
  1. log

    A lightweight logging facade for Rust

    v0.4.22 12.6M #logging #facade #structured #info #trace #warn #consumer
  2. spki

    X.509 Subject Public Key Info (RFC5280) describing public keys as well as their associated AlgorithmIdentifiers (i.e. OIDs)

    v0.8.0-rc.1 4.8M #public-key #x509 #info #subject #cryptography #oid #algorithm-identifiers
  3. scale-info

    Info about SCALE encodable Rust types

    v2.11.6 553K #scale #types #info #encodable #information #encoding #variant
  4. platform-info

    cross-platform interface to get info about a system

    v2.0.4 104K #system-information #system-info #system #info #platform #system-api #system-interface
  5. if-addrs

    Return interface IP addresses on Posix and windows systems

    v0.13.3 384K #ip-address #system-interface #networking #posix #info #network-interface #retrieve
  6. ci_info

    current CI environment information

    v0.14.14 75K #continuous-integration #build-environment #ci #build-automation #build #information #info
  7. systemstat

    Get system information/statistics in a cross-platform way

    v0.2.3 78K #system-information #info #networking #system #filesystem
  8. embed_plist

    Embed property list files like Info.plist directly in your executable binary

    v1.2.2 186K #plist #info #apple #launchd #properties #user-agent #include
  9. swaybar_info

    swaybar with info to be displayed

    v0.1.16 1.2K #wayland-compositor #sway #tiling #swaybar #info #changelog-md #displayed
  10. build-info

    Collects build-information of your Rust crate

    v0.0.39 9.3K #build #cargo-build #version-string #info #information #version-info #compile-time
  11. mpd_info_screen

    Displays info on currently playing music from an MPD daemon

    v0.4.17 1.4K #mpd #music #display #info #daemon #playing #song
  12. build-data

    Include build data in your program: date, rustc version, git commit & branch, etc

    v0.2.1 21K #env-var #build #commit #data #branch #info #version-info
  13. webpage

    Small library to fetch info about a web page: title, description, language, HTTP info, links, RSS feeds, Opengraph, Schema.org, and more

    v2.0.1 6.6K #rss #web #html #html-parser #open-graph #info #http
  14. display-info

    Cross-platform get display info

    v0.5.2 4.5K #display #info #screen #cross-platform #electron #object #instant
  15. pacpreview

    Unified info output for pacman packages

    v0.4.1 #arch-linux #pacman #installed #info #package #unified #fzf
  16. sentry-contexts

    Sentry integration for os, device, and rust contexts

    v0.35.0 986K #sentry #context #devices #integration #events #os #info
  17. zeitfetch

    Instantaneous snapshots of cross-platform system information

    v0.1.14 210 #system-information #info #fetch #utilities #command-line-tool #command-line-utilities #system
  18. sn_build_info

    Safe Network Build Info

    v0.1.19 1.2K #git-commit #build #info #information #branch #binaries #decentralized
  19. cargo-info

    Extends cargo to query crates.io registry for crates details

    v0.7.7 310 #info #cargo #cargo-subcommand #subcommand
  20. build-info-build

    data consumed by the build-info crate. Use as a build-dependency.

    v0.0.39 8.7K #build #cargo-build #compile-time #build-time #info #rustc-version #run-time
  21. rust_util

    Hatter's Rust Util

    v0.6.47 #utilities #logging #git #debugging-logging #cargo #info #warn
  22. ru_fetch

    Fetch written in Rust

    v0.2.5 410 #linux #fetch #info #system-info #cpu-memory #system #windows-system
  23. caryatid_process

    building a Caryatid process

    v0.1.0 #process #module #message-bus #caryatid #info #correlation-bus #structure
  24. pyo3-pylogger

    Enables log for pyo3 based Rust applications using the logging modules

    v0.3.0 2.6K #python #pyo3 #logging #log-messages #applications #module #info
  25. dukit

    git cli tool for the feathered

    v0.4.1 190 #git #git-branch #git-status #add #key #info #interactive
  26. scorched

    logging library for scorching all those pesky bugs

    v0.5.3 1.4K #error-logging #log-messages #debugging-logging #bug #message #info #debug-info
  27. cargo-information

