
  1. native-tls

    A wrapper over a platform's native TLS implementation

    v0.2.12 4.6M #tls #tls-client #tls-connector #secure #openssl #native #platform
  2. zeroize

    Securely clear secrets from memory with a simple trait built on stable Rust primitives which guarantee memory is zeroed using an operation will not be 'optimized away' by the compiler…

    v1.8.1 7.2M #compiler-optimization #memory #volatile #secure #memset #zero
  3. secrecy

    Wrapper types and traits for secret management which help ensure they aren't accidentally copied, logged, or otherwise exposed (as much as possible), and also ensure secrets are securely wiped from memory when dropped

    v0.10.3 2.0M #secret-management #secret #secure #memory #memory-management #wipe #memory-safe
  4. blake3

    hash function

    v1.5.5 1.5M #tree-hash #hashing #merkle-tree #password-hashing #cryptography #input #secure
  5. tauri

    Make tiny, secure apps for all desktop platforms with Tauri

    v2.1.1 190K #desktop-applications #tauri-app #webview #secure #run-time #message #user-interface
  6. polkavm

    A fast and secure RISC-V based virtual machine

    v0.18.0 364K #virtual-machine #risc-v #secure #user-level #heavy
  7. iroh-blake3

    the BLAKE3 hash function

    v1.4.5 13K #blake3 #hashing #merkle-tree #tree-hash #password-hashing #secure #update
  8. age

    [BETA] A simple, secure, and modern encryption library

    v0.11.0 15K #file-encryption #encryption-key #encryption #encryption-decryption #secure #ssh-key #modern
  9. secmem-proc

    Process hardening through system APIs

    v0.3.5 5.0K #process-memory #process #memory #hardening #secure #system-api
  10. memsec


    v0.7.0 33K #memory-protection #memory #secure #protection
  11. polkatool

    A swiss knife toolkit for PolkaVM

    v0.18.0 550 #virtual-machine #risc-v #polka-vm #toolkit #swiss #knife #secure
  12. async-native-tls

    Native TLS using futures

    v0.5.0 114K #native-tls #async-tls #async-std #future #secure #openssl #transport
  13. sev


    v5.0.0 10K #sev-snp #amd #virtual-machine #virtualization #secure #encryption #linux-kernel
  14. redlib

    Alternative private front-end to Reddit

    v0.35.1 400 #reddit #front-end #private #privacy #user #browser #secure
  15. sbat

    UEFI Secure Boot Advanced Targeting (SBAT) no_std library

    v0.6.0 360 #uefi #boot #secure #component #revocation #security #executable
  16. wasmtime-component-util

    types and functions to support the component model in Wasmtime

    v27.0.0 191K #component-model #wasm-component #wasmtime #wasm #run-time #web-assembly #secure
  17. aws-sdk-iotsecuretunneling

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling

    v1.50.0 330 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #secure #tunneling
  18. ngrok

    agent SDK

    v0.14.0-pre.14 4.5K #reverse-proxy #connectivity #sdk #internet #secure #networking #network-connectivity
  19. nuts-container

    A secure storage library

    v0.7.5 140 #secure-storage #secure #encryption-key #block-devices #persistent-storage #nuts #storage
  20. secret-vault-value

    secure and serializable type to store and control secret/sensitive values

    v0.3.9 43K #secret #secure #security #values #data-structures #encryption #memory
  21. eycorsican/leaf-bin

    A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features suitable for various use cases

    GitHub 0.10.9 #proxy #transport #versatile #framework #suitable #secure #cases
  22. cargo-task-wasm

    A task runner for Cargo

    v0.2.0 #task-runner #cargo-toml #cargo-subcommand #wasm-component #secure #sandboxed #cargo-metadata
  23. jrn

    a journal app

    v0.4.12 #command-line #password-hashing #journal #key-derivation #secure #security #data
  24. volaris-cli

    Efficient, robust, and verified command-line file encryption

    v0.0.5 360 #file-encryption #data-security #secure #file #command-line #utility #mobile-devices
  25. secapi


    v0.2.0 #api-bindings #secure #cryptography #memory-layout #foreign-interface #crypto #rsa-key
  26. secmem-alloc

    Custom allocators for secret memory

    v0.3.0 320 #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory #allocator #secure #secret-key
  27. polkavm-disassembler

