
  1. colored

    The most simple way to add colors in your terminal

    v3.0.0 3.5M #terminal-colors #color-string #ansi-term #background-color #color #string #term
  2. pretty_assertions

    Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with drop-in replacements, adding colorful diffs

    v1.4.1 2.7M #diff #pretty #color #assert #debugging #replace #derive-debug
  3. anstyle

    ANSI text styling

    v1.0.10 10.6M #text-styling #terminal-colors #ansi-term #ansi #color #terminal-text #ansi-codes
  4. indicatif

    A progress bar and cli reporting library for Rust

    v0.17.11 2.4M #progress-bar #progress #command-line #color #command-line-utilities
  5. owo-colors

    Zero-allocation terminal colors that'll make people go owo

    v4.2.0 2.6M #terminal-colors #ansi-term #terminal #color #cli #env-vars
  6. rgb

    struct RGB/RGBA/etc. for sharing pixels between crates + convenience methods for color manipulation. Allows no-copy high-level interoperability. Also adds common convenience methods…

    v0.8.90-alpha.2 1.2M #pixel #rgba #graphics #color #bgra
  7. similar-asserts

    assert_eq! like macros with colorized diff output

    v1.7.0 724K #diff #assert #debugging #color
  8. palette

    Convert and manage colors with a focus on correctness, flexibility and ease of use

    v0.7.6 145K #rgb #color-palette #color-conversion #color #conversion #convert #graphics
  9. color-print

    Colorize and stylize strings for terminal at compile-time, by using an HTML-like syntax

    v0.3.7 345K #ansi-codes #ansi #terminal #ansi-colors #terminfo #color
  10. colorful

    Make your terminal output colorful

    v0.3.2 36K #terminal-colors #terminal #color #colors #cli
  11. procs

    A modern replacement for ps

    v0.14.9 2.0K #process-information #process #color #list #command-line #column #ps
  12. lscolors

    Colorize paths using the LS_COLORS environment variable

    v0.20.0 65K #env-vars #filesystem #color #terminal-colors #terminal #command-line-utilities #linux-terminal
  13. csscolorparser

    CSS color parser library

    v0.7.0 122K #css-color #css-parser #color-string #css #string-parser #parser #color
  14. supports-color

    Detects whether a terminal supports color, and gives details about that support

    v3.0.2 762K #terminal-colors #env-vars #environment #variables #color #detect #give
  15. colorous

    Professional color schemes ported from d3-scale-chromatic

    v1.0.15 11K #color-scheme #color #gradient
  16. colorsys

    A module for color conversion and mutation. Works with RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too), HSL(a), CMYK color models and with ANSI color codes

    v0.6.7 16K #ansi-colors #cmyk #rgb #color-conversion #hsl #graphics #color
  17. lcms2

    ICC color profile handling. Rusty wrapper for Little CMS

    v6.1.0 19K #profile #icc #lcms #color #api-bindings #abstraction-layer #pixel-format
  18. kdam

    A console progress bar library for Rust. (inspired by tqdm & rich.progress)

    v0.6.2 18K #progress-bar #progress #color
  19. colored_json

    Colorize JSON, for printing it out on the command line

    v5.0.0 19K #json #colored #command-line #generate-json #coloured #color #colors
  20. proc-macro2-diagnostics

    Diagnostics for proc-macro2

    v0.10.1 861K #proc-macro #diagnostics #stable #nightly #color #spans
  21. ascii_table

    Print ASCII tables to the terminal

    v4.0.6 10K #table #ascii #terminal #terminal-colors #data #print #color
  22. css-color

    CSS color strings

    v0.2.8 29K #color-string #css-parser #color #hex-color #css #string-parser #parser
  23. color

    representing and manipulating colors

    v0.2.3 4.7K #css-color #rgb #css
  24. better-panic

    Pretty panic backtraces inspired by Python's tracebacks

    v0.3.0 38K #stack-trace #backtrace #panic #panic-handler #debugging #pretty #color
  25. colorz

