
  1. rubato

    Asynchronous resampling library intended for audio data

    v0.16.1 119K #audio-processing #sample-rate #input-output #resampling #output-buffer #real-time #interpolation
  2. rav1e

    The fastest and safest AV1 encoder

    v0.7.1 370K #av1 #frame #encoder #video #fastest #reference #real-time
  3. openai-api-rs

    OpenAI API client library for Rust (unofficial)

    v5.2.7 16K #chat-completion #api-client #unofficial #env-vars #gpt-4 #api-key #real-time
  4. bevy_rapier2d

    2-dimensional physics engine in Rust, official Bevy plugin

    v0.29.0 9.3K #physics-engine #physics-2d #physics #bevy-plugin #real-time #rigid #dynamics
  5. rapier3d

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.0 15K #physics-engine #physics #real-time #dynamics #rigid #impulse-joints #2d-3d
  6. aws-sdk-transcribestreaming

    AWS SDK for Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service

    v1.62.0 9.5K #aws-sdk #audio-streaming #transcription #real-time #amazon #transcribe #service
  7. rtthost

    RTT (Real-Time Transfer) client

    v0.27.0 130 #debug-probes #debugging #embedded #real-time #rtt #probe #transfer
  8. wmidi

    Midi parsing library

    v4.0.10 1.0K #midi #real-time #music #audio #memory-safe #realtime #codec
  9. bevy_hanabi

    Hanabi GPU particle system for the Bevy game engine

    v0.14.0 1.7K #particle #particles #bevy #vfx #real-time #particle-system #game-engine
  10. fractional_index

    fractional indexing

    v2.0.2 4.9K #real-time #fractional #btree-map #indexing #ordered #figma #list
  11. aws-sdk-ivschat

    AWS SDK for Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat

    v1.61.0 800 #aws-sdk #chat #amazon #ivs #api #real-time #video
  12. jack

    Real time audio and midi with JACK

    v0.13.0 46K #audio #real-time #midi #music #realtime
  13. cu-multisources

    example for the Copper project to show more advanced topologies for the DAG

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #real-time #copper #middleware
  14. bevy_rapier3d

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust, official Bevy plugin

    v0.29.0 9.6K #physics-engine #bevy-plugin #physics #real-time #rigid #game-engine #dynamics
  15. cu-standalone-structlog

    Example of using structlog in a standalone application

    v0.6.0 100 #real-time #robotics #middleware #copper
  16. rapier2d

    2-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.0 13K #physics-engine #physics-2d #physics #impulse-joints #real-time #dynamics #rigid
  17. cu-monitoring

    example for the Copper project to show how to implemwnt a custom monitor

    v0.6.0 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time
  18. aws-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Analytics

    v1.64.0 650 #data-analytics #aws-sdk #data-streaming #amazon #service #flink #real-time
  19. aws-sdk-ivsrealtime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime

    v1.66.0 800 #video-streaming #aws-sdk #real-time #participant #stage #tags #amazon
  20. rapier3d-f64

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.0 122K #physics-engine #physics #real-time #rigid #impulse-joints #dynamics #physics-2d
  21. cu29-unifiedlog

    The super quick, linear, unified logging system (text + task data) used by Copper. This crate can be used independently from the Copper project.

    v0.6.0 260 #real-time #robotics #copper #middleware
  22. databento

    Official Databento client library

    v0.20.0 1.7K #market-data #real-time #historical #trading #data-streaming #api-bindings #tick-data
  23. aws-sdk-voiceid

    AWS SDK for Amazon Voice ID

    v1.60.0 490 #aws-sdk #voice #id #operation #amazon #real-time #fraud
  24. aws-sdk-personalizeevents

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize Events

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #user-events #user-data #real-time #amazon #data-model #personalize
  25. nexosim

    A high performance asychronous compute framework for system simulation

    v0.3.1 400 #simulation #discrete-event #real-time #systems #cyberphysical #system #aerospace
  26. audio_thread_priority

    Bump a thread to real-time priority, for audio work, on Linux, Windows and macOS

    v0.33.0 1.5K #real-time #thread #priority #bump #audio #applications #promote
  27. oddio

    Lightweight game audio library

    v0.7.4 300 #audio #real-time #signal #wait-free #effect #output #delay
  28. cu-config-variation

    Example of a Copper configuration with programmatic multiple variations

    v0.6.0 #copper #robotics #middleware #real-time
  29. ds323x

    Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the DS3231, DS3232 and DS3234 extremely accurate real-time clocks (RTC)

    v0.6.0 120 #real-time-clock #rtc #clock #driver #real-time #i2c-driver #embedded-hal-driver
  30. ncube

    Generalized Hypercube Visualizer

    v2.4.1 800 #math #hypercube #tesseract #graphics #bevy #mathematics #real-time
  31. monit-tool

    command-line utility written in Rust for working with GitHub Actions

    v0.3.3 #cpu-memory #github-actions #process #monitoring #real-time #monitor #command-line-tool
  32. rlsf

    Real-time dynamic memory allocator based on the TLSF algorithm

    v0.2.1 34K #memory-allocator #memory-pool #memory-management #real-time #bare-metal #constant-time #allocation
  33. hwatch

