
  1. sysinfo

    get system information such as processes, CPUs, disks, components and networks

    v0.33.1 2.3M #system-information #disk #cpu #process #network #raspberry-pi #macos-ios
  2. num_cpus

    Get the number of CPUs on a machine

    v1.16.0 7.5M #cpu #cores #system-information #core #cpus #cache
  3. sysctl

    Simplified interface to libc::sysctl

    v0.6.0 213K #system-interface #freebsd #sysfs #linux-kernel #system-information #linux-macos #macos-ios
  4. platform-info

    cross-platform interface to get info about a system

    v2.0.5 149K #system-information #system-info #system #info #platform #system-api #system-interface
  5. systemstat

    Get system information/statistics in a cross-platform way

    v0.2.4 85K #system-information #info #networking #system #filesystem
  6. bugreport

    Collect system and environment information for bug reports

    v0.5.1 33K #env-vars #system-information #cross-platform #diagnostics #git-version #generate
  7. i3status-rs

    A feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in Rust

    v0.33.2 1.5K #system-information #replace #i3status #display #blocks #feature-rich #status
  8. sys-info

    Get system information in Rust. For now it supports Linux, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows

    v0.9.1 330K #information #cpu-memory #cpu #disk #system-information #memory #macos
  9. oxyromon

    ROM OrgaNizer

    v0.20.2 150 #rom #tool #system-information #game-console #sha-1 #parser #cli
  10. waybar-module-pacman-updates

    waybar module for Arch to show system updates available

    v0.2.7 490 #arch-linux #linux #waybar #wayland #system-information
  11. rocketfetch

    A WIP command line system information tool written asynchronously in rust for performance with toml file configuration

    v0.7.5 360 #system-information #toml-config #command-line #system #multi-threading #command-line-tool #config-file
  12. tauri-plugin-os

    Read information about the operating system

    v2.2.0 24K #tauri-plugin #operating-system #information #system-information #read #platform #plugin-os
  13. dwm-status

    Displays system information for dwm status bar

    v1.9.0 #dwm #status-bar #system-information #battery #dbus #config #nix
  14. system_env

    Information about the system environment: operating system, architecture, package manager, etc

    v0.8.0 3.2K #operating-system #system-information #environment #package-manager #architecture #nodejs #bun
  15. chadfetch

    Console utilite for watch info about your system

    v0.2.6 550 #console #system-information #view #libc #data #watch #linux
  16. windows-version

    Windows version information

    v0.1.3 193K #os-version #windows #information #system-information #windows-system #manifest #applications
  17. zeitfetch

    Instantaneous snapshots of cross-platform system information

    v0.1.14 #system-information #info #fetch #utilities #command-line-tool #command-line-utilities #system
  18. etc-os-release

    Parse /etc/os-release file

    v0.1.1 5.0K #operating-system #system-information #distribution #variables #data #data-structures #systemd
  19. hw


    v0.1.23 #hardware #monitor #sensors #system-monitor #system #system-information
  20. batcave

    Terminal, a mysterious and powerful command-line interface inspired by the Dark Knight's lair

    v0.7.4 550 #ascii-art #shell #command-line-interface #cmd #linux #system-information #filesystem
  21. GemFetch

    neofetch-style inspired in a Gem

    v0.1.6 170 #gemfetch #system #cli #gem #fetch #art #system-information #neofetch-style
  22. quiet-stroll

    A web server to deliver basic File System informations

    v1.1.3 700 #filesystem #web-server #system-information #file #glob #directory #walk
  23. bgpkit-commons

    common BGP-related data and functions

    v0.7.3 #bgp #ip #bgpkit #rpki #system-information #mrt #lookup
  24. dmidecode

    Decode SMBIOS/DMI information into accessible data structures

    v0.8.5 1.9K #system-information #data-structures #memory #devices #physical-memory #hardware #event-log
  25. pssh-box

    Parsing and serialization support for PSSH boxes used in DRM systems

    v0.1.10 460 #drm #pssh #streaming #dash #streaming-media #content-protection #system-information
  26. linux-info

