
  1. arrow

    Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #memory #array #format #ipc #data #cargo
  2. ndarray

    An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

    v0.16.1 1.3M #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #matrix-operations #blas #multidimensional-array #higher-order
  3. generic-array

    Generic types implementing functionality of arrays

    v1.2.0 10.6M #array #generic #generics #default-value
  4. parquet

    Apache Parquet implementation in Rust

    v54.2.1 1.1M #brotli #apache-arrow #compression #arrow #page #array #object-store
  5. arrayvec

    A vector with fixed capacity, backed by an array (it can be stored on the stack too). Implements fixed capacity ArrayVec and ArrayString.

    v0.7.6 7.7M #vector #array #stack #data-structures #no-std
  6. enum-map

    A map with C-like enum keys represented internally as an array

    v3.0.0-beta.2 841K #enums #map #array #data-structures #key #safe #key-value
  7. arrayref

    Macros to take array references of slices

    v0.3.9 4.2M #slice #array #reference #macro #byte-array #safe #size
  8. serde-big-array

    Big array helper for serde

    v0.5.1 423K #const-generics #array #deserialize #serde-derive #big #helper #serde-json
  9. ndarray-stats

    Statistical routines for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.6.0 147K #array #ndarray #multi-dimensional #statistical-analysis #matrix #statistics #data-analysis
  10. array-bytes

    A collection of Array/Bytes/Hex utilities with full No-STD compatibility

    v9.1.2 285K #array #hex #slice #vec
  11. ndarray-npy

    .npy and .npz file format support for ndarray

    v0.9.1 149K #file-format #ndarray #array #numpy #npy #npz
  12. aligned

    A newtype with alignment of at least A bytes

    v0.4.2 141K #alignment #array #static
  13. array-macro

    Array multiple elements constructor syntax

    v2.1.8 150K #array #constructor #data-structures #syntax #elements #multiple #no-std
  14. serde_tuple

    De/serialize structs with named fields as array of values

    v1.1.0 73K #named-fields #serialization #deserialize #array #structs #tuple #values
  15. hdf5-metno

    Thread-safe Rust bindings for the HDF5 library

    v0.10.1 5.6K #hdf5 #thread-safe #bindings #array #multi-dimensional #mutex #multidimensional-array
  16. argminmax

    (argmin & argmax in 1 function) with SIMD for floats and integers

    v0.6.2 205K #simd #array #nan #index #ndarray #instructions #argmax
  17. narrow

    Apache Arrow

    v0.12.3 3.9K #apache-arrow #statically-typed #arrow #data-structures #array #experimental #interop
  18. arr_macro

    Initialize arrays with ease!

    v0.2.1 57K #array #initialization #macro #init
  19. orx-split-vec

    An efficient dynamic capacity vector with pinned element guarantees

    v3.15.0 4.2K #data-structures #pinned #memory-access #split #fragments #vec #array
  20. uluru

    fast, LRU cache implementation

    v3.1.0 335K #cache #array #linked-list
  21. hybrid-array

    Hybrid typenum-based and const generic array types designed to provide the flexibility of typenum-based expressions while also allowing interoperability and a transition path to const generics

    v0.3.0 91K #const-generics #array #typenum #hybrid #transition #interop
  22. cranelift-entity

    Data structures using entity references as mapping keys

    v0.117.2 640K #entity #data-structures #map #set #reference-data #array #object
  23. arrow_convert

    Convert between nested rust types and Arrow with arrow

    v0.8.1 14K #arrow #data-conversion #serialization #convert #nested #array #types
  24. dyn-stack

    Dynamic stack wrapper for unsized allocations

    v0.13.0 106K #memory-management #stack-memory #stack #allocation #unsized #memory-buffer #array
  25. range-collections

    Sets and maps of ranges, backed by smallvec

    v0.4.6 32K #range #small-vec #succinct #array #smallvec
  26. transpose

    transposing multi-dimensional data

    v0.2.3 300K #2d-array #multi-dimensional #array #data #2d #data-structures #row-major
  27. vortex-array

    Vortex in memory columnar data format

    v0.25.0 1.2K #apache-arrow #array #vortex #file-format #random-access #columnar #encoding
  28. grid

    Dynamic generic 2D data structure

    v0.16.1 121K #2d-array #data-structures #2d-vector #matrix #array #2d #matrix-vector
  29. zarrs

    Zarr storage format for multidimensional arrays and metadata

    v0.19.2 700 #array #zarr #codec #multi-dimensional #metadata #subset #store
  30. vortex-alp

    Vortex ALP array

    v0.24.0 1.1K #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #array #random-access #columnar #compression
  31. arrow-schema

    Defines the logical types for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #logical #types #array #define #parquet
  32. arraydeque

