
  1. which

    equivalent of Unix command "which". Locate installed executable in cross platforms.

    v7.0.0 5.3M #unix-command #cross-platform #command #unix #which-rs
  2. assert_cmd

    Test CLI Applications

    v2.0.16 1.2M #command-line #command #assert #cli-applications #duct #testing #test
  3. subprocess

    Execution of child processes and pipelines, inspired by Python's subprocess module, with Rust-specific extensions

    v0.2.9 429K #child-process #execute-command #stdin #process #input-output #command #redirect
  4. async-process

    Async interface for working with processes

    v2.3.0 1.5M #process #child-process #spawn #command #subprocess #child
  5. trycmd

    Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests

    v0.15.8 95K #testing #test-harness #command-line #command #run-command #cli-test #assert
  6. duct

    running child processes

    v0.13.7 486K #child-process #command-output #process #subprocess #command #child #pipe
  7. snapbox

    Snapshot testing toolbox

    v0.6.20 126K #cli-command #test-harness #cli #command-output #assert #command #cli-test
  8. shared_child

    using child processes from multiple threads

    v1.0.1 596K #child-process #process #child #subprocess #thread-safe #command
  9. command-group

    Extension to Command to spawn in a process group

    v5.0.1 92K #process #group #command #extension #increase
  10. ssh2

    Bindings to libssh2 for interacting with SSH servers and executing remote commands, forwarding local ports, etc

    v0.9.4 83K #ssh #ssh-client #remote #bindings #forwarding #command #client-server
  11. create-tauri-app

    Rapidly scaffold out a new tauri app project

    v4.5.7 8.4K #tauri #scaffold #create #rapidly #interactive #command #started
  12. worker-build

    be used as a custom build command for a Cloudflare Workers workers-rs project

    v0.1.1 3.8K #cloudflare-workers #worker #build #serverless #command #wasm
  13. atuin

    magical shell history

    v18.3.0 1.0K #shell-history #sqlite #command #bash #synchronization
  14. bashtestmd

    Compiles shell commands in .md files into Bash scripts for testing

    v0.4.2 8.1K #shell #bash #markdown #markdown-parser #script #command #command-output
  15. gitlobster

    cloning all available repositories in a GitLab instance

    v1.4.3 600 #gitlab #repository #cloning #download #instance #tool #command
  16. ohcrab

    Fix your command line magically

    v0.7.5 1.7K #command-line #command #command-line-tool #fix #terminal
  17. raffi

    fuzzel launcher based on YAML file

    v0.6.0 700 #config-file #launch #task #command
  18. ruplacer

    Find and replace text in source files

    v0.10.0 2.0K #command-line #text-replacement #find #grep #line #command #regex
  19. fixit-cli

    fix mistakes in your commands

    v0.9.0 430 #shell #command #command-line-interface #mistakes #applications #fix #terminal
  20. process-wrap

    Wrap a Command, to spawn processes in a group or session or job etc

    v8.0.2 29K #process #group #session #command #pty
  21. swayr

    A LRU window-switcher (and more) for the sway window manager

    v0.27.4 170 #window-manager #sway #command #lru #swayrbar #name #format
  22. hwatch

    A modern alternative to the watch command, records the differences in execution results and can check this differences at after

    v0.3.18 750 #command-output #command #watch #monitoring #ansi-colors #execute-command #real-time
  23. pacaptr

    Pacman-like syntax wrapper for many package managers

    v0.22.0 1.1K #package-manager #pacman #package-management #command #syntax #brew #command-line
  24. rustfmt-wrapper

    wrapper around rustfmt for use by code generators

    v0.2.1 106K #rustfmt #generator #macro #format #generate #cargo-expand #command
  25. arma-rs

    Arma 3 Extensions in Rust

    v1.11.10 180 #arma #extension #context #state #callback #command #group
  26. mask

    A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file

    v0.11.6 280 #markdown #task #command #markdown-syntax #command-arguments #command-line #positional-arguments
  27. varfish-server-worker

    Rust-based worker for varfish-server

    v0.17.0 400 #variant #subcommand #background-processing #worker #vcf #background-task #command
  28. reddit-search

    A search tool for the pushshift.io Reddit dumps

    v0.10.0 2.0K #reddit #search #dump #pushshift #tool #io #command
  29. deja

    command line utility to cache output of commands

    v0.2.1 250 #cache #command #exit #utility #output #results #replay
  30. tsk-cli

    A command-line first, file-system based task manager

    v0.2.4 #task #task-manager #tsk #stack #command #workspace #title
  31. handlr-regex

