
  1. tap

    Generic extensions for tapping values in Rust

    v1.0.1 4.0M #functional #pipe #debugging-logging #tap-ok #tap-some
  2. os_pipe

    a cross-platform library for opening OS pipes

    v1.2.1 1.5M #child-process #pipe #read-write #pipe2 #dup #createpipe
  3. duct

    running child processes

    v0.13.7 531K #child-process #command-output #process #subprocess #child #command #pipe
  4. interprocess

    communication toolkit

    v2.2.2 185K #interprocess-communication #ipc #pipe #async-io #cross-platform
  5. cmd_lib

    Common rust commandline macros and utils, to write shell script like tasks easily

    v1.9.5 119K #shell #process #script #pipe #command-line-utilities
  6. filedescriptor

    More ergonomic wrappers around RawFd and RawHandle

    v0.8.3 180K #pipe #poll #read-write #socketpair #wrapper
  7. smartcat

    Putting a brain behind cat. CLI interface to bring language models in the Unix ecosystem 🐈‍⬛

    v2.2.0 #language-model #ai #cat #cli-interface #chatgpt #pipe #unix-command
  8. tokio-pipe

    Asynchronous pipe(2) library using tokio

    v0.2.12 136K #pipe #tokio #async
  9. execute

    extending Command in order to execute programs more easily

    v0.2.13 16K #execute-command #exit-status #command #process #pipe #redirect
  10. piper

    Async pipes, channels, mutexes, and more

    v0.2.4 2.3M #single-consumer #single-producer #pipe #async #async-channel #mutex #read-write
  11. aws-sdk-pipes

    AWS SDK for Amazon EventBridge Pipes

    v1.64.0 430 #aws-sdk #pipe #event-source #amazon #event-driven-architecture #events #target
  12. runnel

    the pluggable io stream. now support: stdio, string io, in memory pipe

    v0.3.19 470 #io-stream #pipe #thread #filter #fifo #stdin
  13. io-mux

    Provide multiple file descriptors writing into one in-order pipe, tagged by the source of data (e.g. stdout/stderr)

    v2.2.1 700 #stdout-stderr #file-descriptor #stderr #stdout #pipe #log
  14. pager

    pipe your output through an external pager

    v0.16.1 7.9K #env-vars #output #command-output #less #pipe #control #variables
  15. ultraman

    Manage Procfile-based applications

    v0.3.2 #multi-thread #pipe #foreman #multi-process #multiprocess #multithread
  16. comlexr

    Dynamically build Command objects with conditional expressions

    v1.3.1 1.8K #command #dynamically #conditional #expressions #build #stdin #pipe
  17. rxpipes

    2D version of the ancient pipes screensaver for terminals

    v1.3.0 190 #tui #pipe #terminal #screensaver #pipes #background-color #termwiz
  18. sosistab2

    An obfuscated datagram transport for horrible networks

    v0.10.21 6.9K #datagram #anti-censorship #transport #key-exchange #obfuscated #pipe #networking
  19. dagster_pipes_rust

    A Dagster pipes implementation for interfacing with Rust

    v0.1.8 #pipe #dagster #context #report #assets #json #data
  20. creche

    A replacement for std::process::Command and related types in the standard library. Runs single processes, and pipelines of processes, with configuration of file descriptors and environment for each child process.

    v0.2.1 390 #child-process #file-descriptor #process #env-vars #child #pipe #command
  21. ctf-pwn

    Pwn utilities for Rust

    v0.3.8 #tcp-stream #utilities #pipe #payload #ansi #pwn #process
  22. pike

    A macro collection to pipe |> your functions calls, like in functional languages such as F#, Elixir and OCamel

    v0.1.6 380 #function #macro #pipe #composition #elixir
  23. snakepipe

    A snake game based on stdin/stdout following unix philosophy

    v2.2.0 #snake #unix #user-input #unix-socket #server-sent-events #pipe #stdin
  24. magriette

    not a pipe

    v0.3.0 750 #pipe #u32 #dederef #xs #ys #lol #usize
  25. proximity-sort

    command-line utility for sorting inputs by proximity to a path argument

    v1.3.0 #command-line-tool #utility #pipe #filter #line-numbers
  26. stdecor

    Run a command with a decorated stdout/stderr

    v0.1.12 #command-line #shell #run-command #subprocess #stream #prefix #pipe
  27. sillad-native-tls

