
  1. sysinfo

    get system information such as processes, CPUs, disks, components and networks

    v0.33.1 2.3M #system-information #disk #cpu #process #network #raspberry-pi #macos-ios
  2. async-process

    Async interface for working with processes

    v2.3.0 2.0M #process #child-process #spawn #command #subprocess #child
  3. jobserver

    GNU Make jobserver for Rust

    v0.1.32 7.1M #build #ipc #process #communication #parallelism #cargo #client
  4. procfs

    Interface to the linux procfs pseudo-filesystem

    v0.17.0 1.1M #linux-process #process #linux #process-file #filesystem #proc
  5. subprocess

    Execution of child processes and pipelines, inspired by Python's subprocess module, with Rust-specific extensions

    v0.2.9 396K #child-process #execute-command #stdin #process #input-output #command #redirect
  6. duct

    running child processes

    v0.13.7 531K #child-process #command-output #process #subprocess #child #command #pipe
  7. minidump-writer

    Rust rewrite of Breakpad's minidump_writer

    v0.10.2 12K #crash-reports #process #crash #breakpad #dump #rewrite #information
  8. cmd_lib

    Common rust commandline macros and utils, to write shell script like tasks easily

    v1.9.5 119K #shell #process #script #pipe #command-line-utilities
  9. procs

    A modern replacement for ps

    v0.14.9 2.0K #process-information #process #color #list #command-line #column #ps
  10. shared_child

    using child processes from multiple threads

    v1.0.1 644K #child-process #process #child #subprocess #thread-safe #command
  11. mpi

    Message Passing Interface bindings for Rust

    v0.8.0 3.6K #parallel-processing #standard #computing #parallel #send-receive #process #communicator
  12. command-group

    Extension to Command to spawn in a process group

    v5.0.1 85K #process #group #command #extension #increase
  13. procmon-oprs

    A process monitor for Linux

    v0.37.1 440 #linux-process #process #process-memory #linux #monitor #linux-command #cpu-memory
  14. process-wrap

    Wrap a Command, to spawn processes in a group or session or job etc

    v8.2.0 39K #process #group #session #command #pty
  15. cargo-release

    Cargo subcommand for you to smooth your release process

    v0.25.17 6.9K #cargo #cargo-subcommand #update #version #smoothing #process #workspace
  16. metrics-process

    Cross-platform Prometheus style process metrics collector of metrics crate

    v2.4.0 80K #prometheus-metrics #metrics #process #prometheus #open-metrics #metrics-exporter #cross-platform
  17. shared_memory

    A user friendly crate that allows you to share memory between processes

    v0.12.4 85K #memory #shared #inter-process #process #memory-access #shmem #synchronization
  18. rusty-fork

    Cross-platform library for running Rust tests in sub-processes using a fork-like interface

    v0.3.0 2.6M #unit-testing #testing #process #fork #test-runner #properties
  19. lang_tester

    Concise language testing framework for compilers and VMs

    v0.9.0 10K #virtual-machine #test-framework #compiler #language #testing #source-file #process
  20. pty-process

    spawn commands attached to a pty

    v0.5.1 41K #pty #process #spawn #execute
  21. faketty

    Wrapper to exec a command in a pty, even if redirecting the output

    v1.0.18 100 #command-output #pty #tty #process #terminal #logging #exec
  22. psutil

    Process and system monitoring library

    v5.1.0 51K #monitoring #process #python #system #platform #module
  23. secmem-proc

    Process hardening through system APIs

    v0.3.5 7.6K #process-memory #process #memory #hardening #secure #system-api
  24. precord

    Command line tool for recording process or system performance data

    v0.7.13 2.7K #performance-monitoring #performance #command-line #command-line-tool #process #recording #gpu
  25. lurk-cli

    lurk is a pretty (simple) alternative to strace

    v0.3.9 450 #syscalls #strace #trace #call #output #process #command-line-tool
  26. cargo-util-schemas

    Deserialization schemas for Cargo

    v0.7.2 613K #cargo-metadata #deserialize #schema #parser #package-manager #process #serde
  27. process_control

    Ergonomically run processes with limits

    v5.0.0 7.6K #process #child-process #timeout #terminate #wait #kill
  28. named-lock

    Cross-platform implementation of cross-process named locks

    v0.4.1 70K #inter-process #process #cross-process #flock #create-mutex-w
  29. fork

    creating a new process detached from the controlling terminal (daemon)

    v0.2.0 124K #daemon-process #process #daemon #setsid #daemonize
  30. tauri-plugin-process

    Access the current process of your Tauri application

    v2.2.0 22K #tauri-app #tauri-plugin #process #api-access #child-process #applications #plugin-api
  31. process_viewer

