript environment. We define it in Scheme
    to fix an issue with define-class. This function throw an error.
  • continuation?

    (continuation? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a callable continuation.
  • cos

    (cos n)
    Function that calculates cosine of a number.
  • current-directory

    Returns the current working directory, default is the path from where
    the script was executed.
  • current-environment

    Function that returns the current environment (they're first-class objects!)
  • current-error-port

    Returns the default stderr port.
  • current-input-port

    Returns the default stdin port.
  • current-jiffy

    Return current jiffy. In LIPS is jiffy since start of the process.
    You can divide this value by (jiffies-per-second) to get seconds since
    start of the process. And you can add %%start-jiffy to get jiffy since
    January 1, 1970.
  • current-output-port

    Returns the default stdout port.
  • current-second

    Functionn return exact integer of the seconds since January 1, 1970
  • curry

    (curry fn . args)
    Higher-order function that creates a curried version of the function.
    The result function will have partially applied arguments and it
    will keep returning one-argument functions until all arguments are provided,
    then it calls the original function with the accumulated arguments.
    (define (add a b c d) (+ a b c d))
    (define add1 (curry add 1))
    (define add12 (add 2))
    (display (add12 3 4))
  • debugger

    Function that triggers the JavaScript debugger (e.g. the browser devtools)
    using the "debugger;" statement. If a debugger is not running this
    function does nothing.
  • define

    (define name expression)
    (define name expression "doc string")
    (define (function-name . args) . body)
    Macro for defining values. It can be used to define variables,
    or functions. If the first argument is list it will create a function
    with name being first element of the list. This form expands to
    `(define function-name (lambda args body))`
  • define-class

    (define-class name parent . body)
    Defines a class - JavaScript function constructor with prototype.
    parent needs to be class, constructor function, or #null
      (define-class Person Object
          (constructor (lambda (self name)
                         (set-obj! self '_name name)))
          (hi (lambda (self)
                (display (string-append self._name " says hi"))
      (define jack (new Person "Jack"))
      (jack.hi) ; prints "Jack says hi"
  • define-formatter-rule

    (rule-pattern pattern)
    Anaphoric macro for defining patterns for the formatter.
    With Ahead, Pattern and * defined values.
  • define-global

    (define-global var value)
    (define-global (name . args) body)
    Defines functions or variables in the global context, so they can be used
    inside let and get let variables in a closure. Useful for universal macros.
  • define-library

    (define-library (library (name namespace) . body)
    Macro for defining modules inside you can use define to create functions.
    And use export name to add that name to defined environment.
  • define-macro

    (define-macro (name . args) body)
    The meta-macro, that creates new macros. If the return value is a list structure
    it will be evaluated where the macro is invoked from. You can use quasiquote `
    and unquote , and unquote-splicing ,@ inside to create an expression that will be
    evaluated at runtime. Macros works like this: if you pass any expression to a
    macro the arguments will not be evaluated unless the macro's body explicitly
    calls (eval) on it. Because of this a macro can manipulate the expression
    (arguments) as lists.
  • define-record-type

    (define-record-type name constructor pred . fields)
    Macro for defining records. Example of usage:
    (define-record-type <pare>
      (kons x y)
      (x kar set-kar!)
      (y kdr set-kdr!))
    (define p (kons 1 2))
    (print (kar p))
    ;; ==> 1
    (set-kdr! p 3)
    (print (kdr p))
    ;; ==> 3
  • define-symbol-macro

    (define-symbol-macro type (name . args) . body)
    Creates syntax extensions for evaluator similar to built-in , or `.
    It's like an alias for a real macro. Similar to CL reader macros
    but it receives already parsed code like normal macros. Type can be SPLICE
    or LITERAL symbols (see set-special!). ALL default symbol macros are literal.
  • define-syntax

    (define-syntax name expression [__doc__])
    Defines a new hygienic macro using syntax-rules with optional documentation.
  • define-syntax-parameter

    (define-syntax-parameter name syntax [__doc__])
    Binds <keyword> to the transformer obtained by evaluating <transformer spec>.
    The transformer provides the default expansion for the syntax parameter,
    and in the absence of syntax-parameterize, is functionally equivalent to
  • defmacro?

