
  1. fs-err

    A drop-in replacement for std::fs with more helpful error messages

    v3.1.0 1.8M #error-message #filesystem #file-io #fs #file-path #system #operations
  2. lru

    cache implementation

    v0.13.0 4.0M #lru-cache #pop #operations
  3. futures-core

    The core traits and types in for the futures library

    v0.3.31 11.0M #asynchronous-programming #future #async-trait #traits #types #operations
  4. imageproc

    Image processing operations

    v0.25.0 170K #image-processing #computer-vision #operations
  5. futures-concurrency

    Structured concurrency operations for async Rust

    v7.6.3 136K #async #concurrency #future #stream #structured #operations #multiple
  6. gix-worktree

    gitoxide project for shared worktree related types and utilities

    v0.39.0 514K #version-control #git #worktree #utilities #shared #gitoxide #operations
  7. const-str

    compile-time string operations

    v0.6.2 163K #compile-time #string #proc-macro #const #operations
  8. bit_field

    bit field trait providing get_bit, get_bits, set_bit, and set_bits methods for Rust's integral types

    v0.10.2 994K #bit #set-bit #field #range #integral #operations #traits
  9. i_overlay

    Boolean Operations for 2D Polygons: Supports intersection, union, difference, xor, and self-intersections for all polygon varieties

    v2.0.3 55K #polygon #computational-geometry #operations #union #difference #intersection #xor
  10. jubjub

    elliptic curve group

    v0.10.0 74K #elliptic-curve #group #constant-time #field #operations
  11. atomic-maybe-uninit

    Atomic operations on potentially uninitialized integers

    v0.3.6 2.1K #atomic #uninitialized #operations #integer #no-alloc #copying #byte
  12. fs_at

    'at' functions for various platforms

    v0.2.1 86K #filesystem #open-file #directory #operations #syscalls #link #platform
  13. backoff

    Retry operations with exponential backoff policy

    v0.4.0 1.8M #exponential-backoff #retry #error #retry-policy #transient #algorithm #operations
  14. gix-trace

    provide minimal tracing support that can be turned off to zero cost

    v0.1.12 710K #tracing #git #version-control #gix #operations #level #trace
  15. aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane

    v1.61.0 470 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #jobs #operations #set-operations #update #execution
  16. gix-protocol

    gitoxide project for implementing git protocols

    v0.48.0 525K #version-control #git #protocols #gitoxide #operations
  17. charybdis

    High-Performance ORM for ScyllaDB

    v0.7.13 390 #orm #scylla-db #model #database #database-table #operations #performance
  18. nabla-ml

    A numpy-like library for Rust

    v0.4.8 1.6K #array #linear-regression #ml #layer #nabla #math #operations
  19. rnr

    command-line tool to rename multiple files and directories that supports regular expressions

    v0.5.0 #regex #file-rename #command-line-tool #directories #operations #recursion #filename
  20. tuple

    Element-wise operations on tuples

    v0.5.2 23K #element-wise #operations #macro #serialization #science #deserialize #add
  21. hawk

    Hawk Implementation for Rust

    v5.0.1 4.5K #authentication #http #cryptography #client #openssl #operations #ring
  22. retry

    retrying operations that can fail

    v2.0.0 198K #error #utilities #utility #exponential-backoff #delay #operations #retrying
  23. ec-gpu-gen

    Code generator for field and eliptic curve operations on the GPUs

    v0.7.1 6.6K #elliptic-curve #gpu #opencl #field #cuda #operations #arithmetic
  24. azure_mgmt_devops

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.4K #azure-sdk #devops #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #generated #operations
  25. slice_ops

    A selection of useful slice operations

    v1.0.7 400 #slice #ops #operations #utility #async #no-alloc
  26. libsw

    Comprehensive stopwatch library

    v3.4.0 6.4K #stopwatch #instant #precise #safe #benchmarking #std #operations
  27. s3-algo

    High-performance algorithms for batch operations to Amazon S3

    v0.7.1 #amazon-s3 #batch #operations #algorithm #aws #upload #requests
  28. azure_mgmt_windowsiot

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.3K #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #generated-bindings #service #operations
  29. azure_mgmt_operationsmanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.4K #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #operations #api-bindings #service
  30. kornia

    low-level 3D computer vision library in Rust

    v0.1.9-rc.1 430 #computer-vision #image-processing #low-level #machine-learning #multi-threading #python-bindings #operations
  31. rpacket

    Low-level OpenPGP packet operations based on rPGP

    v0.1.4 250 #openpgp #packet #low-level #split #binary-data #dump #operations
  32. clocksource

    times and durations with fixed-size representations

    v0.8.1 493K #fixed-size #representation #duration #value #times #precise #operations
  33. azure_svc_synapse

