
  1. zeroize

    Securely clear secrets from memory with a simple trait built on stable Rust primitives which guarantee memory is zeroed using an operation will not be 'optimized away' by the compiler…

    v1.8.1 9.2M #compiler-optimization #memory #volatile #secure #memset #zero
  2. compact_str

    A memory efficient string type that transparently stores strings on the stack, when possible

    v0.9.0 1.8M #string #byte-string #string-parser #memory #compact #heap-memory #stack-allocated
  3. secrecy

    Wrapper types and traits for secret management which help ensure they aren't accidentally copied, logged, or otherwise exposed (as much as possible), and also ensure secrets are securely wiped from memory when dropped

    v0.10.3 2.3M #secret-management #secret #secure #memory #memory-management #wipe #memory-safe
  4. arrow

    Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #memory #array #format #ipc #data #cargo
  5. wasmtime

    High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime

    v30.0.2 471K #wasm-module #wasm-engine #memory #instance #run-time #host #wasm-binary
  6. flatbuffers

    Official FlatBuffers Rust runtime library

    v25.2.10 1.4M #serialization #zero-copy #binary-encoding #cross-platform #binary-format #memory #memory-access
  7. heapless

    static friendly data structures that don’t require dynamic memory allocation

    v0.8.0 1.3M #data-structures #static #memory #no-heap #allocation #memory-management #dont
  8. loom

    Permutation testing for concurrent code

    v0.7.2 811K #testing #lock-free #concurrency #atomic #thread #memory #model
  9. page_size

    easy, fast, cross-platform way to retrieve the memory page size

    v0.6.0 374K #memory #page #memory-size #memory-allocator #ram
  10. thin-vec

    A vec that takes up less space on the stack

    v0.2.13 301K #vec #memory #memory-management #firefox #stack #inline #gecko
  11. talc

    A fast and flexible allocator for no_std and WebAssembly

    v4.4.2 9.5K #memory-management #memory-allocator #memory #heap-allocator #allocator #arena-allocator #heap-allocation
  12. gpu-allocator

    Memory allocator for GPU memory in Vulkan and DirectX 12

    v0.27.0 148K #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory #vulkan #allocator
  13. memory-stats

    A cross-platform memory profiler for Rust

    v1.2.0 169K #physical-memory #memory #virtual-memory #profiling #performance
  14. schnellru

    A fast and flexible LRU map

    v0.2.4 369K #lru #memory #flexible #ordered #performance #lru-map #blazingly
  15. static_cell

    Statically allocated, initialized at runtime cell

    v2.1.0 42K #static #run-time #memory #initialization #reference #cell #compile-time
  16. ijson

    A more memory efficient replacement for serde_json::Value

    v0.1.4 129K #serde-json #memory #cloning #pointers #replacement #footprint
  17. mem_dbg

    Traits and associated procedural macros to display recursively the layout and memory usage of a value

    v0.3.0 1.3K #memory-layout #memory #memory-size #debugging #memory-management #debugger #allocation
  18. shared_memory

    A user friendly crate that allows you to share memory between processes

    v0.12.4 85K #memory #shared #inter-process #process #memory-access #shmem #synchronization
  19. stm32-fmc

    Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32 Memory Controllers (FMC/FSMC)

    v0.4.0 12K #hardware-abstraction-layer #abstraction-layer #memory #stm32 #fmc #sdram
  20. jemalloc_pprof

    Convert jemalloc heap profiles to pprof to understand memory usage, fix memory leaks, and fix OOM Kills

    v0.6.0 96K #memory-leaks #jemalloc #memory #profiling #pprof #observability #leak
  21. tiny-fn

    Type erased closures on stack

    v0.1.7 6.3K #memory #heap-allocation #macro #stack-memory #wrapper #data-structures #no-std
  22. vm-memory

    Safe abstractions for accessing the VM physical memory

    v0.16.1 46K #physical-memory #memory-access #virtual-memory #memory #virtual-machine #abstraction #guest
  23. memflow

    core components of the memflow physical memory introspection framework

    v0.2.3 430 #memory-access #memory #virtual-machine #process-memory #introspection #operating-system #process-running
  24. kstring

    Key String: optimized for map keys

    v2.0.2 651K #string-key #memory #memory-map #abstraction #performance #optimized #maps
  25. syntree

    A memory efficient syntax tree for language developers

    v0.18.0 1.2K #syntax-tree #tree-structure #memory
  26. secret-vault-value

    secure and serializable type to store and control secret/sensitive values

    v0.3.9 67K #secret #secure #security #values #data-structures #encryption #memory
  27. secmem-proc

    Process hardening through system APIs

    v0.3.5 7.6K #process-memory #process #memory #hardening #secure #system-api
  28. loupe

    Profiling tool for Rust

    v0.2.0 13K #memory #profiling #memory-management #size #recursion #byte #tool
  29. vk-mem

    Rust ffi bindings and idiomatic wrapper for AMD Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA)

    v0.4.0 950 #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory-block #memory #memory-buffer #memory-pool #vulkan
  30. sys-info