    Disassembler for PolkaVM

    v0.18.0 700 #virtual-machine #risc-v #polka-vm #disassembler #secure
  28. pkpw

    What if correct horse battery staple, but Pokémon

    v1.2.4 1.1K #password-generator #pokemon #secure #correct #battery #random #characters
  29. tiny-encrypt

    tiny file encrypt tool

    v1.8.0 110 #file-encryption #encryption-key #tiny #yubi-key #security-key #openpgp #secure
  30. wasmtime-fiber

    Fiber support for Wasmtime

    v27.0.0 127K #wasmtime #fibers #run-time #wasm #cranelift #standalone #secure
  31. nuts-archive

    A tar like archive on top of the nuts-container

    v0.7.5 160 #tar-archive #secure-storage #storage #secure #nuts #encryption
  32. polkavm-linker

    PolkaVM offline linker

    v0.18.0 352K #virtual-machine #linker #risc-v #polka-vm #offline #secure #user-level
  33. jetstream

    RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v7.2.1 3.2K #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #9p #protocols #secure #remote
  34. simple-cookie

    Functions for creating and parsing signed & encrypted cookies

    v2.0.2 1.7K #cookies #security #encryption #signature #secure #signed #parser
  35. dnsclient

    A small, simple and secure DNS client library

    v0.1.19 950 #dns #dns-resolver #async-dns #client #dns-query #secure #ipv4
  36. openfhe

    Rust package of the OpenFHE Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library

    v0.2.0 850 #homomorphic-encryption #data-processing #fhe #interface #secure #cryptography #scheme
  37. jetstream_client

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v7.2.1 2.2K #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #9p #remote #mtls #secure
  38. jetstream_ufs

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v7.2.1 2.0K #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #remote #protocols #internet #secure
  39. se05x

    Driver for the NXP SE05X

    v0.1.7 210 #secure #element #nxp #protocols #apdu #data #session
  40. vxde

    parse .vxd files containing key-value pairs used in games or configurations

    v2.0.0-beta.0 350 #parser #secure #vxd #async #database #game
  41. p2panda-core

    Extensible data-types for secure, distributed and efficient exchange of data

    v0.1.0 #p2p #data-type #extensible #secure #distributed #exchange #extension
  42. jetstream_rpc

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v7.2.1 2.3K #rpc-framework #quic #remote #9p #secure #protocols #filesystem
  43. capy_kem

    ML-KEM with MAL-BIND Security

    v0.1.9 #key-exchange #post-quantum-cryptography #security-key #quantum-resistant #ml-kem #fips #secure
  44. nuts-tool-api

    Code that helps you to implement a nuts tool plugin

    v0.7.5 140 #nuts #secure #secure-storage #plugin-api #command-line-tool #format #storage
  45. gstp

    A secure, authenticated, transport-agnostic data exchange protocol with distributed state management via Encrypted State Continuations (ESC)

    v0.1.1 140 #state-management #data-exchange #continuation #encryption #secure #distributed #protocols
  46. safeR

    secure file encryption tool

    v0.1.4 190 #safer #file-encryption #chacha20 #secure #encryption-key #x-cha-cha20-poly1305 #debug-mode #tool
  47. nuts-memory

    A backend implementation for nuts

    v0.7.5 280 #secure-storage #secure #nuts #back-end #storage #encryption #persistent-storage
  48. wasmtime-wasi-keyvalue

    Wasmtime implementation of the wasi-keyvalue API

    v27.0.0 1.1K #key-value #key-value-store #wasmtime #wasi #run-time #secure #wasm
  49. ncryptf-rs

    Secure API authentication and end to end encryption

    v0.3.2 #encryption #rocket #request #api #secure #request-body #end
  50. oram

    Oblivious RAM

    v0.1.0 500 #oblivious #cryptography #ram #secure #enclave #memory #encryption
  51. forest-ds

    secure tree structure

    v1.1.7 #tree-structure #tree #data-structures #tree-node #secure #arena #iteration
  52. elektra

    serves as a universal and secure framework to access configuration parameters in a global, hierarchical key database

    v0.11.1 170 #configuration #key #access-key #hierarchical #bindings #parameters #secure
  53. kemeleon

    encoding algorithms for obfuscating ML-KEM handshake elements

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #key-exchange #ml-kem #cryptography #algorithm #handshake #obfuscation #secure
  54. cuid2

    protocol in rust

    v0.1.3 10K #unique-id #performance #cuid #algorithm #secure #collision-resistant #scaling
  55. nuts-tool

