
  1. geo

    Geospatial primitives and algorithms

    v0.29.3 302K #geospatial #gis #geography
  2. geographiclib-rs

    A port of geographiclib in Rust

    v0.2.4 216K #gis #geospatial #geography #geo
  3. geo-types

    Geospatial primitive data types

    v0.7.14 372K #gis #geospatial #geography #data-points #geo
  4. wkt

    Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT)

    v0.12.0 67K #geospatial #geometry #read-write #string #geo-types #deserialize #format
  5. geohash

    Geohash implementation for Rust

    v0.13.1 31K #gis #geography #geospatial #string #find #api #tuple
  6. h3o

    H3 geospatial indexing system

    v0.7.0 19K #spatial-index #geospatial #gis #geography #h3 #strong-typing
  7. gdal

    GDAL bindings for Rust

    v0.17.1 4.2K #data-processing #geospatial #dataset #raster #file-format #bindings #metadata
  8. proj4rs

    Rust adaptation of Proj4

    v0.1.5 5.2K #geospatial #projection #gis #geography #proj
  9. geo-traits

    Geospatial traits

    v0.2.0 5.7K #geospatial #gis #geography #geo
  10. kml

    KML support for Rust

    v0.8.5 7.6K #geospatial #gis #geo-types #conversion #parser #primitive #reading
  11. geoprox

    Standalone CLI for running the Geoprox service

    v0.5.0 460 #geospatial #search #pairing #geohash #location-based #command-line-tool #contract
  12. geodesy

    A platform for experiments with geodetic transformations and data flow

    v0.13.0 320 #geospatial #geodesic #cartography #geography #data-transformation
  13. aws-sdk-sagemakergeospatial

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #geospatial #amazon #sage-maker #operation #resources #information
  14. sfcgal

    High-level bindings to SFCGAL and conversion from/to other geometry libraries

    v0.8.1 260 #geometry #geospatial #gis #api-bindings #2d-3d #convex-hull #rational-numbers
  15. supercluster

    A very fast Rust crate for geospatial point clustering

    v1.0.19 270 #geospatial #tile #geo #mvt
  16. s2

    S2 geometric library

    v0.0.13 6.1K #geometry #geospatial #geometric #port #google #spherical #coordinates
  17. jord

    Geographical Position Calculations (Ellipsoidal and Spherical models)

    v0.15.0 #geospatial #geography #n-vector #geo
  18. gpx

    Rust read/write support for GPS Exchange Format (GPX)

    v0.10.0 6.0K #file-format #gps #geospatial #read-write #exchange #track #file-io
  19. e57

    A pure Rust library for reading and writing E57 files with point clouds and related image data

    v0.11.7 1.3K #point-cloud #lidar #data-points #geospatial #laserscanning #scanner
  20. geoarrow

    Rust implementation of GeoArrow

    v0.4.0-beta.2 1.2K #array #geometry #geospatial #apache-arrow #convert #geojson #format
  21. dms-coordinates

    Package to handle D°M'S'' coordinates

    v1.3.1 1.5K #latitude-longitude #navigation #geospatial #coordinates #altitude #dms #geolocation
  22. rtz

    easily work with geo lookups via a binary, a library, or a server

    v0.7.1 #timezone #geospatial #time #binary-data #zone #client-server #api-version
  23. h3o-cli

    A CLI app that exposes most of the h3o API for scripting

    v0.2.6 150 #geospatial #geography #spatial-index #gis #system #h3 #json-format
  24. polylabel

    algorithm for finding optimum polygon label positions

    v3.2.0 260 #computational-geometry #gis #polygon #algorithm #label #position #geospatial
  25. ckmeans

    Wang and Song's Ckmeans clustering algorithm

    v1.0.6 #clustering #gis #spatial #geospatial #geo #dynamic-programming #visualization
  26. stac

    SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification

    v0.11.0 900 #geospatial #metadata #geo
  27. stac-server

    SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) API server

    v0.3.2 #stac #api-server #geospatial #metadata #geo #assets #server
  28. e57-to-las