    Get system information in Rust. For now it supports Linux, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows

    v0.9.1 330K #information #cpu-memory #cpu #disk #system-information #memory #macos
  31. libmem

    Advanced Game Hacking Library (Windows/Linux/FreeBSD)

    v5.0.4 #memory #hook #disassembler #assembly-language #game-hacking #assembly #freebsd
  32. esp-alloc

    A heap allocator for Espressif devices

    v0.7.0 15K #heap-allocator #memory #allocator #esp32 #espressif #embedded #embedded-devices
  33. micromap

    The fastest alternative to HashMap, for maps smaller than 20 keys

    v0.0.15 850 #hash-map #map #memory-map #memory #maps #performance #key
  34. sdd

    Scalable lock-free delayed memory reclaimer

    v3.0.7 1.3M #memory #lock-free #garbage #epoch #shared-memory #concurrency #delay
  35. reblessive

    A small runtime for running deeply nested recursive functions

    v0.4.2 17K #stack-overflow #call-stack #stack #heap-allocated #run-time #memory #async
  36. get-size2

    Determine the size in bytes an object occupies inside RAM

    v0.1.3 10K #size #heap #memory #ram #get-size #cache
  37. orx-pinned-vec

    PinnedVec trait defines the interface for vectors which guarantee that elements added to the vector are pinned to their memory locations unless explicitly changed

    v3.15.0 4.5K #pinned #memory #vec #data-structures #vector #array #self-referential
  38. boa_gc

    Garbage collector for the Boa JavaScript engine

    v0.20.0 39K #garbage-collection #garbage #memory #js #javascript
  39. qbsdiff

    Fast and memory saving bsdiff 4.x compatible delta compressor and patcher

    v1.4.2 1.1K #delta-compression #delta #bsdiff #suffix-array #compatible #patch #memory
  40. memsec


    v0.7.0 37K #memory-protection #memory #secure #protection
  41. memprocfs

    Physical Memory Analysis Framework

    v5.14.3 140 #physical-memory #memory #forensics #dma #memory-access #pcileech #hardware-devices
  42. glassbench

    rust benchmark with memory

    v0.4.4 1.5K #benchmark #memory #bench #sqlite #cargo #task #history
  43. agesafetch

    obtaining your firmware's embedded AGESA version on Linux

    v1.1.0 100 #firmware #amd #memory #agesa
  44. russh-cryptovec

    A vector which zeroes its memory on clears and reallocations

    v0.50.2 61K #ssh #ssh-client #vector #memory #client-server #ssh-server #zeroes
  45. binggan

    Benchmarking library for stable Rust

    v0.14.2 750 #benchmark #memory #performance-testing #profiler #perf
  46. linera-wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v4.4.0-linera.6 2.3K #wasm #wasmer #run-time #memory #web-assembly #instance #vm
  47. riscv_simulator

    A RISC-V simulator built in Rust, supporting basic arithmetic, memory, and control-flow instructions

    v1.0.7 320 #instructions #memory #risc-v #basic #arithmetic #cpu-memory #built
  48. process_vm_io

    I/O access to virtual memory contents of processes

    v1.0.13 180 #virtual-memory #process-memory #memory-access #memory #ptrace #inject #testing-debugging
  49. physpatch

    performs physical memory scans and patches of the entire Windows kernel

    v0.2.1 110 #physical-memory #windows #kernel #memory #memflow #patch #virtualization
  50. mmap-rs

    A cross-platform and safe Rust API to create and manage memory mappings in the virtual address space of the calling process

    v0.6.1 11K #memory-mapping #physical-memory #memory-map #virtual-memory #memory #process-memory #mapping
  51. hecate-vm

    The main package for the hecate vm

    v0.6.0 #register #memory #vm #cpu #hecate #verbose #memory-access
  52. checkers

    A sanity checker for global allocations

    v0.6.3 5.9K #memory-management #memory #integration-testing #memory-leaks #heap-memory #allocator #heap
  53. memflex

    Memory hacking library

    v0.8.4 1.2K #process-memory #pattern-matching #memory #hacking #process
  54. iceberg

    Apache Iceberg Rust implementation

    v0.4.0 2.7K #apache #catalog #file-io #native #future #memory #tokio
  55. memur

    Arena storage with bells and whistles

    v0.3.4 110 #arena-allocator #memory #memory-management #memory-allocator #arena #allocator #memory-pool
  56. bbqueue

    A SPSC, lockless, no_std, thread safe, queue, based on BipBuffers

    v0.5.1 4.5K #single-consumer #thread-safe #lock-free-queue #producer #producer-consumer #memory #dma
  57. ferrite-cache

    Caching functionality for Ferrite image viewer

    v0.1.21 #ferrite #image #cache #image-viewer #memory #lru #command-line
  58. wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v6.0.0-alpha.2 108K #run-time #wasm #wasmer #memory #instance #table #vm
  59. ps-mem

    The process memory size listing

    v0.2.15 500 #process-memory #memory-size #memory #linux-process #linux #command
  60. polars-mem-engine