    A terminal text-coloring library

    v1.1.4 11K #terminal-colors #terminal #ansi-term #cli #color #output #debugging
  26. color-backtrace

    Colorful panic backtraces

    v0.7.0 39K #stack-trace #backtrace #pretty #color #colors
  27. hex_color

    lightweight library for working with RGB(A) hexadecimal colors

    v3.0.0 11K #rgb #serialize-deserialize #hex #rgba #color #graphics
  28. pretty_assertions_sorted

    Wrapper around the rust-pretty-assertions crate that allows for the ability to sort the Debug output

    v1.2.3 15K #testing-debugging #sorting #diff #pretty #color #assert #hash-map
  29. catppuccin

    🦀 Soothing pastel theme for Rust

    v2.5.1 1.3K #color-palette #color-scheme #css-color #color-themes #color #theme #palette
  30. pix

    Pixel / raster image library

    v0.13.4 692K #image-conversion #pixel #rgb #image #color #color-conversion #format-conversion
  31. load_image

    Load PNG or JPEG with color profile support

    v3.2.1 2.0K #jpeg #image #color #png #webp #profile #load
  32. ansi-str

    set of methods to work with ANSI strings

    v0.9.0 67K #ansi-term #terminal-colors #ansi #ansi-colors #terminal #color
  33. gping

    Ping, but with a graph

    v1.19.0 310 #ping #graph #command-line #execution-time #color #network-monitoring #host
  34. lab

    Tools for converting RGB colors to the CIE-L*a*b* color space, and comparing differences in color

    v0.11.0 80K #color-space #rgb #color-conversion #color #pixel
  35. cfonts

    Sexy ANSI fonts for the console

    v1.2.0 1.0K #font #console #ansi-colors #background-color #color #ansi #ascii
  36. termion

    A bindless library for manipulating terminals

    v4.0.4 114K #tui #terminal #tty #password #key-events #color #text-input
  37. color-art

    working with colors and color spaces

    v0.3.9 400 #color-space #color #color-string #art
  38. qcms

    lightweight color management

    v0.3.0 9.7K #color #profile #management #graphics #icc #rgb #jpeg
  39. to-html

    Render a terminal with ANSI colors as HTML

    v0.1.6 320 #ansi-colors #html #html-rendering #terminal-colors #terminal #color
  40. ltpp-output

    An atomic output library based on Rust that supports output functionalities through functions, builders, and other methods. It allows customization of text and background colors.

    v3.0.0 1.6K #color #background-color #output #console #print #console-log #log
  41. auto-palette-cli

    🎨 A CLI tool to extract prominent color palettes from images

    v0.6.0 170 #color-palette #color #palette #image
  42. monoterm

    Convert terminal colors to monochrome

    v0.1.8 430 #terminal-colors #color #terminal #monochrome #linux #unix #terminal-text
  43. auto-palette

    🎨 A Rust library that extracts prominent color palettes from images automatically

    v0.6.0 #color-palette #color-space #palette #image #graphics #color #color-themes
  44. aki-mcycle

    mark up text with cycling color

    v0.1.29 1.1K #color #text-color #command-line #mark #filter #up #cycling
  45. rwpspread

    Multi-Monitor Wallpaper Spanning Utility

    v0.4.0 100 #wallpaper #utility #image #spanning #color #color-palette #multi-monitor
  46. colour

    Macros for creating coloured console output

    v2.1.0 9.3K #terminal-colors #console #terminal #color #print #colors #color-palette
  47. srgb

    sRGB primitives and constants — lightweight crate with functions and constants needed when manipulating sRGB colours

    v0.3.4 #color-space #rgb #xyz #color #color-conversion #graphics #rec709
  48. colorutils-rs

    High performance utilities for color format handling and conversion

    v0.7.4 2.2K #color-space #color-conversion #color #xyz #format-conversion #lab #hsv
  49. tcs3472

    Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the TCS3472 RGB color light to digital converter with IR filter

    v1.0.0 #i2c-driver #driver #embedded-hal-driver #i2c #sensor #light-sensor #color
  50. random_color

    generating random attractive colors

    v1.0.0 13K #rgb #color #random #hsl #rgba
  51. shady-cli

    A music visualizer in the terminal using shady-audio

    v0.2.0 130 #visualizer #terminal #color #shady-audio #bars #width #music
  52. color-output

    An atomic output library based on Rust that supports output functionalities through functions, builders, and other methods. It allows customization of text and background colors.

    v6.4.0 800 #output #background-color #color #console #print #console-log #log
  53. bevy_console

    dev console for bevy

    v0.13.1 800 #console #bevy #arguments-parser #command #half-life #clap-parser #color
  54. lutgen

    A blazingly fast interpolated LUT utility for arbitrary and popular color palettes

    v0.11.2 440 #color-palette #lookup-tables #image-processing #color #color-themes #gaussian #hald-clut
  55. ynab-reimbursements

    help reconcile reimbursable transactions in YNAB

    v0.0.4 #transactions #ynab #budget #reimbursable #reconcile #color #flags
  56. wcpopup

    Context menu for Windows and Linux

    v0.5.2 240 #menu #context #color #background-color #font #theme #gtk3
  57. colornames

    An enum of color names, with a catchall RGB variant

    v0.0.6 500 #color #variant #name #enums #rgb #named #white-space
  58. named-colour

    Hex Codes for popular colour names

    v0.3.17 1.3K #hex-color #color #color-string #constants #reference #hex-string
  59. tusistor

    Ratatui app to calculate the color code of electrical resistors

    v0.6.0 400 #color #ratatui #specs #calculate #electrical #input #codes
  60. tuikit

    Toolkit for writing TUI applications

    v0.5.0 22K #tui #terminal #color #command-line-interface #tty #thread-safe #mouse-event
  61. av-metrics-tool

    A CLI tool for measuring audio/video metrics

    v0.9.2 700 #audio-video #metrics #quality #ssim #ffmpeg #color #psnr
  62. game_of_colors

    command line game of life ... but colorful

    v0.1.4 500 #command-line #color #life #game #input #threshold #generation
  63. gradient

    A command line tool for playing with color gradients

    v0.4.0 460 #color #color-scheme #command-line-tool #svg #gimp #graphics #terminal-colors
  64. no_color

    Detect NO_COLOR environment variable

    v0.2.0 750 #env-vars #terminal #cli #color
  65. image-colorizer

    Never settle for images outside your colorscheme again!

    v1.1.4 500 #image-processing #image #color #gpu #web-gpu #wgsl #graphics
  66. egui_colors

    Experimental color styling toolkit for egui

    v0.7.0 250 #color #egui #color-themes #styling #graphics #gui #ui-elements
  67. afetch-colored

    The most simple way to add colors in your terminal

    v2.0.4 #terminal-colors #color-string #string #term #ansi-term #color #term-painter
  68. color_quant

    Color quantization library to reduce n colors to 256 colors

    v1.1.0 1.8M #color #quantization #neuquant #reduce #original #dekker #anthony
  69. hui

    UI library for games and other interactive applications

    v0.1.0-alpha.6 480 #interactive-applications #ui #widgets #gui #graphics #size #color
  70. ecolor

    Color structs and color conversion utilities

    v0.31.0 312K #color-conversion #color #conversion #gui #gamedev #image #convert
  71. ezk-image

    Convert pixel and color formats such and RGB, YUV (YCbCr), ICtCp

    v0.2.4 950 #rgb #yuv #convert #convert-images #video #format-conversion #color
  72. smol-rgb

    A smol library for (s)Rgb color handling

    v0.3.1 270 #rgb #srgb #color #random #smol #serde #libm
  73. isw

    terminal stopwatch application

    v0.3.7 500 #shell #stopwatch #interval #terminal #time #color #tui
  74. bevy_color