    A ring buffer with a fixed capacity, which can be stored on the stack

    v0.5.1 617K #ring-buffer #circular-buffer #ring #circular #deque #stack #array
  33. vortex-ipc

    IPC message format to exchange Vortex arrays across processes

    v0.24.0 800 #vortex #file-format #array #arrow #ipc #compression #data
  34. vortex-scalar

    Vortex Scalars

    v0.25.0 1.4K #file-format #apache-arrow #vortex #random-access #columnar #array #serialization
  35. arrow-array

    Array abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #array #arrow #builder #values #vec #abstraction
  36. saphyr

    A fully YAML 1.2 compliant YAML library

    v0.0.3 13K #yaml #yaml-parser #parser #compliant #events #array #string
  37. ndarray-slice

    Fast and robust slice-based algorithms (e.g., sorting, selection, search) for non-contiguous (sub)views into n-dimensional arrays

    v0.5.1 550 #sorting #array #ndarray #memory-layout #numpy #sort #select
  38. orx-fixed-vec

    An efficient fixed capacity vector with pinned element guarantees

    v3.15.0 4.3K #pinned #fixed #vec #data-structures #array #split #detail
  39. vortex-dict

    Vortex dictionary array

    v0.24.0 950 #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #array #compression #columnar #random-access
  40. mwa_hyperbeam

    Primary beam code for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope

    v0.10.1 340 #radio-astronomy #beam #mwa #primary #array #model #telescope
  41. arrow-select

    Selection kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #array #selection #kernel
  42. vortex-dtype

    Vortex's core type system

    v0.25.0 1.3K #vortex #serialization #array #file-format #schema #arrow #schema-definition
  43. vortex-zigzag

    Vortex zig zag array

    v0.24.0 900 #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #random-access #zig-zag #array #columnar
  44. deduplicating_array

    A serde serialization strategy that uses PartialEq to reduce serialized size

    v0.1.8 2.3K #array #partial-eq #size #strategy #reduce #deserialize #localization
  45. sqrid

    Square coordinates and grid-like arrays, with zero dependencies, in a single file

    v0.0.30 #grid #square #arrays #array #fixed-size #const-generics #single-file
  46. orx-pinned-vec

    PinnedVec trait defines the interface for vectors which guarantee that elements added to the vector are pinned to their memory locations unless explicitly changed

    v3.15.0 4.5K #pinned #memory #vec #data-structures #vector #array #self-referential
  47. vortex-fastlanes

    Vortex fastlanes arrays

    v0.24.0 1.0K #vortex #apache-arrow #array #file-format #compression #fastlanes #performance
  48. arrow-ord

    Ordering kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #sorting #arrow #array #order #kernel #ord
  49. vortex-flatbuffers

    Flatbuffers definitions for Vortex types

    v0.25.0 1.4K #serialization #vortex #flat-buffers #array #definition #script #types
  50. serde-encoded-bytes

    Efficient bytestring serialization for Serde-supporting types

    v0.2.0 1.9K #serialization #byte-string #serialize-deserialize #array #encoded #types #serde-json
  51. vortex-sparse

    Vortex Sparse array

    v0.24.0 550 #vortex #file-format #array #sparse-array #arrow #compression #columnar
  52. vortex-io

    Core async and blocking IO traits and implementations, used by IPC and file format

    v0.24.0 950 #file-format #vortex #array #arrow #compression #data-file #columnar
  53. numeric-array

    Wrapper around generic-array that adds efficient numeric trait implementations

    v0.6.1 2.0K #array #simd #generic #numeric
  54. vortex-runend

    Vortex run end encoded array

    v0.24.0 1.0K #vortex #compression #array #file-format #data #encoding #codec
  55. vortex-error

    Vortex errors

    v0.24.0 1.5K #apache-arrow #vortex #error #compression #file-format #data #array
  56. vortex

    file format with all builtin codecs and a sampling compressor

    v0.24.0 550 #file-format #array #arrow #compression #encoding #compressor #columnar
  57. nabla-ml

    A numpy-like library for Rust

    v0.4.8 1.6K #array #linear-regression #ml #layer #nabla #math #operations
  58. soa-rs

    A Vec-like structure-of-arrays container

    v0.8.1 370 #memory-layout #soa #array #container #slice #fields #vec
  59. quantity

    Representation of quantites, i.e. of unit valued scalars and arrays.

    v0.10.1 220 #si-units #physics #units #unit #si #array
  60. inplace_it

    Place small arrays on the stack with a low-cost!

    v0.3.6 20K #array #stack #in-place #low #low-cost #size
  61. toodee

    A lightweight 2D wrapper around a Vec

    v0.6.0 #2d-array #matrix #array #sorting #matrix-operations #image-processing #translate
  62. array-concat