    A cmdline utility for the nuts container

    v0.7.5 130 #secure-storage #container #storage #nuts #secure #encryption #command-line-tool
  56. tempfile-fast

    Support for Linux-specific tempfile extensions

    v0.3.4 3.0K #temporary-files #linux #filesystem #file #secure #unnamed #persistable
  57. async_ftp

    FTP client for Rust

    v6.0.0 800 #ftp #client #tokio #async #secure #environment
  58. nuts-directory

    A backend implementation for nuts

    v0.7.5 130 #secure-storage #storage #nuts #secure #back-end #file-path #disk
  59. faest

    Pure Rust implementation of the FAEST post-quantum secure digital signature scheme

    v0.1.0 #signatures #signature-scheme #signature #pure #secure #post-quantum #hash
  60. northstar-client

    Northstar is an container runtime for Linux targetting embedded systems

    v0.9.2 650 #embedded-linux #run-time #secure #container #northstar #targetting
  61. bluefin

    An experimental, secure, P2P, transport-layer protocol

    v0.1.5 #transport-layer #experimental #secure #protocols #async #p2p #tokio
  62. nostr-minions

    A Yew-based framework for client side Nostr apps

    v0.1.4 180 #nostr #framework #client-side #apps #secure #building #widgets
  63. flexible-transcript

    transcript trait definition, along with viable options

    v0.3.2 #transcript #hash #secure #traits #flexible #format #merlin
  64. volaris-tools

    The libary that contains all workings and tools for volaris

    v0.0.4 300 #encryption #encryption-decryption #secure #volaris #security #x-cha-cha20-poly1305 #chacha20
  65. flexible-transcript-mirror

    transcript trait definition, along with viable options. Mirrored by sneurlax from serai for downstream crate-publishing purposes until serai publishes their crates; use the versions from serai in production…

    v0.3.2 #transcript #protocols #traits #secure #hash #definition #format
  66. gosling

    developing fully anonymous, peer-to-peer, metadata-resistant applications using tor onion services

    v0.4.0 360 #onion-service #applications #anonymous #secure #protocols #anonymity #peer
  67. bupstash

    Easy and efficient encrypted backups

    v0.12.0 #backup #backup-utility #encryption #encryption-key #deduplication #secure #performance
  68. passring

    Secret remote electronic voting based on ring signatures

    v0.1.6 500 #voting #secure #electronic #signature #ring #systems #cryptography
  69. dexios

    Secure, fast and authenticated command-line encryption of files with modern algorithms and an audited encryption backend

    v8.8.1 #file-encryption #encryption #secure #file #utility #command-line-tool #command-line
  70. scale_std

    datastructures and algorithms to be run on the SCALE engine

    v0.1.2 #algorithm #computation #multi-party #scale #data-structures #secure #engine
  71. parsec

    Protocol for Asynchronous, Reliable, Secure and Efficient Consensus

    v0.7.3 #consensus #peer #secure #graph #dot #reliable #protocols
  72. multiexp

    Multiexponentation algorithms for ff/group

    v0.4.0 1.2K #group #ff #batch #verification #multiexponentation #secure #straus
  73. vitaminc-permutation

    Secure Permutation functions. Part of the Vitamin-C cryptographic suite.

    v0.1.0-pre2 #security #cryptography #permutation #secure #secure-random #bit-manipulation #data
  74. nuts-backend

    A secure storage library

    v0.7.5 400 #secure-storage #storage #secure #back-end #nuts
  75. sqrl-protocol

    protocol for Secure Quick Reliable Login (SQRL)

    v0.1.3 310 #authentication #protocols #sqrl #secure #reliable #quick #client-server
  76. wasi-tokio

    WASI implementation in Rust

    v17.0.3 1.2K #wasi #wasm #run-time #web-assembly #standalone #secure
  77. knock-cli

    A port knocking client

    v0.1.0 #port-knocking #sequence #firewall #connection #ssh #secure #attempt
  78. northstar-nstar