    Types for representing and manipulating color values

    v0.15.4 50K #color-space #color #bevy #alpha #game-engine #hue #rgba
  75. chocodye

    changing the color of the chocobos' plumage in Final Fantasy XIV

    v1.1.2 330 #color #chocobo #ffxiv #fantasy #final #xiv #plumage
  76. nu-color-config

    Color configuration code used by Nushell

    v0.102.0 6.8K #color #syntax-highlighting #nushell #shell #configuration #formatting #output
  77. photo

    Image utility library

    v2.2.0 180 #image #color #tile #precision #u8 #utilities #rgb
  78. ansiterm

    ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)

    v0.12.2 28K #terminal-text #ansi-colors #terminal-colors #text-style #text-formatting #color #bold
  79. ux-primitives

    Graphics Primitives for Angular Rust

    v0.2.2 100 #color-space #color-conversion #canvas #color-palette #color #building-block #web-apps
  80. colorchoice-clap

    Clap mixin to override console colors

    v1.0.6 16K #clap #terminal-colors #ansi #ansi-colors #color #clap-parser #text-styling
  81. g213_colours

    set the G213 keyboard backlight. Based on https://github.com/SebiTimeWaster/G213Colors.

    v0.3.6 370 #color #g213 #x11 #logitech #cli #command-line-tool
  82. tabprinter

    creating and printing formatted tables in the terminal. It supports various table styles and offers both color and non-color output options.

    v0.2.0 #table #printing #style #output #terminal #color #formatted
  83. color_processing

    handle colors easyly. It can parse a string in several formats (hex, rgb, cmyk, hwb, ...) into the Color-struct, modifying (grayscale, colorize, ...) and output into several string formats.

    v0.6.3 110 #hex-color #css-color #color-string #color #string-parser #converter #css
  84. tooey

    A simplistic no-std library for terminal display

    v0.7.2 800 #tui #console #color #colors #no-std
  85. moxcms

    Color Management in Rust

    v0.1.1 #color #cms #icc
  86. dominant-colours

    Extract dominant colours from images using k-means clustering

    v0.2.0 290 #color #image #clustering #svg
  87. png-to-twmap

    Creates a teeworlds map from a png

    v0.4.2 240 #png #teeworlds #map #converter #color #create #config-file
  88. kmeans_colors

    k-means clustering to find dominant colors in images. Backed by a generic k-means implementation offered as a standalone library

    v0.6.0 22K #rgb #k-means #clustering #color #color-space #lab #graphics
  89. trender

    graphics library for the terminal

    v0.0.4 110 #terminal #terminal-graphics #color #background-color #terminal-colors #cell #fill
  90. prisma

    color library for both simple and complex color manipulation, intending to be the go to rust color library for most tasks. It can handle conversion between a large number of color models…

    v0.1.1 350 #color #color-conversion #rgb #hsv #cie #graphics
  91. mutils

    Mathematical-like utilities. Points, Sizes, Colours, maths operating on them. Things like that.

    v12.7.0 #color #size #math #points #utilities #utility #random
  92. okolors

    Create color palettes from images by performing k-means clustering in the Oklab color space

    v0.8.1 600 #color-space #color-palette #palette #color-themes #k-means #oklab #color
  93. irospace

    color space and conversion method

    v0.1.0 100 #color #conversion #rgb #color-space #hsv #hsl #html
  94. xterm-color

    Parses the subset of X11 Color Strings emitted by terminals in response to OSC color queries

    v1.0.1 22K #color #xterm #x11 #color-string
  95. dbg-pls

    Syntax aware pretty-printing debugging

    v0.4.3 #syntax-aware #debugging #foo-bar #printing #pretty-print #output #color
  96. color-thief

    Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image

    v0.2.2 11K #color-palette #image #graphics #color #dominant #representative #algorithm
  97. antsee