    In memory engine of the Polars project

    v0.46.0 76K #polars #dataframe #engine #memory #internal #intended #arrow
  61. sharded_mutex

    No per-object memory overhead locks. Pseudo atomic ops for Copy/PartialEq types.

    v2.1.0 950 #locking #mutex #concurrency #data-access #memory #partial-eq #atomic
  62. ihex

    parsing and generating Intel HEX (or IHEX) objects. This format is commonly used for representing compiled program code and data to be loaded into a microcontroller, flash memory or ROM.

    v3.0.0 21K #micro-controller #hex #intel #parser #memory #data #rom
  63. t-rust-less-lib

    Password manager library

    v0.2.18 1.5K #password-manager #encryption #store #modern #data-store #sensitive #memory
  64. neocortex

    Shared memory crate designed for simplicity, safety, and extensibility

    v3.0.3 1.2K #shared-memory #memory #inter-process #shared #process #shmem #memory-access
  65. atomptr

    A safe copy-on-write wrapper around AtomicPtr with some extra tricks

    v2.0.0 390 #atomic #lock-free #memory #concurrency #performance #memory-safety #data-structures
  66. memsafe

    A cross-platform Rust library for securely wrapping data in memory

    v0.1.9 390 #memory #cross-platform #security #lock #locking
  67. shellexec

    Cross-platform shellcode executor in rwx memory

    v0.1.3 #reverse-engineering #shellcode #memory #cross-platform #binary #binary-file #shellcode-loader
  68. mem_tools

    Collection of tools to manipulate memory

    v0.8.0 410 #memory #memory-region #pointers #data #fundamental #general-purpose #collection
  69. intrusive_splay_tree

    An intrusive splay tree implementation that is no-std compatible and free from allocation and moves

    v0.2.2 110 #tree-node #intrusive #element #allocation-free #pointers #splay #memory
  70. tor-memquota

    Memory use tracking and quota utilities, used by Tor software

    v0.27.0 4.4K #tor #memory #quota #arti #tracking #resistance #utilities
  71. rust-cc

    A cycle collector for Rust programs

    v0.6.2 #smart-pointers #garbage-collection #memory #reference-counting #gc #cycle-collector #rc
  72. dyn_size_of

    report approximate amount of memory consumed by variables, including the memory allocated on heap

    v0.4.4 16K #heap-memory #memory #memory-size #heap #complexity #data-structures
  73. gc

    Tracing garbage collector plugin for Rust

    v0.5.0 2.1K #garbage-collection #memory #garbage #plugin
  74. allocative

    Inspect rust object tree and output it as flamegraph

    v0.3.4 45K #flame-graph #memory #object #tree #profiler #inspect #memory-size
  75. firecracker-microvm/vmm

    Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing

    GitHub 0.1.0 #devices #virtual-machine #micro-vm #firecracker #memory #virtualization #kvm
  76. clear_on_drop

    Helpers for clearing sensitive data on the stack and heap

    v0.2.5 48K #memory #data #heap-memory #zeroize #stack #sensitive #clear
  77. memflow-qemu

    qemu connector for the memflow physical memory introspection framework

    v0.2.1 #process-memory #memory #memflow #introspection #linux-process
  78. measured-process

    Linux process metrics for measured

    v0.0.22 22K #linux-process #metrics #counter #measured #thread #better #memory
  79. memflowup

    setup tool for the memflow physical memory introspection framework

    v0.2.0 #physical-memory #memory #memflow #introspection #dma
  80. mem-find

    Searches the memory of a process (haystack) for a string (needle)

    v0.1.0 #memory #procfs #linux
  81. cargo-rush

    cargo run whatever is on the operating system clipboard

    v0.0.2 #clipboard #cargo #memory #operating-system
  82. statusinfo2

    print various metrics of your system

    v0.0.6 290 #metrics #temperature #memory #cpu #keep #eye #system
  83. memorix-client-redis

    Memorix is an open source next-generation in-memory ORM

    v2.1.3 800 #orm #redis #memorix #next-generation #memory #language #in-memory
  84. lifeguard

    An object pool manager in Rust

    v0.6.1 48K #object-pool #memory #memory-pool #pool #memory-management #allocate #collect
  85. simd_aligned

    Safe and fast SIMD-aligned data structures with easy and transparent 'flat' access

    v0.6.1 #data-structures #simd-vector #simd #memory-access #data-access #aligned #memory
  86. memfile

    memory backed files using memfd_create with file sealing support

    v0.3.2 4.6K #shared-memory #memory #memory-mapped #unix-socket #sealing #process-memory #fd
  87. psycho-killer

    Interactive process killer, manager and system resources monitor

    v0.6.5 500 #process-manager #system-resources #interactive #memory #monitor #kill #ps
  88. typesize

    fetch an accurate estimate of the total memory usage of a value

    v0.1.13 61K #memory #optimization #derive
  89. ringal

    Efficient ring allocator for short-lived buffers

    v0.4.0 140 #buffer #ring-buffer #allocator #memory #ring
  90. presser

    help you copy things into raw buffers without invoking spooky action at a distance (undefined behavior)

    v0.3.1 131K #memory-buffer #uninitialized-memory #buffer #memory #raw #graphics #copy
  91. compact_bytes