    (defmacro? expression)
    Checks if object is a macro and it's expandable.
  • degree->radians

    (degree->radians x)
    Convert degrees to radians.
  • delay

    (delay expression)
    Will create a promise from expression that can be forced with (force).
  • delete-file

    (delete-file filename)
    Deletes the file of given name.
  • denominator

    (denominator n)
    Return denominator of rational or same number if one is not rational.
  • digit-value

    (digit-value chr)
    Return digit number if character is numeral (as per char-numeric?)
    or #f otherwise.
  • dir

    (dir obj)
    Returns all props on the object including those in prototype chain.
  • display

    (display string [port])
    This function outputs the string to the standard output or
    the port if given. No newline.
  • display-error

    (display-error . args)
    Display an error message on stderr.
  • do

    (do ((<var> <init> <next>)) (test return) . body)
    Iteration macro that evaluates the expression body in scope of the variables.
    On each loop it changes the variables according to the <next> expression and runs
    test to check if the loop should continue. If test is a single value, the macro
    will return undefined. If the test is a pair of expressions the macro will
    evaluate and return the second expression after the loop exits.
  • do-iterator

    (do-iterator (var expr) (test result) body ...)
    Iterates over iterators (e.g. created with JavaScript generator function)
    that works with normal and async iterators. You can loop over an infinite
    iterators and break the loop if you want, using expression like in do macro.
    Long synchronous iterators will block the main thread (you can't print
    1000 numbers from infinite iterators, because it will freeze the browser),
    but if you use async iterators you can process the values as they are
  • drop

    (take list n)
    Returns a list where first n elements are removed.
  • dynamic-wind

    (dynamic-wind before thunk after)
    Accepts 3 procedures/lambdas and executes before, then thunk, and
    always after even if an error occurs in thunk.
  • empty?

    (empty? object)
    Function that returns #t if value is nil (an empty list) or undefined.
  • env

    (env obj)
    Function that returns a list of names (functions, macros and variables)
    that are bound in the current environment or one of its parents.
  • environment-bound?

    (environment-bound? env symbol)
    Checks if symbol is a bound variable similar to bound?.
  • environment?

    (environment? obj)
    Checks if object is a LIPS environment.
  • eof-object

    Procedure returns eof object that indicate end of the port
  • eof-object?

    (eof-object? arg)
    Checks if value is eof object, returned from input string
    port when there are no more data to read.
  • eq?

    (eq? a b)
    Function that compares two values if they are identical.
  • equal?

    (equal? a b)
    The function checks if values are equal. If both are a pair or an array
    it compares their elements recursively. If pairs have cycles it compares
    them with eq?
  • eqv?

    (eqv? a b)
    Function that compares the values. It returns true if they are the same, they
    need to have the same type.
  • error

    (error message ...)
    Function raises error with given message and arguments,
    which are called invariants.
  • error-object-irritants

    (error-object-irritants error-object)
    Returns a list of the irritants encapsulated by error-object.
  • error-object-message

    (error-object-message error-object)
    Returns the message encapsulated by error-object.
  • error-object?

    (error-object? obj)
    Checks if object is of Error object thrown by error function.
  • escape-regex

    (escape-regex string)
    Function that returns a new string where all special operators used in regex,
    are escaped with backslashes so they can be used in the RegExp constructor
    to match a literal string.
  • eval

    (eval expr)
    (eval expr environment)
    Function that evaluates LIPS Scheme code. If the second argument is provided
    it will be the environment that the code is evaluated in.
  • even?