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #azure-api #synapse #generated-bindings #operations
  34. gix-shallow

    Handle files specifying the shallow boundary

    v0.2.0 168K #read #write #shallow #boundary #git #specifying #operations
  35. fs-tree

    Filesystem path Trie with an API focused on filesystem operations

    v0.6.0 650 #trie #filesystem #file-path #directory-traversal #directory-tree #recursion #operations
  36. azure_svc_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #attestation #azure-api #generated-bindings #version #operations #service
  37. azure_svc_operationalinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #operations #tags #version
  38. jubjub-plus

    Jubjub elliptic curve group

    v0.10.8 1.2K #elliptic-curve #jubjub #group #constant-time #operations
  39. baserow-rs

    client for the Baserow API

    v2.0.5 #table #baserow #field #file-upload #operations #client #api-key
  40. apache_age

    Rust driver for the Apache AGE. Based on postgres package

    v0.6.3 1.4K #postgresql #age #graph #driver #apache #back-end #operations
  41. azure_mgmt_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #attestation #azure-api #service #api-bindings #operations #resource-manager
  42. diesel_ltree

    Adds support for the PostgreSQL ltree extension to Diesel

    v0.4.0 1.1K #postgresql-extension #diesel #ltree #operator #operations
  43. azure_mgmt_activedirectory

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #active #service #operations
  44. async-curl

    An asynchronous implementation to perform curl operations with tokio

    v0.4.6 500 #curl #tokio #actor #asynchronous #perform #operations #data
  45. azure_mgmt_alertsmanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #generated #operations
  46. ijzer

    Main crate for IJzer. Provides a macro for using IJzer in a rust project, and a prelude with dependencies..

    v0.1.1 110 #programming-language #tensor #array #prelude #macro #operations #projects
  47. azure_svc_monitor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #monitor #operations #generated-bindings
  48. brainf-ck-rs

    A brainfuck interpreter with a visualizer

    v0.1.1 #visualizer #operations #cool
  49. azure_mgmt_serialconsole

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operations #service #generated #specification
  50. tailcall-chunk

    persistent data structure for efficient append and concatenation operations

    v0.3.1 1.3K #chunk #operations #append #concatenation #structure #sharing #structural
  51. azure_svc_videoanalyzer

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #azure-api #generated-bindings #microsoft-azure #operations #edge
  52. madeleine

    Transparent object persistence with predefined operations and state containers

    v0.2.3 170 #state #applications #command #container #operations #log #persistence
  53. fs_rollback

    offers a rollback mechanism in Rust for fs common operations

    v2.0.0 260 #rollback #temporary-files #mechanism #file #fs #operations #offers
  54. tls-api-stub

    TLS API implementation that returns error on any operation

    v0.12.1 16K #tls-api #tls #stub #tls-connector #api-error #operations #return
  55. azure_mgmt_professionalservice

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 700 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #operations #generated #service
  56. polars-ops

    More operations on Polars data structures

    v0.46.0 193K #polars #data #data-structures #dataframe #operations #arrow #vectorized
  57. azure_mgmt_softwareplan

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #plan #resource-manager #operations
  58. autonomi-cli

    Autonomi CLI

    v0.1.5 270 #autonomi #decentralized #management #operations #command #p2p #file-storage
  59. typesafe_repository

    Abstract data persistence in a safe and unified way

    v0.5.6 650 #repository #transactional #safe #database #traits #operations #persistence
  60. hstr

    A string type which is optimized for hash operations

    v1.0.0 640K #string-interning #compiler #build #hash #optimized #bundler #operations
  61. array__ops

    A selection of useful array operations

    v1.0.3 430 #array #ops #operations #utility #async #operation #no-alloc
  62. finitelib

    advanced maths over finite groups, fields, their extensions, multi precision operations, euclidean rings, polynomials and related things

    v0.1.8 #finite-fields #prime #polynomial #numbers #group #operations #gf
  63. btypes

    Better types (BTypes) for when you dislike normal types, I guess

    v0.7.12 #types #capacity #operations #boolean #string #named #guess
  64. trie-root

    In-memory patricia trie operations

    v0.18.0 230K #trie #substrate #patricia #root-hash #validation #operations #initialization
  65. nu_plugin_vec

    A Nushell plugin implementing vector operations

    v1.1.4 140 #nushell-plugin #shell #operations #scripting #scripting-language #vec #cross-platform
  66. ec-gpu

    Traits for field and eliptic curve operations on GPUs

    v0.2.0 6.1K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #gpu #field #opencl #operations #arithmetic
  67. simd-itertools

    SIMD-accelerated alternatives for common operations like contains, max, find etc

    v0.3.0 1.0K #iterator #simd #algorithm #operations #simd-accelerated #find #max
  68. atomic-traits