    Fork of handlr with regex support

    v0.12.0 170 #regex #desktop-applications #mime #handler #handlr #default #command
  32. execute

    extending Command in order to execute programs more easily

    v0.2.13 15K #execute-command #exit-status #command #process #pipe #redirect
  33. swagit

    A swag tool to use git with interactive cli

    v1.0.4 430 #git #interactive #git-checkout #command #delete #sync #tool
  34. shelf-cli

    Your personal CLI bookshelf for storing and recalling useful commands

    v0.1.53 800 #command #storing #personal #shelf #recalling #bookshelf #fuzzy-search
  35. sconectl

    transform cloud-native applications into cloud-confidential applications. It supports to transform native services into confidential services and services meshes into confidential service meshes.

    v5.8.5 100 #service-mesh #cloud-native #confidential #applications #scone #security #command
  36. tantan

    vim-like tool for NER annotation

    v0.1.1 210 #annotations #tags #ner #tool #command #labeling #vim-like
  37. hyper-wrapper

    A JSON configuration wrapper for hyperfine benchmarking tool

    v0.1.5 470 #json-configuration #benchmarking #hyperfine #tool #specify #parameters #command
  38. zmove

    Move files in the command line with ease

    v0.3.3 750 #file #directory #command #moving #ease #line #command-line
  39. qsv_docopt

    Command line argument parsing

    v1.8.0 1.0K #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #argument #docopt #command #arguments #argv
  40. lade

    Automatically load secrets from your preferred vault as environment variables, and clear them once your shell command is over

    v0.11.5 250 #env-vars #secret #shell-environment #variables #vault #command #automatic
  41. bevy-sequential-actions

    A Bevy library for executing various actions in a sequence

    v0.12.0 600 #action #bevy #sequence #command #ecs #gamedev
  42. psfu

    process fu

    v0.4.7 750 #process #tree #show #command #backtrace #cpu #affinity
  43. findutils

    GNU findutils

    v0.7.0 #cross-platform #find #locate #xargs #command #updatedb #bash
  44. retro

    game catalog management

    v2024.12.137 440 #management #catalog #logging #game #log-level #command #system
  45. i6

    A collection of cross platform portable cli tools

    v0.1.18 430 #utility #command #tool #cross-platform #command-line-utilities #command-line-tool #web-server
  46. twitch-tui

    Twitch chat in the terminal

    v2.6.17 200 #twitch #chat #tui #terminal #command #config-file #channel
  47. suggest-command-not-found

    Typo correction for not-found shell commands

    v0.1.8 470 #shell #command #typo
  48. typst-upgrade

    upgrade typst packages

    v1.3.0 160 #typst #upgrade #package #typst-package #command #cli #typst-entry-paths
  49. autonomi-cli

    Autonomi CLI

    v0.1.5 380 #decentralized #management #operations #autonomi #command #p2p #file-storage
  50. nu-plugin

    Functionality for building Nushell plugins

    v0.100.0 4.1K #nushell-plugin #command #shell #plugin-api #nu #interface #serialization
  51. repo

    An opinionated tool for repo management

    v0.6.4 1.0K #setup #command #completion #opinionated #publish #boilerplate #tool
  52. python-launcher

    The Python launcher for Unix

    v1.0.1 1.3K #python #launcher #interpreter #py #environment #version #command
  53. search-cli

    Cli program to search for arguments words in the browser

    v0.4.1 260 #search #google-search #provider #browser #web #command #word
  54. rename-gru

    A CLI tool to batch rename files in the provided directory

    v0.9.1 750 #file-rename #rename #command-line-tool #batch #target-file #command #backup-file
  55. topgrade

    Upgrade all the things

    v16.0.1 1.1K #update #upgrade #package-manager #shell #command #system #package-management
  56. superwhich

    Cross-platform smart which alternative

    v1.0.1 260 #smart #command #find #which #alternative
  57. flood-tide

    command line flag and option parse utilities

    v0.2.11 190 #command-line #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #flags #command #argument #parse
  58. nrfxlib

    Rust driver for the LTE stack on the Nordic nRF9160

    v0.6.1 420 #nrf9160 #command #nordic #sockets #driver #gnss #lte
  59. zcopy

    Copy files in the command line with ease

    v0.1.2 320 #file #directory #command #command-line #copying #seamless #folder
  60. igrepper

    The interactive grepper

    v1.3.5 370 #regex #interactive #command #editor #explore #grepper #quickly
  61. pxp-trunk