    A terminal color and style library designed not for output but for creating configuration files

    v1.0.5 320 #terminal-colors #ansi-colors #ansi #color #configuration #terminal-text #css-color
  98. lll_toon

    convert JPG images to ASCII art with colors

    v0.1.1 #jpeg #ascii-art #color #convert #image #width
  99. beautify

    your terminal

    v0.2.0 110 #color #text #terminal
  100. anstyle-lossy

    Lossy conversion between ANSI Color Codes

    v1.1.3 65K #ansi-colors #color-conversion #ansi #color #terminal-colors #ansi-codes #ansi-term
  101. sctw

    wrapper around sct for setting the color temperature of your screen

    v1.1.0 #temperature #sct #setting #screen #color
  102. anstyle-yansi

    Adapt between yansi and anstyle

    v2.0.2 2.4K #terminal-colors #ansi-term #ansi #ansi-colors #terminal #color #yansi
  103. lavagna

    The uncluttered blackboard

    v2.1.9 #collaboration #drawing #online #color #collaborative #sketch #control
  104. mundy

    Reads various system-level accessibility and UI preferences

    v0.1.6 160 #diacritics #color #contrast #ui #accessibility #accent
  105. zen-colour

    The most minimal terminal colour and style crate

    v1.1.2 #terminal-colors #terminal-text #color #terminal #text-color #text #text-style
  106. easy_color

    A very simple and easy-to-use color conversion tool

    v0.1.13 130 #color-conversion #cmyk #rgb #hex-color #color #hsl #convert-hex
  107. conciliator

    [WIP] Library for interactive CLI programs

    v0.3.10 #spinner #input #terminal-colors #color #terminal #cli
  108. audio-viz

    Colorful audio waveform visualization

    v0.8.6 140 #audio #waveform #color #visualization
  109. ansiconst

    declaring nestable ANSI styles in const context

    v0.1.1 #ansi-colors #ansi-term #ansi #style #term #color #text-styling
  110. erebus

    A CLI message generation library

    v0.1.8 800 #message #generation #cli #color #width #generate
  111. dahlia

    allowing you to use Minecraft format codes in strings

    v2.0.0 #text-formatting #minecraft #color #string #format-string #codes #ansi
  112. tuit

    A no_std, no_alloc TUI library

    v0.3.0-a2+checkboxes 370 #tui #terminal #ansi-colors #ansi #no-alloc #color #colours
  113. devicon-lookup

    Prepend the correct devicon to the beginning of each filename

    v0.10.2 #icons #command-line-tool #filenames #cli #devicon #color #devicons
  114. chroma-dbg

    Put your primate brain's pattern recognition to use with syntax highlighting for the standard Debug trait

    v0.1.1 270 #syntax-highlighting #debugging #color #formatting #pretty-printing
  115. tintanum

    Obtain the system color scheme preference

    v0.4.0 240 #color #color-scheme #dbus #theme #freedesktop #color-themes #themes
  116. ino_color

    A output coloring crate with limited functionality, limit platform support and limited allocations

    v2.0.1 130 #coloring #limited #color #ansi-colors #allocations #platform #limit
  117. term_ansi

    A super lightweight macros crates to add ANSI Codes to your project

    v0.2.5 280 #ansi-colors #color #ansi #text-style #ansi-codes #terminal #text-color
  118. colors-by-example

    Pick ansi-256 colors by examples

    v0.1.35 140 #terminal-colors #color #text-color #background-color #hue #attributes #oklch
  119. image_colored_text

    A basic extension of the image/imageproc crates for writing multiline colored text

    v0.1.3 #color #image #colored-text #multi-line #text
  120. colors-transform

    Module for convert and transform colors

    v0.2.11 15K #color-conversion #color-space #rgb #css-color #color #hsl #css
  121. css-named-colors

    CSS Named Colors

    v1.0.1 #color #css-color #css #colors #no-alloc
  122. simplers

    Simplification of too complex stuff in rust

    v1.0.10 400 #color #input #complex #macro #weight
  123. colcon

    Comprehensive colorspace conversions in Rust

    v0.10.1 #color-space #color-conversion #color #conversion #lab #graphics #convert
  124. ansi_rgb

    Colorful terminal text using ANSI escape sequences

    v0.3.2-alpha 2.4K #terminal-text #ansi-colors #terminal-colors #ansi-term #text-color #rgb #color
  125. kolor