    The traits for generic atomic operations

    v0.4.0 34K #atomic #traits #order #operations #sync #fetch #generic
  69. list_math

    doing math on a list including average, smallest, largest, and standard deviation

    v0.3.4 430 #standard-deviation #list #average #largest #math #smallest #operations
  70. portable_atomic_enum

    An attribute to create an portable atomic wrapper around a C-style enum

    v0.3.1 16K #portable-atomic #atomic #enums #c-style #operations #attributes #create
  71. calc

    CLI calculator app

    v0.4.0 440 #calculator #expression #input #shell #cli #operator #operations
  72. atomic-wait

    Cross-platform atomic wait and wake (aka futex) functionality

    v1.1.0 11K #atomic #futex #cross-platform #wait #wake #thread #operations
  73. persistent-scheduler

    high-performance task scheduling system developed in Rust using Tokio. This system supports task persistence, repeatable tasks, Cron-based scheduling, and one-time tasks, ensuring reliability…

    v0.3.0 110 #task-scheduling #persistence #tokio #operations #reliability #applications #process
  74. azure_mgmt_iotoperationsorchestrator

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 230 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #operations #generated-bindings #api-bindings #azure-api #tags
  75. tetanus

    A custom utils library for some common unsafe operations

    v0.3.0 280 #operations #rate-limiting #timing #retry #progress #utilities #mechanism
  76. files-diff

    differing files and ZIP archives

    v0.1.1 550 #zip-archive #diff #patch #patch-file #differing #operations #directory
  77. named-retry

    retrying fallible asynchronous operations

    v0.4.0 1.6K #retry #async #operations #fallible #retrying #named #attempt
  78. crate_crypto_internal_eth_kzg_polynomial

    methods that are needed for Polynomial objects

    v0.5.4 13K #polynomial #kzg #protocols #multi-opening #scalar #operations #objects
  79. sic_image_engine

    Component of the sic cli: provides abstractions for (the application of) image operations

    v0.22.1 130 #image-processing #convert-images #png #image-resizing #sic #operations #command-line
  80. p2panda-stream

    Stream-based methods to conveniently handle p2panda operations

    v0.2.0 390 #stream #operations #async #methods #handle #conveniently #p2panda
  81. offline_first_core

    designed as a fast-to-compile core, intended to be used as a foundational library for projects like Flutter, native channels, etc

    v0.1.0 #channel #native #flutter #projects #intended #local #operations
  82. json-predicate

    JSON Predicate lib based on draft-snell-json-07

    v0.1.16 900 #json #predicate #conditional #processing #patch #operations #logical
  83. iodine

    Stack-based programming language

    v0.3.0 120 #programming-language #stack-based #language #statement #numbers #comparison #operations
  84. capy-graph

    A framework for constructing arithmetic circuits on-the-fly

    v0.1.4 #circuit #parallel-processing #arithmetic #operations #dynamic #construction #computation
  85. repotools

    Short names, big time savings. Repotools is a collection of commands with short but meaningful names, for the git operations you perform most often.

    v0.10.0 #git #git-diff #git-repository #command-line-utilities #short #names #operations
  86. secret_integers

    Wrapping around Rust's integers to allow only constant-time operations

    v0.1.7 700 #constant-time #secret #integer #cryptography #operations #formal-verification #specification
  87. ddnet-accounts

    The account server binary, which takes HTTP requests for account related operations

    v0.2.1 130 #account #http-request #user #server #operations #ddnet #requests
  88. option-operations

    Traits and auto-implementations to improve arithmetic operations usability when dealing with Options

    v0.5.0 87K #arithmetic-operations #arithmetic #operations #options #ord #cmp
  89. ergokv

    Easily store and retrieve data from TiKV with a derive

    v0.1.8 #store #derive #tikv #key #string #automatic #operations
  90. i2c-pio

    I2C driver implementation using the RP2040's PIO peripheral

    v0.9.0 #i2c-driver #rp2040 #pio #peripheral #hal #operations
  91. zenu-autograd

    autograd library for learning purposes

    v0.1.2 160 #automatic-differentiation #deep-learning #autograd #neural-network #gradients #operations #compute
  92. sn_client

    Safe Network Client

    v0.110.4 #safe-network #p2p #concurrency #operations #retrieval #performing #connecting
  93. azure_mgmt_iotoperationsdataprocessor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #microsoft-azure #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operations #generated-bindings #tags
  94. jdt_activity_pub

    ActivityPub is a set of structs and enums used to facilitate the operations of ActivityPub servers and clients

    v0.2.24 3.4K #activity-pub #server #structs #facilitate #set #operations #clients
  95. wirekvs

    v0.1.0 #kvs #database #connection #real-time #direct #client #operations
  96. calcucalc

