
  1. las

    Reads and writes point clouds stored in the ASPRS las file format

    v0.9.3 99K #file-format #point-cloud #lidar #gis #read-write #asprs
  2. e57

    A pure Rust library for reading and writing E57 files with point clouds and related image data

    v0.11.9 2.5K #point-cloud #lidar #data-points #geospatial #laserscanning #scanner
  3. pasture-algorithms

    Point cloud algorithms for pasture

    v0.5.0 190 #point-cloud #memory-layout #lidar #data-points #points #data-processing #pasture
  4. pasture-core

    A framework for working with point cloud data

    v0.5.0 320 #point-cloud #memory-layout #lidar #points #pasture #data-processing
  5. e57-to-las

    Convert E57 point cloud files to LAS

    v0.7.0 #point-cloud #data-processing #file-format #data-conversion #geospatial #e57 #lidar
  6. tether-lidar2d-consolidation

    Tether Lidar2D Consolidator Agent, Rust edition

    v1.3.1 750 #lidar #data #agent #2d #sensors #smoothing #consolidator
  7. pasture-io

    Support for reading and writing point cloud files with pasture

    v0.5.0 #point-cloud #data-points #lidar #points #data-processing #pasture
  8. cassini

    A software that generates highly accurate topographic maps from LiDAR and Shapefile data

    v0.12.6 1.7K #lidar #orienteering #topographic-maps
  9. velodyne-lidar

    Velodyne lidar data processing algorithms and utilities

    v0.3.0 650 #lidar #data-processing #velodyne #packet #algorithm #utilities #measurement
  10. copc-rs

    Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) reader

    v0.3.0 #point-cloud #lidar #copc #geo #las
  11. lidar-utils

    Velodyne and Ouster LIDARs

    v0.13.1 #lidar #point-cloud #velodyne #packet #ouster #utilities #lite
  12. pdal

    PDAL bindings for Rust

    v0.1.0 #point-cloud #lidar #geospatial #gis #api-bindings
  13. tls_3d_to_2d

    Transforms the Hancock binary terretrial laser scanning data (TLS) to 2D image for quick inspection

    v0.3.0 #tls #lidar #li-dar
  14. simple-icp

    Kiss icp in pure rust

    v0.1.1 #icp #pure #lidar #kiss #bag #rerun #dataset
  15. hls_lfcd_lds_driver

    Rust driver for ROBOTIS HLDS HLS-LFCD-LDS (LDS-01)

    v0.1.7 #lidar #driver #lds-01 #robotis #hlds #hls #baud-rate
  16. laszip-sys

    Low level bindings to laszip

    v0.1.2 #las #lidar #laszip #point-cloud #api-bindings #pointcloud
  17. libsweep

    Scanse Sweep LIDAR module

    v1.0.1 #sweep #lidar #scanse
  18. rplidar-rppal

    accessing RpLidar A1 sensor data using the rppal library on a Raspberry Pi

    v0.1.0 #lidar #uart #raspberry-pi #rppal #send
  19. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  20. livox2-sys

    wrapper for the Livox SDK2

    v0.1.0 #lidar #livox #ffi #sdk
  21. neato_xv11

    Neato XV-11 LIDAR for Rust

    v0.1.1 #lidar #neato #serial #xv-11 #xv11
  22. ydlidar_driver

    YDLiDAR Driver in Rust

    v0.1.0 #lidar #driver #perception #li-dar #localization
  23. delta_2a_lidar

    A driver implementation for the 3irobotix delta-2A lidar sensor

    v0.1.1 #lidar #delta-2a #3irbotix #delta2a
  24. pasture-derive

    Macro implementations for #[derive(PointType)]

    v0.5.0 290 #point-cloud #points #pasture #lidar #macro-derive
  25. tls_read_hancock_bin

    Reader for the Hancock terrestrial LiDAR binary polar format, see https://bitbucket.org/StevenHancock/libclidar

    v0.1.1 #lidar #tls #li-dar
  26. ld06

    Driver for the LD06 LiDAR

    v0.1.1 #lidar #driver #li-dar
  27. rivlib

    Use Riegl's RiVLib to read rxp files

    v0.3.0 #lidar #riegl #rxp #data #reader #read #contact
  28. ld06-embed

    Embedded periferal driver for the LD06 LiDAR

    v0.1.0 #lidar #embedded-hal-driver #peripheral #ld06 #scan #pid #pwm
  29. rpos_drv

    Fundamentals for Slamtec device drivers

    v0.2.0 #driver #slamtec #lidar #rplidar #sdk #series #rpos
  30. riscan-pro

    Crack open RiSCAN PRO xml project files

    v0.2.1 #lidar #riegl #riscan
  31. livox

    An (unofficial) library to pull data from Livox devices

    v0.1.1 #devices #lidar #data #data-streaming #points #stream #pull
  32. pdal-sys

    Low level Rust <-> C++ bindings to PDAL

    v0.1.0 #point-cloud #geospatial #lidar #gis #pdal #api-bindings
  33. lidar

    a toolset for terrain and hydrological analysis using digital elevation models (DEMs)

    v0.1.0 #terrain #analysis #models #elevation #digital #hydrological #toolset
  34. sdf

    Read Riegl's .sdf full-waveform LiDAR data format

    v0.1.2 #lidar #point-cloud #full-waveform #li-dar
  35. sdc

    Read and write Riegl's .sdc file format

    v0.1.1 #point-cloud #lidar #file-format #read-write #li-dar
  36. velodyne

    processing Velodyne LiDAR data

    v0.1.1 #lidar #point-cloud #processing #data
  37. lidar_lite_v3

    Garmin Lidar Lite v3

    v0.1.0 #lite #lidar #garmin #linux #distance #i2c
  38. peakbag

    Full waveform LiDAR processing, including peak detection

    v0.1.0 #lidar #point-cloud #full-waveform #peak-detection #li-dar
  39. scanifc-sys

    Bingen bindings to Riegl's scanifc library, part of RiVLib

    v0.1.0 #lidar #riegl #bindings #ri-v-lib #scanifc #part #bingen