    A native-tls wrapper within the sillad framework

    v0.2.11 #pipe #stream #connection #native-tls #framework #sillad #transport
  28. pipe-trait

    possible to chain regular functions

    v0.4.0 8.5K #pipe #pipeline #traits #fp
  29. plumber-cli

    unix process pipelines made easy

    v0.4.1 #pipeline #process #pipe #unix #signal #robust #plumber
  30. pipa

    Pipe Operator Library for Rust

    v0.4.1 550 #functional-programming #pipe #functional #macro #fp #pipe-operator
  31. geph5-misc-rpc

    Geph5 misc RPC protocols

    v0.2.11 360 #network-communication #geph5 #bridge #pipe #session #broker #misc
  32. winpipe

    Blocking rust wrapper for Windows named pipes with very similar api to UnixStream/UnixListen

    v0.1.1 #named-pipe #pipe #pipes #winapi #named-pipes #api-bindings #io-read
  33. io-pipe

    A fast and thread-safe library for creating multi-writer and single-reader pipelines in Rust

    v0.6.2 #thread-safe #pipe #io #async-io #io-write #reader-writer #single-reader
  34. xstream-util

    A command line tool to split a stream to child processes

    v2.0.0 #child-process #parallel-processing #stream-processing #command-line-tool #split #delimiter #pipe
  35. pipeview

    🧪 A command line pipe inspection utility

    v0.3.0 #command-line #pipe #command-line-tool #progress-bar #regex #gauge #meter
  36. named_pipe

    Wrapper for overlapped (asyncronous) IO of Windows's named pipes

    v0.4.1 28K #pipe #named #io-operations #pipes #windows
  37. pipe-logger

    Stores, rotates, compresses process logs

    v1.1.19 #log #rotation #logger #pipe #logrotate
  38. ipipe

    Cross-platform named-pipe API

    v0.11.7 650 #ipc #pipe #fifo #api-bindings #windows-api
  39. functionality

    Rust |> Functional programming = 💖

    v1.0.0 #functional #pipe #mutate #programming #functional-programming #chaining #syntax
  40. mockpipe

    A lightweight, thread-safe in-memory pipe, perfect for testing and mocking communication interfaces

    v0.1.6 #mocking #pipe #communication-channel #testing #io #unit-testing #system-resources
  41. pipe-logger-lib

    Stores, rotates, compresses process logs

    v1.1.17 140 #logging #log #rotation #pipe #logger #logrotate #filesize
  42. pipe

    Synchronous Read/Write memory pipe

    v0.4.0 11K #read-write #synchronous #write #read #io-read #read-memory
  43. ays

    Pipe stdin to stdout after user confirmation

    v0.1.6 #stdio #stdin #user #confirmation #stdout #pipe #shell
  44. arc-writer

    Arc writer

    v0.2.1-alpha.1 440 #arc #writer #another #applications #transport #bridge #pipe
  45. crabmole

    Porting Go standard library in Rust

    v0.1.8 #sorting #base64 #base32 #pipe
  46. interprocess-docfix

    Interprocess communication toolkit. Docs fixed.

    v1.2.2 5.4K #interprocess-communication #unix-domain-socket #ipc #pipe #inter-process #shared-memory #async-io
  47. fpipe

    that lets you filter and map in a shall pipe

    v0.1.3 #command-line #filter-map #shell #filter #pipe #command-line-tool
  48. fluent_pipeline

    A lightweight pipeline system for Rust

    v0.1.0 #pipeline #pipe #system #fluent #class
  49. ichika

    A helper library for automatically constructing a thread pool that communicates via message pipes

    v0.1.1 #thread-pool #pipe #automatic #helper #constructing #message #communicate
  50. cmd_lib_cf