    Get every info about your linux system

    v0.1.16 1.0K #linux #system-information #hardware #cpu-info #hardware-devices #memory #bios
  27. nazara

    A CLI application to create and update machines and VMs in NetBox

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #system-information #net-box #vm #machine #applications #automation #cli-applications
  28. sysutil

    Linux system utils library

    v0.7.1 1.8K #linux #system-information #gpu
  29. winprocinfo

    Obtain information about processes and threads in a Windows system using the Windows API

    v0.1.1 #process-information #thread #pid #obtain #system-information #api #info
  30. mprober

    program aims to collect Linux system information including hostname, kernel version, uptime, RTC time, load average, CPU, memory, network interfaces, block devices and processes. It…

    v0.11.0-beta.17 #cpu-memory #web-apps #system-information #http-api #linux #http-service #monitor
  31. sysinfo_rs

    retrieving system information

    v0.1.9 120 #system-information #machine #retrieving #hardware
  32. uu_uname

    uname ~ (uutils) display system information

    v0.0.29 9.7K #system-information #cross-platform #coreutils #uutils #command-line-tool #utility #cli
  33. siquery

    osquery implementation to query system information

    v1.2.5 #system-information #operating-system #information #osquery #query #system #windows-system
  34. sysinfo-report

    gathers some basic system info and generates a serializable report

    v1.1.2 93K #system-information #report #serializable #generates #basic #gather
  35. systeminfo

    Gets the system hardware and os information

    v0.1.5 #operating-system #system-information #hardware #information #system #os
  36. procsys

    retrieve system, kernel, and process metrics from the pseudo-filesystems /proc and /sys

    v0.6.0 480 #information #metrics #process #class #kernel #proc #system-information
  37. afetch

    A CLI system information tool written in Rust

    v0.0.7 440 #system-information #fetch #tool #color #command-line-tool #rust #text-color
  38. rin-sys

    A small library to fetch system information in linux

    v0.1.4 190 #linux #cpu-info #system-information #ram #fetch #rin #struct
  39. fs_rs

    file system information tool written in Rust

    v0.1.0 130 #filesystem #system-information #system #information #file #tool #cli
  40. system-info-lite

    getting system information, including CPU, GPU, RAM, and OS information

    v0.1.1 280 #cpu-gpu #cpu #gpu #ram #system-information #hardware #os
  41. uu_df

    df ~ (uutils) display file system information

    v0.0.29 550 #system-information #coreutils #cross-platform #uutils #command-line-tool #utility #cli
  42. jfetch

    command-line system information tool written tool like neofetch but in rust 🦀

    v0.0.7 #system-information #fetch #cargo #command-line-tool #cross-paltform #screenfetch #rust
  43. fetch-catnip

    fetch displaying system information and a cute cat

    v0.2.3 #system-information #cat #cute #info #fetch #command-line #displaying
  44. mprober-lib

    aims to quickly collect Linux system information including hostname, kernel version, uptime, RTC time, load average, CPU, memory, network interfaces, block devices and processes

    v0.1.15 130 #linux #cpu-memory #system-information #probe #block-devices #proc #networking
  45. get_sys_info

    Get system information

    v0.1.21 220 #info #system-information #operating-system #networking #diskinfo #informantion #os
  46. log-mdc

    A mapped diagnostic context (MDC) for use with the log crate

    v0.1.0 227K #log-messages #logging #diagnostics #thread-local #context #system-information #mdc
  47. hyfetch

    (WIP Placeholder) Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!

    v0.1.0 #neofetch #flags #system-information #linux #display #install #pride
  48. limits-rs

    determining the limits that an operating system enforces on a given particular process

    v0.2.0 1.9K #limit #operating-system #kernel #file #filesystem #system-information #os
  49. rustyfetch

    Fetch your system information via Rust!

    v0.2.0 #system-information #fetch #blazingly
  50. attodmi

    Extremely simple code for partially decoding certain kinds of DMI entries from /sys/firmware/dmi/entries

    v0.3.0 #entries #decoding #extremely #dmi #short #information #system-information
  51. uu_uptime

    uptime ~ (uutils) display dynamic system information

    v0.0.29 130 #system-information #coreutils #cross-platform #uutils #utility #command-line-tool
  52. sysit