    Northstar is an container runtime for Linux targetting embedded systems

    v0.9.2 650 #embedded-linux #container #run-time #secure #northstar
  79. tauri-invoke-http

    Make tiny, secure apps for all desktop platforms with Tauri

    v2.0.0-rc.1 100 #tauri #http-request #secure #invoke #localhost #http-server #system
  80. sha

    Rust Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) Library

    v1.0.3 4.6K #hashing #sha-256 #sha-1 #hash #cryptography #secure #hardware-accelerated
  81. northstar-runtime

    Northstar is an container runtime for Linux targetting embedded systems

    v0.9.2 #run-time #embedded-linux #container #northstar #secure
  82. async-native-tls-2

    Native TLS using futures

    v0.5.1 #native-tls #async-std #async-tls #future #secure #tokio #openssl
  83. ed25519_encryption

    Node.js library that facilitates secure encryption and decryption by converting Ed25519 keys to X25519 keys. It utilizes elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) to derive a shared secret…

    v0.1.1 #ed25519-key #symmetric-encryption #encryption-decryption #x25519 #shared-secret #ecdh #secure
  84. mechtron-host

    Part of http://thecosmicinitiative.io This package--MECHTRON HOST--provides a wasm runtime

    v0.3.14 #run-time #wasm #deployment #secure #part #environment #starlane
  85. vibradb

    fast, and secure database

    v0.0.2 #database #thread-safe #secure #real-time #encryption #vibra #aes-256
  86. htpp

    fast, and secure http parser. It adheres strictly to the http specification, which is intentional as to be efficient and prevent possible http related attacks. It only supports http 1…

    v0.2.2 #http-parser #http-request #http-response #parser #secure #prevent #attacks
  87. microkv

    a minimal and persistent key-value store designed with security in mind

    v0.2.9 100 #key-value-store #client-side #persistent-storage #secure #secure-storage #security #database
  88. ssh-parser

    Parser for the SSH protocol

    v0.5.0 1.1K #ssh #protocols #packet-parser #secure #shell #analysis #monitoring
  89. narrowlink-network

    Narrowlink Network Library

    v0.2.6 #networking #narrowlink #self-hosted #remote-access #nat #secure #firewall
  90. wasmer-runtime-near

    Wasmer runtime library

    v0.18.0 11K #run-time #wasm-module #secure #sandbox #web-assembly #wasm #api-bindings
  91. hardlight

    A secure, real-time, low-latency binary WebSocket RPC subprotocol. Likely the fastest web-compatible RPC framework ever built.

    v2.0.0 170 #websocket #real-time #low-latency #binary #secure #rpc-framework #events
  92. rgen-cli

    Generate cryptographically secure strings, numbers and more right from your terminal

    v0.1.0 #numbers #secure #terminal #string #generate #right #source
  93. lc3-zkvm

    C3 ZKVM is a virtual machine implementation based on the Little Computer 3 (LC3) architecture, enhanced with zero-knowledge proof capabilities

    v0.1.1 #virtual-machine #zero-knowledge-proofs #zk-vm #lc3 #privacy-preserving #secure #proof
  94. cds

    Collection of Optimized Data Structures

    v0.10.0 #string #secure #memory-management #small #format-string #stack-memory #vector
  95. sgx_tdh

    Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language

    v1.1.1 #intel-sgx #confidential-computing #sgx-sdk #tee #secure #applications #write
  96. scale_documentation

    structured SCALE assembly documentation

    v0.1.2 #documentation #scale #assembly #algorithm #structured #secure #computation
  97. yhy_net_lettre

    self-contained mailer for Rust

    v0.11.8 #send-email #smtp #transport #tls #sending #secure #self-contained
  98. leguichet

    One way diodes with antiviral and yara scanning

    v0.1.9 #file #antivirus #security #secure #yara #scanning #static-analysis
  99. get_local_info

    Getlocalinfo is a Rust crate that obtains local information

    v0.2.4 #linux #info #local #system-information #linux-networking #operating-system #secure
  100. sallyport

    API for the Enarx hypervisor-microkernel boundary

    v0.6.3 #syscalls #enarx #execute #confidential-computing #host #secure #memory
  101. msquic

    Microsoft implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol

    v2.1.3-beta #quic #secure #networking #cross-platform #protocols #network-programming #ietf
  102. dabih

