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Friday, November 5, 2021


Dried meat, spinach and rice at Old Location on 11-4-21--Windhoek copy

Since arriving in Namibia on Monday night, I've had two decent breakfasts, but otherwise have eaten rather badly. Today, though, I had an excellent lunch at Old Location. Above is dried meat strips (eedingu) and spinach with rice for $7.82. A large mug of drinkable Hansa Beer, a Namibian brand, cost just $1.63.

Since Old Location is just a 6-minute walk from my room, I'm set!

There today, I met a German in his early 30's from Mannheim. In Namibia for a decade, he works as a tour guide. Eighty-five percent of the foreign tourists here are German speakers, he told me. This Sunday, he'll take a group on a 15-day tour to some farm in the northeast, Etosha National Park, Swakopmund and Luderitz. No, they're not here to relive colonial glories but simply to experience vast nature, something they can't get in Germany, Austria or even Switzerland, not on this scale. Because of Covid travel restrictions, he couldn't work for 18 months, so had to learn how to make lawn furniture to barely get by, but the tourists are back, so all is well.

Although he still goes back to Germany occasionally, he doesn't miss it. In fact, he's thrilled to be away from Germany, and even other Germans. That system is going down the drain, he told me, for people have to work like robots until they're 69-years-old, to support a vast welfare state that also takes care of too many immigrants.

He prefers Namibia and even Uganda to South Africa. In any case, he's very happy to be a white African.


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