    A general-purpose calculus library written in Rust

    v0.1.16 220 #calculus #pull-request #operations
  97. ort_custom_op

    writing custom operators for the onnxruntime in Rust

    v0.7.2 #operator #onnx-runtime #abstraction #interfacing #framework #running #operations
  98. sleipnir

    Memory safe font operations for Google Fonts

    v0.2.2 #memory-safe #font #google #operations #graphics #process #cargo
  99. leptos_dom

    DOM operations for the Leptos web framework

    v0.7.7 64K #web-framework #dom #isomorphic #reactive #web-apps #operations #wasm
  100. ognlib

    Some code that is written to practice Rust

    v0.7.1 #numbers #practice #power #radix #learning #digits #operations
  101. oma-history

    Package manager operations history database management library

    v0.5.0 900 #management #history #manager #operations #database
  102. pore

    a performance oriented reimplementation of repo

    v0.1.17 #repo #performance #repository #android #sync #management #operations
  103. math-ops

    Mathematical and statistical operations on vectors

    v1.1.1 #operations #math #statistics #numeric #vector #arithmetic-operations #standard-deviation
  104. mck

    Type/operation utility crate for the formal verification tool machine-check

    v0.3.1 #formal-verification #abstract #machine-check #operations #concrete #types #utility
  105. atomic_enum

    An attribute to create an atomic wrapper around a C-style enum

    v0.3.0 24K #enums #atomic #c-style #attributes #operations #create #store
  106. titanai

    An AI-powered library for Rust, focused on intelligent operations and integrations

    v0.1.3 100 #ai #machine-learning #integration #ai-powered #operations #focused #intelligent
  107. var_num

    Variable length number implementation that can be used as a drop in replacement for any number primitive

    v0.4.2 500 #numbers #integer #variables #overflow #length #operations #primitive
  108. linesweeper

    Robust sweep-line algorithm and two-dimensional boolean ops

    v0.0.3 #sweep-line #robust #boolean #two-dimensional #sets #operations #state
  109. audio_device_tester

    Test audio devices and report errors and long delays in operations

    v0.1.6 160 #audio-devices #error #delays #operations #long #tester #display
  110. oma-pm

    APT package manager API abstraction library

    v0.47.0 130 #package-manager #package-management #apt #oma #operations #abstraction #search
  111. vector-geometric-algebra

    vector algebraic operations for 2d and 3d vector, as well as splines

    v0.2.5 340 #vector #spline #3d #2d #algebra #2d-3d #operations
  112. array_math

    A selection of useful math operations on arrays

    v0.2.45 #array #math #operations #utilities #fft #ops
  113. mago-trinary

    implementing three-valued logical operations (true, false, maybe) to handle complex logical reasoning scenarios

    v0.15.0 1.8K #mago #scenario #logical #true #operations #handle #complex
  114. peace_value_traits

    Trait bounds for value types for the Peace framework

    v0.0.14 #automation #peace #framework #value #forgiving #bounds #operations
  115. starbase_utils

    General fs, io, serde, net, etc, utilities

    v0.11.1 4.0K #utilities #json #io #yaml #serde-json #file-io #operations
  116. openmls_traits

    Traits used by OpenMLS

    v0.3.0 400 #traits #openmls #mls #security #cryptography #messaging #operations
  117. tupl

    Perform generic operations on tuples

    v0.5.1 260 #tuple #operations #generic #perform #traits #growable-tuple #non-empty
  118. mulligan

    A flexible retry library for Rust async operations with configurable backoff strategies and jitter

    v0.3.0 #jitter #backoff #retry #strategies #async #exponential-backoff #operations
  119. ddnet-account-game-server

    The account related operations of a game server, that want to manage accounts

    v0.3.0 230 #game-server #account #ddnet #operations #manage #system #database
  120. clipboard-substitutor

    CLI tool to monitor clipboard changes and perform operations based on the contents

    v0.7.8 #clipboard #command-line-tool #content #operations #pattern #perform #copied
  121. chunklist

    A Chunk List is a new, concurrent, chunk-based data structure that is easily modifiable and allows for fast runtime operations

    v0.1.0 120 #data-structures #concurrency #chunk #list #run-time #operations #structure
  122. linearity

    providing various operations commonly found in branchless programming

    v1.2.0 #branchless #programming #operations #found #traits #clear #concise
  123. gad

    Generic automatic differentiation for Rust

    v0.2.0 #automatic-differentiation #algebra #autograd #operator #array #operations #computation
  124. git_automation

    A basic CLI to automate the git workflow

    v0.1.1 #commit-message #git-workflow #git-repository #git-commit #github #pull-request #operations
  125. operations_parser