    Modified version of cmd_lib with CREATE_NO_WINDOW built in

    v1.3.4 #shell #process #pipe #script #command-line-utilities #env-vars #cli
  51. aki-txpr-macro

    the more easy to use libaki-*

    v0.1.5 #text-processing #pipe #fifo #thread #filter
  52. pipe_watcher

    A pipe reader and writer for the terminal. Made for use with the ipipe Rust library.

    v2.1.2 #ipc #pipe #terminal #fifo #reader-writer #read-write #api-bindings
  53. pwner

    Process Owner crate that allows ergonomic access to child processes

    v0.1.8 #child-process #process #tokio #pipe #async
  54. hyper-named-pipe

    Hyper client bindings for Windows Named Pipes

    v0.1.0 181K #named-pipe #hyper-client #http-client #pipe #hyper-http #named #hyper
  55. iterpipes

    Compositional, pipes-style stream processing

    v0.2.0 #stream-processing #pipe #iterator #pipeline #compositional #input #next
  56. serde_pipe

    Turn serde+bincode into a pipe: push Ts and pull u8s, or vice versa. This library gives you a Serializer pipe, into which you can push Ts and pull u8s; and a Deserializer pipe…

    v0.1.3 #pipe #serialization #serde #serialize
  57. highlight-stderr

    Run a command and highlight its stderr, preserving the order of stdout and stderr

    v0.3.0 #stderr #stdout #pipe #log
  58. nanorpc-sillad

    nanorpc transport over sillad pipes

    v0.1.2 500 #network-communication #transport #pipe #sillad #nanorpc #connection #networking
  59. yeast

    Shell Trick

    v0.20.2 #shell #unix-shell #trick #pipe
  60. bipe

    asynchronous I/O pipe

    v0.2.8 500 #async-io #pipe #async
  61. logup

    UNIX-style command that can be used to pipe stdout logs to location on disk or in the cloud without the need of an agent, logrotate, systemd or other configuration files

    v0.1.0 #logging #cloud #pipe #command-line #linux #command-line-tool #cli
  62. seep

    print the stdin and redirect to stdout and files

    v0.1.1 #pipe #cli #stdin #stdout #process #stdio #redirect
  63. pipeprogress

    Progress bar for long pipe operations

    v2023.3.0 #pipe #progress-bar #long-running #operations #command-line-tool #utility #display
  64. whiz

    Modern DAG/tasks runner for multi-platform monorepos

    v0.5.0 #monorepo #multi-platform #runner #env #pipe #management #reloading
  65. pipetee

    fast, no-dependencies UNIX utility to print the contents of stdin to the terminal *and* forward them to stdout at the same time. Useful for debugging.

    v1.0.1 #stdout #tee #pipe #stdio #redirect #tty
  66. bi-directional-pipe

    async bi-directional pipe

    v0.1.4 #bidirectional #pipe #tokio-task #async #sync #ensure #anyhow
  67. pv

    Rust reimplementation of the unix pipeview (pv) utility

    v0.3.0 #unix #progress-bar #utility #monitoring #rate #pipe #flow
  68. pipeop

    Adding the pipe operator to Rust with a declarative macro

    v0.2.0 700 #declarative-macro #pipe #macro #pipeline #operator #expression #call
  69. sosistab2-obfsws

    Websocket Pipe (pluggable-transport) support for sosistab2

    v0.3.1 #websocket #proxy #sosistab2 #server #pipe #networking #reverse-proxy
  70. rust-pipes

    A remake of the 3D Pipes Screensaver from Windows 98 in Rust

    v0.2.0 #screensaver #pipe #3d #cross-platform #remake #wasm #classic
  71. pipeawesome2

    Loops, branches and joins to UNIX pipes… in a sane way…

    v0.1.3 #unix #pipe #unix-command #branch #connection #join #graph
  72. tokio-linux-zio

    Linux Zero-Copy IO

    v0.3.1 #zero-copy #tokio #sendfile #pipe #splice #linux
  73. unix-exec-output-catcher

    run executables in a child process and catch STDOUT and STDERR output on UNIX-systems. std::process::Command is probably the better option. Use this source code as educational source how it could be done.