    A cargo subcommand to show information about crates

    v0.7.0 #cargo #information #cargo-subcommand #cargo-toml #info #version #show
  28. block-utils

    work with block devices. Formatting, getting device info, identifying type of device, etc.

    v0.11.1 4.9K #block-devices #ssd #formatting #info #identifying
  29. kokiri

    Test revisions of crates against other revisions of crates

    v0.1.2 130 #revisions #github #instructions #cmd #cli #dependents #info
  30. us-state-info

    A Fork of a Rust implementation of the state names & abbreviations for the USA

    v0.2.4 1.8K #serialization #state #abbreviation #names #information #deserialize #info
  31. rustem

    A lightweight Rust library for system monitoring, providing CPU, memory, disk, and network statistics

    v0.1.0 110 #statistics #monitoring #cpu-memory #info #system-info #networking #system
  32. rikka-mq

    message queue library for Rust

    v0.1.1 #mq #queue #message-queue #rikka #info #tracing #redis
  33. system-memory

    A small crate to get info/stats on the host's memory

    v0.1.7 160 #memory #host #info #issue #github #tracker #system
  34. strecken-info

    Rust SDK to make requests to

    v2.0.0 120 #info #sdk #deutschebahn #requests #strecken
  35. vanessa

    Dependency-free, synchronous, threading and utility library for Rust

    v0.1.2 150 #log-level #logging #threading #synchronous #utility #debugging-logging #info
  36. build-info-common

    Part of the build-info and build-info-build crates: This crate provides the types that are serialized by build-info-build and used by build-info

    v0.0.39 9.3K #build #cargo-build #info #serialization #version-info #build-info #deserialize
  37. text-parsing

    Hierarchical text processing preserving char position info

    v0.6.5 150 #text-processing #position #hierarchical #preserving #info
  38. re_build_tools

    build.rs helpers for generating build info

    v0.21.0-alpha.1 27K #build-script #env-vars #variables #environment #rerun #info #helper
  39. tracing-print

    println format for tracing-subscriber

    v0.0.3 490 #tracing-subscriber #format #info #print #message #warn #trace
  40. lockdiff

    Display more readable diffs for lock files

    v1.1.7 #cargo-lock #git-diff #package #readable #poetry #display #info
  41. ipfetch

    CLI Tool for Easy IP Information Fetching

    v1.0.1 #ip #ipv6 #ipv4 #information #command-line #fetching #info
  42. get_sys_info

    Get system information

    v0.1.21 #info #system-information #operating-system #networking #diskinfo #informantion #os
  43. fetch-catnip

    fetch displaying system information and a cute cat

    v0.2.3 #system-information #cat #cute #info #fetch #command-line #displaying
  44. seeip

    Rust Wrapper for the IP Info https://seeip.org/ API

    v3.0.1 180 #ip-address #api #info #org #information #gis #geographical
  45. linux_terminal_notify

    sending terminal notifications on Linux systems

    v0.1.1 140 #linux-terminal #notifications #notify #warnings #systems #sending #info
  46. panic-message

    Get a panic message from a panic payload

    v0.3.0 65K #payload #messages #str #info #catch-unwind #panic-info
  47. logo

    init log env quickly

    v1.1.3 330 #logging #env #init #quick #stdout #quickly #info
  48. ci_env

    Detect CI information from the environment

    v0.3.0 470 #continuous-integration #ci #provider #info #env #pull-request
  49. wei-log

    wei log

    v0.2.12 #logging #wei #error #info
  50. simplog

    An extremely small and simple logger to stdout/stderr, with controllable levels of verbosity

    v1.6.0 #logging #log-level #verbosity #controllable #extremely #info
  51. phantasma