    The all-in-one tool for managing and developing PHP projects

    v0.1.1 210 #php #trunk #command #projects #pint #developing #tool
  62. arpeggio

    CLI for managing Arpeggio-based projects

    v1.0.6 140 #cqrs #clean #projects #template #architecture #ddd #command
  63. mcfly

    replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into account your working directory and the context of recently executed commands. McFly's…

    v0.9.2 150 #shell-history #neural-network #command
  64. mine-dlp

    A yt-dlp wrapper for downloading YouTube videos from command line

    v0.3.5 500 #download #video #yt-dlp #audio-video #line #command #command-line
  65. oligo4sshic

    A command line tools to design oligonucleotide for ssHi-C experiment

    v0.1.0 #experiment #design #line #fasta #site #command #oligonucleotide
  66. diffutils

    A CLI app for generating diff files

    v0.4.2 13K #diff #generator #patch #gnu #replacement #generate #command
  67. cmake-parser

    parse cmake language

    v0.1.0-beta.1 #cmake #command #html #parser #error #org-cmake-help-v3 #txt
  68. sha3sum

    compute and check SHA3 message digest

    v1.2.3 #command-line #sha3 #hash #command #sum #linux-command
  69. package-assistant

    Package Assistant helps you manage your package managers

    v0.10.0 120 #package-manager #manage #assistant #command #helps #pa #search
  70. bevy_console

    dev console for bevy

    v0.13.0 160 #console #bevy #arguments-parser #command #half-life #clap-parser #color
  71. tinyrick

    a freeform Rust build system

    v0.0.14 160 #build-system #task #projects #freeform #workflow #segfaults #command
  72. cmvm

    that manages multiple CMake versions

    v0.3.9 #cmake #version-manager #macos #manage #multiple #command #platform
  73. eventsourced

    Event sourced entities in Rust

    v0.27.0 #event-sourcing #event-log #events #command #cqrs #command-handler #state
  74. ih-muse-cli

    Muse Command Line Interface

    v0.0.22 1.1K #name #description #kind #muse #command #value #register-metric
  75. collclean

    Clean up collaboration commands in LaTeX files

    v0.4.2 #latex #collaboration #cleanup #command #up #alice #clean
  76. r-py

    Una herramienta CLI para gestionar y ejecutar comandos predefinidos desde archivos de configuración

    v0.1.3 #script #cli #automation #configuration #command #commands
  77. cargo-commander

    Like npm scripts, but better

    v2.0.15 #cargo-command #cargo-script #run-command #script #command #cargo #cargo-toml
  78. komando

    A command line utility to better organize and keep track of your commands

    v0.1.1 240 #command #command-line-tool #organize #utility #help #access #track
  79. lk

    A command palette for your bash functions

    v0.5.1 #bash #tui #user-interface #fuzzy-search #functions #command #palette
  80. c2a-core

    Core of Command Centric Architecture

    v4.4.0 #architecture #command #flight #c2a #centric #satellite #obc
  81. toke-runner

    A command runner for toml files

    v0.1.4 150 #command-runner #toml #build-system #runner #command #toke #command-line
  82. pueue

    A cli tool for managing long running shell commands

    v4.0.0-rc.1 220 #shell #long-running #task-queue #task #command #parallel
  83. at-commands

    AT Commands builder and parser for Rust #![no_std]

    v0.5.5 430 #command #builder #at #no-std
  84. command-run

    running a command in a subprocess

    v1.1.2 800 #run-command #command #subprocess #command-output #process #run #cmd
  85. zix

    fast alternative to the traditional Unix ls command, designed specifically for Windows

    v0.0.3 110 #ls #command #directory #moment #format #windows #unix
  86. nu-cmd-plugin

    Commands for managing Nushell plugins

    v0.100.0 3.4K #nushell-plugin #shell #command #management
  87. tazui

    terminal calculator

    v1.0.0 100 #calculator #terminal #terminal-calculator #debugging #command #tool
  88. kittycad-modeling-cmds

    Commands in the KittyCAD Modeling API

    v0.2.78 9.2K #kittycad #command #modeling #api #3d #design #3d-model
  89. proj-cmd

    Project organization tool made for learning rust

    v0.1.3 340 #organization #project #learning #command #organizer #tool
  90. supdock

    What's Up, Doc(ker)? A slightly more visual way to interact with the docker daemon

    v3.5.0 1.0K #docker #visual #command #fuzzy-search #docs #interactive #daemon
  91. cliargs

    Parses command line arguments and prints the help

    v0.6.0 #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #command-arguments #config-parser #command #line #subcommand
  92. nu-cmd-lang

    Nushell's core language commands

    v0.100.0 5.9K #shell #nushell #command #nu #language #background #base
  93. openrank-sdk