    Macros for concatenating const arrays

    v0.5.3 15K #array #concat #macro #const #concatenating
  63. array2d

    A fixed sized two-dimensional array

    v0.3.2 3.4K #image-processing #array #fixed #game #data-structures #structure #row-column
  64. tuplex

    Rust tuple extension

    v0.1.2 163K #tuple #heterogeneous #homogeneous #array #convert
  65. vortex-bytebool

    Vortex byte-boolean array

    v0.24.0 750 #apache-arrow #vortex #file-format #array #compression #columnar #parquet
  66. arrow-string

    String kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #string #array #kernel
  67. zarray

    Cache-optimized 2D and 3D arrays using Morton order (aka Z-order) Z-indexed storage, with a convenient API for common 2D and 3D access patterns. Use of zarray in place of a Vec of Vecs often improves performance…

    v1.4.0 240 #2d-3d #2d-array #array #cellular-automata #morton #z-order #map
  68. n_circular_array

    An n-dimensional circular array

    v0.1.6 490 #array #circular #matrix #matrix-vector #vector
  69. arrow-data

    Array data abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #data #array #abstraction #parquet #interface
  70. vortex-expr

    Vortex Expressions

    v0.24.0 1.2K #vortex #expression #array #expr #datafusion #predicate #postgresql
  71. andex

    Safe, strongly typed array indexes and wrappers for rust with zero dependencies

    v0.0.18 #array-index #array #arrays #indexing #index #indexed #wrapper
  72. vortex-scan

    Vortex scan contains logic for smartly performing a filter + projection scan operation

    v0.24.0 750 #vortex #file-format #array #scan #arrow #columnar #compression
  73. block-grid

    A quick, cache-conscious, tiled 2D array

    v1.0.0 120 #2d-array #block-size #array #2d-grid #grid #2d #matrix
  74. eta-algorithms

    Low overhead data structures focused on performance

    v1.7.4 2.0K #low-overhead #data-structures #algorithm #queue #stack #array #performance
  75. serde-ndim

    Serde support for n-dimensional arrays from self-describing formats

    v2.0.2 240 #array #serialize-deserialize #json-array #serialization #multi-dimensional #serde #data-structures
  76. vortex-layout

    Vortex layouts provide a way to perform lazy push-down scans over abstract storage

    v0.24.0 550 #vortex #file-format #layout #array #arrow #scan #compression
  77. arrow-row

    Arrow row format

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #row #format #array #sorting #byte
  78. geoarrow

    Rust implementation of GeoArrow

    v0.4.0-beta.4 1.3K #array #geometry #geospatial #apache-arrow #convert #geojson #format
  79. fast_transpose

    Fast image and matrix transpose

    v0.2.3 2.6K #data #array #multi-dimensional #row-major
  80. soapy

    Structure-of-arrays derive macro

    v0.2.9 360 #memory-layout #macro-derive #soa #array #fields #structure-of-arrays #slice
  81. ijzer

    Main crate for IJzer. Provides a macro for using IJzer in a rust project, and a prelude with dependencies..

    v0.1.1 110 #programming-language #tensor #array #prelude #macro #operations #projects
  82. random-pick

    Pick an element from a slice randomly by given weights

    v1.2.16 36K #slice #random #pick #array #choose
  83. vortex-datafusion

    Apache Datafusion integration for Vortex

    v0.24.0 550 #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #query-engine #datafusion #data-integration #array
  84. bare_metal_modulo

    ModNum is a highly ergonomic modular arithmetic struct intended for no_std use

    v1.2.5 340 #modular-arithmetic #modulo #modular #math #bare-metal #modulo-arithmetic #array
  85. pi_arr

    lock-free & auto-expansion array

    v0.19.8 #array #thread-safe #lock-free #pi #structure #arr #auto-expansion
  86. array_trait

    A generic trait for any array, with item as type and length as const parameter

    v1.1.0 700 #array #traits #utilities #no-alloc
  87. vortex-mask

    Vortex Mask - sorted, unique, non-negative integers

    v0.25.0 850 #vortex #file-format #array #arrow #compression #mask #columnar
  88. stack-map

    constant-size associative container for building higher-level data structures out of

    v1.0.5 40K #data-structures #associative #container #array #constant-size #backed #higher-level
  89. zarrs_ffi

    FFI bindings for the zarrs crate

    v0.9.1 #array #zarr #multi-dimensional #bindings #zarrs #storage #cc
  90. blosc

    Rust bindings to the C-BLOSC compression library

    v0.2.1 2.0K #compression #binary-data #bindings #c-blosc #array #performance #api-bindings
  91. simple-grid