    A modern alternative to the watch command, records the differences in execution results and can check this differences at after

    v0.3.18 130 #command-output #command #watch #monitoring #ansi-colors #execute-command #real-time
  34. asynchronix

    [Asynchronix is now NeXosim] A high performance asychronous compute framework for system simulation

    v0.2.4 850 #discrete-event #simulation #real-time #asynchronous-programming #systems #cyberphysical #modeling
  35. cu29-traits

    Common systems and robotics traits designed to decouple the components of your robotic system. These can be used independently from the Copper project.

    v0.6.0 110 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #decoupling
  36. mcp794xx

    Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the MCP794xx real-time clock / calendar (RTC) family. Compatible with MCP7940N, MCP7940M, MCP79400, MCP79401, MCP79402, MCP79410, MCP79411 and MCP79412.

    v0.4.0 130 #real-time-clock #rtc #embedded-hal-driver #clock #driver #real-time
  37. cu-rp-balancebot

    full robot example for the Copper project. It runs on the Raspberry Pi with the balance bot hat to balance a rod.

    v0.6.0 120 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #raspberry-pi
  38. voxelize

    A fast multiplayer voxel engine

    v0.8.99 1.0K #voxel #voxel-game #mesh-generation #multiplayer #chunk #physics-engine #real-time
  39. cu29-intern-strs

    loader for the intern strings logged at build time by Copper. It can be used independently from the copper project.

    v0.6.0 230 #string-interning #robotics #middleware #real-time #copper #build-time
  40. offset-allocator

    A port of Sebastian Aaltonen’s OffsetAllocator to Rust

    v0.2.0 52K #memory-allocator #memory-management #real-time #gpu #allocation #hard #offset
  41. bevy_fmod

    Idiomatic FMOD in Bevy

    v0.7.0 #fmod #bevy-plugin #audio #cross-platform #real-time #game-engine #audio-playback
  42. cu29

    Copper Runtime prelude crate. Copper is a Rust engine for robotics.

    v0.6.0 260 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #thread-safety
  43. rapier_testbed3d

    Testbed for the Rapier 3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.1 220 #physics-engine #physics #rigid #dynamics #real-time #impulse-joints #2d-3d
  44. moshi

    real-time voice AI

    v0.5.2 460 #machine-learning #audio #real-time #artificial-intelligence #voice #framework #model
  45. sigrs

    Interactive grep (for streaming)

    v0.1.4 #data-streaming #data-stream #real-time #grep #interactive #command-line #mode
  46. supabase_rs

    Lightweight Rust client for Supabase REST and GraphQL

    v0.4.1 430 #database-client #supabase #graphql-client #real-time #rest-client #storage #api-client
  47. pv_recorder

    Rust recorder library for Picovoice

    v1.2.4 100 #audio-processing #audio #picovoice #recorder #speech #audio-devices #real-time
  48. cu-hesai

    Copper driver for Hesai X32. Note: the actual parsing is usable outside of Copper if you need a Hesai X32 driver for another project.

    v0.6.0 100 #copper #robotics #middleware #real-time
  49. rapier_testbed2d

    Testbed for the Rapier 2-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.1 290 #physics-engine #physics-2d #physics #2d-3d #real-time #dynamics #rigid
  50. rtsc

    Real-time Synchronization Components

    v0.3.15 270 #real-time #sync #plc #robots #realtime
  51. smn_archive

    An archive editor for a custom smnarchive format (.smn)

    v0.2.5 750 #archive #forms #game #real-time #reading #environments #streaming
  52. roboplc

    Framework for PLCs and real-time micro-services

    v0.5.2 750 #industrial-automation #real-time #plc #industrial #microservices #robots #data-synchronization
  53. mtop

    top for Memcached

    v0.14.0 140 #memcached #top #real-time #statistics #connection #server #display
  54. scx_flash

    A scheduler designed for multimedia and real-time audio processing workloads. https://github.com/sched-ext/scx/tree/main

    v1.0.7 120 #scheduler #audio-processing #workload #real-time #tasks #slice #performance
  55. livi

    hosting LV2 plugins

    v0.7.5 #lv2 #audio #real-time #plugin #music #plugins #realtime
  56. firebase-rs

    Rust based Firebase library

    v2.2.0 550 #firebase #web-api #rest #web #real-time #database #authentication
  57. reqtrace

    command-line tool for real-time network activity monitoring, connection tracing, and network access control of any process or command

    v0.2.2 #connection #access-control #command-line-tool #process #activity #monitoring #real-time
  58. loga

    Combined logging and error handling

    v0.5.4 700 #error-logging #error-context #log-error #log-messages #events #real-time #tree
  59. sleepview

    Sleep progress output in the terminal

    v2.0.3 #timer #countdown #terminal #console #command-line #real-time #format-json
  60. rtic-monotonics

    that provides implementations of the Monotonic trait from rtic-time

    v2.0.3 5.4K #real-time #rtic #monotonic #concurrency #interrupt-driven #cortex-m #traits
  61. hibiki

    real-time speech-to-speech translation model

    v0.1.2 360 #audio #machine-learning #translation #model #real-time #metal #gen
  62. fluvio-extension-common