    System Sit! Check on the system with a quick glance

    v0.10.0 #system-information #system-resources #tmux #overview #quick #check #characters
  53. sys-info-extended

    fork of https://crates.io/crates/sys-info crate and extended version of it

    v1.1.0 #information #cpu-memory #system-information #disk #cpu #memory #graphic
  54. dmidecode-rs

    dmidecode is a tool to report SMBIOS table content in human readable format

    v0.2.2 #bios #dmidecode #smbios #human-readable #dmi #dmtf #system-information
  55. crisp-status-reporter

    Crisp Status Reporter for Rust

    v1.4.0 #monitoring #microservices #crisp #integration #system-information #probe
  56. get_local_info

    Getlocalinfo is a Rust crate that obtains local information

    v0.2.4 150 #linux #info #local #system-information #linux-networking #operating-system #secure
  57. nvme-amz

    probe NVMe devices in Amazon EC2

    v0.3.0 250 #system #ec2 #nvme #linux #syscalls #aws #system-information
  58. mac-sys-info

    CLI + Library to get detailed information about your Mac system. Including CPU, Cache (L1-L3), Memory, and more.

    v0.1.13 #sysctl #mac #cpu-info #system-information #cpu #info #system
  59. neweden

    system inforamtion, wayfinding and range queries in Eve Online

    v0.3.3 #system-information #eve #online #wayfinding #game #range #mmorpg
  60. procinfo

    accessing Linux process and system information

    v0.4.2 28K #linux-process #process-information #process #linux #system-information #proc #system
  61. sysinfojson

    Command-line tool that displays system information collected using sysinfo crate in JSON format

    v0.1.0 #system-information #process-information #json-format #display #command-line-tool #collected
  62. lightfetch

    A command-line system information tool for Windows users

    v1.0.8 #system-information #windows-system #information #command-line #windows #system
  63. rufet

    A command-line system information fetcher

    v0.1.1 #system-information #command-line #fetch #command-line-tool #module #color #variables
  64. punfetch

    A blazingly fast system fetch program to pair with onefetch

    v0.3.6 #ascii-art #system-information #terminal #onefetch #command-line-tool #system #fetch
  65. vigil-reporter

    Vigil Reporter for Rust. Used in pair with Vigil, the Microservices Status Page.

    v1.3.0 #microservices #monitoring #system-information #integration #vigil #health-check
  66. gitfetch

    A command-line tool to fetch and display Git contribution information

    v0.1.1 #contributions #github #tui #git #system-information #command-line-tool
  67. cluuname

    displaying information about the system

    v0.1.9 #system-information #clucompany #hostname #uname
  68. pfetch-logo-parser

    A parser for pfetch logos

    v0.1.1 550 #system-information #logo #parser #pfetch #cross-platform #tool #rewrite
  69. dshw

    A dead simple CLI program to query information about system and hardware

    v0.2.0 #system-information #cpu-memory #hardware #query #disk #command #dead
  70. fancy-sys-info-test

    a testing crate for fancy_sys_info

    v0.1.2 #testing-utilities #system-information #cpu #info #memory #stats #fancy
  71. nixinfo

    A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc in Rust

    v0.3.3 410 #cpu #gathering #temperature #distro #info #system-information #lib
  72. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  73. usereport-rs

    Collect system information for the first 60 seconds of a performance analysis

    v0.1.4 #performance-analysis #performance #analysis #system-information #sre #command-line #command-line-tool
  74. heim

    Cross-platform framework for system information

    v0.1.0-rc.1 470 #system-information #information #process-information #psutil #cpu-memory #api-bindings
  75. oxidefetch

    A fast, cross platform Fetch program for your terminal

    v1.4.7 #cross-platform #system-information #terminal #neofetch #operating-system #display #fetch
  76. infomgr

    Show system information

    v0.2.2 #system-information #show #name #git #gitlab
  77. draconis

    Small terminal welcome program written in rust

    v2.4.8 #terminal #welcome #system-information #greeter #config #🪐
  78. rummage

    opinionated environment collector

    v0.2.0 130 #environment #system-information #envvar #system #compile-time #collector #debugging
  79. rsflex