    Command Line Interface for dabih

    v1.15.6 #command-line #command-line-interface #data #cli #secure #api #upload
  103. shabottom

    reimplementation in Rust

    v0.2.0 #algorithm #secure #input #stdin #argument #file #checksumming
  104. lockur

    cli tool to make file encryption a breeze

    v0.1.0 #file-encryption #encryption-decryption #key-derivation #command-line-tool #aes-256 #secure #security
  105. xstack-tls

    The secure channel implementation for xstack

    v0.2.17 #p2p #xstack #secure #channel #stack #protocols
  106. earendil_packet


    v0.5.9 #secure #earendil #secure-communication #private #anti-censorship #resistance #overlay
  107. mqttrust

    MQTT Client

    v0.6.0 #mqtt-client #mqtt #embedded #secure #embedded-devices #rumqttc #no-std
  108. abcrypt-wasm

    Wasm bindings for abcrypt

    v0.3.2 260 #wasm-bindings #abcrypt #encryption #format #secure #cryptography #crypto
  109. carrier

    generic secure message system for IoT

    v0.12.2 #iot #noise-protocol #nat-traversal #networking #ed25519 #secure #quic
  110. polkavm-assembler

    Runtime assembler for PolkaVM

    v0.18.0 360K #virtual-machine #assembly #risc-v #polka-vm #run-time #secure
  111. quantum-worm

    A quantum-resistant secure file transfer system

    v0.1.0 #file-transfer #post-quantum-cryptography #file-metadata #secure #quantum-resistant #key #aes-gcm
  112. polkavm-derive

    The derive crate for PolkaVM guest programs

    v0.18.0 455K #virtual-machine #guest #polka-vm #risc-v #programs #secure
  113. sgx_tservice

    Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language

    v1.1.0 #intel-sgx #sgx-sdk #confidential-computing #applications #trusted #write #secure
  114. seckey

    Use memsec protected secret memory

    v0.12.1 3.1K #secure #protection #memory-protection
  115. snowstorm

    A minimalistic encryption protocol based on Noise protocol (snow)

    v0.4.0 1.8K #noise-protocol #async-stream #protocols #encryption #tcp-stream #minimalist #secure
  116. sshkit_rs

    execute commands on remote hosts using SSH

    v0.1.0 #execute-command #ssh #secure #remote #secure-communication #host #connection
  117. septid

    Pure Rust implementation of the spiped protocol

    v0.2.0 #network-protocol #protocols #spiped #secure #networking #connection #client
  118. url-hash

    types that provide secure and stable hash values for Urls

    v0.1.0 #hash-values #url #secure #stable #graph #platform #xml
  119. shielded

    Memory. Memory protection from speculation and side-channel attacks like Spectre, Meltdown, Rowhammer and Rambleed.

    v0.1.2 #memory-protection #memory #secure #encryption #encrypted #secure-random #encryption-key
  120. soteria-rs

    Wrapper around a secret that is stored in memory with the goal to protect against side-channel and speculative attacks

    v0.3.1 500 #memory-protection #memory #protection #encryption-key #secure #attack #cryptography
  121. js-sandbox

    Execute JavaScript code from Rust in a secure sandbox, and transport data to/from JS plug-ins

    v0.2.0-rc.2 100 #javascript #sandbox #js #plugin #secure #deno #scripting
  122. juliet

    A safe stream multiplexing protocol

    v0.3.0 100 #protocols #stream #frame #multiplexing #secure #byte #channel
  123. tock/tock-cells

    A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers

    GitHub 0.1.0 #tock #micro-controller #operating-system #cell #secure #risc-v #cortex-m
  124. polkavm-common

    The common crate for PolkaVM

    v0.18.0 592K #virtual-machine #polka-vm #risc-v #secure
  125. genrepass

    generating a readable password from an ordered list of words extracted from text. For improved security, numbers and special characters are inserted at random places.

    v1.1.4 #secure-password #password-generator #password #readable #secure #generate #random-password
  126. paseto

    An alternative token format to JWT

    v2.0.2+1.0.3 210 #jwt #token #stateless #security #json #format #secure
  127. genrepass-cli