    Fluvio extension common

    v0.15.0 180 #data-streaming #data-pipeline #stream-processing #fluvio #event-driven-architecture #extension #real-time
  63. gnss-rtk

    GNSS position solver

    v0.7.6 #gps #positioning #glonass #galileo #timing #real-time
  64. livekit-api

    Rust Server SDK for LiveKit

    v0.4.2 11K #real-time #live-kit #sdk #web-rtc #bindings #server
  65. cu-config-gen

    example for the Copper project to show how to programmatically generate a config

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper
  66. rtic-sync

    Synchronization primitives for asynchronous contexts

    v1.3.1-alpha.1 1.3K #synchronization-primitive #real-time #concurrency #rtic #critical-section #systems #async
  67. audio-processor-analysis

    Audio analysis processors

    v2.4.0 #fft #audio #analysis #detection #real-time #transient #peak
  68. fixed-resample

    An easy to use crate for resampling at a fixed ratio

    v0.6.1 1.2K #sample-rate #real-time #resample #input-stream #output-stream #audio #resampler
  69. cu-sensor-payloads

    Those are standardized payloads for the Copper sensors. Feel free to contribute your own.

    v0.6.0 #copper #robotics #middleware #real-time
  70. aper

    Synchronized state machines over WebSockets

    v0.5.0 #state-machine #data-synchronization #websockets #real-time #multiplayer #shared-state #synchronized
  71. sqlite-change-stream

    A small command-line tool developed that monitors changes in a SQLite database in real-time and outputs change events in JSON format to stdout

    v0.1.0 110 #sqlite #json-format #stdout #monitors #command-line-tool #change #real-time
  72. soundkit

    Audio format optimised for low-latency audio

    v0.12.1 2.0K #low-latency #real-time #packet-header #range #requests #http #audio
  73. etherage

    An EtherCAT master in pure-Rust very close to the ethercat nature

    v0.5.0 220 #ethercat #real-time #fieldbus #ethernet #network-communication #motion-control #network-protocol
  74. ris-live-rs

    RIS-Live real-time BGP data stream crate

    v0.3.0 250 #data-stream #bgp #real-time #data-source #message-parser #live #ris-live
  75. rapier2d-f64

    2-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.23.0 #physics-engine #physics-2d #physics #real-time #impulse-joints #dynamics #rigid
  76. livekit

    Rust Client SDK for LiveKit

    v0.7.6 1.3K #real-time #web-rtc #sdk #client #cross-platform #server #bindings
  77. motdyn

    🛠️ motdyn (Dynamic MOTD): Rust-powered and highly configurable for real-time login insights

    v1.0.2 #insight #login #dynamic #configurable #real-time #highly #gb
  78. y-sweet

    A standalone Yjs CRDT server with built-in persistence and auth

    v0.8.2 500 #server #real-time #crdt #wasm-module #document #persistence #yjs
  79. fda

    A CLI tool for interacting with Feldera

    v0.38.0 470 #data-pipeline #real-time #feldera #command-line-tool #incremental-computation #streaming #sql
  80. ztop

    Display ZFS datasets' I/O in real time

    v0.3.0 280 #zfs #dataset #real-time #display #io #freebsd #pool
  81. mdbook-repl

    based mdbook preprocessor that allows you to execute code in your mdbook without any server. Python, Typescript, Javascript etc.

    v0.2.6 #mdbook-preprocessor #mdbook #preprocessor #repl #plugin #programming-language #real-time
  82. vmcircbuffer

    Double Mapped Circular Buffer

    v0.0.10 1.1K #circular-buffer #real-time #dsp #sdr #async #data-structures
  83. synfx-dsp

    DSP real time audio synthesis, effect algorithms and utilities for Rust

    v0.5.6 #audio #real-time #dsp #synthesis #music #utilities
  84. livekit-protocol

    Livekit protocol and utilities for the Rust SDK

    v0.3.8 13K #real-time #web-rtc #livekit #sdk #protocols #utilities #server
  85. codemp

    -- code multiplexer

    v0.8.5 100 #text-editing #real-time #crdt #collaborative #remote #synchronization #cursor
  86. fluvio-protocol

    Fluvio streaming protocol

    v0.12.1 2.8K #event-driven-architecture #data-pipeline #fluvio #stream-processing #real-time #data-processing #data-stream
  87. lutz

    "An Algorithm for the Real Time Analysis of Digitised Images" by R. K. Lutz

    v1.4.1 #computer-vision #image #labeling #vision #real-time #dimension
  88. pusher

    interacting with the Pusher HTTP API

    v0.4.5 #real-time #websocket #http-api #query-api #realtime
  89. roboplc-io-ads

    RoboPLC I/O connector for TwinCAT/ADS

    v1.4.0 120 #industrial-automation #ads #real-time #plc #industrial #twincat #realtime
  90. cu-consolemon

    A monitoring TUI for Copper. See the main Copper repository for more information.

    v0.6.2 430 #robotics #real-time #copper #middleware #task
  91. mtop-client

    Memcached client for mtop

    v0.14.0 120 #memcached #real-time #mtop #server #top #client #statistics
  92. rtsan-standalone

    wrapper for RTSan standalone

    v0.1.1 240 #real-time #sanitizer #robotics #aerospace #audio #violation
  93. sparkl2d-kernels