    A memory efficient bytes container that transparently stores bytes on the stack, when possible

    v0.1.3 10K #byte #memory #compact #mutable #small #borrow
  92. secstr

    A data type suitable for storing sensitive information such as passwords and private keys in memory, featuring constant time equality, mlock and zeroing out

    v0.5.1 24K #private-key #memory #constant-time #security #mlock #passwords #automatic
  93. scanflow

    memory scanning library based on memflow

    v0.2.1 750 #memory #memflow #dma #virtual-machine #cheatengine #command-line-interface
  94. slabmalloc

    slab based malloc implementation in rust. Can be used stand-alone or in order to provide the necessary interface to rusts liballoc library. slabmalloc only relies on libcore.

    v0.11.0 170 #memory #slab #malloc #alloc
  95. mc-sst25

    Microship SST25* flash memory series

    v0.3.1 #flash #memory #sst25 #microship #no-std
  96. rapx

    A static analysis platform for use-after-free, memory leakage detection, etc

    v0.1.5 110 #analysis #cargo-check #platform #memory #detection #rustc #cargo-clean
  97. scanflow-cli

    memory scanner frontent CLI

    v0.2.1 300 #memory #memflow #dma #virtual-machine #scanflow #cheatengine #command-line
  98. free-list

    A free-list-based page/frame allocator

    v0.3.1 1.8K #memory-allocator #memory #allocator #page #frame
  99. remcached

    Caching system designed for efficient storage and retrieval of entities from remote repositories (REST APIs, Database, ...etc)

    v0.3.0 #cache #repository #memory #async #database
  100. deallocate-zeroed

    An extension trait for allocators to deallocate already-zeroed memory

    v0.2.0 320 #allocator #memory #traits #extension #zeroed #deallocate #free
  101. redis-keyspace-stats

    Analyzes your Redis keyspace and returns statistics about it

    v0.5.4 #redis #key #statistics #database #pattern #memory #keyspace
  102. generational-box

    A box backed by a generational runtime

    v0.6.2 24K #memory-allocator #generational #memory #allocator #box #ui-framework
  103. secmem-alloc

    Custom allocators for secret memory

    v0.3.0 #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory #allocator #secure #secret-key
  104. libp2p-memory-connection-limits

    Memory usage based connection limits for libp2p

    v0.4.0 1.3K #p2p #memory #connection #peer-to-peer #limit #stack #networking
  105. allocation-counter

    Count the number of memory allocation of some code

    v0.8.1 1.7K #memory-management #memory #memory-allocator #allocation #allocator #performance #counter
  106. mem-rs

    pattern scanning and abstraction for pointers in memory of running processes

    v0.2.1 350 #process-memory #memory #pointers #gamedev #abstraction #pattern #scanning
  107. oram

    Oblivious RAM

    v0.2.0-pre.1 600 #oblivious #cryptography #ram #secure #enclave #memory #encryption
  108. remotefs-memory

    remotefs implementation for volatile memory. Good for testing and simulation.

    v0.1.6 460 #memory #remotefs #testing #volatile #tree #simulation #inode
  109. trc

    A faster Arc

    v1.2.4 #reference-counting #smart-pointers #thread-safe #reference-data #memory #shared-data
  110. malloc_size_of_derive

    Firefox memory reporting, not intended for external use

    v0.1.3 16K #firefox #webrender #memory #reporting #intended #external #built
  111. msica

    Windows Installer Custom Actions

    v0.4.1 #windows-installer #action #automation #foreign-interface #windows-api #memory #memory-leaks
  112. venndb

    an in-memory database in Rust for rows queried using bit (flag) columns

    v0.5.0 850 #memory-database #bit-flags #database #memory #db #bits #bit
  113. hypertwobits

    cardinality estimation algorithm

    v0.2.2 #probabilistic #data-structures #algorithm #sketch #memory #hashing #bits
  114. cache-size

    finding your L1/L2/L3 cache sizes

    v0.7.0 1.4K #cache #size #performance #memory #line
  115. alloc-track

    Track memory allocations by backtrace or originating thread

    v0.3.1 1.0K #memory-leaks #memory #alloc #leak #segmentation #trace #memory-management
  116. malloc-info

    A safe wrapper around glibc's malloc_info

    v0.1.2 2.2K #malloc #memory #glibc #debugging
  117. memfd-exec

    Run an executable directly from memory with a friendly interface

    v0.2.1 280 #executable #execution #memory #static #in-memory #run #disk
  118. mem_btree

    A Data Structure of BTree Implemented with Rust, support snapshot. not use any unsafe lib.

    v0.3.2 340 #b-tree #snapshot #structure #clone #memory #implemented #btree-map
  119. ureeves-wasmtime

    High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime

    v27.0.3 150 #wasm-module #memory #instance #wasmtime #host #run-time #engine
  120. plain

    A small Rust library that allows users to reinterpret data of certain types safely

    v0.2.3 845K #memory #data-structures #pod #memory-safe #ffi #byte-array
  121. moveref