    (even? number)
    Checks if number is even.
  • every

    (every fn . lists)
    Higher-order function that calls fn on consecutive item of the list of lists,
    if every call returns true it will return true otherwise it return false.
    Analogous to Python all(map(fn, list)).
  • exact

    (inexact->exact number)
    Function that converts real number to exact rational number.
  • exact->inexact

    (exact->inexact n)
    Convert exact number to inexact.
  • exact-integer?

    (exact-integer? n)
    Returns #t if z is both exact and an integer; otherwise
    returns #f.
  • exact?

    (exact? n)
  • exp

    (exp n)
    Function that calculates e raised to the power of n.
  • expt

    (** a b)
    Function that calculates number a to to the power of b.
  • f32vector

    (f32vector v1 v2 ...)
    Create 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C float) from give arguments.
  • f32vector-length

    (f32vector-length v)
    return length of 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C float).
  • f32vector-ref

    (f32vector-ref vector k)
    Returns value from vector at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • f32vector-set!

    (f32vector-set! vector k)
    Function set value of 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C float) at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • f32vector?

    (f32vector? x)
    Returns #t of argument is 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C float),
    otherwise it return #f.
  • f64vector

    (f64vector v1 v2 ...)
    Create 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C double) from give arguments.
  • f64vector-length

    (f64vector-length v)
    return length of 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C double).
  • f64vector-ref

    (f64vector-ref vector k)
    Returns value from vector at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • f64vector-set!

    (f64vector-set! vector k)
    Function set value of 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C double) at index k.
    If index is out of range it throw exception.
  • f64vector?

    (f64vector? x)
    Returns #t of argument is 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C double),
    otherwise it return #f.
  • features

    Function returns implemented features as a list.
  • filter

    (filter fn list)
    (filter regex list)
    Higher-order function that calls `fn` for each element of the list
    and return a new list for only those elements for which fn returns
    a truthy value. If called with a regex it will create a matcher function.
  • find

    (find fn list)
    (find regex list)
    Higher-order function that finds the first value for which fn return true.
    If called with a regex it will create a matcher function.
  • finite?

    (finite? x)
    Checks if value is finite.
  • flatten

    (flatten list)
    Returns a shallow list from tree structure (pairs).
  • flip

    (flip fn)
    Higher-order function that returns a new function where the first two arguments
    are swapped.
      (define first (curry (flip vector-ref) 0))
      (first #(1 2 3))
      ;; ==> 1
  • floor

    (floor number)
    Function that calculates the floor of a number.
  • flush-output

    (flush-output [port])
    If output-port is buffered, this causes the contents of its buffer to be written to
    the output device. Otherwise it has no effect. Returns an unspecified value.
  • flush-output-port

    (flush-output-port port)
    Function do nothing, flush is not needed in LIPS in both NodeJS and Browser.
    The function is added, so it don't throw exception when using R7RS code.
  • fold

    (fold fn init . lists)
    Function fold is left-to-right reversal of reduce. It call `fn`
    on each pair of elements of the list and returns a single value.
    e.g. it computes (fn 'a 'x (fn 'b 'y (fn 'c 'z 'foo)))
    for: (fold fn 'foo '(a b c) '(x y z))
  • fold-left

    (fold fn init . lists)
    Function fold is left-to-right reversal of reduce. It call `fn`
    on each pair of elements of the list and returns a single value.
    e.g. it computes (fn 'a 'x (fn 'b 'y (fn 'c 'z 'foo)))
    for: (fold fn 'foo '(a b c) '(x y z))
  • fold-right

    (reduce fn init list . lists)
    Higher-order function that takes each element of the list and calls
    the fn with result of previous call or init and the next element
    of the list until each element is processed, and returns a single value
    as result of last call to `fn` function.
    e.g. it computes (fn 'c 'z (fn 'b 'y (fn 'a 'x 'foo)))
    for: (reduce fn 'foo '(a b c) '(x y z))
  • for-each

    (for-each fn . lists)
    Higher-order function that calls function `fn` on each
    value of the argument. If you provide more than one list
    it will take each value from each list and call `fn` function
    with that many arguments as number of list arguments.
  • force

    (force promise)
    Function that forces the promise and evaluates the delayed expression.
  • format

    (format string n1 n2 ...)
    This function accepts a string template and replaces any
    escape sequences in its inputs:
    * ~a value as if printed with `display`
    * ~s value as if printed with `write`
    * ~% newline character
    * ~~ literal tilde '~'
    If there are missing inputs or other escape characters it
    will error.
  • function?