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 #physics-engine #physics-simulation #physics #real-time #rigid #dynamics #joints
  94. aristech-stt-client

    client library for the Aristech Speech-to-Text API

    v3.0.0 450 #speech-recognition #speech-to-text #real-time #streaming #client-library #api-bindings
  95. draven

    creates obsidian graph files from a rust project structs in real time

    v2.5.1 #graph #obsidian #real-time #rust #cli
  96. watchman_client

    a client for the Watchman file watching service

    v0.9.0 46K #client #real-time #watching #query #watchman #service #path
  97. sparkl3d-kernels

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 #physics-engine #physics-simulation #physics #real-time #rigid #dynamics #joints
  98. rflow-chat

    Text protocol for embedded apps

    v0.0.7 280 #chat #real-time #interface #control #robots #command-line-interface
  99. trailbase-client

    Client for accessing TrailBase's record APIs

    v0.3.0 230 #applications #authentication #real-time #api #run-time #sqlite #client
  100. djotters

    Djot (Markdown) parser that runs at hyper speeds!

    v0.1.17 500 #markdown-parser #markdown-html #real-time #html-parser #djot #document #structures
  101. youtube_chat

    interface of fetching youtube live chat comments

    v0.2.2 #youtube #chat #comments #live #real-time #fetching #fetch
  102. iroh-base

    base type and utilities for Iroh

    v0.33.0 8.4K #iroh #content-addressable #real-time #tags #memes #tagsoftags
  103. r3

    R3-OS: Experimental static component-oriented RTOS for deeply embedded systems

    v0.2.4 #operating-system #rtos #kernel #real-time #static #compile-time #experimental
  104. cu-ads7883-new

    driver for the TI ADS7883 for Copper

    v0.6.0 130 #robotics #real-time #copper #middleware
  105. roboplc-io-iec60870-5

    RoboPLC I/O connector for TwinCAT/ADS

    v1.1.0 130 #real-time #industrial #plc #iec #60870-5 #realtime #telecom
  106. cu29-clock

    Copper Robot Clock implementation. It is a monotonic high precision clock for real time applications. It has a mock feature for testing time dependent behaviors. It is part of the Copper…

    v0.6.0 290 #robotics #real-time-clock #high-precision #real-time #copper #middleware
  107. tlsf

    Two-Level Segregated Fit (TLSF) allocator with optimized memory footprint

    v1.1.0 #memory-allocator #allocator #constant-time #real-time
  108. rvideo

    Real-time video server for embedded apps

    v0.5.2 310 #video-streaming #real-time #video #industrial #plc #embedded-devices #roboplc
  109. hexodsp

    Comprehensive DSP graph and synthesis library for developing a modular synthesizer in Rust, such as HexoSynth

    v0.2.2 #dsp #real-time #synthesis #synthesizer #audio
  110. cu29-log

    part of the text logging runtime for Copper. It cannot be used independently from the copper project.

    v0.6.0 310 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #log-structured
  111. dlog_rs

    Rust adapter for the dlog logging platform

    v1.1.8 #full-text-search #microservices #text-search #logging #real-time #adapter #dlog
  112. assert_no_alloc

    Custom Rust allocator allowing to temporarily disable memory (de)allocations for a thread. Aborts or prints a warning if allocating although forbidden.

    v1.1.2 6.1K #real-time #allocator #memory-management #thread-safe #audio #debugging #thread-local-storage
  113. synfx-dsp-jit

    DSP JIT (Just In Time compiled) engine for real time audio synthesis and effects for Rust

    v0.6.2 #jit-compiler #audio-processing #dsp #jit #signal-processing #real-time #audio
  114. webrtc-sys

    Unsafe bindings to libwebrtc

    v0.3.7 1.4K #web-rtc #real-time #bindings #cpp-bindings #libwebrtc #api-bindings #livekit
  115. audio-channel-buffer

    A collection of memory-efficient audio buffer types for realtime applications

    v0.2.3 130 #real-time #buffer #audio #dsp #no-alloc
  116. orderly-allocator

    A super-simple fast soft-realtime allocator for managing an external pool of memory

    v0.2.2 340 #memory-pool #memory-allocator #allocator #memory-management #b-tree #real-time #low
  117. rflow

    Text protocol for embedded apps

    v0.1.2 #real-time #chat #interface #control #robots #chat-client #realtime
  118. perspective

    A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets

    v3.3.4 490 #visualizations #analytics #real-time #dataset #streaming
  119. atomic-queue

    bounded lock-free queue for use in Audio applications, ported from https://github.com/max0x7ba/atomic_queue

    v2.2.0 #lock-free-queue #producer-consumer #audio #multi-consumer #multi-producer #real-time #bounded
  120. roboplc-cli

    RoboPLC command-line interface

    v0.5.1 360 #industrial #plc #real-time #command-line-interface #robots #realtime
  121. wirekvs

    v0.1.0 #kvs #database #connection #real-time #direct #client #operations
  122. aristech-tts-client

    client library for the Aristech Text-to-Speech API

    v1.0.6 140 #text-to-speech #real-time #streaming #client-library #api-client #api-bindings
  123. paint-party-server