    Types and traits for safe C++ style placement initialization and move semantics

    v1.0.0 200 #memory-management #memory #reference #allocation #cpp #ffi
  122. prime-factor

    A prime number factorizer written in Rust

    v0.5.1 #prime #prime-factors #numbers #unsigned-integer #factor #factorization #memory
  123. sovran-arc

    Memory management swift-isms brought to Rust

    v0.1.4 #arc #swift #memory #weak-references #memory-management #concurrency
  124. compact_strings

    A more compact but limited representation of a list of strings or bytestrings

    v4.1.2 120 #byte-string #string-representation #compact #list #memory #immutability #allocation
  125. libphext

    A rust-native implementation of phext

    v0.3.0 290 #phext #knowledge #hierarchical #memory #digital #hypertext #format
  126. linux-info

    Get every info about your linux system

    v0.1.16 1.0K #linux #system-information #hardware #cpu-info #hardware-devices #memory #bios
  127. lwfetch

    cross-platform lightweight system fetch tool

    v1.1.0 #free #fetch #cross-platform #disk #tool #memory #system
  128. virtual-buffer

    A cross-platform library for dealing with buffers backed by raw virtual memory

    v1.0.3 250 #virtual-memory #memory-buffer #virtual #memory #memory-mapped #lock-free #concurrency
  129. bytesbox

    ByteBox is a high-performance hash map implementation optimized for byte slices. It efficiently maps keys and values of type Vec<u8>, providing full ownership of the data. ByteBox uses…

    v0.4.0 160 #hash-map #byte-slice #hash #performance #linked-list #memory #key-hash
  130. bitmap-allocator

    Bit allocator based on segment tree algorithm

    v0.2.0 750 #memory #memory-allocator #bitmap #allocator
  131. clf

    flush the cpu cache line by __builtin_clear_cache()

    v0.1.9 #flush #clear #memory
  132. poetic

    parse and interpret poetic source code

    v0.3.1 290 #source #interpreter #interpret #parse #memory #opcode #pointers
  133. pi_atom

    The global thread safe atomic string pool reduces the memory occupation of the same string and is also used for HashMap keys

    v0.5.4 #string-cache #thread-safe #atom #pool #memory #pi #atomic
  134. qptrie

    A QP-Trie implementation for Rust

    v0.2.5 #trie #key-value #lookup #compact #prefix #memory #array
  135. zone-alloc

    Containers for zone-based data allocation

    v0.4.3 #memory-management #arena-allocation #memory #allocation #arena #interior-mutability
  136. dmidecode

    Decode SMBIOS/DMI information into accessible data structures

    v0.8.5 2.9K #system-information #data-structures #memory #devices #physical-memory #hardware #event-log
  137. libcrux-p256

    Formally verified P-256 implementation

    v0.0.2-beta.3 #verified #p256 #memory #formally #signature #curve #libcrux
  138. rp2040-flash

    Support for writing the flash memory of the Raspberry Silicon RP2040

    v0.6.0 450 #rp2040 #flash #firmware #memory #silicon #helper #functions
  139. encrust

    Obfuscate data in memory to hide it until needed

    v0.2.0 110 #obfuscation #data #run-time #string #memory #obfuscate #hide
  140. proc_mem

    manage processes, modules and read/write their memory on windows

    v0.1.6 220 #process-memory #memory #process #module #read-write #memory-address #patternscan
  141. sallyport

    API for the Enarx hypervisor-microkernel boundary

    v0.6.3 #syscalls #enarx #execute #confidential-computing #host #secure #memory
  142. rom_cache

    cache data in memory like CPU caching RAM

    v0.0.15 160 #cache #rom #lru-cache #memory #cpu #ram #cache-line
  143. corundum

    Persistent Programming Library

    v0.4.1 #persistent-memory #memory-pool #memory #persistent #pmem #pmdk
  144. verity-memory

    Personal memory library with some cool features

    v1.0.4 210 #memory #pattern #instructions #personal #cool #unique #replace
  145. QMem

    A quantum-inspired memory simulation library in Rust that allows bits to exist in superposition

    v0.1.3 #qmem #bits #memory #superposition #simulation #qbits #measure #exist
  146. airomem

    persistence library inspired by Prevayler and @jarekratajski

    v0.7.0 #persistence #persistent-storage #design-pattern #memory #toy #recovery #transaction
  147. lsrmod

    lsmod written in rust and outputs into std and json

    v0.1.3 #json #automation #instance #output #memory #scripting #lsmod
  148. cacheapp

    Cache inspired by Laravel's cache remember forever

    v0.1.7 #cache #memory #remember #performance #memory-caching #forget #fast
  149. tabox

    A sandbox to execute a program in an isolated environment and measure its resource usage

    v1.3.4 #sandbox #resources #untrusted #cpu-time #memory #execute #securely
  150. ld-memory

    Helper crate to programmatically create GNU ld MEMORY blocks

    v0.2.9 1.6K #memory #memory-block #build #bootloader #ld #gnu #offset
  151. downsample

    keep downsampled history of data over long period of time

    v0.0.4 #metrics #memory #data-structures #storage #no-std
  152. iceberg-catalog-memory