    (function? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a callable function.
  • gcd

    (gcd n1 n2 ...)
    Function that returns the greatest common divisor of the arguments.
  • gensym

    Generates a unique symbol that is not bound anywhere,
    to use with macros as meta name.
  • gensym-interal

    (gensym-interal symbol)
    Parser extension that creates a new quoted named gensym.
  • gensym?

    (gensym? value)
    Returns #t if value is a symbol created by gensym. It returns #f otherwise.
  • get

    (. obj . args)
    (get obj . args)
    This function uses an object as a base and keeps using arguments to get the
    property of JavaScript object. Arguments need to be a strings.
    e.g. `(. console "log")` if you use any function inside LIPS it
    will be weakly bound (can be rebound), so you can call this log function
    without problem unlike in JavaScript when you use
    `var log = console.log`.
    `get` is an alias because . doesn't work everywhere, e.g. you can't
    pass it as an argument.
  • get-environment-variable

    (get-environment-variable name)
    Returns given environment variable. This function returns #void
    when called in the browser.
  • get-environment-variables

    Returns all process environment variables as an alist. This function returns
    an empty list when called in the browser.
  • get-output-bytevector

    (get-output-string port)
    Gets full string from string port. If nothing was wrote
    to given port it will return empty string.
  • get-output-string

    (get-output-string port)
    Gets full string from string port. If nothing was wrote
    to given port it will return empty string.
  • get-resource

    (get-resource url)
    Load JavaScript or CSS file in browser by adding script/link tag to head
    of the current document. When called from Node it allow it allows to load
    JavaScript files only.
  • globalize

    (globalize expr)
     Macro will get the value of the expression and add each method as function
     to global scope.
  • help

    (help object)
    This macro returns documentation for a function or macro.
    You can save the function or macro in a variable and use it
    here. But getting help for a variable requires passing the
    variable in a `quote`.
  • http-get

    (http-get url)
    Node.js function that sends a HTTP Request and returns a string or
    binary Buffer object.
  • identity

    (identity n)
    No-op function. It just returns its argument.
  • if

    (if cond true-expr false-expr)
    Macro that evaluates cond expression and if the value is true, it
    evaluates and returns true-expression, if not it evaluates and returns
  • ignore

    (ignore . body)
    Macro that will evaluate the expression and swallow any promises that may
    be created. It will discard any value that may be returned by the last body
    expression. The code should have side effects and/or when it's promise
    it should resolve to undefined.
  • imag-part

    (imag-part n)
    Return imaginary part of the complex number n.
  • import

    (import (library namespace))
    (import (only (library namespace) name1 name2))
    Macro for importing names from library.
  • in

    (in key value)
    Function that uses the Javascript "in" operator to check if key is
    a valid property in the value.
  • include

    (include file ...)
    Load at least one file content and insert them into one,
    body expression.
  • indexed-db?

    Function that tests if IndexedDB is available.
  • inexact

    (exact->inexact n)
    Convert exact number to inexact.
  • inexact->exact

    (inexact->exact number)
    Function that converts real number to exact rational number.
  • inexact?

    (inexact? n)
  • infinite?

    (infinite? x)
    Checks if value is infinite.
  • input-port-open?

    (input-port-open? port)
    Checks if argument is input-port and if you can read from it.
  • input-port?

    (input-port? arg)
    Returns true if argument is input port.
  • instance?