    2d-grid structure

    v2.2.1 #2d-grid #2d-array #grid #array #2d #map #data-structures
  92. hpt

    High Performance Tensor (HPT) - A fast, efficient, and user-friendly tensor computation library for Rust

    v0.0.15 450 #tensor #performance #memory-layout #high #array #multi-threading #contiguous
  93. uiua

    A stack-based array programming language

    v0.15.0-dev.2 290 #programming-language #array #stack #apl #language
  94. baa

    BitVector and Array Arithmetic

    v0.16.9 2.0K #bit-vector #array #arithmetic #bitvector
  95. orx-funvec

    Traits to unify access to elements of n-dimensional vectors which are particularly useful in algorithms requiring both flexibility through abstraction over inputs and performance through monomorphization

    v0.1.6 290 #closures #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #vec #algorithm #data-access
  96. soa_derive

    Automatic Struct of Array generation

    v0.13.0 10K #struct #array #derive #derive-debug #data-oriented-programming #automatic #generation
  97. combo_vec

    A blazingly fast no-std vector-like ADT using the stack (and optionally heap for overflow)

    v0.7.3 #stack #array #stack-overflow #heap #array-vec #stack-allocated #heap-allocation
  98. hdf5

    Thread-safe Rust bindings for the HDF5 library

    v0.8.1 13K #thread-safe #bindings #array #multi-dimensional #version #mutex #multidimensional-array
  99. anyrust

    any rust

    v0.4.1 600 #any #system #array #flexible #javascript #map #value
  100. unarray

    working with uninitialized arrays

    v0.1.4 2.4M #array #uninitialized #traits #extension #options #api #unarray-array-ext
  101. heap-array

    variable length array, with its main benefit over Vec is taking up less space

    v0.1.9 550 #array #length #variables #vec #replacement #space #heap
  102. vec-collections

    Rust collections that are newtype wrappers around smallvec

    v0.4.3 6.0K #small-vec #radix-tree #succinct #array #smallvec #vector #heap-allocation
  103. array__ops

    A selection of useful array operations

    v1.0.3 430 #array #ops #operations #utility #async #operation #no-alloc
  104. arraystring

    Fixed capacity stack based generic string

    v0.3.0 36K #string #stack #generic #compile-time #array #generics
  105. kn0sys_ndarray

    An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

    v0.17.1 250 #array #matrix #multi-dimensional #blas #higher-order
  106. as-slice

    AsSlice and AsMutSlice traits

    v0.2.1 67K #slice #array #conversion
  107. five8

    Fast base58 encoding and decoding for 32-byte and 64-byte arrays

    v0.2.1 200 #codec #base58 #decoding #encoding #port #array #32-byte
  108. stele

    An atomic Vec-like structure with no copying on allocation

    v0.3.5 #data-structures #concurrency #structure #allocator-api #reader #atomic #array
  109. numru

    A high-performance scientific computation library written in Rust

    v0.2.0 100 #scientific #computation #numerical-computation #array #numerical #math
  110. boxarray

    Safe way to allocate and initialize nested arrays directly on the heap in Rust

    v1.3.1 2.5K #arrays #array #box #multidimensional-array
  111. hcproto

    net for Rust

    v0.1.3 #proto #hcnet #binary #varint #array #net
  112. mwa_hyperdrive

    Calibration software for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope

    v0.5.0 220 #calibration #radio-astronomy #mwa #telescope #array #cuda #murchison
  113. cbqn

    Embed BQN in Rust via CBQN FFI

    v0.2.1 #bqn #array #apl #back-end
  114. small-fixed-array

    providing fixed length immutable collections with a low memory footprint

    v0.4.8 1.8K #low-memory #fixed-length #array-string #collection #array #string #vec-string
  115. bevy_entitiles

    A 2d tilemap library for bevy. With many useful algorithms/tools built in.

    v0.12.0 #tilemap #bevy #tiled #2d #ldtk #array #entity
  116. array-util

    no_std array helpers available without nightly

    v1.0.2 56K #array #utilities #generics #embedded
  117. astro-format

    Astro Format is a library for transcoding between an array of implemented types and a single buffer

    v2.1.1 120 #buffer #transcoding #format #codec #array #single #types
  118. vortex-runend-bool

    Vortex run end encoded boolean array, strictly better than runend for bool arrays

    v0.21.1 270 #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #array #compression #data #data-file
  119. ohmydb

    A light-weight local json database

    v2.2.2 #json #string #retrieve #database #array #json-db #local
  120. arrayset

    An array-backed ordered set type

    v3.1.1 #set #array #collection #no-alloc #no-std
  121. ragged-buffer

    Efficient RaggedBuffer datatype that implements 3D arrays with variable-length 2nd dimension

    v0.4.8 #array #dimension #numpy #3d #sequence #length #variables
  122. kn0sys-ndarray-stats