    A process viewer GUI

    v0.5.9 #process #gtk #cpu-memory #viewer #gui #process-information #linux-process
  32. execute

    extending Command in order to execute programs more easily

    v0.2.13 16K #execute-command #exit-status #command #process #pipe #redirect
  33. py-spy

    Sampling profiler for Python programs

    v0.4.0 300 #performance-analysis #python #profiling #profiler #sampling #process #command-line
  34. serde_nanos

    Wrapper to process duration and timestamps as nanoseconds

    v0.1.4 190K #nanosecond #serde-json #duration #timestamp #process #communicate #protocols
  35. LinuxAppUninstaller

    uninstalling applications on Linux

    v0.2.0 #linuxappuninstaller #linux #applications #system #uninstalling #free #uninstall #process
  36. kill_tree

    🌳 Kill Tree is a library designed to terminate a specified process and all its child processes recursively, operating independently of other commands like kill or taskkill

    v0.2.4 18K #child-process #process #kill #terminate #taskkill #tree-kill #winapi
  37. monit-tool

    command-line utility written in Rust for working with GitHub Actions

    v0.3.3 #cpu-memory #github-actions #process #monitoring #real-time #monitor #command-line-tool
  38. dvcompute_branch

    Discrete event simulation library (nested simulation)

    v2.0.0 300 #discrete-event #computation #simulation #process #events #nested #continuation
  39. phext-shell

    A phext-native implementation of an operating system shell

    v0.1.13 900 #shell #scroll #phext #process #coordinate #hierarchical #display
  40. process_hollowing

    Creates a process and overwrites the entry point with shellcode (default to a reverse shell on localhost:4444)

    v1.12.0 360 #process #entry-point #shellcode #reverse #shell #hollowing #default
  41. process_migration

    Overwrites a running process' next instruction(s) with shellcode (default to a reverse shell on localhost:4444)

    v1.13.0 350 #process #shellcode #reverse #instructions #shell #running #migration
  42. preprocess

    Preprocesses a struct with built-in preprocessors

    v0.5.7 1.3K #preprocessor #validation #api #test #process #email #derive-debug
  43. servicer

    Simplify Service Management on systemd

    v0.1.14 110 #service #systemd #process #dbus #file-path #cli-tool #command-line-interface
  44. electron-repl

    A command-line REPL tool for Electron applications that allows you to execute JavaScript code in the main process

    v0.1.1 260 #electron #applications #execute #process #repl #javascript #command-line
  45. kurv

    A process manager to daemonize commands and programs. Inspired by pm2, but lightweight and not as featureful.

    v0.0.4 160 #process-manager #process #manager #nodejs #daemon #daemonize #run-command
  46. xsd-parser

    Rust code generator for XML schema files

    v0.2.0 330 #xml-schema #generator #optimization #generate #error #information #process
  47. juiz_app

    JUIZ utility command-line application package

    v0.0.4 100 #juiz #process #container #execute #component #applications #language
  48. memflex

    Memory hacking library

    v0.8.4 1.2K #process-memory #pattern-matching #memory #hacking #process
  49. mozilla/neqo-client

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #mozilla #ietf #client #quic #process
  50. pik

    process interactive kill

    v0.16.0 440 #process #linux-process #kill #linux #terminal #command-line #command-line-tool
  51. intentrace

    strace with intent, it goes all the way for you instead of half the way

    v0.4.2 #syscalls #strace #intent #goes #half #process #page
  52. killport

    A command-line tool to easily kill processes and containers running on a specified port

    v1.1.0 10K #port #process #kill #command-line-tool #command-line-arguments #linux #linux-macos
  53. psfu

    process fu

    v0.4.7 750 #process #tree #show #command #affinity #backtrace #cpu
  54. terminal-trx

    handle to the terminal of the current process

    v0.2.4 22K #io #tty #process #readable #writable #terminal #write
  55. korah

    A CLI utility for natural language queries

    v0.1.0 110 #nlp #queries #natural #language #utility #command-line-tool #process
  56. pid1

    pid1 handling library for proper signal and zombie reaping of the PID1 process

    v0.1.4 4.2K #process #init #cli
  57. force-ansi

    A command-line wrapper program that can force ANSI code to be enabled in the Windows console

    v1.0.0 #process #terminal #cli
  58. rbw

    Unofficial Bitwarden CLI

    v1.13.2 450 #bitwarden #command-line #key #password #client #background #process
  59. neocortex

    Shared memory crate designed for simplicity, safety, and extensibility

    v3.0.3 1.2K #shared-memory #memory #inter-process #shared #process #shmem #memory-access
  60. pidtree_mon

    A CPU load monitor of process trees

    v0.2.1 200 #linux-process #process #cpu #linux #utility #command-line-tool
  61. drmemd