    OpenRank - SDK

    v0.1.5 350 #open-rank #request #file #create #key-pair #command #secret-key
  94. rustfinity

    Rustfinity.com CLI

    v0.2.13 320 #challenge #download #com #learning #command #interact #repository
  95. horsetab

    Trigger Linux/Unix commands via morse code using your mouse

    v0.3.15 #morse #command #mouse #trigger #cron #file #sequences
  96. every

    Run a command every N seconds

    v0.1.0 150 #command #seconds #interval #tick #concurrency #hello-world #parallel
  97. asyncrun

    Asynchronously execute shell commands in filtered subdirectories

    v0.0.6 #shell #command #run-command #subdirectory #filtered
  98. shell-compose

    Lightweight background process runner for long-running or scheduled jobs

    v0.3.0 490 #shell #cron-job #command-runner #runner #command #job #parallel
  99. razel

    a command executor with caching for data processing pipelines

    v0.5.1 120 #data-processing #command #execute-command #cache #execution #pipeline #remote
  100. event-driven-library

    Event Driven Message Handling

    v0.1.49 430 #event-driven #message-bus #event-processing #events #event-handling #command #framework
  101. ps-mem

    The process memory size listing

    v0.2.15 #process-memory #memory-size #memory #linux-process #linux #command
  102. fbd-rs

    Rewrite in Rust of FBD

    v0.1.5 550 #shell #rewrite #arch #fbd #textual #command #port
  103. gdman

    A CLI application for managing versions of Godot

    v0.0.19 #godot #version #version-manager #game-engine #command #cli-applications #installed
  104. svg-path-cst

    CST SVG path parser

    v0.1.4 800 #syntax-tree #svg-parser #cst #path-segment #concrete #command #signature
  105. hoard-rs

    hoard - cli command organizer written in Rust

    v1.4.2 #shell #command #cli-command #command-name #shell-history #hoard #organizer
  106. viddy

    A modern watch command

    v1.3.0 270 #watch #command #modern #history #diff #output #execute-command
  107. sf-api

    API to send commands to the Shakes & Fidget servers and parse their responses into characters

    v0.1.3 #server #api #game-server #shakes #fidget #command #character
  108. redis-swapplex

    Redis multiplexing with reconnection notifications and MGET auto-batching

    v0.13.0 1.6K #connection #reconnection #multiplexing #notifications #mget #kubernetes #command
  109. climb

    Create simple and easy command-line interface applications

    v2.0.5 #command-line-interface #cli-applications #command-line #arguments-parser #command-line-utilities #applications #command
  110. z4

    a command tool for Z4 game framework

    v0.2.0 160 #framework #zk #game #tool #command
  111. lefthk

    A hotkey daemon for Adventurers

    v0.2.2 180 #config-file #chord #key #command #run-command #hotkey #daemon
  112. ruin

    Battery indicator as wallpaper

    v1.6.0 950 #wallpaper #battery #indicator #set #environments #command #following
  113. ls-enhanced

    a better looking ls command

    v0.1.7 #file-listing #ls #better #looking #command #cargo
  114. protoc

    Protobuf protoc command as API

    v3.0.0-alpha.5 23K #serialization #protobuf #build #api #buffer #command #proto
  115. shellfirm

    shellfirm will intercept any risky patterns (default or defined by you) and prompt you a small challenge for double verification, kinda like a captcha for your terminal

    v0.2.10 #shell #command #shell-prompt #verification #captcha #double #pattern
  116. sozu-client

    client to interact with Sōzu

    v1.1.0-rc.1 #client #send-request #interact #sōzu #batching #command #load-state
  117. post-commands

    execute preconfigured commands via HTTP post requests

    v0.1.2 #command #remote #http-post #post-requests #execute #preconfigured
  118. windows-cat

    unix cat command for windows

    v1.0.3 380 #cat #windows #command #unix
  119. dependencies-patch

    patch cargo dependencies with command line commands

    v0.4.1 #cargo-command #command-line #cargo #patch #command #dependencies
  120. pixelbomber

    Insanely fast pixelflut client for images and animations

    v0.9.0 1.3K #pixelflut #image #pixel #animation #client #command #real-time
  121. pinix

    Progress In Nix - Pacman inspired frontend for Nix

    v0.3.1 170 #nix-package #nix #progress #command #pacman #frontend #output
  122. traqq

    High-performance event processing system for Redis data indexing

    v0.1.3 240 #event-processing #events #redis #command #json #indexing #data
  123. sink-rotate

    Command that rotates the default PipeWire audio sink

    v2.2.0 #sink #pipe-wire #default #command #rotate #run-time #wire-plumber
  124. ripfind