    Reimplementation of Valve's masterserver

    v0.1.0 #udp-server #server #info #masterserver #source-engine
  52. agvtf

    fetch info from Telecom Italia AGVTF (and possibly others)

    v1.1.6 #telecom #api-bindings #fetch #info #tim
  53. hand

    Easy to use, pretty cmd log for lazy devs

    v0.1.2 #logging #error-message #lazy-evaluation #terminal #line #info #formatting
  54. person_info


    v0.2.0 400 #info #person-info #person #一个库用于记录个人信息
  55. cute-log

    cute logger for log crate

    v2.2.0 #log #logging #log-level #cute #control #info #platform
  56. logflume

    A low latency logging library 🪵

    v0.0.6 330 #low-latency #logging #level #info #cpu #debug-info #debugging
  57. dinf

    command line to get directory information

    v0.1.2 #command-line #directory #top #information #info #list #biggest
  58. loggy-neko

    thread-safe logging tool with dynamic log level configuration

    v0.1.2 #log-level #logging #thread-safe #error-logging #debugging-logging #info #dynamic
  59. lunar-logger

    logger with write to file functionality

    v0.2.1 #logging #write-file #console #wasm #lunar #env-logger #info
  60. media_info

    extract media information from a media source

    v0.5.0 450 #media #metadata #information #info
  61. ethernet-info

    uses SIOCETHTOOL ioctl command to get ethernet information

    v0.0.4 100 #ethernet #ioctl #linux #ethtool #command #info #siocethtool
  62. ezlog

    core function and code

    v0.2.1-alpha.1 #log-file #log-level #logging #trace-logging #log-error #info #android
  63. loggers


    v0.1.1 120 #log-level #logger #info #debugging #hello-world #set #trace
  64. npm_pkg

    Get npm package info

    v0.1.0 150 #npm-package #package-json #info #pkg #information #directory #vec
  65. gitfrog

    Get current info about PRs and issues

    v0.1.3 270 #issue #github #gitlab #gitea #info #pr #url
  66. dlsite


    v0.1.8 #web-scraping #product #api-client #circle #information #review #info
  67. get_local_info

    Getlocalinfo is a Rust crate that obtains local information

    v0.2.4 #linux #info #local #system-information #linux-networking #operating-system #secure
  68. disk_list

    Get disk list information and collect into Vec

    v0.2.10 #disk #list #info #diskinfo #informantion
  69. dwl-status

    Show dwl current status

    v0.1.1 #status #spotify #dwl #info
  70. fileinfo

    parse file info from ls/ftp command

    v0.1.2 #file #info #parser #command #ls-ftp
  71. libccanvas

    creating ccanvas components

    v0.2.0 #component #ccanvas #events #client #repository #tokio #info
  72. mac-sys-info

    CLI + Library to get detailed information about your Mac system. Including CPU, Cache (L1-L3), Memory, and more.

    v0.1.13 #sysctl #mac #cpu-info #system-information #cpu #info #command-line-tool
  73. view-hardware

    Hardware viewing tools for major platforms

    v0.1.2 #hardware #info #view #config
  74. fancy-sys-info-test

    a testing crate for fancy_sys_info

    v0.1.2 #testing-utilities #system-information #cpu #info #memory #stats #fancy
  75. rsinfo

    Add vergen to your [build-dependencies], then get all build info in single struct

    v0.1.3 270 #build #vergen #info #struct #single #build-dependencies
  76. acumen

    Collect info about your system

    v0.0.2 #system-information #info #collect
  77. appinfo

    Macro to derive appinfo at compile time using cargo compile-time env vars and clap-rs

    v0.1.2 #compile-time #macro-derive #variables #info #cargo #env-var #applications
  78. gitprompt-rs

    A very simple Git prompt

    v0.3.0 #shell-prompt #git-branch #info #commit #display #escaping #numbers
  79. billboard

    Display informational boxes in the terminal

    v0.2.0 1.2K #terminal #cli #info #boxen
  80. finder_info

    parse Apple HFS/HFS+/APFS FinderInfo attribute

    v0.2.3 #filesystem #attributes #macos #apple #info #finder #parse
  81. cd_env

    Detect CD (deploy, deliver, distribute) information from the environment

    v0.2.0 330 #continuous-deployment #deployment #cd #env #provider #build-environment #info
  82. macbat

    Tiny cli utility to get mac's battery info

    v0.1.1 #battery #command-line-tool #info #macos #information #utility #tiny
  83. iver

    v0.1.2 #markdown #static-site-generator #translation #internationalization #constructor #info #multi-language
  84. infograph

    meant as the reference implementation of the info graph

    v0.1.1 #graph #info #reference #meant
  85. hw-crossplatform

    Crossplatform library for getting hardware info

    v0.1.28 430 #hardware #cross-platform #info #getting
  86. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  87. libfj