    (instance? obj)
    Checks if object is an instance, created with a new operator
  • instanceof

    (instanceof type obj)
    Predicate that tests if the obj is an instance of type.
  • integer->char

    (integer->char chr)
    Function that converts number argument to character.
  • integer?

    (integer? x)
    Checks if the argument x is integer.
  • interaction-environment

    Returns the interaction environment equal to lips.env. This can be overwritten
    when creating new interpreter with lips.Interpreter.
  • iterator->array

    (iterator->array object)
    Return array from JavaScript iterator object.
  • iterator?

    (iterator? x)
     Checks if value is JavaScript iterator object.
  • join

    (join separator list)
    Function that returns a string by joining elements of the list using separator.
  • key->string

    (key->string symbol)
    If symbol is a keyword it converts that to string and removes the colon.
  • key?

    (key? symbol)
    Checks if symbol is a keyword (has a colon as first character).
  • lambda

    (lambda (a b) body)
    (lambda args body)
    (lambda (a b . rest) body)
    The lambda macro creates a new anonymous function. If the first element of
    the body is a string and there is more elements the string is used as the
    documentation string, that can be read using (help fn).
  • lcm

    (lcm n1 n2 ...)
    Function that returns the least common multiple of the arguments.
  • length

    (length expression)
    Function that returns the length of the object. The object can be a LIPS
    list or any object that has a "length" property. Returns undefined if the
    length could not be found.
  • let

    (let ((a value-a) (b value-b) ...) . body)
    Macro that creates a new environment, then evaluates and assigns values to names,
    and then evaluates the body in context of that environment.  Values are evaluated
    sequentially but you can't access previous values/names when the next are
    evaluated. You can only get them in the body of the let expression.  (If you want
    to define multiple variables and use them in each other's definitions, use
  • let-env

    (let-env env . body)
    Special macro that evaluates body in context of given environment
  • let-env-values

    (let-env-values env ((name var)) . body)
    Adds mappings for variables var from specified env.
    it is similar to let-env but lexical scope is working with it.
  • let-syntax

    (let-syntax ((name fn) ...) . body)
     Works like a combination of let and define-syntax. It creates
     local macros and evaluates body in context of those macros.
     The macro to letrec-syntax is like letrec is to let.
  • let*

    (let* ((a value-a) (b value-b) ...) . body)
    Macro similar to `let`, but the subsequent bindings after the first
    are evaluated in the environment including the previous let variables,
    so you can define one variable, and use it in the next's definition.
  • letrec

    (letrec ((a value-a) (b value-b) ...) . body)
    Macro that creates a new environment, then evaluates and assigns values to
    names and then evaluates the body in context of that environment.
    Values are evaluated sequentially and the next value can access the
    previous values/names.
  • letrec-syntax

    (letrec-syntax ((name fn) ...) . body)
     Works like a combination of letrec and define-syntax. It creates
     local macros and evaluates the body in context of those macros.
  • letrec*

    (letrec* ((a value-a) (b value-b) ...) . body)
    Same as letrec but the order of execution of the binding is guaranteed,
    so you can use recursive code as well as referencing the previous binding.
    In LIPS both letrec and letrec* behave the same.
  • list

    (list . args)
    Function that creates a new list out of its arguments.
  • list->array

    (list->array list)
    Function that converts a LIPS list into a JavaScript array.
  • list->string

    (list->string _list)
    Returns a string from a list of characters.
  • list->vector

    (list->array list)
    Function that converts a LIPS list into a JavaScript array.
  • list-copy

    (list-copy obj)
    Copy the object passed as argument but only if it's list. The car elements
    of the list are not copied, they are passed as is.
  • list-match?

    (list-match? predicate list)
    Checks if consecutive elements of the list match the predicate function.
  • list-ref

    (list-ref list n)
    Returns n-th element of a list.
  • list-set!

    (list-set! list n)
    Returns n-th element of a list.
  • list-tail

    (list-tail list k)
    Returns the sublist of list obtained by omitting the first k elements.
  • list?