    Apache Iceberg Rust Memory Catalog API

    v0.4.0 #iceberg #catalog #memory
  153. rseal

    Memory sealing operations

    v0.1.0 100 #memory #syscalls #sealing #linux #security #memory-safety #api-bindings
  154. palettevec

    A palette compressed vector library for potentially insane runtime compression ratios

    v0.2.1 360 #memory #compression #gamedev #encoding #vector #data-structures #image-compression
  155. memacc

    Memory access functions

    v0.1.11 #memory-access #memory #bit #access #bit-manipulation #manipulation
  156. labview-interop

    Types and wrappers for interperating with LabVIEW when called as a library

    v0.4.0 230 #ni #lab-view #labview #reference #wrappers #called #memory
  157. stupidalloc

    A stupid memory allocator that memory-maps allocations to files

    v0.2.2 150 #memory-allocator #memory #allocator #memory-management #memory-map #stupid #interactive
  158. llist

    Lisp-style singly-linked list

    v0.7.3 1.1K #linked-list #list #lisp #memory #experimental #lisp-style #singly-linked
  159. libarc2

    Low-level interface library for ArC TWO™

    v0.6.0 260 #command-buffer #instructions #low-level #testing #ar-c #interface #memory
  160. libcrux-blake2

    Formally verified blake2 hash library

    v0.0.2-beta.3 #verified #blake2 #hash #formally #hacl #memory
  161. shush-rs

    designed to manage sensitive data securely by leveraging memory protection mechanisms

    v0.1.11 100 #memory-protection #data-protection #memory #data-security #protection #secret #memory-access
  162. re_string_interner

    string interning library

    v0.22.1 26K #string-interning #computer-vision #perfect-hash #lookup #memory #hasher #stores
  163. anndata

    Rust APIs

    v0.6.1 #hdf5 #object #matrix-operations #file-format #h5ad #memory #package
  164. feldera-size-of

    measuring the total memory usage of an object

    v0.1.5 2.7K #memory-object #memory #profiling #memory-management #memory-profiling #heapsize #memory-usage
  165. libcrux-ed25519

    Formally verified ed25519 signature library

    v0.0.2-beta.3 #verified #ed25519 #signature #formally #secret #memory #hacl
  166. metriki-jemalloc

    Metriki integration for jemalloc

    v0.2.0 #metrics #monitoring #memory #observability #aggregate
  167. alloc-madvise

    A memory allocator for creating large aligned chunks of memory

    v0.5.0 #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory #madvise #malloc #read-memory
  168. escoba

    Useful broom to clean your RAM in Window$

    v1.0.1 #memory #garbage #windows #broom #wtf
  169. practicestuff

    CLI trainer for improving calculation and memorisation skills

    v0.4.1 100 #memory #learning #doomsday #math
  170. mago-interner

    A string interning library that stores and reuses identical strings efficiently, improving memory use in large codebases or tools

    v0.14.0 2.5K #interning #string #mago #stores #identical #memory #reuse
  171. libcrux-chacha20poly1305

    Formally verified ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD library

    v0.0.2-beta.3 #chacha20 #verified #formally #chacha20-poly1305 #aead #encryption #memory
  172. bitvek

    bit vector implementation

    v0.3.4 260 #bit-vector #memory #vec-bool
  173. pprof_util

    various utilities for representing and manipulating profiling data

    v0.6.0 74K #memory #profiling #memory-management #pprof #memory-leaks #jemalloc #heap
  174. proc-mem-rs

    proc_mem forc

    v0.1.5 #process-memory #process #memory #module #read-write #patternscan
  175. ration

    A shared memory library

    v0.2.0 250 #shared-memory #memory #ipc #mmap #shm #io
  176. egui_memory_editor

    memory editor for the egui library

    v0.2.11 120 #egui #editor #emulator #immediate-mode #memory #address-range #imgui
  177. tower-sessions-memory-store

    Memory session store. Not for direct use; see the tower-sessions crate for details.

    v0.14.0 93K #session-store #tower-sessions #session-middleware #axum #memory
  178. aneurysm

    Brainf**k interpreter

    v0.1.1 #esolang #programming-language #memory #esoteric #pointers #run #case
  179. dma-api

    Trait for DMA alloc and some collections

    v0.2.2 190 #dma #alloc #collection #api #memory #flush #cache
  180. system-memory

    A small crate to get info/stats on the host's memory

    v0.1.7 160 #memory #host #info #issue #github #tracker #system
  181. hc-wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v4.3.6-hc.1 180 #wasmer #wasm #run-time #memory #instance #table #vm
  182. bradis

    Brad is

    v0.1.0 #command #redis #memory #waiting #improve #brad
  183. emap

    A map with a fixed capacity and integers as keys

    v0.0.13 130 #memory-map #memory #hash-map #fixed #key #capacity #fixed-size
  184. toy-arms