    Main process of the DrMem control system

    v0.4.1 #control-system #automation #process #dr-mem
  62. os-id

    OS ids abstractions for process and thread

    v3.1.0 10K #process-id #process #thread #id
  63. polkadot-runtime-releaser-cli

    Polkadot Runtime Releaser CLI

    v0.2.0 #run-time #polkadot #releaser #toolchain #process #releasing #docker
  64. rusteron-code-gen

    Code generator for aeron c bindings

    v0.1.93 2.9K #aeron #client #bindings #status #structure #process #aeron-archive
  65. reqtrace

    command-line tool for real-time network activity monitoring, connection tracing, and network access control of any process or command

    v0.2.2 #connection #access-control #command-line-tool #process #activity #monitoring #real-time
  66. locale_config

    Maintains locale preferences for process and thread and initialises them by inspecting the system for user preference

    v0.3.0 117K #locale #internationalization #preferences #thread #process #per-thread #user
  67. runproclike

    CLI utility that analyzes a running process by its PID and prints the command and its environment in a reproducible form

    v0.2.0 #process #pid #command #command-line #forms #running #prints
  68. test-fork

    running tests in separate processes

    v0.1.3 1.5K #fork #process #testing
  69. blooemu

    the best library for OS API's manipulation

    v0.2.1 1.4K #process #api #process-memory #system-api #alert #error #file
  70. signal-child

    A little library to easily signal other process with no dependencies

    v1.0.6 900 #child-process #process #signal #linux-process #unix #linux #unix-command
  71. rubedo

    useful functionality and extensions

    v0.6.3 #utility #extension #http #standard #serde #process #stone
  72. uptime_lib

    Multi-platform uptime library

    v0.3.1 11K #uptime #multi-platform #status #process
  73. diffusionx

    random number/stochastic process simulation with high performance

    v0.1.5 280 #random #numbers #process #simulation
  74. readings-probe

    Probe for vital metrics process logging

    v0.1.6 13K #profiling #auditing #metrics #process #probe #logging #readings
  75. dvcompute

    Discrete event simulation library (sequential simulation)

    v2.0.0 180 #discrete-event #computation #process #simulation #events #continuation #modeling
  76. shellflip

    Graceful process restarts in Rust

    v2.1.1 22K #process #graceful-shutdown #restart #systemd #upgrade #service #fork
  77. artisan_middleware

    The main services of the artisan platform to allow communication and management of linux system services

    v5.3.1 1.4K #git-repository #applications #process #middleware #state #version-control #configuration-management
  78. sentry-rust-minidump

    Captures native crashes as minidumps and sends to Sentry

    v0.10.0 3.8K #sentry #crash #crash-reports #process #capture #native #applications
  79. process_mining

    Process Mining library for working with (object-centric) event data

    v0.3.23 #event-log #process #events #mining #import-export #data-science #event-stream
  80. command-run

    running a command in a subprocess

    v1.1.2 420 #run-command #command #subprocess #command-output #process #run #cmd
  81. process-image

    Zero-cost abstraction for convenient access to process image tags

    v0.2.2 140 #industrial-automation #process #automation #plc #tags #access #data-access
  82. graph_process_manager_loggers

    Generic loggers for graph_process_manager_core

    v0.2.3 340 #graph #process #tree-traversal #trace-logging #tree #heuristics #traversal
  83. bb

    clean simple fast process viewer

    v0.4.4 600 #process #processes #top #ps
  84. server-manager

    server-manager is a Rust library for managing server processes. It encapsulates service startup, shutdown, and background daemon mode. Users can specify the PID file, log file paths…

    v3.0.10 1.8K #processes #unix #manager #process #file-path #libc #linux
  85. apis

    Reactive, session-oriented, asynchronous process-calculus framework

    v0.5.10 1.1K #state-transition #process #session #channel #reactive #framework #asynchronous
  86. snurr

    Read BPMN 2.0 files and run the process flow

    v0.7.0 650 #process #bpmn #business #engine #run #read #task
  87. lunatic

    Helper library for building Rust applications that run on lunatic

    v0.14.1 240 #process #fault-tolerant #run-time #thread #applications #concurrency #wasm
  88. listeners

    Get processes listening on a TCP port in a cross-platform way

    v0.2.1 5.4K #tcp-port #process #tcp-listener #tcp #tcp-socket #port #process-id
  89. pmortem

    A process dumper

    v0.1.0 #process #dumper #built #pid #exit #arguments #debugging
  90. proc-heim

    running and managing short-lived and long-lived processes using asynchronous API

    v0.1.4 550 #process-manager #script #process #manager #command #subprocess #child-process
  91. tasklist

    Get the tasklist and process information on windows

    v0.2.15 200 #process-information #process #task #list
  92. process_path

    Gets the path of the currently executing process or dynamic library

    v0.1.4 12K #file-path #process #executable #dylib #dll #filesystem #current
  93. pushenv