    (list? obj)
    Predicate that tests if value is a proper linked list structure.
    The car of each pair can be any value. It returns false on cyclic lists."
  • list*

    (list* arg1 ...)
    Parallel asynchronous version of list. Like begin* except all values
    are returned in a list.
  • load

    (load filename)
    (load filename environment)
    Fetches the file (from disk or network) and evaluates its content as LIPS code.
    If the second argument is provided and it's an environment the evaluation
    will happen in that environment.
  • log

    (log z)
    (log z1 z2)
    Function that calculates natural logarithm (base e) of z. Where the argument
    can be any number (including complex negative and rational). If the value is 0
    it returns NaN. It two arguments are provided it will calculate logarithm
    of z1 with given base z2.
  • macro?

    (macro? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a macro.
  • macroexpand

    (macroexpand expr)
    Macro that expand all macros inside and return single expression as output.
  • macroexpand-1

    (macroexpand-1 expr)
    Macro similar to macroexpand but it expand macros only one level
    and return single expression as output.
  • magnitude

    (magnitude x)
    Returns magnitude of the complex number in polar coordinate system.
  • make-bytevector

    (make-u8vector k fill)
    Allocate new unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-f32vector

    (make-f32vector k fill)
    Allocate new 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C float) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-f64vector

    (make-f64vector k fill)
    Allocate new 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number vector (C double) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-parameter

    (make-parameter init converter)
    Function creates new dynamic variable that can be custimized with parameterize
    macro. The value should be assigned to a variable e.g.:
    (define radix (make-parameter 10))
    The result value is a procedure that return the value of dynamic variable.
  • make-polar

    (make-polar magnitude angle)
    Create new complex number from polar parameters.
  • make-promise

    (make-promise fn)
    Function that creates a promise from a function.
  • make-rectangular

    (make-rectangular im re)
    Creates a complex number from imaginary and real part (a+bi form).
  • make-s16vector

    (make-s16vector k fill)
    Allocate new signed 16-bit integer vector (C short) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-s32vector

    (make-s32vector k fill)
    Allocate new signed 32-bit integer vector (C unsigned int) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-s8vector

    (make-s8vector k fill)
    Allocate new signed 8-bit integer vector (C signed char) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-string

    (make-string k [char])
    Returns new string with k elements. If char is provided
    it's filled with that character.
  • make-tags

    (make-tags expression)
    Returns a list structure of code with better syntax then raw LIPS
  • make-u16vector

    (make-u16vector k fill)
    Allocate new unsigned 16-bit integer vector (C unsigned short) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-u32vector

    (make-u32vector k fill)
    Allocate new unsigned 32-bit integer vector (C int) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-u8vector

    (make-u8vector k fill)
    Allocate new unsigned 8-bit integer vector (C unsigned char) of length k,
    with optional initial values.
  • make-vector

    (make-vector n [fill])
    Creates a new vector with n empty elements. If fill is specified it will set
    all elements of the vector to that value.
  • map

    (map fn . lists)
    Higher-order function that calls function `fn` with each
    value of the list. If you provide more then one list as argument
    it will take each value from each list and call `fn` function
    with that many argument as number of list arguments. The return
    values of the fn calls are accumulated in a result list and
    returned by map.
  • match

    (match pattern string)
    Function that returns a match object from JavaScript as a list or #f if
    no match.
  • max

    (max n1 n2 ...)
    Returns the maximum of its arguments.
  • member

    (member obj list)
    Returns first object in the list that match using equal? function.
  • memq

    (memq obj list)
    Returns first object in the list that match using eq? function.
  • memv

    (memv obj list)
    Returns first object in the list that match using eqv? function.
  • min

    (min n1 n2 ...)
    Returns the minimum of its arguments.
  • modulo

    (modulo a b)
    Returns modulo operation on its argumennts.
  • n-ary

    (n-ary n fn)
    Returns a new function that limits the number of arguments to n.
  • nan?