    A Rust-based parser for basic math operations with function support

    v0.1.3 #parser #expression-parser #operations #basic #arithmetic #grammar #rust-based
  126. opc_da

    OPC Data Access

    v0.2.0 #opc #da #data-access #operations #memory #testing
  127. operations_parser_kucherenko

    A Rust-based parser for basic math operations with function support

    v0.1.1 #parser #operations #basic #expression-parser #kucherenko #arithmetic #rust-based
  128. spacetimedb-fs-utils

    Assorted utilities for filesystem operations used in SpacetimeDB

    v1.0.0 120 #spacetime-db #filesystem #utilities #operations #assorted
  129. ring-math

    Polynomial ring math over scalar finite fields

    v0.4.0 280 #finite-fields #math #ring #polynomial #vector #matrix #operations
  130. truck-shapeops

    boolean operations to Solid

    v0.4.0 #cad #operations #solid #boolean #shape #import #graphics
  131. wgebra

    Composable WGSL shaders for linear algebra

    v0.2.0 #linear-algebra #wgsl #gpu #shaders #composable #operations #platform
  132. imgfx

    Image filtering and modulating with bitwise, arithmetic, and logical operations

    v0.2.3 #image #graphics #color #bit-manipulation #operations #channel #arithmetic
  133. ckks-engine

    that provides an implementation of the CKKS (Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song) homomorphic encryption scheme. This enables encrypted computations on real numbers and strings while preserving the privacy of the underlying data…

    v4.0.0 #homomorphic-encryption #real-number #operations #ckks #computation #numbers #string
  134. sic_parser

    Component of the sic cli: parser for the image operation script used by sic

    v0.22.1 110 #image-processing #convert-images #image-resizing #sic #operations #parser #script
  135. rust-matrix

    foundational matrix operations for matrices containing <f32>, <f64> or complex numbers built from those types

    v1.0.0-alpha #matrix #complex-numbers #f64 #f32 #types #operations #sqrt
  136. mathsharp

    collection of mathematical functions and resources to assist in solving a wide range of topics

    v0.4.0 130 #math #celsius #fahrenheit #resources #operations #temperature #convert
  137. procsem

    Semaphore used to lock thread/task-spanning sequence of operations

    v0.2.0 #locking #semaphore #operations #sequence #process #mutual #proc-ctx
  138. delta-collections

    Data structures with revertable operations called deltas

    v0.1.5 #data-structures #delta #hash-map #collection #operations #commit #base
  139. seqalign

    Sequence alignment using edit operations

    v0.2.3 600 #levenshtein #sequence-alignment #edit-distance #operations
  140. beetle_bits

    A collection of bit-based types. Currently only u1 (1bit uint) and f3 (3bit float) are implemented

    v0.2.6 #bit #types #unsigned-integer #byte #u1 #float #operations
  141. option-ext

    Extends Option with additional operations

    v0.2.0 2.4M #options #extend #operations #methods #replace #ext #map-or
  142. granite_reckoner

    aggregator enabling basic statistical operations on Vec<T> in the specified number of threads. Works for all Rust's built-in numeric types.

    v0.3.3 310 #statistical #operations #numeric #thread #numbers #aggregator #basic
  143. grovedb-costs

    Costs extension crate for GroveDB

    v2.2.1 500 #grove-db #extension #costs #secondary #indices #operations #storage
  144. minchash

    Multiset Incremental Hash Lib in Rust

    v0.3.1 #hash #incremental #multiset #elements #lib #parallel #operations
  145. fid

    FID (Fully Indexable Dictionary) implementation for Rust

    v0.1.7 750 #bit-vector #succinct-data-structure #data-structures #succinct #operations #indexable #dictionary
  146. did-simple

    Dead simple DIDs

    v0.0.2 170 #decentralized-identifier #public-key #did #operations #dead #security #url
  147. agp-gw

    The main gateway executable

    v0.3.3 500 #gateway #run-time #build #component #configuration #executable #operations
  148. parallel_operations

    perform binary operations in parallel using threads

    v0.1.4 #thread #binary #operations #parallel #perform #vector #addition
  149. rten-vecmath

    SIMD vectorized implementations of various math functions used in ML models

    v0.16.0 1.7K #machine-learning #simd #vectorized #ml-model #functions #mathml #operations
  150. aws-lib

    Helper functions and types for AWS operations

    v0.4.0 #aws #helper #tags #operations #api-bindings #functions #instance
  151. ddnet-account-client

    The account related operations of a client, that want to manage accounts & do requests to the account server

    v0.2.0 350 #account #server-client #ddnet #operations #requests #interface #system
  152. git_automate