    v0.2.4 #unix #exec #pipe #child-process #fork #posix
  74. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  75. pipe-channel

    Channel implementation based on pipes

    v1.3.0 #pipe #channel #operating-system #thread
  76. structural-shapes

    Common structural shapes

    v0.2.3 #engineering #shapes #structural #pipe #structural-analysis #bars #composite
  77. tailsome

    Blanket traits providing .into_ok(), .into_err(), and .into_some() for happier method chaining

    v1.0.0 150 #chaining #pipe #pipeline #tap #pipelines
  78. tuppipe

    pipe operator-like implementation using tuples in Rust

    v0.1.4 240 #pipe #pipe-operator #pipeop #pipe-op #generate
  79. unix_exec_piper

    exec multiple commands where STDOUT of one process is connected to STDIN of the next process. This is what a shell (like bash) does internally.

    v0.1.4 #pipe #exec #unix #fork #posix #child-process
  80. eventbridge-pipes-events

    AWS Eventbridge Pipes Type library

    v0.1.2 #data-stream #pipe #eventbridge #type #pipes #api-bindings #data-type
  81. input-painter

    cli tool for coloring the output of other programs

    v0.1.4 #output #command-line-tool #color #rgb #programs #termcolor #pipe
  82. read_pipe

    read console pipes

    v0.2.0 #pipe #read-input #stdin #console #read #linux
  83. joyn

    Join input files. Create one thread for each input file that reads a line, and write a line each time any thread reads it.

    v0.4.0 #pipe #input-file #utility #command-line-tool #read-input #parallel-execution #cli
  84. std_io_iterators

    An iterator for STDIN and a wrapper for STDOUT. Allows easy piping, and graceful closing of application if pipe breaks

    v1.0.0 #stdio #stdout #pipe #stdin #command-line #broken-pipe
  85. scopefn

    Scope functions for Rust

    v0.0.2 #scope #functional #scope-functions #pipe
  86. netnyan

    replacement for netcat

    v0.1.0 #tcp-connection #netcat #io #pipe #replace #outbound #inbound
  87. timrs_pipe_macro

    Procedural macro providing Elixir-style pipe operators for function composition

    v1.1.0-rc.6 #functional-programming #pipe #functional #proc-macro #higher-kinded-types
  88. gpt-pipe

    GPT use with UNIX pipes

    v0.2.0 #chatgpt #pipe #unix #gpt #vim #buffer #tasks
  89. chained

    lazily chaining functions

    v0.1.1 #lazy-evaluation #chaining #pipeline #functional #pipe #lazy
  90. sosistab3-obfsws

    Websocket Pipe (pluggable-transport) support for sosistab3

    v0.4.0 #websocket #server #pipe #reverse-proxy #pluggable-transport #protocols #behind
  91. ichika-macros

    A helper library for automatically constructing a thread pool that communicates via message pipes

    v0.1.1 #thread-pool #pipe #automatic #helper #constructing #message #ichika
  92. rusted_pipe

    Real time processing library for developing multithreaded ML pipelines, written in Rust

    v0.0.2 #buffer #pipeline #data #node #processing #pipe #graph
  93. eki

    solver for steady and transient flow in fluid networks

    v0.2.0 #flow #fluid #solver #transient #networking #pipe #component
  94. modupipe

    A modular and extensible ETL-like pipeline builder

    v0.1.0 #pipeline #etl #pipe
  95. assert_contains_cli

    very simple cli to assert a string is contained or not contained in a stream

    v0.1.1 #assert #cli #contain #pipe
  96. apipe

    An anonymous UNIX pipe type

    v0.2.0 #pipe #anonymous #process #stdout #stdin #stdio
  97. pipeline

    A macro collection to pipe |> your functions calls, like in F# or Elixir

    v0.5.0 15K #pipe #function #elixir #macro #composition
  98. lelcat

    A faster version of lolcat

    v0.2.0 #version #lolcat #pipe #concatenate
  99. backpak-b2

    Backblaze B2 backend for backpak

    v0.1.0 #backpak #back-end #b2 #backblaze #content-addressable #crypto #pipe
  100. tokio-transports

    used for communication between processes

    v0.1.0 #pipe #transport #tokio #ipc #networking #child-process
  101. gutters

    Basic generic functions for building quick and dirty interprocess or network protocols

    v0.1.1 #networking #pipe #ipc #quick #dirty #basic #network-protocol
  102. simple-async-pipe