    (nan? x)
    Checks if argument x is Not a Number (NaN) value.
  • native-symbol?

    (native-symbol? object)
    Checks if value is JavaScript Symbol.
  • native.number

    (native.number obj)
    If argument is a number it will convert it to a native number.
  • negative?

    (negative? x)
    Checks if the number is smaller then 0
  • new

    (new obj . args)
    Function that creates new JavaScript instance of an object.
  • new-library

    (new-library name)
    Create new empty library object with empty namespace.
  • newline

    (newline [port])
    Write newline character to standard output or given port
  • not

    (not x)
    Returns true if value is false and false otherwise.
  • nth

    (nth index obj)
    Function that returns the nth element of the list or array.
    If used with a non-indexable value it will error.
  • nth-pair

    (nth-pair list n)
    Returns nth pair of a list.
  • null-environment

    Returns a clean environment with only the standard library.
  • null?

    (null? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is null-ish (i.e. undefined, nil, or
    Javascript null).
  • number->string

    (number->string x [radix])
    Function that converts number to string with optional radix (number base).
  • number?

    (number? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a number or NaN value.
  • numerator

    (numerator n)
    Return numerator of rational or same number if n is not rational.
  • object

    (object :name value)
    Creates a JavaScript object using key like syntax.
  • object->alist

    (object->alist object)
    Function that converts a JavaScript object to Alist
  • object-literal

    (object-literal :name value)
    Creates a JavaScript object using key like syntax. This is similar,
    to object but all values are quoted. This macro is used by the & object literal.
  • object?

    (object? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is an plain object (not another LIPS type).
  • odd?

    (odd? number)
    Checks if number is odd.
  • once

    (once fn)
    Higher-order function that returns a new function, that only calls the original
    on the first invocation, and immediately returns the first call's result again
    on subsequent invocations.
  • open-binary-input-file

    (open-binary-input-file filename)
    Returns new Input Binary Port with given filename. In Browser
    user need to provide global fs variable that is instance of FS interface.
  • open-binary-output-file

    (open-binary-output-file filename)
    Opens file and return port that can be used for writing. If file
    exists it will throw an Error.
  • open-input-bytevector

    (open-input-bytevector bytevector)
    Create new input binary port with given bytevector
  • open-input-file

    (open-input-file filename)
    Returns new Input Port with given filename. In Browser user need to
    provide global fs variable that is instance of FS interface.
  • open-input-string

    (open-input-string string)
    Creates new string port as input that can be used to
    read S-exressions from this port using `read` function.
  • open-output-bytevector

    Create new output port that can be used to write binary data.
    After done with the data the output buffer can be obtained by calling
    `get-output-bytevector` function.
  • open-output-file

    (open-output-file filename)
    Function that opens file and return port that can be used for writing. If file
    exists it will throw an Error.
  • open-output-string

    Creates new output port that can used to write string into
    and after finish get the whole string using `get-output-string`.
  • or

    (or . expressions)
    Macro that executes the values one by one and returns the first that is
    a truthy value. If there are no expressions that evaluate to true it
    returns false.
  • output-port-open?

    (output-port-open? port)
    Checks if argument is output-port and if you can write to it.
  • output-port?

    (output-port? arg)
    Returns true if argument is output port.
  • pair-map

    (pair-map fn list)
    Function that calls fn argument for pairs in a list and returns a combined list
    with values returned from function fn. It works likes map but take two items
    from the list each time.
  • pair?