    A basic CLI to automate the git workflow

    v0.1.0 #commit-message #git-workflow #git-commit #github #pull-request #git-repository #operations
  153. trussed-chunked

    extension with chunked file operations for trussed

    v0.2.0 330 #chunked #trussed #extension #operations #file
  154. qip

    efficient quantum computing simulations

    v1.4.0 #quantum-computing #quantum-circuit #quantum-simulation #qubit #register #operations #measurement
  155. rvirsh

    Rust-based virtual machine management tool built using the libvirt-rs library. It reimplements the functionality of the virsh command, providing simple and efficient virtualization operations in Rust.

    v0.1.4 230 #virtual-machine #rv #command #virtualization #management #operations #built
  156. vector_operations

    A collection of vector operations for Rust

    v1.1.0 #operations #math #vector
  157. hpt-types

    An internal library define primitive types functions for hpt

    v0.0.16 550 #define #tensor #types #operations #array #utilities #functions
  158. filey

    A collection of utilities to make file operations more convenient

    v1.4.0 320 #file-io #git-repository #symlink #utilities #operations #symbolic #link
  159. tuple_utils

    A set of utilities to enable higher level operations over tuples

    v0.4.0 11K #tuple #higher-level #operations #traits
  160. calc_lib

    calculating things with correct order of operations

    v2.1.0 #order #operations #algebraic-expressions #calculator #expression #variables #correct
  161. tiny-orm-model

    Struct and Trait avaiable for Tiny ORM. Not intended to be used directly.

    v0.5.1 500 #tiny #orm #operations #intended #avaiable #sqlx
  162. ambient_color

    Defines a color type for Ambient, as well as helper operations

    v0.3.1 #color #ambient #gamedev #game-engine #operations #helper #defines
  163. kornia-tensor-ops

    Tensor operations library in Rust for computer vision

    v0.1.9-rc.1 430 #tensor #computer-vision #operations
  164. trot

    Trait library

    v0.1.2 230 #traits #sorting #chaining #comparison #operations #vector #tuple
  165. ourobuf

    A no_std circular buffer with constant-time operations

    v0.1.1 110 #ring-buffer #circular-buffer #embedded #operations #constant-time #no-std #heapless
  166. fusio-object-store

    the object_store integration of Fusio

    v0.3.6 140 #object-store #storage #integration #async #fusio #run-time #operations
  167. kanidm-hsm-crypto

    easily interacting with a HSM or TPM

    v0.2.0 2.4K #hsm #tpm #cryptography #interaction #applications #operations #soft-hsm
  168. binarybit

    Boolean algebra operations in Rust

    v0.1.2 #uwu #enums #operations #algebra #false #que #ser
  169. stellar_wallet

    This project is a Rust library for interacting with the Stellar network, offering essential functionalities for developers looking to integrate XLM operations into their applications

    v0.1.0 #stellar #key-pair #looking #operations #integrate #applications #xlm
  170. wgparry3d

    Cross-platform 3D GPU collision-detection and geometry

    v0.2.0 #gpu #collision-detection #cross-platform #3d #shader #operations #geometric
  171. wgparry2d

    Cross-platform 2D GPU collision detection and geometry

    v0.2.0 #gpu #collision-detection #cross-platform #2d #shader #operations #geometric
  172. fast_fp

    Floating point fast-math optimizations

    v0.1.3 #compiler-optimization #performance #floating-point #fast-math #operations #primitive #floats
  173. geocraft


    v0.1.1 220 #curve #shape #geometric #computation #transformation #operations #construction
  174. dare

    daring flexible data representation

    v0.0.3 #flexible #representation #operations #value #enums #null #traits
  175. libfl

    floating point operations that supports rounding modes and fpu exceptions

    v0.0.2 220 #exception #floating #rounding #floating-point #operations #modes #fpu
  176. bbqueue-ng

    A SPSC, lockless, no_std, thread safe, queue, based on BipBuffers

    v0.101.1 #thread-safe #queue #lockless #embedded #spsc #atomic #operations
  177. arc-swap-for-cow

    Atomically swappable Arc

    v1.7.1 #arc #arc-swap #atomic #swappable #atomically #write-seldom #operations
  178. rust_orm_gen

    ORM generator

    v0.1.3 120 #postgresql #database-migrations #database-schema #orm #sql-query #crud #operations
  179. beziercurve-wkt

    Serialize / deserialize bezier curves to / from a WKT-like string + do clipping operations

    v0.1.3 #curve #string-format #serialization #deserialize #clipping #operations #postgis
  180. beetle-fraction

    functions & structs for doing math with fractions

    v0.3.4 #fraction #math #operations
  181. fusio-opendal

    the Apache OpenDAL integration of Fusio

    v0.3.5 #opendal #apache #integration #fusio #file #operations #file-io
  182. waffle-splice