    A crates designed to ease game hacking in rust

    v0.9.4 #cheat #memory #gamehack #windows
  185. mockalloc

    allow testing code which uses the global allocator

    v0.1.2 #memory-leaks #memory-management #memory #testing #memory-allocator #allocation #mocking
  186. u4

    nibble (4-bit integer) library, with packed representations

    v0.1.2 #nibble #integer #representation #memory #packed #stack #u8
  187. freta

    Project Freta client

    v0.22.0 410 #security #memory #image #service #memory-forensics #volatile #client
  188. tomt_atom

    Basic Atom (string) registry for use with ID strings. For when an application contains and passes around many constant strings (mainly de/serialized strings), this should reduce the…

    v0.1.7 #string #string-cache #atom #memory #constant #registry #performance
  189. gstr

    An immutable string implementation optimized for small strings and comparison

    v0.2.0 #string #immutability #byte-string #comparison #optimized #memory #length
  190. inner-mem-cache

    appliction inner memory cache

    v0.1.7 140 #cache #memory #inner #memcache #appliction
  191. osiris-data

    A data management package

    v0.2.1 650 #virtual-machine #memory #data-structures #data #64-bit #virtualization
  192. ferroc

    A fast & lock-free memory allocator library

    v1.0.0-pre.3 #memory-allocator #memory #allocator #lock-free #heap
  193. elf_rs

    no_std ELF file reader for ELF32 and ELF64

    v0.3.1 1.1K #elf-file #file-reader #file-format #read-file #elf64 #elf32 #memory
  194. talloc

    A fast, consistant, and flexible no_std-compatible allocator

    v2.0.1 #memory-allocator #arena-allocator #memory-management #memory #arena-allocation #allocator #heap-memory
  195. drop_arena

    A single-type allocator which permits dropping and reclaiming of individual elements

    v0.3.0 #arena-allocator #memory #arena #fixed-size #drop #individual #elements
  196. psx-shm

    POSIX shared memory wrapper

    v0.1.1 #shared-memory #ipc #posix #shared #memory #shm
  197. emcell

    Reserve flash memory regions to safely keep multiple binary and library binaries (cells) on a microcontroller. The cells can call functions from other cells.

    v0.0.3 180 #micro-controller #flash #memory #embedded
  198. spytools

    Tools for spying on running processes

    v0.3.0 200 #memory #running #processes #binary #spying #memory-layout #inspecting
  199. roussillon-memory

    Memory utility for the roussillon language

    v0.1.4 350 #heap-memory #stack-memory #memory #reference #heap #stack #region
  200. flinch

    in-memory database

    v0.1.67 100 #document-database #memory-database #full-text-search #search-query #database #memory #in-memory
  201. memflow-native

    System call based proxy-OS for memflow

    v0.2.6 #memflow #dma #memory #introspection #virtual-memory #api-bindings
  202. resourcetrack

    Basic tools for counting objects

    v0.4.1 160 #counting #resource #tracking #counter #object #memory #performance
  203. zipf-fixed

    A faster zipf distribution that uses more memory

    v0.2.1 160 #distribution #zipf #memory #values #algorithm #time #faster
  204. vga

    Support for vga specific functions, data structures, and registers

    v0.2.9 150 #register #graphics #data-structures #hardware #mode #access #memory
  205. extract_map

    A HashMap for memory efficent storage of value types which contain their own keys

    v0.2.0 1.8K #hash-map #memory #map #hash-set #optimised #key-value-store #hash-maps
  206. openmls_memory_storage

    A very basic storage for OpenMLS implementing openmls_traits

    v0.3.0 350 #security #openmls #mls #memory #messaging #in-memory #protocols
  207. btree_experiment

    implements a BTreeMap similar to std::collections::BTreeMap

    v0.1.106 #btree-map #b-tree #collection #memory #experiment #optimization #standard
  208. jit-allocator

    An executable code allocator

    v0.2.8 #memory-allocator #memory #memory-protection #executable #jit #allocator #memory-access
  209. syncpool

    A thread-friendly library for recycle of heavy and heap-based objects to reduce allocation and memory pressure

    v0.1.6 210 #memory-safety #object-pool #heap-memory #memory #memory-management #lock-free #memory-pool
  210. moving_gc_arena

    Lightweight Garbage-collectable regions using indices and explicit roots

    v0.3.3 #garbage-collection #memory #garbage #graph #memory-region #graph-algorithms #memory-safety
  211. pages-and-pages

    Allows control over a manually allocated region of page-aligned memory with support for granular protection and locking of underlying pages

    v0.4.1 380 #memory-protection #memory-management #memory #page #allocation #locking #lock
  212. packed-char

    Stores a char or a 22-bit integer in 32 bits

    v0.1.2 #memory #compression #char #memory-size #character
  213. atomic-counter

    Atomic (thread-safe) counters for Rust

    v1.0.1 94K #counter #thread-safe #order #atomic #lock-free #memory #relaxed
  214. ml-prefetcher

    A machine learning based prefetcher for predicting access patterns

    v0.1.1 #memory #optimization #ml #pattern-matching #prefetch #machine-learning #memory-access
  215. shuffling-allocator