    A super fast system information displayer written in Rust

    v0.3.0 #flex #terminal #command-line #system-information #fetch #rust
  80. zinfo

    A cross-platform system information program

    v0.3.1 #system-information #cross-platform #android #freebsd #fetch #distro #cargo
  81. mymy

    Access the most common information about your system using a single command

    v0.3.0 #ip-address #system-information #networking #command-line-tool #time #command-line-utilities #cli
  82. siquery_cli

    siquery, a Rust osquery implementation to query system information

    v1.2.5 #system-information #system #information #operating-system #query #osquery #low-level
  83. mcfetch

    Lightweight fetching program with color options

    v0.1.0 #fetch #system #linux #unix #ricing #system-information
  84. os_info_cli

    Detect the operating system type and version

    v2.0.0 #operating-system #os-version #os #os-info #command-line-tool #os-type #system-information
  85. rsys

    system and hardware information parsing

    v0.5.5 #information #linux #system-information #system #operating-system #os #macos
  86. sysinfo-http

    HTTP server to get system information

    v0.0.3 #http-server #monitoring #cross-platform #dashboard #system-information #top
  87. dumpsys-rs

    dumpsys-rs is a Rust library for retrieving and dumping service information in an Android system. It provides a convenient way to fetch detailed status information from different system services…

    v0.1.1 #android #services #system #system-information #shell #dumpsys #dump
  88. ponyfetch

    A cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) tool written in Rust to display system information in an aesthetically pleasing and entertaining manner

    v0.2.1 #system-information #command-line-interface #cross-platform #cli #display #command-line-tool #manner
  89. acumen

    Collect info about your system

    v0.0.2 #system-information #info #collect
  90. system-info

    get system information

    v0.1.2 #ip #networking #system-information #getifaddrs #system #api-bindings #os
  91. rustop-rs

    Linux system information parser

    v0.4.6 #linux #info #system-information #system #cli #networking
  92. tabin-plugins

    Libs for building nagios-compatible check scripts, some scripts, and some libs to read from /proc and /sys on Linux

    v0.3.1 #linux #nagios #pseudo-fs #system-information
  93. system_data

    A package for collect information about system's OS, CPU and Disk_Drive

    v0.1.1 #system-information #cpu-info #system #cpu #disk #info #os
  94. heim-cpu

    Cross-platform CPU information

    v0.1.0-rc.1 420 #cpu #heim #frequency #api-bindings #system-information #time #system
  95. feo

    system monitoring CLI tool for Linux, with GPU temperature monitor for Raspberry Pi

    v0.1.5 #monitoring #linux #htop #raspberry-pi #command-line-tool #system-information #cli
  96. geofetch

    A system information utility for an extremely small subset of people

    v1.0.3 #system-information #utility #people #subset #extremely #screen #boot
  97. cutefetch

    A cute and simple system information tool like neofetch

    v0.2.0 #neofetch #system #system-information #terminal #fetch #cli
  98. damo_fetch

    A system information printer

    v0.1.0 #cli #system-information #printing #details
  99. syscat

    [WIP] Cross-platform system information tool

    v0.1.0 #cross-platform #network #networking #cli #system-information #os #api-bindings
  100. heim-disk

    Cross-platform disk information

    v0.1.0-rc.1 1.5K #heim #disk #partition #filesystem #api-bindings #system #system-information
  101. systemd_info

    Obtain some system information through WMIC

    v1.0.0 #cpu #gpu #disk #ram #serial-numbers #system-information
  102. heim-process

    Cross-platform processes information

    v0.1.1-rc.1 500 #process #heim #pid #api-bindings #system #system-information
  103. ferris-fetch

    A system information tool for Rustaceans

    v1.2.4 #system #system-information #tool #fetch #rustaceans #cli #🎨🦀
  104. heim-memory

    Cross-platform memory information

    v0.1.0-rc.1 130 #memory #swap #heim #system-information #api-bindings #system
  105. heim-virt

    Cross-platform virtualization system detection

    v0.1.0-rc.1 270 #information #system-information #heim #api-bindings #system