    A CLI utility that reads a .env file before starting a process. Example usage: pushenv -- echo $SOME_VAR pushenv some.env.file -- echo $SOME_VAR

    v1.1.2 300 #env-file #command-line-tool #file-read #process #starting #utility #echo
  94. sentry-backtrace

    Sentry integration and utilities for dealing with stacktraces

    v0.36.0 773K #sentry #integration #backtrace #stacktraces #utilities #process #capture
  95. unzip_iter

    Unzip an iterator to iterators

    v0.8.0 1.4K #iterator #unzip #tuple #process #traits #splitting #collect
  96. parallelrun

    Runs several commands concurrently

    v0.3.2 400 #terminal #ui #process #cli #command-line-tool
  97. bbox-processes-server

    BBOX OGC API Processes Service

    v0.6.1 #processes #workflow #process #workflow-engine #task #back-end
  98. zygote

    process is a small process used primarily to create new processes

    v0.1.2 2.0K #process #create #running
  99. loco-cli

    loco cli website generator

    v0.12.0 410 #website-generator #loco #command-line #command-line-tool #generate #process #folder
  100. ycwd

    replace xcwd on Wayland compositors

    v0.1.0 110 #wayland-compositor #xcwd #process #tty
  101. odem-rs

    Object-based Discrete-Event Modelling in Rust using async/await

    v0.1.1 #discrete-event #agent #process #simulator #monte-carlo #simulation #no-alloc
  102. gpr

    Libgpr binding for Rust. Provides an easy way to build Ada projects with cargo.

    v0.1.4 140 #build #ada #binding #projects #cargo #gnat #process
  103. persistent-scheduler

    high-performance task scheduling system developed in Rust using Tokio. This system supports task persistence, repeatable tasks, Cron-based scheduling, and one-time tasks, ensuring reliability…

    v0.3.0 110 #task-scheduling #persistence #tokio #operations #reliability #applications #process
  104. pid1-exe

    pid1 handling library for proper signal and zombie reaping of the PID1 process

    v0.1.4 140 #process #pid1 #init #cli
  105. process-lib

    Cross-platform, asynchronous Rust library to run commands in pipelines

    v1.0.0 370 #pipeline #cross-platform #async-io #run-command #process #async #command
  106. kubert-prometheus-process

    A prometheus-client process metrics collector

    v0.2.0-alpha1 6.2K #prometheus-metrics #metrics #process #monitoring #prometheus-client #prometheus #helper
  107. ctf-pwn

    Pwn utilities for Rust

    v0.3.8 #tcp-stream #utilities #pipe #payload #ansi #pwn #process
  108. pmc

    easy to use PM2 alternative

    v2.0.0 1.3K #process #management #fork #process-information #stop #control #restart
  109. pwatch

    A process watcher - a tool to keep an eye on selected processes with resource usage historical graphs

    v0.5.2 #process #cpu-memory #top #watch #resources #terminal #regex
  110. runmany

    Easily run multiple long-running commands in parallel

    v0.3.0 180 #process #system #many
  111. rcheat

    Get/modify variable's value in another Linux running process

    v0.2.0 360 #process #linux-process #ptrace #elf #gdb #cli
  112. biometrics

    provide the vitals of a process in the form of counters, gauges, moments, and T-digests

    v0.11.0 370 #counter #gauge #process #histogram #moment #forms #t-digests
  113. phnt

    Rust bindings to the System Informer’s (formerly known as Process Hacker) phnt native Windows headers

    v0.1.2 #process #low-level #bindings #header #native-bindings #syscalls #informer
  114. windows-win

    Some windows hacking library with utilities to find windows and access them

    v3.0.0 17K #winapi #process #access #find #utilities #hacking #interact
  115. moby9098

    Spawn a uniquely ps-identifiable process

    v0.1.1 #docker #process #cli #ps #uniquely #identifiable #exec
  116. together-rs

    running multiple commands together

    v0.4.0 370 #run-command #command #cli-command #interactive #process #execute #cli
  117. sysinfo-gui

    A cross-platform system-monitoring gui application based on sysinfo and fltk

    v0.1.17 #gui-applications #monitoring #cross-platform-gui #cross-platform #gui #system-info #process
  118. CreateProcessW

    Create and handle processes on Windows using the Win32 API

    v0.1.7 350 #createprocessw #process #winapi #command #api-bindings #create-process-ex-w
  119. process-terminal

    Terminal manager for displaying outputs/errors of processes launched from rust code

    v0.1.2 #process #terminal #output #displaying #manager #scroll #launched
  120. creche

    A replacement for std::process::Command and related types in the standard library. Runs single processes, and pipelines of processes, with configuration of file descriptors and environment for each child process.