    A fast and lean replacement for the find command

    v0.4.2 #file-search #regex #find #replace #command #package #lean
  125. escpos-rs

    Control esc/pos printers with rust

    v0.4.3 #printing #thermal #esc-pos #control #usb #communication #command
  126. active-cd

    A tui for the cd command

    v0.1.0 120 #cd #command #active #sub-directory #directory #home #tui
  127. haxeget

    The easier way to install and manage Haxe compiler versions

    v0.3.1 210 #haxe #compiler-version #version-manager #manage #install #platform #command
  128. madeleine

    Transparent object persistence with predefined operations and state containers

    v0.2.3 #state #applications #command #container #operations #log #persistence
  129. spotify-quickauth

    Quickly authenticate librespot-based applications with Spotify

    v0.1.6 #spotify #applications #credentials #command #file #authenticate #quickly
  130. simple-cli-news

    that lets you view news with the terminal

    v0.1.4 160 #news #terminal #view #source #query #headlines #command
  131. sfw-tools

    Functions and programs from the book Software Tools

    v0.5.0 330 #functional #data #error #component #functions #command #reusable
  132. command_history

    managing command history in Rust applications

    v1.1.0 180 #command #history #undo-redo #thread-safety #multi-threading #thread-safe #concurrency
  133. rmuxinator

    tmux project configuration utility

    v2.0.0 230 #tmux-session #tmux #productivity #configuration #profiles #windows #command
  134. shuc

    wrapper command to prompt you before running a command

    v0.1.3 210 #run-command #command #prompt #cli-command #confirmation #cli #wrapper
  135. horned-owl

    OWL Ontologies

    v1.0.0 #xml-parser #owl #ontology #xml #command #command-line
  136. mkbkp

    dead simple command to append .bkp extension to a file

    v0.1.0 #bkp #extension #append #file #dead #command #backup
  137. cw-axe

    AWS CloudWatch CLI log viewer

    v0.2.1 #log-viewer #aws #cloud-watch #logs #date-time #regex #command
  138. together-rs

    running multiple commands together

    v0.3.1 270 #run-command #command #cli-command #interactive #process #execute #cli
  139. markerml_cli

    CLI for simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.0 #html #language #command #markerml #markup #templating #cli
  140. dfsql

    SQL REPL for Data Frames

    v0.13.0 160 #dataframe #data-analysis #frame #sql #repl #csv #command
  141. tee-rs

    tee command

    v0.1.0 130 #tee #command #write #standard #input #read #source
  142. process-lib

    Cross-platform, asynchronous Rust library to run commands in pipelines

    v1.0.0 240 #pipeline #cross-platform #async-io #run-command #process #async #command
  143. nrf24l01-commands

    Register bitfields and commands for the nRF24L01

    v1.1.2 420 #register #command #nrf24l01 #byte #payload #byte-sequences #bit-field
  144. comembert

    remember commands, search them, and write them to the command line to use

    v0.1.1 330 #command #remember #command-line #utilities #command-output #command-line-utilities #commands
  145. ruva

    Event Driven Message Handling

    v0.19.4 #event-processing #event-driven #event-handling #events #message #command #framework
  146. bashtastic-visualizer

    TUI (Text User Interface) - Get Instant feedback for your sh commands. Explore and play with your queries 🚀.

    v0.1.5 #tui #user-interface #command #feedback #instant #query #text
  147. moxide

    powerful tmux session manager

    v0.1.0 #tmux-session #yaml-config #template #tmux-session-manager #directories #workflow #command
  148. yaml-schema

    A YAML schema validator

    v0.3.1 230 #yaml #schema-validation #json-schema #specification #file #command #string
  149. swaymode-exec

    run commands when sway changes keybind mode

    v0.1.1 #sway #command #mode #keybind #daemon #timeout #toml
  150. pentacle

    Executes programs as sealed anonymous files on Linux

    v1.1.0 650 #seal #exec #memfd-create #command #memfd
  151. savvy-cli

    A CLI for savvy framework

    v0.8.1 410 #framework #bindings-generator #savvy #interface #generate #extension #command
  152. sway-scratchpad

    Convert a command to a scratchpad

    v0.2.1 290 #sway #command #scratchpad #terminal #convert #mark #kitty
  153. cnf

    Distribution-agnostic 'command not found'-handler

    v0.5.2 #command #command-line #shell #command-line-utilities #found #shell-environment #execute-command
  154. atuin-history

    The history crate for Atuin

    v18.4.0-beta.3 750 #shell-history #sqlite #atuin #command #sync #encryption #search
  155. cargo-all