    Realtime web server for paint party

    v0.1.0 #party #paint #server #real-time #web-server
  124. cortex-m-rtic

    Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC): a concurrency framework for building real-time systems

    v1.1.4 9.0K #real-time #interrupt-driven #cortex-m #concurrency #arm #micro-controller #systems
  125. brainrot

    A live chat interface for Twitch & YouTube

    v0.2.0 #chat #twitch #youtube #live #real-time #low-latency
  126. xilinx-dma

    Userspace Xilinx AXI DMA Interface

    v0.0.10 110 #dsp #real-time #async #sdr #acceleration #controller
  127. nexrad-data

    Models and functions for accessing NEXRAD data from public sources

    v0.2.0 260 #volume #data #archive #real-time #download #data-model #radar
  128. rvideo-view

    A lightweight video viewer for rvideo

    v0.5.2 1.0K #video #real-time #industrial #plc #roboplc #video-stream
  129. cu-rp-sn754410-new

    controlling the SN754410 motor driver on the Raspberry Pi for Copper

    v0.6.0 130 #robotics #raspberry-pi #real-time #copper #middleware
  130. rtic-time

    Basic definitions and utilities that can be used to keep track of time

    v2.0.0 4.6K #real-time #rtic #timer #definition #utilities #keep #track
  131. rp-supabase-realtime

    Supabase Realtime client with Auth and subscription capabilities

    v0.2.1 #real-time #supabase #authentication #table #subscription #connection #events
  132. libwebrtc

    Livekit safe bindings to libwebrtc

    v0.3.10 1.6K #web-rtc #real-time #safe-bindings #cross-platform #livekit #sdk
  133. replay-channel

    A broadcast channel where new receivers replay all past messages before receiving new ones

    v0.1.12 450 #broadcast-channel #real-time #message #receivers #replay #sent #async
  134. fluvio-spu-schema

    Fluvio API for SPU

    v0.17.0 1.8K #stream-processing #fluvio #data-pipeline #event-driven-architecture #cloud-native #real-time #streaming
  135. real_time_fir_iir_filters

    Real-time FIR and IIR filters designed for use with vst's

    v1.0.8 #real-time #filter #iir #fir #vst
  136. ifstat-rs

    report network interface statistics

    v3.0.0 190 #networking #monitoring #update #real-time #interface #statistics #linux
  137. swimos_form

    SwimOS Serialization and Deserialization

    v0.1.1 #swim-os #serialization #deserialize #distributed-systems #forms #real-time #traits
  138. fluvio-sc-schema

    Fluvio API for SC

    v0.25.0 1.4K #data-pipeline #fluvio #event-driven-architecture #stream-processing #data-streaming #real-time #distributed
  139. selfie

    Experimental, macro-free and allocation-free self-referential structs

    v0.0.3 190 #self-referential #allocation-free #structs #real-time #macro-free #audio #experimental
  140. qubit

    Seamless RPC for Rust & TypeScript

    v0.10.2 950 #api-client #typescript #rpc-client #generate-typescript #real-time #json-rpc #websockets
  141. cu-pid

    A PID controller for the Copper project

    v0.6.0 #robotics #middleware #real-time #copper
  142. neon-rtos

    A real-time operating system for ARM Cortex-M or RISC-V microcontrollers

    v0.1.4 230 #operating-system #real-time #risc-v #interrupt #cortex-m #kernel #arm
  143. aper-stateroom

    Synchronized state machines over WebSockets

    v0.5.0 #state-machine #data-synchronization #shared-state #websocket #real-time #multiplayer #aper
  144. real-time-sqlx

    Real-time SQLx backend for Tauri

    v0.1.1 #real-time #tauri #sqlite #async #database #back-end #sql-query
  145. ljpeg

    Fast, no dependency lossless JPEG decoder and encoder

    v0.1.2 150 #jpeg #lossless #codec #real-time #lj92
  146. real-time

    Safely share data with a real-time thread

    v0.6.0 330 #thread #thread-safe #single-consumer #fifo #sharing #lock-free #shared
  147. cu29-runtime

    Copper Runtime Runtime crate. Copper is an engine for robotics.

    v0.6.0 #copper #robotics #middleware #real-time #heap-allocation
  148. fluvio-socket

    Provide TCP socket wrapper for fluvio protocol

    v0.15.2 1.8K #tcp-socket #data-streaming #fluvio #event-driven-architecture #data-pipeline #real-time #distributed-systems
  149. aper-websocket-client

    Synchronized state machines over WebSockets

    v0.5.0 #state-machine #real-time #websocket #aper #shared-state #synchronization #multiplayer
  150. moshi-cli

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.5.2 270 #audio #real-time #model #audio-streaming #machine-learning #ai #neural
  151. ness_stretch

    Implements a phase randomized Real FFT time stretch algorithm, the NessStretch, which splits the original sound file into 1-10 discrete frequency bands, and uses a decreasing frame…

    v0.5.1 #audio #timestretch #real-time #rustfft
  152. nodo

    A realtime framework for robotics

    v0.14.0 190 #robotics #framework #real-time
  153. chem-eng-real-time-process-control-simulator