    A shuffling allocator, randomizing heap object locations; useful for avoiding accidental cache locality during benchmarking, which can obscure performance evaluation

    v1.1.2 48K #heap-allocation #performance-testing #memory #benchmarking #memory-management #cache #locality
  216. opc_da

    OPC Data Access

    v0.2.0 #opc #da #data-access #operations #memory #testing
  217. opentalk-cache

    OpenTalk caching of redis data in local memory

    v0.28.2 240 #redis #cache #open-talk #memory #local #data
  218. koute/bytehound-gather

    A memory profiler for Linux

    GitHub 0.11.0 #memory #profiling #profiler #gather #bytehound #linux #data-analysis
  219. packedvec

    Store vectors of integers efficiently

    v1.2.4 26K #integer #vector #memory #element #bits #range #numbers
  220. hash_cons

    A type-safe hash-cons library

    v0.2.0 260 #interning #memoization #memory #hash #memory-management #data-structures #cons
  221. clear-cache

    A native implementation of __builtin___clear_cache without dependency of GCC/Clang

    v0.1.1 #cache #instructions #intrinsics #native #memory #flush #clear
  222. size-of

    measuring the total memory usage of an object

    v0.1.5 12K #memory-object #memory #profiling #memory-profiling #memory-management #heapsize #memory-usage
  223. normal_pack

    Compresses normal vectors (or any 3D unit vector) using Octahedron encoding

    v0.1.4 150 #compression #vector #normal #memory #vertex-shader #3d #unit
  224. linker-sections

    Custom linker section memory initialization for no-std

    v0.2.1 220 #init #section #linker #memory #no-alloc
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. crosscall

    dart and rust ffi call

    v0.1.6 430 #dart #communication #flutter #grpc #channel #memory #call
  227. zallocator

    Amortizes the cost of small allocations by allocating memory in bigger chunks

    v0.5.1 340 #memory #memory-management #allocator #allocations #chunks #allocating #async
  228. sgx_alloc

    Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language

    v1.1.1 #intel-sgx #sgx-sdk #confidential-computing #memory #allocation #write #tee
  229. raw_struct

    procedural macro for easily declaring C-style structs that reference local or external memory, based on your memory implementation. It generates appropiate getter methods for easy access.

    v0.1.3 #memory #reference #external #struct #proc-macro #getter #methods
  230. dmalibrary

    that makes it easy to work with DMA cards for memory forensics and video game hacking

    v0.0.2 #memory #dma #forensics #pcileech #memprocfs
  231. tower-memlim

    Tower based middleware layer to limit requests based on the host's computer memory usage

    v0.3.0 190 #tower-service #tower #memory #limit #layer #service #tower-middleware
  232. memtest

    detecting faulty memory

    v0.1.3 300 #memory #stability #detecting #faulty
  233. zero

    zero-allocation parsing of binary data

    v0.1.3 48K #binary-data #binary-parser #zero-allocation #memory #memory-safe
  234. contiguous-mem

    A contiguous memory storage

    v0.4.2 #contiguous-memory #memory-management #memory #contiguous #container #memory-block #storage
  235. process-memory

    that can read/write the memory of other processes

    v0.5.0 400 #memory #process #memory-management #read-write #debugging #debugging-tool #remote
  236. small_iter

    A 3-pointer iterator that moves out of a Vec<T> or Box<[T]>

    v0.1.2 #iterator #memory #vec #boxed #slice #double-ended
  237. hala-pprof-memory

    A memory profile data collector for pprof

    v0.2.19 #memory #profiling #pprof #data #run-time #profile #programs
  238. gravitron_renderer

    Gravitron Renderer

    v0.1.0 100 #gravitron #game #renderer #vulkan #render #memory
  239. libload_reflective

    A package to reflectively load libraries from memory

    v0.1.14 120 #load #memory #reflective #byte #libload #linux #anonymous
  240. bort-vma

    Rust ffi bindings and idiomatic wrapper for AMD Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA)

    v0.3.4 #memory-allocator #memory-management #free-memory #memory #memory-block #memory-pool #vulkan
  241. toprs

    Cross platform memory focused top

    v0.3.4 #process-memory #cpu-memory #memory #top #cross-platform #cross-platform-gui #cpu
  242. ant-libp2p-memory-connection-limits

    Memory usage based connection limits for libp2p

    v0.3.1 #p2p #peer-to-peer #limit #connection #memory #repository #networking
  243. contiguous-arena

    Efficient, reusable memory arena for Rust with support for contiguous memory blocks

    v0.1.0 #contiguous-memory #arena #contiguous #memory #allocation #memory-block
  244. wishbone-tool

    command line program to control a Wishbone bus of an embedded device

    v0.7.9 #embedded-devices #wishbone #usb-device #bridge #bus #memory #litex
  245. composable-allocators

    Composable memory allocators for new allocator API

    v0.3.3 #memory-allocator #memory #allocator #composable #fallback
  246. musage

    🧵 A command line memory usage information tool

    v0.1.6 #memory #command-line #ram #command-line-tool #ram-usage