    Convert E57 point cloud files to LAS

    v0.7.0 #point-cloud #data-processing #file-format #data-conversion #geospatial #e57 #lidar
  29. pgstac

    Rust interface for pgstac

    v0.2.2 140 #geospatial #stac #metadata #database-interface #raster #database #assets
  30. geoprox-client

    An HTTP client library for interacting with the Geoprox search engine

    v0.5.0 440 #http-client #api-client #search-engine #geospatial #geoprox #tracking #position
  31. geomorph

    conversion between different coordinate systems

    v2.0.2 #geospatial #transformation #coordinates #transform #geo #wrapper
  32. gdal-sys

    Low level GDAL bindings for Rust

    v0.10.0 3.9K #gdal #mapping #data #low-level #bindings #raster #geospatial
  33. hextree

    Location to value mapping

    v0.3.2 170 #gis #geospatial #geo #geography #tree-structure #h3
  34. d3_geo_voronoi_rs

    A port into rustlang of the javascript library d3-geo-voronoi

    v0.10.4 #delaunay-triangulation #voronoi-diagram #coordinates #spherical #points #port #geospatial
  35. rasterh3

    Convert raster data to H3 cells

    v0.10.0 140 #spatial #geospatial #ndarray #h3 #geo
  36. chrono_gpst

    chrono conversion utils for GPS Time (GPST)

    v0.1.3 370 #gps #time #geospatial #timezone
  37. sfconversions

    Support conversion from R's sf package types to geo_types geometry primitives using extendr

    v0.3.0 180 #geospatial #conversion #geometry #geo-types #package #sf #primitive
  38. eyros

    multi-dimensional interval database

    v4.6.2 #multi-dimensional #interval #time-series #interval-tree #database #geospatial #bounding-box
  39. geo-core

    Common tools for working with spatial data

    v0.1.4 #geospatial #geographic #point #polygon #spatial #data #line
  40. geojson-vt-rs

    slicing GeoJSON into vector tiles

    v0.1.1 #tile #vec #visualizations #vector #geo-json #geospatial #slice
  41. spatialtime

    lookup longitude + latitude pairs, using flatgeobufs

    v0.2.1 #timezone #coordinates #latitude-longitude #geospatial #time #gps #system-clock
  42. geo-index

    Fast, static, ABI-stable spatial indexes

    v0.1.1 1.9K #spatial-index #kdtree #r-tree #zero-copy #sorting #static #geospatial
  43. duckdb-postgis

    transforming geospatial data using DuckDB and ingesting it into a PostGIS database

    v0.1.5 190 #duck-db #postgis #geospatial #data-transformation #load-file #process-file
  44. geohasher

    geohash encode/decode functions without any dependencies

    v0.1.4 400 #geohash #geospatial #gis #latitude-longitude
  45. geocoding

    Geocoding library for Rust

    v0.4.0 270 #geospatial #gis #web-services #gecoding #geo
  46. snapr

    enabling a flexible and frictionless way to render snapshots of maps with overlayed geometries

    v0.7.1 470 #maps #geospatial #geography #geo
  47. stac-api

    SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) API specification

    v0.6.2 490 #stac #geospatial #metadata #api #assets #api-server #geo
  48. crs-definitions

    CRS (coordinate reference system) definitions

    v0.3.0 4.7K #geospatial #projection #epsg #osgeo #proj #wgs84
  49. ogcapi-client

    Client to access OGC API Feature and STAC endpoints

    v0.2.0 100 #stac #ogc #geospatial #client #api-client #catalog #asset
  50. geo-booleanop

    Martinez-Rueda Polygon Clipping Algorithm

    v0.3.2 1.6K #geospatial #geography #gis #geo
  51. geoprox-server

    Geoprox server implementation providing a HTTP API for geospatial queries and position tracking

    v0.5.0 #geospatial #http-api #search #pairing #location-based #codec #api
  52. geos-src

    static library build for geos-sys

    v0.2.3 13K #geospatial #api-bindings #geos #wkt #build #geos-sys
  53. naturalearthdata

    downloading Natural Earth data

    v0.1.1 #geospatial #gdal #geoarrow #data
  54. geoq

    Geospatial utility CLI

    v0.0.25 #geospatial #gis #command-line #geo-json #map #coordinates #utility
  55. py_geo_interface