    Process Control Library (Chemical Engineering) with real time transfer function simulators

    v0.0.5 280 #real-time #process #control #engineering #chemical #transfer #simulator
  154. cu29-export

    support to build log exports for the copper project. It cannot be used independently from the copper project.

    v0.6.0 130 #robotics #middleware #real-time #copper
  155. ironlog

    A web logger for multi-node system logging

    v0.2.7 #logging #real-time #applications #web #language #system #multi-node
  156. deep_filter

    Noise supression using deep filtering

    v0.2.5 #deep-learning #audio-processing #speech #noise #filtering #enhancement #real-time
  157. boomerang_tinymap

    A tiny, fast, and simple Slotkey-type map implementation for Boomerang

    v0.3.0 #robotics #middleware #map #real-time #data-structures #deterministic #tiny
  158. rtic-monotonic

    Core abstractions of the Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency Monotonic timers

    v1.0.0 9.2K #real-time #interrupt-driven #timer #monotonic #rtic #abstraction #concurrency
  159. cu-aligner

    A Copper component to align messages in time

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time
  160. rawdio

    An Audio Engine, inspired by the Web Audio API

    v0.14.0 800 #audio #node #oscillator #engine #audio-playback #buffer #real-time
  161. rt

    A real-time operating system capable of full preemption

    v0.15.0 #operating-system #real-time #rtos #interrupt #atomic #preemption #interface
  162. perspective-viewer

    A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets

    v3.3.4 650 #visualization #analytics #dataset #experimental #component #real-time #streaming
  163. mimi-pyo3

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.5.2 150 #audio #machine-learning #real-time #ai #audio-streaming #voice #neural
  164. lightstreamer-client

    client for Lightstreamer, designed to facilitate real-time communication with Lightstreamer servers

    v0.1.11 130 #server-connection #subscription #websocket #lightstreamer #real-time #events #client-server
  165. rsbwapi

    BWAPI client to write AI players for Starcraft Broodwar

    v0.3.4 #starcraft #artificial-intelligence #game-ai #bot #broodwar #bwapi #real-time
  166. sparkl3d

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 500 #physics-engine #physics-simulation #physics #real-time #dynamics #rigid #joints
  167. socketcluster_server

    SocketCluster protocol V1 server library

    v0.2.1 130 #websocket-server #pub-sub #socketcluster #real-time #axum #middleware #communication
  168. pubnub

    SDK for Rust

    v0.6.0 #real-time #update #data #communication #sdk #key-set #subscribe
  169. cu-lewansoul

    driver for the Lewansoul serial servos

    v0.6.0 120 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #serial-communication
  170. cu-rp-encoder

    driver for the Raspberry Pi to decode a directional encoder from GPIOs

    v0.6.0 130 #robotics #middleware #raspberry-pi #copper #real-time #gpio-pin
  171. aper-yew

    Synchronized state machines over WebSockets

    v0.5.0 #state-machine #data-synchronization #real-time #websocket #serialization #shared-state #applications
  172. yomo

    development sdk

    v0.3.0 #edge-computing #low-latency #real-time #quic #applications #serverless #sdk
  173. arikedb

    Welcome to the ArikeDB Rust library! This library provides an interface to interact with the Arike Database, an advanced real-time database solution. This documentation will guide you…

    v0.0.4 #database-interface #real-time #connect-database #variables #solution #advanced #setting-up
  174. cu-vlp16

    driver for the Velodyne VLP-16 for the Copper engine

    v0.6.0 150 #robotics #real-time #copper #middleware
  175. sparkl2d

    3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 240 #physics-engine #physics-simulation #physics #real-time #dynamics #joints #rigid
  176. cu-caterpillar

    example for the Copper project to measure a base latency from the runtime. It can be used dry running on a host or on a Raspberry Pi flipping GPIO pins.

    v0.6.0 100 #real-time #robotics #gpio-pin #copper #middleware #raspberry-pi
  177. cu-rp-gpio

    driver example for the Raspberry Pi GPIOs for Copper

    v0.6.0 140 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time #raspberry-pi #gpio-pin
  178. wavy

    Asynchronous cross-platform real-time audio recording & playback

    v0.9.1 #audio-playback #cross-platform #real-time #record #play #audio #realtime
  179. nphysics_testbed2d

    Testbed for the 2-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.10.0 #rigid-body-simulation #physics-2d #physics #joints #rigid #dynamics #real-time
  180. rtic-syntax

    The Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC) meta language

    v1.0.3 9.0K #interrupt-driven #real-time #concurrency #rtic #parser #framework #macro
  181. nphysics_testbed3d

    Testbed for the 3-dimensional physics engine in Rust

    v0.10.0 #rigid-body-simulation #physics #joints #rigid #real-time #dynamics #2d-3d
  182. iroh-test

    Internal utilities to support testing of iroh

    v0.31.0 700 #testing #iroh #real-time #content-addressable #test-suite #running
  183. lilos-handoff

    Synchronous rendezvous structure for lilos

    v1.0.1 220 #async-task #real-time #embedded #async #realtime #data-structures #os
  184. priority-inheriting-lock

    A priority-inheriting lock based on Linux futexes

    v1.0.0 130 #real-time #priority #lock #linux #system #futexes #inheritance
  185. bmart