    Statistical routines for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.7.1 100 #array #ndarray #matrix #multi-dimensional #statistics #data-structures
  123. jaggedarray

    Multidimensional jagged array

    v0.2.11 #array #multi-dimensional #contiguous-buffer #jagged #traversal #index #short
  124. c_vec

    Structures to wrap C arrays

    v2.0.0 20K #array #vec #c
  125. mayda

    Compression of integer arrays, favoring decompression speed

    v0.2.5 #integer-compression #array #speed #run-time
  126. fixed-capacity-vec

    Variable-length buffer backed by a fixed-size heap array

    v1.0.1 11K #fixed-size #heap #data-structures #compile-time #length #array #capacity
  127. ar_row

    Row-oriented access to Arrow arrays

    v1.1.0 240 #apache-arrow #data-access #columnar #row #proc-macro #array #row-oriented
  128. packed-uints

    Array of uints that scales from u4 to u32 to minimize wasted space while still being fast

    v0.1.9 500 #array #uint #packed #voxel-game #dense #data-structures #small
  129. ndarray-npz

    Advanced .npz file format support for n-dimensional arrays

    v0.4.0 #file-format #numpy #array #ndarray #npz #npy #zip-archive
  130. ruint2

    Unsigned integer type with cont-generic bit length

    v1.9.0 3.5K #unsigned-integer #bit-length #uint #numbers #array #modulo #human-readable
  131. qptrie

    A QP-Trie implementation for Rust

    v0.2.5 #trie #key-value #lookup #compact #prefix #memory #array
  132. copyvec

    A contiguous growable array type, with a fixed, stack-alllocated capacity that implements Copy

    v0.2.1 #stack-allocated #copy #array #fixed #no-alloc #contiguous #capacity
  133. blas-array2

    Parameter-optional BLAS wrapper by ndarray::Array (Ix1 or Ix2)

    v0.3.0 210 #blas #array #matrix #data-structures
  134. malloced

    A malloc-ed box pointer type

    v1.3.1 4.3K #malloc #free #array #ffi #c #api-bindings
  135. mdarray

    Multidimensional array for Rust

    v0.7.0 #array #multi-dimensional #matrix #multidimensional-array
  136. rstsr

    An n-Dimension Rust Tensor Toolkit

    v0.1.0 220 #tensor #scientific #array #multi-dimensional #blas #multidimensional
  137. zarrs_opendal

    opendal store support for the zarrs crate

    v0.6.0 370 #store #zarrs #zarr #storage #array
  138. aligned-array

    A newtype with alignment of at least A bytes

    v1.0.1 100K #alignment #aligned #array #static #byte-sequences
  139. ndarray-histogram

    Histogram support for n-dimensional arrays

    v0.5.0 #multi-dimensional #array #statistics #ndarray #matrix
  140. ordes

    treating arrays and tuples a little bit more like vectors

    v0.4.1 700 #tuple #array #bit-vector #iterator #push #little #const-generics
  141. lowdim

    two- to four-dimensional integer geometry

    v0.7.2 #bounding-box #2d-array #2d-3d #geometry #array #vector-math #2d
  142. binary-merge

    Minimum comparison merge of two sorted sequences with random access

    v0.1.2 32K #sorting #random-access #merging #merge #array
  143. vortex-fsst

    Vortex FSST string array encoding

    v0.24.0 650 #symbol-table #vortex #compression #string #array #static #fsst
  144. array-section

    An array where only a (contiguous) subarray may be viewed or operated on

    v0.2.3 900 #array #const #subarray #no-alloc #part
  145. mattr

    transposing multi-dimensional data

    v1.0.0 250 #2d-array #array #transpose #2d
  146. lsmlite-rs

    Helsing's Rust bindings for sqlite3's lsm1 extension in stand-alone fashion

    v0.2.1 #storage-engine #lsm #persistence #embedded-database #sqlite-extension #rocksdb #array
  147. opengl

    OpenGL for Rust

    v0.1.0 #opengl-context #vertex #array #buffer #target #tex #opengl-version
  148. ndarray-ndimage

    Multidimensional image processing for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray

    v0.4.0 1.1K #image-processing #array #multi-dimensional #ndarray #matrix #image #data-structures
  149. rand_pool

    Create a pool of random numbers pre generated thread safe

    v0.1.3 120 #numbers #pool #array #applications #thread-safe #seed #refilling
  150. aformat

    A no-std and no-alloc version of format! using ToArrayString

    v0.1.8 1.5K #formatting #array #array-string #no-alloc #string-formatting #no-std
  151. iter_fixed

    Iterator of fixed length

    v0.4.0 210 #fixed-size #fixed-length #iterator #array #compile-time #zip #data-structures
  152. vortex-file

    Vortex file readers and writers

    v0.24.0 650 #vortex #layout #file-format #array #file-reader #column #offset
  153. polyvalue