    v0.2.1 390 #child-process #file-descriptor #process #env-vars #child #pipe #command
  121. wipe-on-fork

    A replacement to OnceCell, LazyCell, Once, OnceLock, LazyLock that wipes itself when being forked in Unix

    v0.2.3 #once-cell #fork #process #data #data-structures #child-process #primitive
  122. functiontrace-server

    The server component that FunctionTrace (functiontrace.com) clients will spawn and connect to

    v0.8.0 1.3K #python-module #process #trace #component #com #hook #information
  123. mini-proclist

    a tiny list of os processes

    v0.1.1 #process #top #cli
  124. affinity

    consistent way to set core affinity for currently running threads and processes

    v0.1.2 38K #process #thread #cpu #core #api-bindings
  125. proc_mem

    manage processes, modules and read/write their memory on windows

    v0.1.6 220 #process-memory #memory #process #module #read-write #memory-address #patternscan
  126. gaol

    OS-level application sandboxing library

    v0.2.1 12K #sandboxing #applications #security #process #set-operations #cross-platform #perform
  127. procx

    interactive command-line tool for quickly searching and terminating processes, offering a streamlined alternative to traditional kill

    v0.1.9 600 #kill #process #linux #search #command-line-tool #system #terminal
  128. tokio-process-tools

    Interact with processes spawned by tokio

    v0.4.0 290 #process #tokio #collector #management
  129. process-fun

    process management and inter-process communication

    v0.1.2 #process #communication #ipc
  130. procsys

    retrieve system, kernel, and process metrics from the pseudo-filesystems /proc and /sys

    v0.6.0 480 #information #metrics #process #class #kernel #proc #system-information
  131. sleipnir

    Memory safe font operations for Google Fonts

    v0.2.2 #memory-safe #font #google #operations #graphics #process #cargo
  132. coreutils_core

    abstractions to implement UNIX core utilities

    v0.1.2 1.8K #unix #coreutils #abstraction #utilities #user-group #process #module
  133. drasi-core

    Drasi Core

    v0.1.0 #drasi #query #continuous #properties #node #process #set
  134. rubedo-ssg

    The final stage in the alchemical process of building a static website

    v0.5.0 350 #ssg #static-website #markdown #final #process #stage #building
  135. process_tools

    Collection of algorithms and structures to handle processes properly

    v0.12.0 #process #algorithm #structures #fundamental #general-purpose #handle #collection
  136. nu-system

    Nushell system querying

    v0.102.0 9.9K #shell #process #nushell #querying #nushell-plugin #operating #system-info
  137. proc-ctl

    A helper library for querying and manipulating processes

    v0.4.1 #process #process-id #querying #port #helper #find #ctl
  138. bevy_outline_post_process

    An adaptive outline post-processing effect for the Bevy game engine

    v0.5.0 240 #outline #game-engine #post-processing #adaptive #effect #process #luminance
  139. plumber-cli

    unix process pipelines made easy

    v0.4.1 #pipeline #process #pipe #unix #signal #robust #plumber
  140. envro

    load environment variables from a .env file into the process environment variables

    v0.4.0 450 #env-vars #env-file #variables #environment #load #process
  141. command-macros

    Macros for creating std::process::Command with shell-like syntax

    v0.2.9 #shell #process #command #dsl #macro #scripting-language
  142. layoutcss-parser

    Process a text to generate corresponding CSS according to the layoutcss framework

    v0.1.26 1.8K #css #process #generate #framework #layoutcss #text
  143. sqlparser-mysql

    A SQL parser for MySQL with nom

    v0.0.2 130 #sql-parser #mysql #statement #nom #database #process
  144. watchexec-supervisor

    Watchexec's process supervisor component

    v4.0.0 36K #process #execute-command #supervisor #command #watchexec
  145. systemd-run

    running processes as Systemd transient services

    v0.9.0 #systemd #process #service #transient #running #manager #per-user
  146. psctl

    An operator for local processes

    v0.4.0 490 #process #linux-process #management #process-manager #graph #local #unix
  147. stem-cell

    project to demonstrate the cross-platform release management process I use for my open source work

    v0.0.7 #cross-platform #management #source #open #process #demonstrate #github
  148. biometrics_prometheus

    prometheus-compatible exporter of biometrics

    v0.8.0 350 #prometheus-exporter #biometrics #data-file #path #process #locking #lock-file
  149. bevy_scene_postprocess

    Bevy that provides a way to postprocess scenes after loading them

    v0.2.0 #scene #bevy #post #process #hook
  150. snipdoc

    Code Documentation Made Simple

    v0.1.12 260 #snippets #documentation #documentation-tool #yaml #parts #process #collect
  151. proc-mem-rs

    proc_mem forc

    v0.1.5 #process-memory #process #memory #module #read-write #patternscan
  152. kxkdb