    Generate readable passwords from an ordered list of words extracted from text. For improved security, numbers and special characters are inserted at random places

    v1.1.1 #secure-password #password #readable #secure #generate #command-line #text-input
  128. polkavm-derive-impl

    The derive crate for PolkaVM guest programs (implementation)

    v0.18.0 455K #virtual-machine #guest #polka-vm #risc-v #programs #secure
  129. kyber-kem

    Kyber IND-CCA2 KEM in Rust

    v0.1.3 #post-quantum-cryptography #key #mechanism #encapsulation #kyber #secure #ind-cca2
  130. solana-client

    Solana Client

    v2.1.5 74K #blockchain #solana #secure #version #install #rustup
  131. scursor

    Secure cursor library with support for read and write transactions

    v0.2.0 550 #read-write #cursor #transactions #secure #serialization #reading #binary
  132. kindelia

    An efficient, secure cryptocomputer

    v0.1.7 #secure #apps #built #computer #cryptocomputer #host #blocks
  133. shoop

    high-speed encrypted file transfer tool reminiscent of scp. It uses SSH to bootstrap authentication and encryption, then uses UDT (a reliable protocol from the 2000s) instead of TCP (a reliable protocol from the 1970s).

    v0.1.1 #file-transfer #transfer #scp #file #encryption #secure
  134. secure_remove

    Securely remove files and directories

    v2.2.3 #secure #remove #delete #shred #file
  135. loadstone

    Portable secure bootloader for Cortex-M MCUs

    v1.0.0 #bootloader #secure #bare-metal #cortex #embedded #action
  136. estash

    An open source, cross-platform, programmed in rust, encrypted digital vault (store files and text) with the capability to set a path and with the click of a button to copy the contents to that file

    v0.6.2 #vault #encryption-key #cross-platform #encrypted #secure #open-source #encryption
  137. compressed_sigma

    Compressed Sigma Protocols and proofs of k-Out-Of-n Partial Knowledge

    v0.0.8 #zero-knowledge-proofs #sigma #threshold-signature #compression #partial #secure #secret-sharing
  138. lettre_email

    Email builder

    v0.9.4 11K #email #mailer #builder #smtp #lettre #secure #delivery
  139. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  140. seecrets

    A password-protected way of creating and storing secrets

    v3.0.1 #secure #secret-management #app #cli
  141. wasmer-runtime-x

    Wasmer runtime library

    v0.18.0 110 #run-time #wasm #sandbox #secure #api-bindings #web-assembly
  142. rpi-derive-key

    deriving secure device-specific keys on Raspberry Pi

    v0.2.1 #raspberry-pi #key-derivation #devices #secret-key #secure #identifier #deriving
  143. external-memory-tools

    HAL to keep data in memory that could not be directly mapped to RAM

    v0.1.1 490 #memory #bare-metal #secure #memory-mapped #memory-management #memory-mapping #no-std
  144. narnia

    Secure hidden service webserver

    v0.4.0 #tor #web-server #hidden #service #onion-service #secure #hosting
  145. spg

    secure password generator over CLI

    v0.1.0 #password-generator #secure-password #password #cli-password #generator #secure #passgen
  146. mcai_ftp

    FTP client for Rust

    v3.0.1 #ftp #secure #client #ftp-client
  147. mimalloc-rust-sys

    mimalloc_rust hand writted sys binding

    v1.7.9-source 5.5K #memory-allocator #mi-malloc #binding #free #size #page #secure
  148. secapi-sys

    FFI bindings to SecAPI

    v0.2.0 #secure #secapi #secure-storage #storage
  149. humphrey_auth

    User authentication for the Humphrey web server

    v0.1.5 #authentication #user #web-apps #humphrey #traits #secure #integrating
  150. secure-edit

    file encryption cli with versioning

    v0.3.2 #file-encryption #versioning #secure #pbkdf2 #editor #edit #version
  151. cargo-nocode

    Cargo subcommand to easily bootstrap nocode applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.

    v0.1.2 #no-code #applications #deployment #nothing #write #cargo-subcommand #secure
  152. narrowlink-types

    Narrowlink Types Library

    v0.2.6 #narrowlink #networking #firewall #types #nat #secure #devices
  153. at-cryptoauth

    Driver for ATECC608 Crypto Authentication secure elements

    v0.4.0 #crypto #secure #elements #driver #atecc608 #authentication #certificate
  154. sudo-gcp