    Manage all your crates with a single command

    v0.2.5 #cargo #manage #command #single
  156. flood-tide-gen

    command line flag and option parse utilities

    v0.1.22 #arguments-parser #command-line #flags #options #parser #command #argument
  157. cxd

    a command for commands

    v0.1.1 #execute-command #command #workflow #directory #utility #tool #command-line-tool
  158. serde_at

    serde serializer/deserializer for AT commands

    v0.23.0 2.5K #command #serde #serialization #embedded #serial #module #string-parser
  159. kasi

    Small command line tool for communication with HS100 smart wifi plugs and similar devices

    v0.1.0 #wifi #smart #communication #devices #line #tool #command
  160. rustotpony

    Manager of one-time password generators

    v0.5.4 300 #password-manager #password-generator #totp #one-time #otp #command #authenticator
  161. minebot

    Discord bot to interact with your Minecraft server

    v1.0.0 #minecraft-server #discord-bot #minecraft-bot #chat-bot #interact #command
  162. fun_run

    The fun way to run your Rust Comand

    v0.2.0 310 #run-command #command-output #command-name #command #run #execute #stream
  163. kerblam

    A project management tool for data science and bioinformatics

    v1.1.1 #data-science #data-analysis #container #data-processing #execution #command #command-line
  164. qqwing

    software for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles. This is a rust version.

    v1.3.5 240 #sudoku #puzzle #solve #generate #version #ps #command
  165. command-macros

    Macros for creating std::process::Command with shell-like syntax

    v0.2.9 100 #shell #process #command #macro #dsl #scripting-language
  166. ra_ap_flycheck


    v0.0.228 10K #flycheck #cargo-check #lsp #tbd #command #thread #output
  167. mph

    a cli tool for using emacs in daemon mode

    v0.1.8 #emacs #daemon #cross-platform #mode #command #tool #emacsclient
  168. rigz

    CLI for running rigz locally

    v0.4.0 270 #command #running #locally #run #repl #test #verbose
  169. knowledge

    The launcher app for the interacive book

    v0.4.5 370 #launcher #practice #book #dev #laptop #command #download
  170. nu-cmd-extra

    Nushell's extra commands that are not part of the 1.0 api standard

    v0.100.0 3.7K #nushell #command #shell #plugin #part #api #default
  171. yash-semantics

    Yash shell language semantics

    v0.4.0 #shell #posix-shell #posix #command #execute-command #semantics #unix-shell
  172. comma

    Shell-style command parser with support for escaping and quotations

    v1.0.0 35K #shell #string-parser #parser #string #command #parse #unicode-characters
  173. playit-agent-proto

    Contains the protocol messages for a playit.gg agent

    v1.1.1 #agent #protocols #playit #messages #gg #command #version
  174. nu-std

    The standard library of Nushell

    v0.100.0 3.4K #shell #nushell #command #standard #building-block #interactive #assert
  175. serdo

    Serializable do/undo library

    v0.1.5 #undo-redo #state #command #pattern #serialization #serializable #snapshot
  176. faketty-lib

    fork of dtolnay/faketty

    v2.0.18 #tty #exec #pty #output #command #fork #faketty
  177. unzip-all

    Decompress all file recursively using unar

    v0.2.2 #recursion #decompression #file #unar #command
  178. bevy_mod_actuate

    A reactive user-interface framework

    v0.4.1 1.0K #bevy #actuate #mod #compose #world #composable #command
  179. sigma-trace

    Monitor Linux executables with an interface easier than strace(1)

    v0.0.3 140 #strace #linux #executable #trace #monitor #interface #command
  180. fuzip

    Fuzzy zipping for scripting

    v0.1.1 #scripting #fuzzy #directory #command #match #execute-command #execution
  181. rldr

    command line utility to run and manage commands with keypress controls

    v0.0.2 190 #command #cli-command #command-line-tool #reloader #cli
  182. github-actions

    developing custom GitHub Actions

    v0.0.3 210 #github #action #developing #input #group #command #summary
  183. xtask-watch

    A customizable helper to watch for changes in your projects using xtask

    v0.2.3 #xtask #watch #command #build #source #wasm #projects
  184. snapbox-macros

    Snapshot testing toolbox

    v0.3.10 126K #testing #command #assert #cli-test #test #cli
  185. axe-cli

    axe - Argument execute is xargs alternative that focus on arguments processing and ordering

    v0.3.0 #linux-command #command-arguments #execute-command #linux #xargs #command #system
  186. string_mult