    Dual q/kdb+ interface for API to build a shared library and an IPC client

    v0.1.0 #api #ipc #kdb #process #shared #embedding #client
  153. nimble-assent

    Authoritative state

    v0.0.17-dev 110 #state #authoritative #nimble #ensure #step #assent #process
  154. caryatid_process

    building a Caryatid process

    v0.2.3 110 #process #module #message-bus #caryatid #info #structure #routing-bus
  155. envful

    verify the presence of environment variables before running a process

    v1.0.7 #env-vars #env-file #variables #environment #env #process #check
  156. command-fds

    passing arbitrary file descriptors when spawning child processes

    v0.3.0 54K #file-descriptor #child-process #process #process-file #child #fd #subprocess
  157. drasi-middleware

    Drasi Core Middleware

    v0.1.0 #drasi #middleware #properties #process #query #query-language #continuous
  158. adb-rust

    A common adb operation

    v0.2.6 130 #execute-command #adb #command #synchronous #cmd #async #process
  159. parallely

    command line process parallelization executor

    v0.2.0 360 #command-line #process #parallel-processing #parallelization #executor #command-line-tool #echo
  160. qdk_sim_experimental

    Experimental simulators for use with the Quantum Development Kit

    v0.24.216270-beta 100 #quantum-simulation #experimental #kit #state #qdk #noise #process
  161. libabort

    A abort function that doesn't require the standard library

    v0.1.9 120 #abort #standard #libc #unsafe #process #panic #std
  162. chem-eng-real-time-process-control-simulator

    Process Control Library (Chemical Engineering) with real time transfer function simulators

    v0.0.5 280 #real-time #process #control #engineering #chemical #transfer #simulator
  163. command-error

    Detailed error messages and status checking for std::process::Command

    v0.6.0 #command-output #status-command #error-message #command #error #process
  164. usso

    universal single sign-on (SSO) integration for microservices, making it easy to add secure, scalable authentication across different frameworks. This client simplifies the process of…

    v0.2.6 700 #microservices #framework #integration #sso #add #simplifies #process
  165. pswatch

    minimalist process monitoring and task scheduler

    v0.1.1 #process #run-command #monitoring #config-file #task-scheduler #scheduler #timer
  166. cargo-credential-wincred

    A Cargo credential process that stores tokens with Windows Credential Manager

    v0.4.11 19K #credentials #windows #cargo #tokens #provider #package-manager #process
  167. isixhosa

    help process text in isiXhosa

    v0.3.1 200 #nlp #language #xhosa #text #process #repr #noun-class
  168. hydra-websockets

    A websocket server for the hydra framework

    v0.1.38 420 #websocket-server #hydra #framework #applications #fault-tolerant #scalable #process
  169. picturium-libvips

    Libvips bindings for picturium media server

    v0.1.1 130 #bindings #process #media #version #media-server #libvips #picturium
  170. shleazy

    Shell Made Easy: convenience wrappers around std::process

    v0.1.1 280 #shell #process #scripting
  171. tokio-bin-process

    run your application under a separate process with tokio tracing assertions when integration testing

    v0.7.0 #integration-tests #process #tokio #applications #tracing #assertions #events
  172. subtr-actor-spec

    Rocket League replay transformer

    v0.0.4 110 #rocket-league #replay #parser #process #subtr-actor #extracting #simplifies
  173. atomic-interval

    A tiny implementation of an atomic timer

    v0.1.4 250 #lock-free #atomic #interval #timer #time #process
  174. proc_pidinfo

    accessing process information using proc_pidinfo on macOS

    v0.1.2 #macos #process #process-information #proc #pidinfo #file-descriptor #syscalls
  175. floxide-longrunning

    Long-running node abstractions for the floxide framework

    v1.1.0 #long-running #node #framework #floxide #process #traits #workflow
  176. starbase_sandbox

    A temporary sandbox for testing file system and process operations, with fixtures support

    v0.9.0 2.0K #filesystem #testing #fixtures #system #process #file #sandbox
  177. processmanager

    manage process lifecycles, graceful shutdown and process faults

    v0.3.2 #graceful-shutdown #process #signal #runnable #async-trait #tokio #fault
  178. bmart

    Bohemia Automation common tools library

    v0.2.11 360 #worker #real-time #process #tool #realtime
  179. procsem

    Semaphore used to lock thread/task-spanning sequence of operations

    v0.2.0 #locking #semaphore #operations #sequence #process #mutual #proc-ctx
  180. compio-process

    Processes for compio

    v0.3.0 4.2K #process #io-uring #compio #async #iocp #thread-per-core #run-time
  181. rustrc

    rc-inspired init system as a library

    v0.13.0 120 #process #system #init #supervisor #rc-conf #rc-inspired
  182. antilysis