    A gcloud CLI wrapper to use a more secure pattern of temporary access tokens and service account impersonation

    v0.2.1 #service-account #access-token #google-cloud #gcloud #secure #temporary #privileges
  155. zeroize_derive

    Custom derive support for zeroize

    v1.4.2 2.8M #volatile #secure #zero #memset #memory #compiler-optimization
  156. wasmer-runtime-unc1

    Wasmer runtime library

    v0.18.0 #wasm-module #run-time #wasm #secure #sandbox #web-assembly #api-bindings
  157. dexios-domain

    that contains the inner-workings and core logic for Dexios

    v1.0.1 #encryption #secure #logic #dexios #file-encryption #security #encryption-decryption
  158. hohibe

    Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption (HIBE) for Rust

    v0.1.0 #encryption #identity #hierarchical #hibe #secure #cryptography #generate
  159. decrypt

    efficient and secure decryption

    v0.1.0 #encryption-decryption #algorithm #secure #applications #tool #caesar
  160. tiny-rng

    Tiny RNG, a minimal random number generator

    v0.2.0 #numbers #generator #tiny #secure
  161. cryptoballot

    Cryptographically secure end-to-end verifiable online voting

    v0.4.0 #voting #secure #verifiable #key #vote #election #secret-sharing
  162. libswifft

    production-ready C/C++ library providing SWIFFT, one of the fastest available secure hash functions, which is also collision-resistant as well as facilitates zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of a preimage (ZKPoKP)…

    v0.2.0 #post-quantum #zero-knowledge-proofs #hash #swifft #cc #secure #preimage
  163. VibeProtocol

    Vibe Protocol is a secure, decentralized, and privacy-focused messaging protocol. Its designed using Sodium, Base64, and other cryptographic libraries to ensure the highest level of security and privacy.

    v0.1.0 #vibeprotocol #base64 #encryption #sodium #protocols #security #secure #caesar
  164. axum-github-webhook-extract

    secure GitHub Webhooks and extract JSON event payloads in Axum

    v0.2.0 #github-webhook #github #axum #payload #extract #events #secure
  165. simpletcp

    secure tcp communication

    v1.2.1 #tcp #net #networking #communication #secure #encryption #256-bit
  166. justjs

    A modern runtime for javascript

    v0.5.2 #javascript #run-time #modern #web #utilities #secure #package
  167. secured-enclave

    Ergonomic library for secure encryption and decryption of data in Rust

    v0.6.0 #encryption-decryption #key-derivation #data #data-security #secure #chacha20 #metadata
  168. wasmer-runtime-l1x

    Wasmer runtime library

    v0.18.0 #run-time #wasm #sandbox #secure #api-bindings #web-assembly
  169. thingy-91-nrf9160-bsp

    BSP for the Nordic Thingy:91 nRF9160

    v0.1.0 #nrf9160 #arm #secure #nordic #bsp #non-secure #board
  170. secure-reliable-transport

    SRT implementation in Rust

    v0.2.1 #srt #transport #reliable #secure #ready #reference #github
  171. rsa-msg-server

    [SERVER] Send files & messages across the internet using RSA / AES. Fast and secure transfer by checking for hashes. This is the server part of the application.

    v0.1.2 #secure #encryption #aes #rsa
  172. wasmer-runtime-asml-fork

    Wasmer runtime library

    v0.1.1 #run-time #wasm #secure #sandbox #api-bindings #web-assembly
  173. ironcladserver

    A high performance Rust web server that supports multithreads and async and is used as a playground for testing and improving your hacking skills while learning about AppSec and how to build secure software

    v0.1.0 #web-server #skills #hacking #secure #playground #how #learning
  174. serverphone

    A nixos-based server maintenance tool, build to be precise and secure

    v0.1.2 #server #secure #precise #maintenance #build #tool
  175. loam-sdk

    SDK for writing smart contracts

    v0.6.15 #smart-contracts #loam #secure #upgradeable #blocks #lego #id
  176. redactedsecret

    fork of the official Secrecy crate [https://github.com/iqlusioninc/crates/] Wrapper types and traits for secret management which help ensure they aren't accidentally copied…

    v0.4.1 #secret #memory #wipe #clear #secure #access-token #secret-management
  177. anoncreds-clsignatures