    A weak-typed analog for rust

    v0.3.4 550 #system #dynamic #serialization #value #array #object #currency
  154. vortex-serde

    Vortex Serialisation

    v0.16.0 1.1K #serialization #vortex #schema #array #message #offset #context
  155. dimensionals

    Rust native generic, flexible n-dimensional array

    v0.2.1 120 #array #tensor #matrix #vector #math #matrix-operations #memory-layout
  156. workflow-wasm

    WASM utilities for in-browser use (timers, callbacks, etc.)

    v0.18.0 2.0K #browser #wasm #utilities #array #buffer #event-listener #events
  157. linker-set

    Declarative programming via linker-constructed arrays

    v0.3.6 130 #linker #configuration #programming #set #declarative #elf #array
  158. array_math

    A selection of useful math operations on arrays

    v0.2.45 #array #math #operations #utilities #fft #ops
  159. ctoml

    A command-line tool to manipulate TOML files

    v0.1.0 #toml #command-line-tool #array #read-write #command-line-interface #data-structures #key
  160. staticvec

    Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics

    v0.11.9 #array #array-vec #vec #stack #vector #no-std
  161. kg-tree

    Generic object tree with Opath query language, similar to XPath

    v0.2.1 #query-language #xpath #object #tree #array #element #generic
  162. fake-simd

    mimicking simd crate on stable Rust

    v0.1.2 259K #simd #stable #optimization #vector #array #compiler-optimization #intrinsics
  163. slice_math

    A selection of useful math operations on slices

    v0.1.31 #slice #math #ops #utilities #array
  164. grid2d

    Two dimensional grid of runtime-defined, but unchangable size

    v0.6.0 1.1K #matrix #data-structures #2d-grid #array #fixed-size #2d-array #two-dimensional
  165. jsonutil

    Util to parse/serialize/deserialize JSON schemas, BSON schemas and related structs

    v0.1.3 230 #json-schema #bson #mongo-db #deserialize-json #integer #array #object
  166. mini-v8

    A minimal embedded V8 JavaScript engine wrapper for Rust

    v0.4.1 #javascript-engine #v8 #mini #execute #object #array #context
  167. arraysetcell

    A fixed-capacity, vector-like array with interior mutability and no ordering guarantees

    v0.1.0 #array #interior-mutability #cell #order
  168. gad

    Generic automatic differentiation for Rust

    v0.2.0 #automatic-differentiation #algebra #autograd #operator #array #operations #computation
  169. zarrs_object_store

    object_store store support for the zarrs crate

    v0.3.0 #store #zarr #zarrs #storage #array
  170. zarrs_data_type

    Zarr data types for the zarrs crate

    v0.1.0 #zarr #zarrs #data #type #metadata #array
  171. arrayy

    Stack-allocated fixed-size array with useful methods on top of Rust's [T; L] type

    v0.1.2 #array #data-structures #methods #stack-allocated #fixed-size #top
  172. sorted-insert

    traits to insert elements to a sorted collection and keep the order

    v0.2.3 1.8K #sorting #insertion #insert #array #vec #sort
  173. newel

    small vectorized evaluator

    v0.2.0 #evaluator #simd #array #column #vector #building-block
  174. atools

    const generic expr based fixed length array manipulation

    v0.1.6 160 #array #fixed-length #generic #expr
  175. tensr

    A high-performance, cross-platform, multi-backend tensor/array library for Rust

    v0.1.3 290 #array #tensor #multi-dimensional #ndarray
  176. collar

    easy array collection

    v1.0.1 250 #iterator #array #collect #utility #no-alloc
  177. ksq

    k-2 tree

    v0.1.3 370 #tree #bits #matrix #k-2 #layer #array #cell
  178. rten-tensor

    Tensor library for the RTen machine learning runtime

    v0.16.0 2.1K #machine-learning #tensor #multi-dimensional #layout #r-ten #array #run-time
  179. rsan

    File Format for easy Array notation

    v0.1.0 #array #notation #file-format #file
  180. ndim

    N-dimensional array for numerals in Rust similar to NumPy

    v0.1.2 #scientific-computing #array #n-dimensional #data-structures #matrix #ndarray #numpy
  181. kv2

    kv2 (keyvalues 2) format parser with serde support

    v0.1.2 #parser #valve #serialization #serde #array #object
  182. fenwick

    tree: data structure that efficiently calculates prefix sums in a changing array of numbers

    v2.0.1 1.5K #tree #binary-tree #prefix #array #sum #binary #data-structures
  183. array_stat_functions