    An unofficial collection of APIs used in FreeJam games and mods

    v0.7.4 #free-jam #mod #collection #info #api #robocraft #cardlife
  88. whos-data

    data for the whos library

    v0.1.0 #domain-name #whois #info #whos #server
  89. tailhook/vagga

    containerization tool without daemons

    GitHub 0.8.1 #container #process #image #version #linux #command #info
  90. dakv_logger

    Logger for dakv

    v0.1.5 #logger #log #log-level #dakv #prelude #info #set
  91. nixinfo

    A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc in Rust

    v0.3.3 #cpu #gathering #temperature #distro #name #info #system-information
  92. cw2

    Definition and types for the CosmWasm-2 interface

    v2.0.0 40K #contract #interface #version #migrate #info #definition #helper
  93. rtop

    A system monitor implemented in Rust, Monitors both system activity and GPU activity for NVIDIA GPUs

    v0.1.4 #system-monitor #gpu #monitor #info #cpu-memory #system #usage
  94. version_info

    Reads version information for a specified file using WinAPI

    v0.0.6 250 #winapi #version #file #read-file #windows-file #info #windows
  95. bunyarrs

    Opinionated bunyan-like logger for small tools/apps

    v0.2.0 #logging #opinionated #info #bunyan-like #variables #hostname #tools-apps
  96. nell

    Linux netlink interface

    v0.3.0 #netlink #linux #sockets #msg #link #info #address
  97. docker

    Remote API in Rust

    v0.0.41 #api-bindings #remote #openssl #version #info #path #stats
  98. jemalloc-info

    A small library for exporting jemalloc allocation data in Elixir

    v0.5.0 65K #jemalloc #elixir #allocation #exporting #data #info #metrics
  99. qfetch

    fetch tool inspired by pfetch, but written in rust

    v0.9.1 #linux #info #fetch #tool #pfetch
  100. paris-log

    that allows you to use paris's formatting with the log crate

    v1.0.2 750 #log #formatting #paris #format #info #icons #error
  101. tittle

    Dotfile manager

    v0.2.0 #track #version-control #configuration #info #i3 #push #clone
  102. fancy_sys_info

    fancy system info library

    v0.1.2 #info #fancy #system-info #tui #cpu #memory
  103. quake_infostring

    Parse QuakeWorld info strings

    v0.1.0 #parse #quake #quake-world #info #string
  104. system_data

    A package for collect information about system's OS, CPU and Disk_Drive

    v0.1.1 #system-information #cpu-info #system #cpu #disk #info #os
  105. ginfo

    command line tool to display header information of gzipped data

    v0.1.1 #gzip #header #info #command-line-tool #read-file #read-input #file-info
  106. git_info2

    Extracts git repository information

    v0.1.2 #git-repository #build #environment #information #git-history #info #contributing
  107. spotify_info

    Gets metadata from spotify using a spicetify extension using websockets

    v0.5.0 #spotify #extension #info #metadata #websocket #spicetify
  108. dockinfo

    get information from docker containers

    v1.0.1 #docker #container #info #command-line-tool #ip-address #env-vars #cli
  109. whats-a-png

    PNG decoder written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #png #image #chunk #info
  110. error-info

    Centralized error information ready for internationalization

    v0.3.0 #error #error-code #info #code
  111. rustop-rs

    Linux system information parser

    v0.4.6 #mount-point #linux #info #system-information #system
  112. lightbird

    A light tool to get process/processors/memory/disks info

    v0.1.10 #process #processors #memory #disk #light #process-information #info
  113. luftpost

    Watches luftdaten.info particulates sensors and sends E-Mails if measurements exceed thresholds

    v1.0.0 #measurement #luftdaten #info #sensors #email #threshold #send
  114. simple_color_log

    color log library for Rust

    v0.1.1 #log #info #warn #default #error #color #log-level
  115. dockyard

    Back up and restore Docker resources

    v0.1.1 #backup #docker #container #restore #volume #info #back
  116. serde-typeinfo

    Runtime type info based on serde data model

    v0.1.0 #serde #data-model #tags #run-time #info #primitive #typeinfo
  117. thank