    String multiplication commands parser and evaluator

    v0.3.4 280 #string #command #parser #multiplication #evaluate #grammar #evaluator
  187. bevy_local_commands

    local shell commands for the Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #shell #bevy-plugin #command #local #game-engine
  188. descord

    A minimal discord api wrapper

    v0.1.11 600 #discord-api #discord-bot #message #command #interaction #message-content #events
  189. atuin-dotfiles

    The dotfiles crate for Atuin

    v18.4.0-beta.3 750 #shell-history #sqlite #atuin #command #encryption #synchronization
  190. sheller

    🐚 Sheller is a shell command builder and standard command extension library written in Rust

    v0.5.4 160 #shell #command-line #command
  191. vish

    A featureful POSIX-compliant shell that will leave you impressed

    v0.1.0 #shell #utilities #command #leave #aims #create #posix-compliant
  192. arma3-wiki

    A project to store data about Arma 3 commands in a useable format

    v0.3.3 700 #command #arma #format #useable #store #data
  193. peace_cmd

    Command structure for the Peace framework

    v0.0.13 #automation #peace #framework #parameters #profile #command #build-automation
  194. nu-cmd-base

    The foundation tools to build Nushell commands

    v0.100.0 4.8K #shell #command #nushell #foundation #nushell-plugin #component #build
  195. tmux-remux

    A friendly command shortener for tmux

    v0.4.0 180 #tmux #tmux-session #command #foo #remux #shortener
  196. git_cmd

    Wrapper around git cli

    v0.6.16 330 #git #shell #command #wrapper #cli
  197. ipset

    A wrapper for libipset

    v0.8.0 #libipset #command #env-option #hash-ip #list #create #hash-net
  198. args

    An argument parsing and validation library designed to take some of tediousness out of the general 'getopts' crate

    v2.2.0 500 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #argument #command #cli-parser #cli #arguments
  199. ethan-rs-wc

    The ethan-rs-ws(erwc) is word, line, character, and byte count. Like wc command but not just wc command, more accurate and faster. Text can also be read from standard input for statistics.

    v0.1.1 #word-count #line-count #stdin #wc #txt #byte #command
  200. zugriff


    v1.0.10 650 #deployment #binary #command #api #token #cli
  201. nu-plugin-test-support

    Testing support for Nushell plugins

    v0.100.0 900 #nushell-plugin #nu #shell #command #testing
  202. cli_toolkit_ak

    A command line interface toolkit with Cat, Grep, and LS

    v0.1.0 #grep #cat #ls #command #toolkit #interface #line
  203. Hangman_Matt_C

    A command line ASCII Hangman game

    v0.1.0 #hangman_matt_c #hangman #ascii #game #line #command #command-line
  204. nu-cli

    CLI-related functionality for Nushell

    v0.100.0 4.8K #syntax-highlighting #shell #nushell #completion #command #repl #interface
  205. nix_rs

    interacting with the Nix command

    v1.0.0 #nix #command #nixos #interact #wasm #nix-flakes #compile
  206. bspc_rust_lib

    that allows bspc commands to be executed through rust programs

    v0.2.0 #bspc #bspwm #events #command #node #offers #selector
  207. boltbuild

    programmable build system

    v0.1.0 130 #command #build #task #build-system #script #environment #programmable
  208. wei-run

    wei run

    v0.3.2 1.2K #wei #run #command
  209. creche

    A replacement for std::process::Command and related types in the standard library. Runs single processes, and pipelines of processes, with configuration of file descriptors and environment for each child process.

    v0.2.1 #child-process #file-descriptor #process #env-vars #child #pipe #command
  210. scsir

    issuing SCSI commands

    v0.2.0 #scsi #devices #command #data #issuing #fields #parameters
  211. emacs-e

    a tiny utility to use emacs as client/server architecture elegantly

    v0.1.0 #emacs #client-server #architecture #tiny #utility #command #elegantly
  212. cargo-sanitize

    Sanitize a Cargo.toml file to remove dependencies outside of the default registry

    v0.2.0 #cargo-toml #toml #cargo #sanitize #command
  213. inovo-rs

    API for intergrating inovo robot arm

    v0.1.2 130 #robot #logger #command #arm #inovo #automation #structure
  214. richard

    modular chatbot

    v0.1.4 120 #chat-bot #modular #alert #github #webex #command #trigger
  215. structpack

    Dynamic bit-field accessor

    v1.0.0 220 #bit-field #satellite #dynamic #accessor #control-system #command #c2a-based
  216. watchexec-supervisor