    Rewrite WAFFLE operations

    v0.4.3 110 #waffle #operations #rewrite
  183. ext-crud-rs

    provide CRUD operations

    v0.1.3 #crud #operations
  184. ambient_math

    Convenient mathematical operations for the Ambient runtime

    v0.3.1 #math #ambient #run-time #game-engine #multiplayer-game #operations #gamedev
  185. camino-fs

    Do unix-style file operations directly on camino paths with useful error messages

    v0.1.3 900 #path #file #error #camino #operations #messages #unix-style
  186. bt_string_utils

    Basic string operations

    v0.1.0 110 #string #split #basic #operations
  187. tuplemagic

    manipulating tuples through various operations like mapping, filtering, nesting, and reducing

    v0.1.3 #tuple #nested #operations #recursion #filtering #mapping #reducing
  188. i_shape_js

    Boolean Operations for 2D Polygons. Supported operations: intersection, union, difference, XOR, and self-intersections for all polygon varieties.

    v0.7.1 #polygon #2d #difference #intersection #union #operations #xor
  189. booklibrs

    Book libarary project including giveaway operations and gui interface

    v1.1.9 100 #book #reader #gui-applications #chrono #operations #interface #language
  190. notmad

    life-cycle manager for long running rust operations

    v0.7.1 150 #long-running #manager #life-cycle #operations #mad
  191. iter-set

    Set operations on sorted, deduplicated iterators

    v2.0.2 340 #iterator #sorting #operations #deduplicated #elements #order
  192. qwal

    A disk baced Write Ahead Log that can functuin as a FIFO queue

    v0.1.0 #write-ahead-log #fifo-queue #wal #disk #operations #revert #word
  193. microcad-core

    µcad core

    v0.1.0 #render #traits #µcad #renderer #operations #rendered #export
  194. replicante_agent

    Replicante agent framework

    v0.5.0 #data-store #automation #operations #datastore
  195. bittersweet

    Add more intentional predicates to bitwise calcs

    v0.1.2 #low-level #bit #bit-manipulation #bitline #operations #predicates #programming
  196. tbl-cli

    tbl is a tool for reading and editing tabular data files

    v0.1.1 #data #parquet #tabular #editing #tool #reading #operations
  197. pecs

    Asynchronous operations for Bevy Engine

    v0.6.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #promise #async #operations #state #entity
  198. tcmb_evds

    reaching the database of The Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey (CBRT)

    v0.1.0 #web-services #currency #evds #bank #central #operations #cbrt
  199. sic_cli_ops

    Component of the sic cli: parses images operations invoked from the cli

    v0.22.1 #image-processing #convert-images #sic #operations #image-resizing #input-output #diff
  200. checked-float

    making invariant-enforcing floating point wrappers

    v0.1.5 550 #floating-point #invariants #wrapper #checked #operations #float #traits
  201. lakefs-rs

    lakefs client for rust

    v1.1.7 #data #client #lakefs #branch #lake-fs #solution #operations
  202. del-fem-cudarc-kernel

    Cuda PTX for the fem operations

    v0.1.0 130 #fem #operations #cuda #ptx
  203. result-ext

    Extends Result with additional operations

    v0.2.0 #extend #methods #ext #operations #map-or2 #options #option-ext
  204. pat

    tap values in place

    v1.0.1 #tap #fluent #operations #value #api #performing #returning
  205. vmi-os-linux

    Linux OS specific code for VMI

    v0.2.0 130 #vmi #linux #operations #virtual #vm #os
  206. opstr

    ‘Operate on strings’ command line utility

    v1.1.0 #command-line #line-string #command-line-tool #operations #shell #utility #command-line-utilities
  207. spi-flash

    SPI flash memory interface crate

    v0.3.0 #flash #spi #interface #memory #read #operations #reading
  208. deque

    A (mostly) lock-free concurrent work-stealing deque

    v0.3.2 6.9K #concurrency #lock-free #stealing #atomic #operations #worker #work-stealing
  209. cyclotomic

    high-performance library for exact operations in cyclotomic fields

    v0.2.0 #linear-algebra #operations #fields #numbers #root #theory #finite-fields
  210. futures-cache

    Futures-aware cache backed by sled

    v0.10.3 #cache #async #future #sled #serialization #futures-aware #operations
  211. azure_mgmt_edgezones

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #generated #api-bindings #tags #operations #azure-api #service
  212. konfigkoll_types

    Type definitions for konfigkoll backend (internal helper crate)

    v0.2.4 140 #konfigkoll #definition #back-end #operations #system #internal #helper
  213. forward_ref_generic

    Generically forward references for operations on Copy types

    v0.2.1 #operator-overloading #reference #copy #macro #generics #forward #operations
  214. fsx

    File System eXerciser

    v0.2.0 #filesystem #file #testing #file-io #test-files #reproducible #operations
  215. iron-shapes-booleanop