    Shows info about crates used in your projects so you know who to thank for them and where to do the thanking

    v0.4.0 #show #who #info #author #projects #thanking #depend
  118. astroport

    Common Astroport types, queriers and other utils

    v5.7.0-cw1.0 3.7K #token #assets #pair #info #types #asset-info #balance
  119. uhppote-rs

    Rust bindings for the UHPPOTE library

    v0.1.0 #control #control-systems #uhppote #bindings #devices #info #ut0311-l0x
  120. gbiz-info-api

    gBizInfo APIをRust利用するためのライブラリ

    v0.1.0 #gbizinfo #info #gbiz #apiをrust利用するためのライブラリ
  121. systray-ti

    making minimal cross-platform systray GUIs

    v0.4.1 #gui #cross-platform-gui #systray #info #os #deprecated
  122. ramusage

    Get the used and total amount of memory

    v0.1.0 #amount #memory #info #system #total #query
  123. syfetch

    A neofetch like utility written in rust (im still a beginner in rust)

    v0.1.2 #neofetch #info #im #beginner #utility
  124. cargo-brief

    Display a brief summary of cargo dependencies

    v0.2.1 160 #cargo #display #summary #brief #info #package #manifest-path
  125. ip-cli

    query ip location info

    v0.1.5 #ip #info #ip-address #location #query #com
  126. actix-web-codegen

    Routing and runtime macros for Actix Web

    v4.3.0 1.2M #actix-web #run-time #routing #macro #docs #compile #info
  127. beid_build_info

    BeID build info

    v0.3.0 #info #build #be-id
  128. teestatus

    retrieve information from teeworlds servers and related mods

    v0.2.1 #teeworlds #info #ddnet #ddracenetwork #api-bindings
  129. loki-logger

    A loki logger for the log facade

    v0.1.3 #log #facade #loki #tokio #label #info #init
  130. whoisthere

    WHOIS data parsing crate

    v0.1.3 #domain-name #whois #parser #info #data
  131. if-addrs2

    Return interface IP addresses on Posix and windows systems

    v0.10.2 #ip-address #interface #system #addresses #posix #retrieve #info
  132. linux_proc

    help reading the contents of /proc on linux

    v0.1.1 850 #proc #system #linux #info #system-info #top
  133. instant_log

    A very simple logger

    v0.1.2 #log #info #log-level #log-debug #log-error #log-messages #instant
  134. rscript

    Easily script any rust project

    v0.17.0 270 #script #hook #api #info #output #time #daemon
  135. ceph_usage

    Helper library for ceph-usage binary

    v0.1.9 #ceph #helper #cluster #info #binary
  136. eth-chains-cli

    querying ethereum-like chains' info

    v0.6.5 #chains #info #ethereum #querying #decimal #cli #token
  137. iomux

    Multiplex stdout, stderr, and other info about child commands

    v0.1.0 #child-process #output-stream #stream-processing #command-output #info #exit-status #line
  138. phm

    Pretty HAL Machine

    v0.0.2 #machine #hal #adapter #stream #diagram #info #now
  139. clilog

    CLI logger, not yet finished

    v0.2.3 #messages #logging #cli #finished #info #how #suppress
  140. zngur-parser

    Parser of the zng file

    v0.4.0 2.2K #zng #interop #zngur #normal #methods #tool #info
  141. commit_info

    Gather relevant commit and status information from git repos

    v0.1.1 #commit #git-commit #git-status #info #repo #git-repository #information
  142. terminal-log-symbols

    log symbols for the terminal with fallbacks

    v0.1.6 430 #symbols #fallback #terminal #log #success #warnings #info
  143. cnctd_mta

    Methods to receive MTA subway info

    v0.1.2 #module #receive #info #mta #subway
  144. haiku-sys

    Bindings to the low-level C-API on Haiku

    v0.2.0 #haiku #low-level #fs #c-api #info #bindings #team
  145. aduana

    extract image info from a local docker registry

    v0.1.0 #registry #docker #image #private #info #extract #local
  146. wiktionary-part-of-speech-extract