    Watchexec's process supervisor component

    v3.0.0 34K #process #execute-command #supervisor #command #watchexec
  217. bevy_easy_stats

    easy tool to manage stats in Bevy

    v0.2.0 #stats #command #events #bevy #component #automatic #resources
  218. i6-http

    host a http or https server in present working directory

    v0.1.18 340 #utility #tool #command #https-server #cross-platform #terminal #cli
  219. codemonument_bx

    cross-platform, and fast command aliases with superpowers

    v0.3.4 #command #automation #bonnie #aliases #cross-platform #script #superpowers
  220. Command_Line_Interface_v1

    Command line interface with some tools

    v0.2.0 #command_line_interface_v1 #interface #line #command #command-line-interface
  221. amdo

    await-modify-do is a TUI application that runs an arbitrary command on save in working directory

    v0.1.1 #applications #directory #save #tui #command #await-modify-do
  222. icapture_cli

    Command line interface for capturing images and video on Windows

    v0.1.0 170 #capturing #image #video #windows #interface #line #command
  223. medi-rs

    mediator library for Rust

    v1.0.0 350 #mediator #handler #events #command #event-handling #request-response #applications
  224. trinitry

    A very simple programming language, used to map functions to commands

    v0.2.2 240 #programming-language #command #simple #map #language #functions
  225. sn_cli

    Safe Network CLI

    v0.95.3 #safe-network #wallet #data-management #command #p2p-communication #register #subcommand
  226. nu-command

    Nushell's built-in commands

    v0.100.0 6.0K #shell #nushell #command #nushell-plugin #user #component #author
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. baseic

    numeric conversion tool

    v0.1.1 #conversion #binary #format-conversion #ascii #bases #tool #command
  229. pssh-rs

    parallel ssh tool written in rust

    v0.5.1 220 #host #ssh #parallel #toml #command #config-file #tool
  230. cmakefmt

    Good enough (MVP, early) CMake auto formatter

    v0.1.11 #cmake #formatter #auto #file #command #enough #parser
  231. r1

    v0.7.6 650 #instance #single #one-instance #run #command #systems #help
  232. add-ed

    Embeddable pure rust editor based on ED

    v0.13.0 #syntax-highlighting #editor #ed #command #embeddable #pure #selection
  233. product-os-command-control

    Product OS : Command and Control provides a set of tools for running command and control across a distributed set of Product OS : Servers

    v0.0.20 270 #product-os #server #control #command #distributed #server-framework #set
  234. mdsh

    Markdown shell pre-processor

    v0.7.0 #shell #markdown-syntax #markdown #command #pre-processor #md #file
  235. duct_sh

    a sub-crate for the sh function, formerly in duct

    v0.13.7 42K #shell #cross-platform #command
  236. command-error

    Detailed error messages and status checking for std::process::Command

    v0.6.0 #command-output #status-command #error-message #command #error #process
  237. i6-pack

    compress and optionally encrypt files

    v0.1.18 500 #utility #tool #command #encryption #cross-platform #terminal #cli
  238. Shellr

    basic linux shell using rust programming langugae inspired from codecrafters

    v0.1.0 #shellr #shell #command #repl #own #build #posix #challenge
  239. re_build_info

    Information about the build. Use together with re_build_tools

    v0.20.3 26K #build #analytics #rerun #information #provider #command #data
  240. braise

    Run your tasks like a chef !

    v0.2.0 #tasks #command #toml #env-vars #chef #platform #name
  241. jsonwatch

    Track changes in JSON data from the command line

    v0.8.0 230 #json #command #command-line #data #track #watch #data-source
  242. watchcrab

    fast, secure, and easy-to-use Rust-based tool to monitor filesystem events across platforms. Effortlessly automate tasks and log changes.

    v1.0.0 650 #events #command #file #directories #tasks #shell #tool
  243. nu_plugin_polars

    Nushell dataframe plugin commands based on polars

    v0.100.0 800 #polars #dataframe #shell #nushell-plugin #command
  244. editorconfiger

    Plain tool to validate and compare .editorconfig files

    v0.4.10 #editor-config #compare #validate #tool #plain #command #package
  245. rscni

    CNI plugin library for Rust

    v0.0.4 220 #cni #cni-plugin #command #del #check #experimental #add
  246. schematch

    Declarative schema checking command

    v1.0.0 #schema #schema-file #declarative #json-schema #checking #command #cat
  247. lapp

    command-line argument parser driven by usage text

    v0.4.0 #arguments-parser #text-parser #command-line-arguments #parser #arguments #command #command-line-interface
  248. ffpb

    A coloured progress bar for ffmpeg

    v0.1.2 170 #progress-bar #ffmpeg #output #eta #command #system #timer