    Array and Statistics functions in rust

    v0.1.1 #array #pair #mean #functions #median #statistics #chunks
  184. rust-tensors

    n-dimensional arrays

    v0.1.6 450 #tensor #array #n-dimensional #repo #act #file
  185. toml_pretty

    a function to pretty serialize a serde-serializable value to toml

    v1.1.2 190 #serialization #toml #pretty #array #value #structs #tabs
  186. index_many

    A proof of concept for indexing an slice at multiple locations at once

    v0.6.1 2.1K #slice #array-index #array #index
  187. strobe

    Fast, low-memory, elementwise array expressions on the stack. Compatible with no-std (and no-alloc) environments.

    v0.2.0 #array #element-wise #low-memory #simd #vectorization #no-alloc #expressions
  188. dod-table

    A contiguous memory block (AKA a table) for Data Oriented Design

    v0.2.4 230 #contiguous-memory #data-oriented #memory-block #array #gamedev #data
  189. kv3

    kv3 (keyvalues 3) format parser with serde support

    v0.1.1 #parser #valve #serde #serialization #array #object
  190. bitarray

    A const generics driven bit array specialized for hamming distance

    v0.10.0 310 #const-generics #bit #array #hamming #generics #const #compile-time
  191. generic-vec

    a vector implementation that can be used in no_std envioronments

    v0.1.2 #vec #slice #allocator #nightly #heap #array #heap-allocated
  192. suffix_array

    Suffix array construction and searching algorithms for in-memory binary data

    v0.5.0 2.3K #binary-data #binary #suffix #array #algorithm #search #sais
  193. jsonrs

    Json parser

    v1.0.1 #json-parser #null #array
  194. vec-x

    structure VecX to manage fixed-length arrays, supporting numeric operations and assignment operations between VecX and scalar values

    v0.8.0 700 #array #fixed-length #array-index #vec #index
  195. varlen

    Ergonomic variable-length types

    v0.1.2 #memory-layout #memory #memory-management #layout #unsized #array #compile-time
  196. marrow

    Minimalist Arrow interop

    v0.2.2 190 #array #arrow #minimalist #interop #different
  197. crud-tidy-viewer

    CLI generator for your API. Array pretty printer

    v0.1.6 250 #pretty-print #crud #array #generator #viewer #tidy #api
  198. array_pool

    tiered caching array pool implementation in Rust

    v0.1.3 #array #cache #pool #thread #tiered #arc #sync
  199. no_std_collections

    Auxiliary structures and traits for using dynamically resizable arrays (Vectors) in flexible environments, supporting both std and no_std contexts

    v0.1.5 190 #std #array #resizable #context #dynamically #flexible #structures
  200. hpt-display

    An internal library for displaying tensors

    v0.0.15 500 #display #tensor #displaying #n-dimensional #array
  201. nslice

    Structures for interpreting slices of variable length as arrays

    v0.2.1 #slice #array #memory
  202. regroup

    regrouping arrays

    v0.5.0 #array #casting #transmute #cast
  203. rsha

    A hashing library implementation in rust

    v0.1.2 150 #sha-256 #hashing #array #u32
  204. flatarray

    Fast implementation of SeqEval, a sequence evaluation framework

    v0.6.0 #data-structures #array #vector
  205. multidimension

    High-level manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays

    v0.3.3 #array #multi-dimensional #arrays #iterator
  206. persistence

    A resizable, mutable array type implemented on top of mmap, providing persistence for arrays of data in memory

    v0.0.6 #data #data-oriented #data-oriented-design #array #resizable #mmap #mutable
  207. twovec

    A data structure for storing 2 types of data in a packed, heap allocated array

    v1.1.0 #heap-allocated #packed #array #data #structure #type #store
  208. rustlearn

    A machine learning package for Rust

    v0.5.0 280 #machine-learning #algorithm #sparse-matrix #package #array #dense-matrix #models
  209. ndarray-safetensors

    Serialize / deserialize ndarrays with safetensors

    v0.2.2 #tensor #ndarray #array #serialization #safetensors #tensors
  210. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000085

    tinyvec provides 100% safe vec-like data structures

    v1.8.0 #vec #safe #structures #arrayvec #heap #array #default
  211. xarray

    version of the XArray with copy-on-write capabilities

    v0.1.1 #array #cursor #data-structures #concurrency #copy-on-write #structure #multiple
  212. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000058

    Generic types implementing functionality of arrays

    v1.1.0 #array #generic #generics
  213. cl-generic-vec

    a vector implementation that can be used in no_std envioronments

    v0.4.0 #vec #heap-allocated #heap-allocator #array #slice #nightly #vector
  214. remedian

    A Rust implementation of The Remedian

    v0.1.0 1.2K #median #array #statistics #dataset #data #size #stored
  215. stat-rs

    A statistics library

    v0.1.1 #statistics #stats #maths #numerical-analysis #array
  216. inplace-vec-builder