    English Wiktionary parsed for part-of-speech info and placed into a precompiled FST

    v0.1.2 #fst #english #head #speech #extract #part #info
  147. us-state-info-rs

    2 letter state abbreviations for the USA

    v0.1.1 #state #abbreviation #letter #info #usa #individual #information
  148. dzl

    logging. It is simple and easy to use :)

    v0.2.1 #logging #log #debugging #logging-library #trace #info
  149. vgainfo-rs

    VGA(0xB8000) info in freestanding Rust

    v0.1.1 #vga #info #freestanding #0x-b8000 #vgainfo
  150. btf2wit

    Convert btf info to wit info

    v0.1.2 #wit #btf #dwarf #info #convert #wit-bindgen #bindings
  151. beatsabermaprs

    Interface to Beat Saber beatmaps

    v0.1.0 #saber #beatmap #interface #beat #info #dat #beatmaps
  152. cpu-monitor

    get cpu usage over a given duration

    v0.1.1 220 #cpu #monitor #system #info #usage
  153. tyfers

    file-type information crate

    v0.2.0 #marker #info #file-info #filetype #type #file #file-type
  154. rs-parse-snapshot

    parse v8 heapsnapshot to serialized node info json

    v1.0.6 #node #v8 #json #info #heapsnapshot #parse #serialization
  155. solana-reward-info

    Solana vote reward info types

    v0.0.2 160 #reward #solana #info #vote #types #install #version
  156. dao-pre-propose-base

    A package for implementing pre-propose modules

    v2.6.0 750 #module #dao #proposal #contract #base #pre-propose #info
  157. se-logger

    customizable logging crate

    v0.1.2 #logging #customizable #info #log-level #error-message #path #initialization
  158. target_info

    Get text strings of attributes concernign the build target

    v0.1.0 7.1K #target #build #attributes #info #information #string #text
  159. linfo

    License info

    v0.1.3 #info #linfo #expr
  160. lsb_release

    Linux lsb_release wrapper

    v0.1.0 #info #linux #lsb #os
  161. vcgencmd

    Bindings for Raspberry Pi's vcgencmd utility

    v0.3.1 #raspberry-pi #info #pi #raspberry #system #raspberrypi
  162. bugsnag

    The api of Bugsnag in rust

    v0.2.1 #bug #reporting #api #info #severity #notify #following
  163. arc-vector-rust

    Rust client for Arc Vector Search Engine

    v1.4.0 #vector-search #arc #search-engine #client #grpc #run #info
  164. marine-module-info-parser

    Fluence Marine Wasm module info (manifest and version) parser

    v0.16.0 600 #wasm-module #fluence #scheme #marine #info #version #manifest
  165. libfetch

    but reliable library for fetch tools

    v0.1.0 #neofetch #info #system-information #system-info
  166. caco3-build-info

    CaCO3 build info

    v0.2.1 #build #ca-co3 #info
  167. eight-deep-parser

    Dpkg info parser

    v0.3.2 #dpkg #info #parser #deep #eight #line #process
  168. FetchDemo

    fetch system information

    v0.1.0 #fetchdemo #demo #information #info #command-line-tool #fetch #system-information #cli
  169. fwuffgrep

    Basic implementation of a grep command written in rust

    v1.0.0 #grep #command #basic #info #gain
  170. holochain_conductor_api

    Message types for Holochain admin and app interface protocols

    v0.5.0-dev.9 2.2K #holochain #conductor #admin #info #response #dump #dna
  171. nic-port-info

    uses SIOCETHTOOL ioctl command to get NIC port information

    v0.0.2-alphav1 #port #info #information #nic #ioctl #command #link
  172. fbbe

    Fast Bitcoin Block Explorer

    v0.1.7 #explorer #block #bitcoin #info #memory #mainnet #testnet
  173. java_class_parser

    way of easily parsing and analyzing java classes

    v0.0.2 #java-class #parser #format #constant #info #pool #inspect
  174. crab_rocket_info

    Info package for the crab rocket project

    v0.1.0 #info #rocket #crab #package
  175. rustio

    Rust API wrapper for radio-browser.info

    v0.0.2 #info #radio-browser #homepage #api #io
  176. gito_core

    offering tiny easy-use api about git info

    v1.0.4 #git #api #info #cli #tiny
  177. tracing-ez

    A simplified interface to tracing

    v0.3.0 #tracing #interface #spans #info