    Bohemia Automation common tools library

    v0.2.11 360 #worker #real-time #process #tool #realtime
  186. z4-engine

    a multiplayer real-time decentralized game framework

    v0.2.0 200 #multiplayer #real-time #decentralized #framework #engine #z4 #game
  187. tpw

    A macOS command-line tool for monitoring and displaying real-time power usage statistics

    v0.1.0 #macos #command-line-tool #power #real-time #statistics #displaying #monitoring
  188. swimos_recon

    SwimOS Recon

    v0.1.1 #swim-os #dapp #recon #distributed-systems #real-time #stream-processing #stateful
  189. trailbase-sqlite

    SQLite facilities used by TrailBase

    v0.1.1 140 #sqlite #applications #real-time #run-time #admin #blazingly #authentication
  190. moshi-backend

    moshi, a real-time voice AI

    v0.5.2 170 #audio #machine-learning #real-time #ai #voice #moshi
  191. cu-v4l

    source task that captures video from a V4L2 device

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper
  192. tracy-rs

    Rust bindings for the tracy realtime profiler

    v0.1.2 15K #real-time #profiler #profiling #integration #bindings #applications #tracy
  193. rt-thread


    v0.1.12 #real-time #thread #rt-thread
  194. websocket_toolkit

    A WebSocket toolkit for Rust, enabling efficient real-time communication with flexible reconnection and message handling capabilities

    v0.2.0 #websocket #real-time #web-socket #async #networking #rust #exponential-backoff
  195. cu-iceoryx2-sink

    Copper sink task for Iceoryx2

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time
  196. gtfs-realtime

    Updated GTFS Realtime bindings

    v0.1.4 1.1K #real-time #gtfs #data #bindings #updated #protobuf #prost
  197. tracing-lv

    Track your apps in real time

    v0.0.2 #real-time #track #apps
  198. systick-monotonic

    RTIC Monotonic implementation based on SysTick

    v1.0.1 1.5K #monotonic #rtic #real-time #sys-tick #framework
  199. vibradb

    fast, and secure database

    v0.0.2 #database #thread-safe #secure #real-time #encryption #vibra #aes-256
  200. swimos_rtree

    SwimOS R-Tree

    v0.1.1 100 #r-tree #swim-os #distributed-systems #framework #streaming #real-time #applications
  201. swimos_algebra

    SwimOS Algebraic Traits

    v0.1.1 #distributed-systems #dapp #actor-model #swim-os #real-time #algebraic #traits
  202. advancedresearch-asi_core0

    An agent architecture candidate core for Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

    v0.2.0 #artificial-intelligence #artificial #intelligence #super #research #advanced-research #real-time
  203. martos

    elegant real-time operating system designed for creating complex multi-agent systems. Developers have the flexibility to write software for Martos using either Rust (preferred) or C languages.

    v0.4.0 #operating-system #real-time #multi-agent #programming-language #task-manager #elegant #complex
  204. trailbase-extension

    SQLite extension used by TrailBase

    v0.1.1 130 #sqlite #applications #sqlite-extension #real-time #run-time #admin #blazingly
  205. syrillian

    Real-time 3D game engine built on top of wgpu, focusing on flexibility, modularity, and a straightforward, entity-component-driven workflow

    v0.1.2 120 #game-engine #wgpu #top #built #real-time #3d #workflow
  206. cu-gstreamer

    Copper GStreamer sink

    v0.6.0 120 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time
  207. tickrs-api

    API for tickrs

    v0.14.11 #real-time #data #api #stock #ticker #finance #tickrs
  208. chicago-gtfs-rt

    Conversion of all Chicago Transit Authority data into GTFS Realtime

    v0.2.2 600 #data-conversion #real-time #transit #gtfs #chicago #authority
  209. audio-processor-standalone-midi

    Stand-alone MIDI hosting for a VST host or an audio-processor-traits implementor

    v1.13.0 #midi #lock-free-queue #vst #audio #standalone #real-time #host
  210. livekit-runtime

    Async runtime compatibility layer for LiveKit

    v0.4.0 3.7K #live-kit #async #run-time #compatibility #layer #real-time #web-rtc
  211. murrelet

    live coding framework for visuals

    v0.1.2 180 #live-coding #creative-coding #real-time #art #framework #visual #expression
  212. binary_options_tools

    asyncronous crate to place trades and get real time data for the Pocket Option trading platform

    v0.1.4 #platform #trading #pocket #binary #real-time #trades #place
  213. direct-neural-biasing

    Python and C++ bindings for low-latency, closed-loop neuroscience research

    v0.12.3 #signal-processing #neuroscience #real-time #research #python-bindings #low-latency #lab
  214. weresocool_ring_buffer

    ring_buffer for WereSoCool

    v1.0.47 #ring-buffer #real-time #audio #interaction #cool #sound-synthesis #microtonal
  215. fragula

    View shaders in real-time

    v0.11.1 #shader #real-time #fragment #vertex-shader #obj #view #texture
  216. rtp-rs

    Parser and generator for RTP packet structure

    v0.6.0 1.1K #rtp #packet-parser #real-time #protocols #udp-packet #parser-generator #rfc3550
  217. swimos_downlink

