
  1. noise

    Procedural noise generation library

    v0.9.0 46K #perlin-noise #procedural-generation #random #math #gradient #generator #generate
  2. colorgrad

    Color scales library for data visualization, charts, games, generative art and others

    v0.7.0 31K #visualizations #visualization #generative-art #gradient #graphics #colormap #color-scales
  3. colorous

    Professional color schemes ported from d3-scale-chromatic

    v1.0.15 11K #color-scheme #color #gradient
  4. ganesh

    Function minimization in Rust, simplified

    v0.17.0 1.5K #optimization #minimization #parameters #gradient #user #central #traits
  5. forust-ml

    A lightweight gradient boosting implementation in Rust

    v0.4.8 1.1K #machine-learning #gradient #tree #decision #python-packages #algorithm #package
  6. hyperdual

    Fully-featured Dual Number implementation with features for automatic differentiation of multivariate vectorial functions

    v1.3.0 850 #automatic-differentiation #numbers #dual #gradient #autodifferentiate #multidimentional #number
  7. gbdt

    Gradient Boosting Regression Tree in Rust programming language

    v0.1.3 1.0K #intel-sgx #tree #gradient #decision #data #tee #regression
  8. gradient

    A command line tool for playing with color gradients

    v0.4.0 460 #color #color-scheme #command-line-tool #svg #gimp #graphics #terminal-colors
  9. ruut-functions

    parse math functions from string (1D,2D,3D,ND) and perform symbolic derivation, gradient, hessian

    v0.2.1 600 #math-parser #symbolic-math #variables #functions #derivative #2d-3d #gradient
  10. noisette

    generating 2D noise functions with analytical gradients

    v0.1.0 100 #noise #simplex-noise #perlin-noise #gradient #generate #functions #2d
  11. autofloat

    Pure Rust library for efficient automatic differentiation

    v1.0.3 170 #automatic-differentiation #automatic #differentiation #derivative #gradient #auto
  12. qopt

    optimization library

    v0.19.4 420 #simulated-annealing #optimization #newton #descent #genetic #gradient #package
  13. radient

    designed for automatic differentiation. It leverages the power of computational graphs to perform forward and backward passes for gradient calculations.

    v0.3.0 120 #automatic-differentiation #machine-learning #gradient #differentiation #automatic
  14. jaime

    j.a.i.m.e. is an ergonomic all purpose gradient descent engine

    v2.3.1 700 #statistics #ai #gradient #descent #engine #model #dataset
  15. chromacat

    A versatile command-line tool for applying color gradients to text output

    v0.1.0 #gradient #cli-color #terminal #text #color #cli #command-line-tool
  16. del-ls

    sparse solver library for research prototyping

    v0.1.5 #sparse-matrix #linear-solver #numerical-methods #square-matrix #gradient #research #matrix-multiplication
  17. zenu-optimizer

    optimizer for neural networks

    v0.1.1 #optimization #deep-learning #neural-network #gradient #autograd #descent #ze-nu
  18. tinterm

    vibrant solid and gradient text in terminal outputs

    v0.1.0 #terminal-colors #color #text-color #gradient #text #terminal #ansi
  19. gann

    Generic ANN

    v0.2.1 #ann #layer #generic #dense #vector #input #gradient
  20. coloredpp

    Lighweight crate for coloring texts

    v0.3.0 #terminal-text #coloring #color #colored-text #gradient #colorize #animation
  21. regrad

    backpropagate gradients through a computation graph

    v0.2.0 #computation #graph #gradient #value #backpropagate
  22. catboost-rs

    Unofficial Rust bindings for Catboost (Machine Learning Gradient Boosting Library from Yandex)

    v0.1.8 #machine-learning #bindings #catboost #yandex #gradient #boosting
  23. rufi_gradient

    aggregate program implementing the gradient with the RuFi framework

    v2.0.12 150 #ru-fi #gradient #framework #aggregate
  24. tiny-gradient

    Make your string colored in gradient

    v0.1.0 7.9K #gradient #ansi-term #ansi-colors #color #ansi #terminal #cli
  25. wallpapergen

    Gradient wallpaper generator

    v0.3.1 #wallpaper #gradient #generator #color #command-line-tool #generate #samples
  26. encrypted_images

    Encrypt Text to Images and decrypt text from images

    v1.3.0 #text-image #encryption-decryption #output-image #gradient #style #customized #security
  27. color-gradient

    Color gradient and color interpolation

    v0.1.3 #rgba #interpolation #gradient #color #compile-time
  28. colormap

    Color gradient and color interpolation

    v0.0.2 #rgba #gradient #interpolation #color #compile-time
  29. xgboost

    Machine learning using XGBoost

    v0.1.4 140 #machine-learning #booster #training #parameters #matrix #model #gradient
  30. optimization

    Collection of optimization algorithms

    v0.2.0 190 #numeric #minimization #algorithm #collection #strategies #position #gradient
  31. noice

    Fork of noise-rs, a procedural noise generation library

    v0.7.1 #noise #random #math #perlin-noise #generation #procedural #gradient
  32. rustimization

    optimization library which includes L-BFGS-B and Conjugate Gradient algorithm

    v0.1.1 #optimization #gradient #l-bfgs-b #conjugate #minimizer #algorithm #cg
  33. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  34. stochastic_optimizers

    Generic implementations of gradient based stochastic optimizing algorithms

    v0.3.0 #optimization #gradient #adam #ndarray #machine-learning
  35. toy_ml

    designed to be a “Hello World” for machine learning enthusiasts looking to get started with Rust

    v0.1.0 #machine-learning #ml #toy #descent #gradient #looking #meant
  36. material_color

    using material color designs

    v0.1.5 #material-design #color #gradient
  37. autodiff_rs

    Automatic differentiation for Rust, with ndarray support

    v0.1.1 #automatic-differentiation #derivative #auto-diff #ndarray #gradient #derivatives
  38. snail_nn

    small neural network libary, running on the cpu with parallelized stochastic gradient descent

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #descent #gradient #stochastic #libary #parallelized #cpu
  39. egui-colorgradient

    A color gradient edior for egui

    v0.1.0 #color #gradient #gui #egui #editor #widgets #edior
  40. fn_grad

    A trait for functions that have a gradient

    v0.1.3 #gradient #derivative #functions
  41. mgrad

    generate gradient color

    v0.1.0 #color #gradient #generate
  42. xtb-model

    Rust wrapper for the extended tight binding program package

    v0.0.6 #energy #gradient #evaluation #molecule #binding #xtb #tight
  43. noptim

    v0.1.0 #noptim #condition #gradient
  44. dual_num

    Fully-featured Dual Number implementation with features for automatic differentiation of multivariate vectorial functions into gradients

    v0.2.7 #dual #numbers #gradient #automatic-differentiation #hyperdual #autodifferentiate #number
  45. dhash

    dhash image signatures for rust

    v0.1.0 #image #compare #signature #gradient #differential #hash #pixels
  46. arcus

    Decorates stdin with gradients made of 24-bit ANSI color codes

    v0.1.0 #ansi-colors #ansi #color #gradient #24-bit
  47. palgrad

    artists and designers to explore color palettes and gradients

    v0.0.1 #color-palette #rgb #color #palette #gradient #design #graphics