    Boolean operations on polygons for iron-shapes

    v0.1.0 #polygon #operations #design #boolean #electronic #automation #layout
  216. math

    A math library

    v0.11.0 170 #operations #mathematical #associated #guaranteed #backward-compatibility
  217. sic_testing

    Component of the sic cli: provides commonly used testing operations for sic crates

    v0.22.0 100 #image-processing #sic #convert-images #testing #operations #image-resizing #png
  218. time_range

    TimeRange and DateRange types for Chrono

    v0.0.3-alpha.0 #date-time #date-range #date #time #chrono #operations #utc
  219. sbitty

    defining bitwise operations on standard integers type

    v1.1.1 #bit-manipulation #operations #integer #bitwise #operation #library
  220. evoxel-cli

    CLI tool for evoxel operations

    v0.0.1-alpha.3 #voxel #processing #3d #grid #tool #operations #evoxel
  221. zond

    standard rust collections but with collecting statistics

    v0.2.1 #collection #operations #collections #statistics #vec #collecting #standard
  222. lintd-taskops

    My shared xtask operations

    v0.1.4 #xtask #operations #shared
  223. unftp-sbe-restrict

    A libunftp wrapper storage back-end that restricts FTP operations

    v0.1.2 #ftp #libunftp #authorization #storage #back-end #unftp #operations
  224. cfo

    filesystem operations described at rust by example page

    v0.1.0 #operations #page #described #filesystem
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. lotsa

    Execute lots of operations spread over any number of threads

    v0.2.0 #thread #numbers #fibonacci #executing #operations #spread #lots
  227. typebitset

    Type-level bitset implementation

    v0.5.1 #data-structures #bitset #numbers #compile-time #list #operations #type-level
  228. aorist

    Cdylib for aorist project. Can be accessed from Python.

    v0.0.14 #machine-learning #data #data-transformation #data-science #python #ml-ops #operations
  229. xous-susres

    Manager of suspend/resume operations implementation

    v0.1.35 #xous #microkernel #suspend-resume #manager #service #operations #susres
  230. pipeprogress

    Progress bar for long pipe operations

    v2023.3.0 #pipe #progress-bar #long-running #operations #command-line-tool #utility #display
  231. signalrs

    v0.2.0 340 #mouse #operations #data #acquisition #interface #tcp-server #tauri
  232. dicoco_safe_math

    simplified safe math operations

    v0.1.1 #safe #operations #safe-math #math
  233. bidimensional

    A collection of 2D utilities for coordinate representation and manipulation

    v0.3.5 #coordinate #2d #operations #utilities #representation #collection
  234. trifid-pki

    Nebula PKI system

    v0.1.11 140 #pki #key-management #nebula #certificate #security #operations #system
  235. static_str_ops

    A package allows using static strings with non-trivial operations, e.g., concat!, format!, call_once, and more

    v0.1.2 750 #string #static #concat #operations #ops #hash-set #format
  236. essential-state-asm

    Assembly operations for the Essential state read VM

    v0.6.0 #assembly #state #read #vm #operations
  237. ddnet-accounts-shared

    Most account related types shared accross all libs & bins

    v0.2.0 #account #shared #ddnet #operations #server #game #client
  238. mangle-factstore

    Mangle, a logic programming language

    v0.1.1 #logic-programming #programming-language #fact #mangle #operations #input-output #part
  239. talktosc

    talk to smartcards for OpenPGP operations

    v0.2.0 #openpgp #apdu #operations #talk #encryption #smartcards #smartcard
  240. numbers_rus

    flexible library for working with numbers that aims to be useful, fast, and practical. Modular structure makes it easy to use only the parts you need, and the library is designed to be extensible…

    v0.2.1 #numbers #operations #extensible #flexible #modular #practical #part
  241. vsimd

    SIMD utilities

    v0.8.0 1.5M #simd #utilities #operations #hex
  242. pukram-formatting

    A type to represent the formatting of the pukram markup language

    v0.2.0 #markup-language #text-formatting #pukram #style #bit-manipulation #subscript #operations
  243. kashan786_cli_app

    A command-line utility for various file operations

    v0.1.0 #file #operations #utility #command-line #command-line-tool #file-io
  244. watermark

    watermarking set for in-order insertions

    v1.1.0 #collection #set #order #insertion #watermarking #integer #operations
  245. ssb-keyfile

    Keyfile operations for ssb

    v0.5.4 #key-file #ssb #read #operations #compatible #js #keyfiles
  246. rs-measures

    macros to encapsulate numbers in measures, provided with units of measurement, allowing any meaningful operation, but statically forbidding meaningless operations with them

    v0.4.0 #measurement #units #measure #macro #operations #encapsulate #numbers