    Aims to provide a simple pipe-like functionality for async code

    v0.1.1 #tokio #pipe #async
  103. fd

    File descriptor utilities

    v0.2.3 500 #pipe #linux #splice
  104. free_function_pipes

    a bunch of traits that makes composing functions together easier

    v1.0.1 #traits #together #pipe #free #functions #composing #nested
  105. piping

    Pipeline syntax in Rust. 4isize |> double(__) |> __ as usize.

    v1.0.0 #pipe #pipeline #operator #macro #proc-macro
  106. yapv

    Yest Another Pipe Viewer

    v0.2.0 #pipe #educational #multi-threading #file #multithreading
  107. pipe_sim

    a Pipe Simulator Framework for fast building of complex pipelines

    v0.2.3 #pipe #pipeline #framework #simulation #complex #building
  108. tokio-anon-pipe

    Asynchronous anonymous pipe for Windows

    v0.1.1 #pipe #tokio #async #named-pipe
  109. cmd_lib_macros

    Common rust commandline macros and utils, to write shell script like tasks easily

    v1.9.5 119K #shell #process #script #pipe #cli
  110. capture-stdio

    Capture stdin/out/err of the current process

    v0.1.1 #capture #stdio #process #stdout #stderr #stdin #pipe
  111. ftools

    Functional utilities for Rust

    v0.1.1 #functional #utilities #pipe #collection
  112. ufcs

    Helper trait to call free functions using method call syntax

    v0.1.0 #pipe #pipeline #chaining #simple
  113. fused-reader

    fused reader type that if writer thread dies while holding armed fuse the reader will get BrokenPipe error

    v0.1.0 #pipe #error #reader-writer #io
  114. ppipe

    An elegantly simple and lightweight library for making iterator pipelines concurrent and blazingly fast, hence the name ppipe (parallel pipe)

    v0.2.0 #pipeline #iterator #pipe #adaptor #concurrency
  115. another_pipe_macro

    Adds a macro for composing functions

    v0.1.2 #function #pipeline #pipe #macro #another #syntax #calls
  116. pipette

    Polymorphic function pipelines without traits or macros

    v0.1.0 #pipeline #polymorphism #pipe #traits #macro #input
  117. mio-anonymous-pipes

    Asynchronous wrapper for windows synchronous pipes

    v0.2.0 320 #pipe #synchronous #anonymous #mio #buffer #asynchronous #evented
  118. lockpipes

    a commitment-free alternative to sleep

    v1.0.0 #pipe #sleep #kubernetes #commitment-free #system #environment #lockpipe
  119. pipev

    Educational version of pipeviewer

    v0.1.2 #pipe #data-pipeline #educational #pipeviewer #pv
  120. chaining

    Adds chaining methods tap and pipe to every type

    v0.1.0 #pipe #tap #methods #scala
  121. plumber-kafka

    easy to use Kafka CLI

    v0.1.0 #kafka #pipeline #pipe #cli #command-line-tool #plumber
  122. framed_pipe

    mpsc based pipe for frames

    v0.1.0 #frame #pipe #framed #byte #mpsc
  123. stdinman

    Pipe audio to discord, unix style

    v0.1.0 #discord #discord-bot #pipe #audio #unix #style #input
  124. read-write-pipe

    A trait for objects implementing Write, to write all content from a Read object

    v0.1.0 330 #read-write #pipe #writer #reader-writer #io #reader #io-write
  125. pipestream

    Async support for pipe or something has file descriptor

    v0.1.0 #file-descriptor #async #pipe
  126. async-pipe

    Creates an asynchronous piped reader and writer pair using tokio.rs

    v0.1.3 400 #reader-writer #writer #reader #async #pipe #future