    Hyperledger Anoncreds CL Signatures

    v0.3.2 310 #cl #secure #protocols #cryptography #hyperledger #anoncreds #zero-knowledge
  178. zerotrust

    Secure app proxy

    v0.2.0 #security #proxy #secure
  179. gnunet

    Bindings for GNUnet: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking

    v0.0.15 #p2p #gns #lookup #gnu #bindings #secure #peer
  180. wireguard-embeddable

    embeddable wireguard library that wraps the C implementation by Jason Donfeld. Allows interacting with the kernel-land wireguard native implementation from Rust to create, modify, delete…

    v0.1.3 #wireguard #interface #embeddable #safe #jason #donfeld #secure
  181. clipshare

    Share clipboard between machines on your local network

    v0.0.7 #clipboard #share #machines #networking #local #text #secure
  182. secure_backup

    Take an incremental secure backup from a directory

    v0.1.0 #backup #openssl #directory #secure #encryption #incremental #path
  183. bc-components

    Secure Components for Rust

    v0.14.0 200 #tags #secure #cbor #component #graph #primitive #semantic
  184. xqr

    eXtended QR Codes

    v0.4.0 #qr #secure
  185. secureircd

    Secure your IRCd

    v1.0.0 #irc #secure #ircd #ir-cd
  186. libpylon

    Core library for the Pylon suite of apps

    v0.17.0 #pylon #apps #suite #wormhole #applications #secure #cross-platform
  187. radix-substate-store-impls

    Includes various substate store implementations, from the Radix DLT project

    v1.3.0 650 #radix #dlt #store #substate #secure #change #defi
  188. qrstream

    A secure no-persistence way to convert confidential data into QR codes, and vice-versa

    v0.1.0 #qrcode #qr #codes #encryption #data #confidential #secure
  189. pika-id

    Pika ID implementation in Rust

    v0.1.1 #node-id #pika #secure #prefix-record #epoch #disable-lowercase
  190. dexios-core

    encrypting/decrypting, password hashing, and for managing encrypted file headers that adhere to the Dexios format

    v1.2.0 #secure #encryption #file-encryption #header #file-header #header-file #hashing
  191. holochain_secure_primitive

    secure primitive macros

    v0.5.0-dev.0 2.8K #holochain #primitive #secure #macro
  192. obnth

    Allows securely opening files in untrusted directories on *nix systems

    v0.1.1 #open #chroot #secure
  193. solana-nonce-account

    Solana nonce account utils

    v0.0.2 #account #nonce #solana #secure #scalable #apps #marketplaces
  194. enclave-example

    Example secure enclave written in Rust

    v0.1.4 #enclave #intel-sgx #secure
  195. jotter

    taking notes

    v0.1.0 #notes #web #cli #web-interface #un #secure #along
  196. udpsec

    Secure UDP implementation in Rust

    v0.2.0 #udp #secure #sockets #socket-address #🦀 #input #codec
  197. wasmium-hash-id

    A way to store Crypotgraphically Secure ID's in a chronological manner using TAI64N for time and Blake3 as the secure hash

    v1.0.0 #blake3 #id #secure #time #timestamp #tai64n #crypotgraphically
  198. sio

    Secure IO

    v0.2.0 #io #secure #sio
  199. libepf

    framework for secure encrypted communication

    v0.1.0 #encryption #secure #communication #framework
  200. nginx-secure-link

    generate or verify checksums for use with the Nginx secure_link_module

    v0.1.1 #nginx #checksum #verify #generate #secure #link #secure-link-module
  201. example_rust_publish

    PQC (Post-Quantum Cryptography) library written in Rust. This library provides a set of encryption algorithms and digital signature algorithms for secure communication and data protection…

    v0.1.0 #data-protection #secure #secure-communication #cryptography
  202. nanoid_cli

    Nanoid CLI

    v1.0.0 #command-line #command-line-interface #id-generator #string #generate #secure #nanoid
  203. sanctum

    secure, and modern authentication system for Rust web applications

    v0.1.1 #oauth2 #authentication #magic #factor #password #secure #modern
  204. cloudsctl

    CLI for managing your OpenStack configuration files

    v0.5.0 #open-stack #cloud #yaml #clouds #configuration #secure #cli