    Exchange vector geometries between Rust and Python using pyo3 and Pythons __geo_interface__ protocol

    v0.8.0 110 #python #geospatial #pyo3 #geography #geo
  56. stac-cli

    Command line interface for stac-rs

    v0.4.1 1.0K #stac #metadata #geospatial #raster #command-line-interface #back-end #geo
  57. geomedea

    a geospatial data format optimized for remotely accessing a subset of planet-wide data

    v0.2.1 #spatial-index #data #compression #bounding-box #geospatial #format #http-request
  58. proj-sys

    Rust bindings for PROJ v9.4.x

    v0.24.0 7.8K #geospatial #projection #geo #osgeo #proj
  59. rosewood

    A file-based RTree for geospatial data

    v0.3.3 #spatial #geospatial #geo
  60. geo-rasterize

    a pure-rust 2D rasterizer for geospatial applications

    v0.1.2 1.1K #geospatial #gis #raster #geographic #graphics #geo
  61. pyo3-geoarrow

    GeoArrow integration for pyo3

    v0.1.0-beta.1 130 #arrow #pyo3 #geospatial #python #geo-arrow #geoparquet #geoarrow
  62. coord_transforms

    performing coordinate transformations

    v1.4.0 120 #transformation #coordinates #geospatial #transform #linear-algebra
  63. berlin-core

    Identify locations and tag them with UN-LOCODEs and ISO-3166-2 subdivisions

    v0.2.6 #nlp #string-interning #search-engine #geospatial #search #memory-database
  64. arcgis_rust

    A Rust-based geospatial intelligence library inspired by ArcGIS Runtime

    v0.1.2 #geospatial #geographic #layer #task-execution #run-time #intelligence #arc-gis
  65. geocoding-async

    Asynchronous Geocoding library for Rust

    v0.5.1 #geospatial #gis #web-services #gecoding #geo
  66. geozero-shp

    WARNING: The shp driver is now included in geozero

    v0.5.1 #shapefile #geo-json #geospatial #geo #data #wkt #spatial-index
  67. gdal-src

    GDAL source packaged for Rust

    v0.1.0 160 #gdal #geospatial #bindings #source #packaged #raster #format
  68. static-bushes

    Rust ports of the kdbush and flatbush npm packages

    v0.1.2 460 #geospatial #spatial #indexing #geo #flatbush #kdbush #ports
  69. cimengine

    Country info map engine build tools

    v2.0.0 #data-processing #geospatial #build #build-tool #cli #command-line-tool #tool
  70. osm_boundaries_utils

    help reading OpenStreetMap boundaries in rust

    v0.12.0 120 #openstreetmap #osm #boundaries #geospatial
  71. stac-validate

    Validate STAC objects with jsonschema

    v0.3.0 #stac #geospatial #raster #metadata #geo
  72. flatgeom

    Geometry types using flat structures instead of jagged arrays

    v0.0.2 #data-structures #geometry #polygon #deserialize #primitive #geospatial #flat
  73. spatial-join

    Spatial join tools

    v0.1.5 #gis #geospatial #geography #spatial-index #intersection #geo
  74. stac-async

    Asynchronous I/O for stac-rs

    v0.5.4 800 #stac #async-io #geospatial #raster #metadata #geo
  75. h3ron

    High-level rust API for H3

    v0.18.0 #spatial #geospatial #h3 #geo #string-representation
  76. irox-winlocation-api

    Rust ergonomic adapter for the Windows Devices Location API

    v0.5.1 380 #windows #gps #geospatial #irox #api-bindings #protocols
  77. stac-duckdb

    Experimental client for querying stac-geoparquet using DuckDB

    v0.0.3 260 #stac #geospatial #raster #metadata #geo
  78. h3ron-h3-sys

    bindgen-generated lowlevel bindings for statically linked libh3

    v0.17.0 #spatial #geo #geospatial #h3
  79. lsys-lib-area


    v0.1.0 #geospatial #坐标对应城市数据 #行政区域数据
  80. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  81. h3o-bit