    Build a vec from a vec, in place

    v0.1.1 32K #vec #in-place #array #array-vec #element #allocation
  217. stecs

    Experimental static compiler-checked ECS library

    v0.1.1 #ecs #compile-time #experimental #lending-iterator #archetypes #performance #array
  218. serde_array_query

    Serde deserialization format for HTTP query string arrays

    v0.3.0 9.0K #query-string #string-parser #http #array #vec
  219. default-option-arr

    Macros for simple default initialization of arrays of option types

    v0.2.0 130 #options #array #default-init
  220. matty

    A neat matrix and vector library

    v0.1.0 #simd #vector #matrix #traits #array #neat
  221. rstsr-openblas

    An n-Dimension Rust Tensor Toolkit

    v0.1.0 #tensor #blas #multi-dimensional #array #scientific #multidimensional
  222. hexadecimal-digits

    uppercase and lowercase hexadecimal digit character tables

    v0.4.0 100 #hex #lower-case #upper-case #digits #table #character #array
  223. micro_ndarray

    Very small multi-dimensional-array implementation

    v0.6.1 100 #ndarray #multi-dimensional #array #memory #dimension #performance #std
  224. cql_db

    Core CQL Database functionality - a lightweight array-based database

    v0.2.4 #cql #database #nosql #array #floating-point #time-series #storage
  225. btree-vec

    A growable array (vector) implemented using a B-tree

    v0.3.1 #b-tree #array #vec #vector
  226. rstsr-openblas-ffi

    An n-Dimension Rust Tensor Toolkit

    v0.1.0 #blas #tensor #multi-dimensional #scientific #array
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. prefix_array

    A generic container for searching on prefixes of keys

    v0.3.2 #prefix #search #prefix-tree #string-search #array #generic #data-structures
  229. slice-find

    SliceFind trait add .find() method (for search sub-slice in slice) to Vec, slice, fixed-length-slice in standard library

    v0.0.2 140 #slice #traits #search #array #algohithm
  230. split_owned

    way to split array in 2 owned arrays with compile-time bounds checks

    v0.1.1 #split #owned #array #check #bounds #compile-time
  231. option-block

    A minimal utility Rust crate for small, fixed-size blocks of optional types

    v0.3.0 900 #fixed-size #optional #data-structures #memory #block #embedded #array
  232. tensorism

    Multidimensional arrays with bounds included in the type system

    v0.1.2 #multi-dimensional #array #tensor
  233. index-fixed

    convert slices into arrays using indexes ([T] -> [T;N])

    v0.3.1 3.1K #slice #fixed-size #array #index #fixed #const
  234. ahtable

    Array Hash Table implementation

    v0.2.0 #hash-table #array #hash #table #array-vec #data-structures
  235. zarrs_filesystem

    A filesystem store for the zarrs crate

    v0.2.0 600 #store #zarr #storage #filesystem #zarrs #array
  236. easy_linked_list

    easy linked list is easy to work

    v0.1.4 #linked-list #array #return #value
  237. arraylist

    wrapper built on top of rust vector implementation. Taste like Java Arraylist, and intuitive to use like Python list and JavaScript array.

    v0.1.5 #list #array #vec #wrapper #utilities #interior-mutability #api-bindings
  238. vecgrid

    A dynamically sized two-dimensional vector

    v0.2.2 #image-processing #dynamically-sized #game #array #data-structures #rows #structure
  239. to-offset

    developer-friendly methods to manipulate strings with character indices

    v0.1.0 #offset #range #integer #array #index #indices #vector
  240. malloc-array

    libc heap array allocator

    v1.4.4 #heap-memory #malloc #memory-allocator #array #libc #free #iterator
  241. contiguous_collections

    collections backed by flat contiguous arrays

    v0.2.0 #array #2d-array #vector #ordered #2d
  242. wasefire-wire

    Wasefire wire format

    v0.1.1 #framework #embedded #no-std #array
  243. build-array

    Build an array dynamically without heap allocations

    v0.1.2 110 #heap-allocation #array #error #build #dynamically #push #single
  244. appro-eq

    Approximately equal traits and assertion

    v0.3.1 #assert #equals #array #approximately #assertions #traits
  245. reorder

    slice based on a slice of indices

    v2.1.3 #order #slice #rank #indices #array #auxiliary #reorder-index
  246. array-tools

    A little collection of array-related utils aiming to make life easier

    v0.3.2 #array #fixed-size #iterator #stack-allocated #chunks #structure #collection
  247. oars

    providing construction methods and utility functions for orthogonal arrays and strong orthogonal arrays

    v3.0.1 #monte-carlo #orthogonal #arrays #array #monte #carlo #math
  248. arr-rs

    arrays library

    v0.6.0 #array #arrays #collection