
Opening Traps You Must Know!

801 • Wonderous123 •
  1. Welcome!
  2. What are Openings?
  3. Trap 1# Legal's Mate Trap
  4. Trap 2# Fishing Pole Trap (Exchange Variation)
  1. Wonderous123

The Vienna Gambit

57 • Phil224 •
  1. What Is The Vienna Gambit?
  2. Vienna Gambit Accepted: Knight Variation, Fozo Defence
  3. Vienna Gambit Accepted: Knight Variation, Triscow Defence
  4. Vienna Gambit Accepted: Knight Variation, Bustagoi Variation
  1. Phil224
  2. RushConnectedPawns
  3. Bosburp
  4. The_Inverse_Tangent

The Rousseau Gambit

984 • Phil224 •
  1. What Is The Rousseau Gambit?
  2. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, Main Line
  3. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, 6...Bb5?
  4. Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, 5.Qe2??
  1. Phil224
  2. Bosburp
  3. The_Inverse_Tangent

The TOP 10 Greatest Chess Moves of All Time

113 • AmProChessPlayer21 •
  1. Welcome!
  2. : Kholmov shocks Bronstein
  3. 9⃣: Sanz' Shocking Endgame Sacrifice
  4. 8⃣: Edward Lasker's Stunning Queen Sac
  1. chessalpha18
  2. RushConnectedPawns
  3. Viyaan_d
  4. AmProChessPlayer21

Endgame Mastery For Beginners!

314 • Wonder-Boy5 •
  1. Welcome!
  2. What are Endgames
  3. !! Opposition ( Example ) !!
  4. Forcing A Stalemate Using Opposition
  1. Wonder-Boy5
  2. Atharv911

The London System

73 • thecuber1435 •
  1. Intro
  2. London System
  3. London System: Jobava Variation
  4. London System: Fianchetto Variation
  1. thecuber1435

The Caro-Kann Defense

175 • thecuber1435 •
  1. Intro
  2. Caro-Kann Defense
  3. Caro-Kann Defense: Advance Variation
  4. Caro-Kann Defense: Exchange Variation
  1. thecuber1435

A Strange Puzzle

145 • chesstom2021 •
  1. The Puzzle (Interactive)
  2. The Puzzle
  3. Some Background
  4. Solution!
  1. chesstom2021

TOP SECRET Line Against The Caro-Kann

329 • Lucasz05 •
  1. ==Welcome!==
  2. Secret Line with 4... Nf6
  3. Mind Blowing Line with 4... dxe4
  4. Queen trapped out of nowhere!
  1. Lucasz05
  2. CheeseStudies

Chess Tactics 3

353 • PangBrownBear •
  1. Welcome!
  2. Tactic #15
  3. Tactic #16
  4. Tactic #17
  1. chessalpha18
  2. Fast_Sniper23
  3. apleton
  4. PangBrownBear


39 • chirimbolo_TB •
  1. Mate de Blackburne (1)
  2. Ej.1 Blackburne
  3. Ej.2 Blackburne
  4. Otro mate de Blackburne (2)
  1. chirimbolo_TB

(Sicilian Update!) TOP SECRET Lines Series

90 • CheeseStudies •
  1. ==Welcome!==
  2. Secret Line with 4... Nf6(Caro-Kann)
  3. Mind Blowing Line with 4... dxe4 (Caro-Kann)
  1. Lucasz05
  2. CheeseStudies

Antichess Gotm — January 2025 — PUZZLES

24 • WhyDoIPlayHere •
  1. Draw or win?
  2. Endgame stuff
  3. How does a knight move again?
  4. Rook promo
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere

Interactive Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev

49 • study_chess1 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Scheve - Teichmann
  3. Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
  4. Colle - Delvaux
  1. study_chess1

Mate in 2

182 • DylanRoersma •
  1. Puzzle 1
  2. Puzzle 2
  1. DylanRoersma


13 • chirimbolo_TB •
  1. 1 [Zugzwang]
  2. 2️ [Oposición]
  3. 3️ [O mate o dama!!]
  4. 4 [Sacrificio para coronar]
  1. chirimbolo_TB