    Low-level library for H3 indexes' bit twiddling

    v0.1.1 14K #h3 #geospatial #spatial-index #bit-manipulation #geography #gis #no-alloc
  82. h3ron-ndarray

    Integration with the ndarray crate to generate H3 cells from raster data (using gdal, ...)

    v0.18.0 #ndarray #spatial #geospatial #geo #h3
  83. zonebuilder

    command-line interface to create regular geographic zones for urban analysis

    v0.3.0 #zone #geospatial #spatial #zones #command-line-interface #geo
  84. diesel-mysql-spatial

    An extension for the Diesel framework to support MySQL spatial datatypes

    v0.1.2 #mysql #diesel #gis #geospatial #geo
  85. h3arrow

    Integration of the H3 geospatial grid with the arrow memory model

    v0.4.0 #arrow #geospatial #spatial #h3 #geo
  86. geopolars

    Geospatial extensions for Polars

    v0.1.0-alpha.3 #polars #geospatial #extension #python #point
  87. h3ron-graph

    Graph algorithms on edges of th3 H3 spatial indexing system

    v0.7.0 #graph-algorithms #graph #spatial #geospatial #h3 #geo
  88. arcrs

    Thin Python wrapper for implementing Geoprocessing Tools using Rust

    v0.1.1-alpha.7 #python #geospatial #geoprocessing #arc-gis
  89. georaster

    accessing geospatial raster images

    v0.1.0 #tiff #geo #image #geospatial #raster #accessing #pixel
  90. gpmf

    WIP gpmf implementation

    v0.1.2 #sensors #gopro #hero #geospatial
  91. oter

    command-line tool designed to help users seamlessly convert spatial data between various formats

    v0.1.0 #geospatial #user #convert #help #spatial #format #command-line-tool
  92. world-file

    Rust read/write support for world files

    v0.1.0 #world #geospatial #read-write #file #world-files
  93. h3ron-polars

    Integration of the h3 geospatial indexing system with polars dataframes

    v0.4.0 #polars #spatial #geospatial #h3 #geo
  94. globalmaptile

    Convert a raster into TMS tiles, create KML SuperOverlay EPSG:4326, generate a simple HTML viewers based on Google Maps and OpenLayers. Ported from globalmaptiles.py

    v0.1.7 #gis #geography #geospatial #wgs84 #geo #google-maps #generate-html
  95. proj4wkt

    Parse WKT to Proj strings

    v0.1.0 120 #projection #geospatial #gis #geography #proj
  96. globalmaptiles-rs

    Convert a raster into TMS tiles, create KML SuperOverlay EPSG:4326, generate a simple HTML viewers based on Google Maps and OpenLayers. Ported from globalmaptiles.py

    v0.1.6 #gis #geography #geospatial #geo #wgs84 #google-maps #generate-html
  97. inverse_distance_weight

    Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) algorithm for spatial interpolation

    v0.1.1 #gis #geography #geospatial #geo
  98. geoprox-core

    Core library for Geoprox, provides geospatial indexing and search functionalities

    v0.5.0 #nearest-neighbor #geospatial #search #search-index #proximity #geohash #key-index
  99. haversine-formula

    Haversine formula

    v0.1.0 #geospatial
  100. geomatic

    Projections, conversions of geospatial coordinates and related operations

    v0.1.0 #projection #geospatial #geography #gis #projections #proj
  101. polars_gdal

    Read and write GDAL-compatible geospatial data into Polars and GeoPolars

    v0.1.0 #polars #gdal #geospatial #read-write #postgis #df #format
  102. world_image_file

    Read, write, and project with World Files for georeferenced images

    v0.1.0 #geospatial #geo #read-write #georeferencing #world-files
  103. geoarray

    Easy handling of geospatial arrays

    v0.0.2 #geospatial
  104. geoarrow-wasm

    Efficient, vectorized geospatial operations in WebAssembly

    v0.1.0 #geospatial #arrow #wasm #web-assembly
  105. google_geocoding

    A strongly-typed asynchronous Rusty interface to the Google Geocoding API

    v0.1.1 #geospatial