    SwimOS Downlink Runtime

    v0.1.1 110 #dapp #swim-os #distributed-applications #framework #stateful #run-time #real-time
  218. neostream

    framework for real-time audio applications

    v0.0.2 #real-time #audio #dsp #neodsp
  219. cu-livox

    Copper driver for Livox Tele15. Note: the actual parsing is usable outside of Copper if you need a Livox Tele15 driver for another project.

    v0.6.0 100 #robotics #copper #middleware #real-time
  220. zotgtfs

    Conversion of Anteater Express data to GTFS Schedule and Realtime

    v0.3.7 450 #data-conversion #gtfs #express #real-time #schedule #anteater #anteater-express
  221. swimos_client

    SwimOS Client

    v0.1.1 #distributed-systems #dapp #real-time #swim-os #stateful #streaming #framework
  222. reforge

    A real-time vulkan compute shader utility capable of chaining shaders together in a render graph

    v0.1.0 #compute-shader #render-graph #real-time #together #chaining #capable #vulkan
  223. lm3s6965

    Interrupt bindings for the LM3S6965 microcontroller

    v0.2.0 #real-time #interrupt #micro-controller #cortex-m #arm #bindings #rtfm
  224. swimos_utilities

    SwimOS Time Utilities

    v0.1.1 #swim-os #distributed-systems #real-time #applications #utilities #stateful #streaming
  225. simple-left-right

    Lockfree, realtime safe and copy-free Synchronisation

    v0.2.0 #lock-free #real-time #read-write #concurrency #no-std
  226. catnip

    No-std, panic-never, heapless UDP/IP ethernet stack for data acquisition and real-time controls

    v0.3.1 #real-time #bare-metal #stack #udp #acquisition #heapless #ethernet
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. lumenpyx

    A 2D pixel art renderer with realistic lighting

    v0.2.2 #pixel-art #lighting #graphics #2d-graphics #renderer #gamedev #real-time
  229. swimos_fs

    SwimOS Filesystem Utilities

    v0.1.1 #swim-os #distributed-systems #data-integration #stream-processing #utilities #real-time #actor-model
  230. hardlight

    A secure, real-time, low-latency binary WebSocket RPC subprotocol. Likely the fastest web-compatible RPC framework ever built.

    v2.0.0 #real-time #websocket #low-latency #binary #secure #rpc-framework #events
  231. upstox-rust-sdk

    SDK to access Upstox's Uplink v2 APIs programmatically

    v0.2.1 #sdk #upstox #uplink #market-data #real-time #api-bindings #api-access
  232. swimos


    v0.1.1 #applications #agent #dapp #lanes #distributed-systems #real-time #state
  233. pflock

    A phase-fair reader-writer lock that reduces worst-case blocking for readers. Especially useful for multiprocessor real-time systems.

    v0.2.0 2.4K #real-time #lock #rwlock #thread
  234. dsp

    Digital Signal Processing

    v0.11.0 #signal-processing #digital-signal-processing #real-time #data #data-block #filter #frequency
  235. signalrs-client-custom-auth

    SignalR client for Rust

    v0.1.7 220 #bidirectional #real-time #signal-r #protocols #server #clients #streaming
  236. cu29-log-runtime

    part the runtime part of the text logger for Copper. It cannot be used independently from the Copper project.

    v0.6.0 #robotics #real-time #middleware #copper #debugging
  237. libfranka-rs

    control Franka Emika robots

    v0.9.0 #real-time #franka #libfranka #emika #panda #linux-kernel
  238. cu-udp-inject

    UDP packet injector that takes a PCAP file and sends it to a remote host

    v0.6.0 #robotics #middleware #real-time #copper #udp-packet #send
  239. drone-core

    The core crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.14.3 180 #rtos #firmware #bare-metal #real-time #operating-system #async
  240. ably

    Ably client library SDK

    v0.2.0 #real-time #pub-sub #realtime #data-synchronization #experience #events
  241. woodchipper

    An interactive command-line log processor

    v1.1.0 #log-processing #log-format #terminal-interface #log-viewer #command-line #real-time #interactive
  242. ubs

    a CLI for fetching real-time University at Buffalo class schedules

    v0.1.1 #university #class #real-time #schedules #buffalo #cli #information
  243. midi-player

    A MIDI file player library with integrated synthesizer

    v0.2.1 110 #midi-file #player #audio-player #synthesizer #position #real-time #integrated
  244. redpine

    Connection-oriented UDP data transfer for real-time applications

    v0.2.1 160 #real-time #udp #data-transfer #event-driven #connection-oriented #applications #messaging
  245. canadensis_udp

    A Cyphal implementation: Cyphal/UDP transport

    v0.4.1 #cyphal #uavcan #transport #canadensis #networking #real-time #transfer
  246. markdown-to-html

    Markdown parser that runs at hyper speeds!

    v0.1.3 #markdown-html #markdown-parser #real-time #document #hyper #speeds #render
  247. tracing-lv-proto

    Track your apps in real time

    v0.0.1-beta.3 190 #time #track #real #apps #real-time
  248. xdevs-no-std

    no-std implementation of xDEVS for real-time simulation on embedded systems

    v0.2.1 110 #real-time #simulation #embedded #system #no-std