    State-of-the-art dynamic analysis countering techniques on Windows

    v0.2.2 390 #windows #analysis #vm #process #dynamic #debugging #wait
  183. winmmf

    A mostly safe Rust wrapper around Named Shared Memory on Windows. WIP

    v0.3.0 600 #ipc #shared-memory #shmem #named-pipe #shared-mem #low-latency #process
  184. process-memory

    that can read/write the memory of other processes

    v0.5.0 400 #memory #process #memory-management #read-write #debugging #debugging-tool #remote
  185. xous-api-ticktimer

    Provide high-resolution, non-rollover system time

    v0.9.63 #system-time #high-resolution #process #xous #condvar #uptime #blocking
  186. job-security

    Universal job control

    v0.1.8 130 #background-jobs #process #terminal #shell #unix-shell #unix #job-control
  187. fastq

    A parser for fastq

    v0.6.0 500 #parser #bio #processing #records #wc #process #performance
  188. gpustat

    A rust-version of gpustat

    v0.1.8 #gpu #shell #display #monitoring #statistics #process #utilization
  189. steward

    Task runner and process manager for Rust

    v0.0.7 #process-manager #task-runner #process #env #command #async-task #building-block
  190. tag2upload-service-manager

    Debian tag2upload service manager

    v0.1.1 #debian #tags #service #tag2upload #version #process #salsa
  191. friedrich

    Gaussian Process Regression

    v0.5.0 100 #regression #gaussian #process #kernel #kriging #input-output
  192. env-lock

    Set and lock environment variables for tests

    v0.1.2 100 #env-vars #variables #testing #environment #lock #process #prevent
  193. rust-jav

    process jav files

    v0.4.0 120 #jav #process #dialoguer #bittorrent #chinese #uncensored
  194. putex

    process mutex

    v0.2.0 #nats #lock #process #mutex #execution #system #optimistic
  195. gst-plugin-inter

    GStreamer Inter Plugin

    v0.13.0 200 #gstreamer #plugin #pipeline #elements #process #inter
  196. terrazzo-pty

    run commands in a PTY

    v0.1.4 #pty #process #terminal #execute #terrazzo
  197. tokio-process-stream

    that wraps a tokio::process into a tokio::stream

    v0.4.0 2.3K #tokio #process #stream #async-stream #data-streaming
  198. dura

    Dura backs up your work automatically via Git commits

    v0.2.0 #git-commit #git-repository #git-branch #git-tool #process #snapshot #automatic
  199. winapi-easy

    A safe interface to various winapi functionality

    v0.2.0 #api-bindings #process #hotkey #thread-safe #windows #taskbar #user-interface
  200. sorock

    A Multi-Raft implementation in Rust

    v0.11.0 #raft #snapshot #node #multi-raft #process #log #replication
  201. bobr

    command multiplexer

    v0.2.2 650 #command #cli #multiplexer #task #parallel #execute-command #process
  202. vangelis

    A functional testing framework

    v2.0.2 #test-framework #testing #command #process #run-command #config #status-command
  203. process-compose-openapi-client

    OpenAPI client for Process Compose

    v1.46.0 280 #compose #process #client #open-api
  204. ebg

    Eric's Blog Generator, a simple static site generator

    v0.5.0 #static-site-generator #blog #generation #own #eric #themes #process
  205. blue-build-process-management

    A CLI tool built for creating Containerfile templates for ostree based atomic distros

    v0.9.8 900 #image #build #atomic #containerfile #ostree #template #process
  206. rusty_ao

    A blazingly fast client for AO written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #blazingly #ao #client #sdk #cu #process #dry
  207. assay

    A super powered testing macro for Rust

    v0.1.1 750 #testing #proc-macro #test-framework #parallel-testing #test-macro #process #env-var
  208. ankurah-connector-local-process

    Ankurah connector for local processes

    v0.1.1 210 #local #process #connector #ankurah
  209. multithreading

    in Rust

    v0.3.0 370 #cpu #thread #process #multi-thread #multithread #cpus
  210. css-parser-project

    parser, developed on Rust, that will take CSS code and parse it, based on adjusted rules

    v0.3.0 #css-parser #rules #process #grammar
  211. two-rusty-forks

    Cross-platform library for running Rust tests in sub-processes using a fork-like interface

    v0.4.0 1.3K #testing #fork #process #unit-testing #test-runner #test-macro #proc-macro
  212. killmyargv

    as WIP, Ending your life with implementation-defined behavior

    v0.1.0 100 #argv #args #cmd-line #process #setproctitle #cmdline
  213. bossy

    Opinionated convenience wrappers for std::process::Command and friends

    v0.2.1 230 #shell #process #command #command-output #wrapper #run-command
  214. cradle