    (pair? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a pair or list structure.
  • parameterize

    (parameterize ((name value) ...)
    Macro that change the dynamic variable created by make-parameter.
  • parent.frame

    Returns the parent environment if called from inside a function.
    If no parent frame can be found it returns nil.
  • parent.frames

    Returns the list of environments from parent frames (lambda function calls)
  • peek-char

    (peek-char port)
    This function reads and returns a character from the string
    port, or, if there is no more data in the string port, it
    returns an EOF.
  • peek-u8

    (peek-u8 port)
    Return next byte from input-binary port. If there are no more bytes
    it return eof object.
  • pipe

    (pipe . fns)
    Higher-order function that creates a new function that applies all functions
    from left to right and returns the last value. Reverse of compose.
    ((pipe (curry + 2) (curry * 3)) 10) ==> (* 3 (+ 2 10)) ==> 36
  • plain-object?

    (plain-object? x)
    Checks if value is a plain JavaScript object created using the object macro.
  • pluck

    (pluck . strings)
    If called with a single string it will return a function that when
    called with an object will return that key from the object.
    If called with more then one string the returned function will
    create a new object by copying all properties from the given object.
  • port?

    (port? x)
    Returns true if the argument is an input or output port object.
  • positive?

    (positive? x)
    Checks if the number is larger then 0
  • pprint

    (pprint expression)
    This function will pretty print its input to stdout. If it is called
    with a non-list, it will just call the print function on its
  • pretty-format

    (pretty-format pair)
    Returns a pretty printed string from pair expression.
  • print

    (print . args)
    This function converts each input into a string and prints
    the result to the standard output (by default it's the
    console but it can be defined in user code). This function
    calls `(newline)` after printing each input.
  • procedure?

    (procedure? expression)
    Predicate that tests if value is a callable function or continuation.
  • promise

    (promise . body)
    Anaphoric macro that exposes resolve and reject functions from JS promise.
  • promise?

    (promise? obj)
    Checks if the value is a promise created with delay or make-promise.
  • promisify

    (promisify fn)
    Simple function for adding promises to NodeJS two-callback based functions.
    Function tested only with fs module.
  • prototype?

    (prototype? obj)
    Predicate that tests if value is a valid JavaScript prototype,
    i.e. calling (new) with it will not throw '<x> is not a constructor'.
  • qsort

    (qsort list predicate)
    Sorts the list using the quick sort algorithm according to predicate.
  • quasiquote

    (quasiquote list)
    Similar macro to `quote` but inside it you can use special expressions (unquote
    x) abbreviated to ,x that will evaluate x and insert its value verbatim or
    (unquote-splicing x) abbreviated to ,@x that will evaluate x and splice the value
    into the result. Best used with macros but it can be used outside.
  • quote

    (quote expression) or 'expression
    Macro that returns a single LIPS expression as data (it won't evaluate the
    argument). It will return a list if put in front of LIPS code.
    And if put in front of a symbol it will return the symbol itself, not the value
    bound to that name.
  • quote-promise

    (quote-promise expr) or '>expr
    Macro used to escape automati awaiting of the expression. It will be wrapped
    with a JavaScript class that behaves like Promise but will not be automatically
    resolved by LIPS like normal promises are.
  • quoted-symbol?

    (quoted-symbol? code)
    Helper function that tests if value is a quoted symbol. To be used in macros
    that pass literal code that is transformed by parser.
      (define-macro (test x)
         (if (quoted-symbol? x)
             `',(cadr x)))
      (list 'hello (test 'world))
  • quotient

    (quotient a b)
    Return quotient from division as integer.
  • radians->degree

    (radians->degree x)
    Convert radians to degrees.
  • raise

    (raise obj)
    Throws the object verbatim (no wrapping an a new Error).
  • random

    (random seed)
    Function that generates new random real number using Knuth algorithm.
  • range

    (range stop)
    (range start stop)
    (range start stop step)
    Returns a list of numbers from start to stop with optional step.
    If start is not defined it starts from 0. If start is larger than stop
    the step needs to be negative otherwise it will hang in an infinite loop.
  • rational?

    (rational? x)
    Checks if the value is rational.
  • rationalize

    (rationalize number tolerance)
    Returns simplest rational number approximation differing from number by no more
    than the tolerance.
  • read