
  1. orx-split-vec

    An efficient dynamic capacity vector with pinned element guarantees

    v3.15.0 4.2K #pinned #array #split #vec #fragment
  2. orx-fixed-vec

    An efficient fixed capacity vector with pinned element guarantees

    v3.15.0 4.2K #pinned #array #vec #split #fixed
  3. orx-pinned-vec

    PinnedVec trait defines the interface for vectors which guarantee that elements added to the vector are pinned to their memory locations unless explicitly changed

    v3.15.0 4.2K #pinned #vec #array #memory #vector
  4. orx-linked-list

    A linked list implementation with unique features and an extended list of constant time methods providing high performance traversals and mutations

    v3.6.0 #linked-list #doubly-linked-list #pinned #list #linked
  5. orx-selfref-col

    SelfRefCol is a core data structure to conveniently build safe and efficient self referential collections, such as linked lists and trees

    v2.7.0 #self-referential #recursion #pinned #tree #list
  6. orx-imp-vec

    ImpVec stands for immutable push vector 👿, it is a data structure which allows appending elements with a shared reference

    v2.12.0 #pinned #container #vec #bag #split
  7. gh-pinned-rs

    Fetch pinned repositories from github

    v2.0.5 #github #pinned #blocking
  8. pinned

    Synchronisation primitives for !Send tasks

    v0.1.0 36K #async #future #futures
  9. pinned-bucket

    Mutable container for pinned and immutable items

    v0.4.3 #pinned #pinned-bucket #bucket
  10. pinned-aliasable

    Pin-based stopgap for unboxed aliasable values in self-referential data structures

    v0.1.3 130 #self-referential #pinned #structure #aliasable #unboxed
  11. pinnable

    A Mutex that can be pinned

    v0.1.1 #mutex #locking #pinned
  12. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  13. stackpin

    data that should be pinned to the stack at the point of declaration

    v0.0.2 #stackpin #pinned #unpinned
  14. pinned_sync

    implements pinned synchronization primitives

    v0.0.1 #pinned #sync #pinned-sync