    Execute child processes with ease

    v0.2.2 150 #child-process #process #shell #child #command
  215. filterx_info

    The builtin function documentation library for filterx

    v0.3.4 450 #process #documentation #filterx #builtin #gtf #fastq #sam
  216. cmdstruct

    A lightweight macro for implementing commands with a struct

    v2.0.1 380 #command #macro #subprocess #process
  217. build-env

    Extract information about the build process from the environment

    v0.3.1 31K #env-vars #build-environment #variables #cargo #target-triple #process #extract
  218. easy_process

    Easy to use process runner

    v0.2.1 #shell #command-line #process #command-output #arguments-parser #run-command #run
  219. command-ext

    Extension traits for std::process::Command

    v0.1.2 100 #command #error-logging #process #cargo-script #command-output #cargo-command #extension
  220. chan-rs

    Efficiently Interact with an LSP process

    v0.20.0 120 #lsp #language-server-protocol #process #protocols #interact
  221. prctl

    This package provides safe abstraction to the linux prctl() interface. Some functions may be architecture-specific.

    v1.0.0 69K #linux #process #abstraction #flags #interface #set #name
  222. gitload

    download any single file or dir from github

    v0.1.3 #download #github #file #process #directory #downloader-builder #single
  223. pidfile2

    PID Files as process locks in Rust

    v0.1.1 310 #process #pid #file-management #instance #locking #process-running #pid-file
  224. vmi-os-windows

    Windows OS specific code for VMI

    v0.2.0 400 #vmi #kernel #object #virtual #process #introspection #virtual-machine
  225. concurrently

    Run multiple processes concurrently

    v0.3.3 #tasks #parallel #task #process #cargo-toml #cli
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. mnemosyne

    a process hooking library

    v0.3.0 130 #hook #process #signature #table #title #virtual #methods
  228. argmax

    deal with 'argument too long' errors

    v0.3.1 9.1K #command-arguments #error #process #long #arg #size #maximum
  229. system-extensions

    A robust set of extensions for operating system operations

    v0.0.4 #operating-system #file-metadata #process #metadata #processes #os #extension
  230. distant

    Operate on a remote computer through file and process manipulation

    v0.20.0 290 #remote #process #ssh #networking #computer #server #manager
  231. unshare

    The low-level interface for linux namespaces (containers)

    v0.7.0 750 #linux-process #container #process #linux #namespaces #docker #file-descriptor
  232. gaze

    small utility library with the goal of making it easier to scan/lex text and collections

    v0.5.0 #utility #collection #goal #experimental #process #natural #text
  233. porch

    process orchestrator

    v0.1.1 110 #process #orchestrator #squatting #io #i-m #issue #first
  234. sfr-core

    A commonly used process for Slack App

    v0.1.1 #slack #api #process #validation #setting #slack-framework-rs #com-docs-apps
  235. exec-target

    invoke command for test

    v0.2.9 110 #invoke #testing #command #process #external #standard #target
  236. kapot-executor

    kapot Distributed Compute - Executor

    v0.2.1 220 #executor #distributed #kapot #process #query-engine #data-fusion #compute
  237. usi

    handle type-safe communication with USI-compatible shogi engines

    v0.6.2 #shogi #board-game #protocols #sfen #command #process #engine
  238. rusty-forkfork

    Cross-platform library for running Rust tests in sub-processes using a fork-like interface

    v0.4.0 15K #testing #process #fork #unit-testing #test-runner #test-macro
  239. modeling

    tools to analysis different languages by Ctags

    v0.6.2 #ctags #analysis #language #generate #different #regex #process
  240. xmlsec

    Wrapper for xmlsec1 library

    v0.2.3 1.2K #xml #xmlsec1 #dsig #management #interoperable #process #expressive
  241. cmd_lib_cf

    Modified version of cmd_lib with CREATE_NO_WINDOW built in

    v1.3.4 #shell #process #pipe #script #command-line-utilities #env-vars #cli
  242. dirqd

    Invoke processes based on incoming files in a directory

    v0.1.0 #process #delete-file #invoke #file-processing #pattern-matching #incoming #complete
  243. ratatui_inputs

    ratatui library to process sineptic text input format

    v0.3.1 #text-input #ratatui #format #sineptic #process
  244. async-pidfd

    Process file descriptors (pidfd) for Linux

    v0.1.4 2.8K #file-descriptor #process-file #linux-process #process #process-id #future #wait
  245. bellissimo_auth0

    that simplifies auth0 authorization process!

    v0.0.4 #authorization #process #simplifies #auth0
  246. interactive_process

    A tiny Rust library for interacting with a running process over stdio

    v0.1.3 #process #stdio #stdin #input-output #running #stream #output-stream
  247. pwner

    Process Owner crate that allows ergonomic access to child processes

    v0.1.8 #child-process #process #tokio #pipe #async