
  1. aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #voice #sms #aws #messaging #amazon #pinpoint
  2. aws-sdk-voiceid

    AWS SDK for Amazon Voice ID

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #voice #id #operation #amazon #real-time #fraud
  3. twilio

    Rust bindings for the Twilio API

    v1.1.0 950 #webhook #sms #api-bindings #api-client #voice #request-response #rust
  4. aws-sdk-chimesdkvoice

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Voice

    v1.52.0 280 #phone-number #aws-sdk #voice
  5. voice-stream

    Voice stream is a real-time audio stream processing with voice activity detection. This library provides a high-level interface for capturing audio input, performing voice detection using both WebRTC VAD and Silero VAD…

    v0.3.0 370 #audio-stream #voice #detection #stream-processing #sample-rate #web-rtc #input
  6. opus

    Safe Rust bindings for libopus

    v0.3.0 36K #codec #voice #sound #encoding #api-bindings #audio
  7. ssip-client

    Client API for Speech Dispatcher

    v0.10.1 #client #speech #api-client #dispatcher #voice #notifications #ssip
  8. visqol

    v3.1 cli tool for speech quality evaluation in Rust

    v0.1.2 #audio #voice #speech-quality #command-line-tool #command-line-interface
  9. pyin

    pYIN pitch detection algorithm written in Rust

    v1.2.0 110 #audio #pitch #speech #voice
  10. voice_activity_detector

    Voice Activity Detector using the Silero VAD model

    v0.1.1 650 #speech-recognition #speech #voice #activity #detection #recognition #audio-stream
  11. visqol-rs

    The Visqol v3.1 algorithm for speech quality evaluation in Rust

    v0.1.2 120 #audio #voice #speech-quality
  12. moshi

    real-time voice AI

    v0.2.4 #machine-learning #real-time #audio #artificial-intelligence #voice #python-bindings #information
  13. kalosm-sound

    A set of pretrained audio models

    v0.3.5 150 #audio-stream #activity-stream #voice #ai #models #transcription #whisper
  14. silence

    creating voip services the easiest and the most reliable way

    v0.1.3 220 #voip #reliable #services #easiest #udp #voice #clients
  15. moshi-cli

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.2.4 160 #audio #real-time #machine-learning #ai #voice #moshi
  16. conformal_poly

    Helper utilities for polyphonic synthesizers in the conformal framework

    v0.3.2 130 #voice #conformal #poly #synthesizer #events #framework #expression
  17. moshi-backend

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.2.4 160 #audio #machine-learning #real-time #artificial-intelligence #voice #moshi
  18. bobbot

    A Discord bot for creating and destroying temporary voice channels

    v1.1.0 #discord-bot #discord #channel #slash-command #voice #temporary #server
  19. earshot

    Ridiculously fast voice activity detection in pure #[no_std] Rust

    v0.1.0 #detection #voice #activity #speech #web-rtc #fixed-point #pure
  20. btfm

    A Discord bot that plays audio clips based on voice chat

    v0.21.1 #discord-bot #postgresql #audio #clip #voice #channel #chat
  21. discord

    Client library for the Discord API

    v0.8.1 180 #discord-bot #discord-api #chat-bot #voice #bot #chat #client-server
  22. espeaker

    eSpeak NG playback library

    v0.1.6 #audio-playback #tts #audio #rodio #speech #espeak-ng #voice
  23. voicevox-rs

    voicevox client library for Rust

    v0.4.7 #synthesizer #voice #audio #voicevox #vocoder #api-bindings
  24. mimi-pyo3

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.2.4 180 #audio #machine-learning #real-time #artificial-intelligence #voice #moshi
  25. mumble-link

    Connector for Mumble Link positional audio

    v0.2.0 330 #mumble #link #positional #audio #voice
  26. voiceit2

    wrapper for VoiceIt's API 2.0 featuring Voice + Face Verification and Identification

    v0.5.0 #voice #speech-recognition #biometrics #face-recognition #voiceit #voice-recognition #api-key
  27. pink-trombone

    Vocal cords simulator

    v0.2.1 #voice #pink #simulator #trombone #vocal #cords #sample
  28. voicecode

    calculator for Produce Traceability Initiative

    v0.2.0 #produce #calculator #traceability #initiative #voice #lot #case
  29. resemble-rust

    Resemble is the easiest way to clone and synthesize natural voice

    v1.1.0 #voice #natural #clone #api #resemble #cloning #synthesis
  30. webrtc-vad

    Rust interface for the WebRTC Voice-Activity-Detction Module

    v0.4.0 4.7K #activity #voice #detection #ffi #alass
  31. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  32. transcript-bot

    Sits in Telegram groups, listens for audio and voice files, transcribes them using AssemblyAI and summarises them using OpenAI GPT3

    v0.1.0 #group #openai #telegram #gpt-3 #audio #voice #listens
  33. abstract-polytone-voice

    The Polytone Voice contract, recieving notes over IBC and vocalizing them on the host chain via account proxy contracts

    v5.0.0 1.8K #contract #proxy #account #voice #ibc #chain #notes
  34. skua-voice-model

    (de)serializing Discord Voice API gateway messages

    v0.2.0 #discord #discord-api #api #voice #deserialize #api-gateway #serialization
  35. magnum-opus

    Safe Rust bindings for libopus

    v0.3.2 #opus #codec #sound #voice #audio #api-bindings #encoding
  36. pocketsphinx

    Rust wrapper for libpocketsphinx

    v0.6.0 #recognition #voice #audio #speech-recognition
  37. espeakng

    A safe Rust wrapper around espeakNG via espeakNG-sys

    v0.2.0 #ng #speaker #espeak-ng-sys #voice #phoneme #text #default
  38. fakeyou

    FakeYou's AI TTS services

    v0.1.1 #ai #tts #voice #api #api-bindings
  39. houndify

    SDK in Rust

    v0.3.2 #sdk #query #client #request #voice #info #object
  40. africastalking_gateway

    communicating with the Africa's Talking REST API

    v0.1.0 #gateway #sms #payment #voice #api-bindings
  41. pocketsphinx-sys

    FFI bindings to libpocketsphinx

    v0.5.0 #recognition #voice #pocketsphinx #speech-recognition #audio
  42. relegram

    wrapper for telegram bot api

    v0.1.13 #telegram-bot #bot-api #client #voice #api-client #text #response
  43. vad

    Voice Activity Detector using WebRTC module

    v0.1.5 #activity #voice #web-rtc #detector #module
  44. brinicle_voices

    Voice allocation logic used in brinicle

    v1.0.0 #voice #audio #allocation #logic #brinicle
  45. ataraxia-voice

    The Voice Implementation for Ataraxia

    v0.1.0 #chat #api-wrapper #ataraxia #voice #revolt
  46. voice

    Attempting to use tts and stt in rust, exploration only. no code yet

    v0.1.4 #tts #exploration #attempting #stt
  47. polytone-voice

    The Polytone Voice contract, recieving notes over IBC and vocalizing them on the host chain via account proxy contracts

    v1.0.0 #contract #proxy #ibc #voice #account #polytone #chain
  48. speakln

    println, but the computer talks to you instead

    v0.0.1 #voice #beginner #tts #println #speak