    Color conversions for games & interactive applications

    v0.1.9 #color #rgb #interactive-applications #graphics #computer-vision
  126. ratio-color

    Ratio's color palette management in Rust, built on 'palette' and 'enterpolation'

    v0.4.5 550 #color-palette #palette #color-conversion #preset #interpolation #conversion #color
  127. pipecolor

    A terminal filter to colorize output

    v0.4.4 #terminal #regex #colorize #output #filter #color #expression
  128. lcms2-sys

    Bindings for liblcms2 (Little CMS) with support for Linux, macOS, and Windows. See lcms2 crate for a safe Rust wrapper

    v4.0.5 20K #color #profile #icc #lcms #sys #linux-macos
  129. dithor

    Pixilisation/dithering library

    v0.4.0 #image #color #dithering #pixel #level #low #square
  130. GraphicsEngine

    my try at making an api to use for Graphics in Rust. It uses the winapi crate and focuses on making it easy to create and modify Windows

    v0.2.2 600 #graphicsengine #window #graphics #winapi #api #input #user #color
  131. ziyy

    Convenient Terminal Output Styler

    v2.0.0-beta.1 250 #terminal-colors #terminal #color #rgb #style #cli
  132. rgb_int

    Integer representations and manipulations of rgb colours

    v0.1.5 130 #rgb #color #integer #representation
  133. allegro_color

    Allegro 5 color addon Rust wrapper

    v0.0.48 200 #allegro #color #add-on #colors #programming #bindings #rust-allegro
  134. term-painter

    Coloring and formatting terminal output

    v0.4.0 5.0K #terminal-colors #terminal #terminal-text #text-formatting #color #paint #format
  135. chromacat

    A versatile command-line tool for applying color gradients to text output

    v0.1.0 #gradient #cli-color #terminal #text #color #cli #command-line-tool
  136. rust-hsluv

    Color converstions. Convert to/from various color representations: hex, rgb, hsluv, hpluv, lch and xyz.

    v0.1.4 3.9K #color-conversion #hex-color #color #conversion #hsluv #hex-string #hpluv
  137. color-name

    color names and its values and usefull functions inluded to get similar colour name by RGB data; Based on css-color names

    v1.1.0 7.8K #color #color-color #color-names #closest-color-name #color-name-similar #graphics #colour
  138. stylish-style

    Internal implementation details of stylish-core

    v0.1.1 500 #ansi-colors #color #stylish #html-rendering #styling #applications #data
  139. fmt2

    traits, structs and macros for formatting

    v0.3.4 120 #string #style #color #format-string #format #cli #traits-structs
  140. anstyle-ls

    Parse LS_COLORS Style Descriptions

    v1.0.4 460 #terminal-colors #ansi-colors #ansi-term #color #env-vars #terminal #ansi
  141. shabi

    (S)imple (H)ex (A)nd (B)inary (I)nspector - CLI Tool

    v1.1.0 #binary-file #cli-utility #color #hex #disable #nd #flags
  142. cint

    A lean, minimal, and stable set of types for color interoperation between crates in Rust

    v0.3.1 7.3K #color #stable #color-conversion #interop #representation #types #interface
  143. colorimetry

    color modeling with JavaScript/WASM interfaces

    v0.0.2 #color #illumination #cie #cie-lab #ciecam16 #interface #international
  144. wezterm-color-types

    Types for working with colors

    v0.3.0 64K #terminal-colors #color #multiplexer #cross-platform #gpu-accelerated
  145. utilprint

    easily using colors or unicode in your terminal printing

    v0.1.4 110 #unicode-characters #terminal-colors #console-application #color #output #emoji #applications
  146. color_reducer

    Simplify images by reducing the number of colors based on a predefined palette

    v0.3.3 #color #image #color-palette #reduce
  147. termwrap

    Wrap Unicode text with ANSI color codes

    v0.1.4 #ansi-colors #unicode-text #color #unicode #wrap #text-color #fold
  148. lealang_chalk_rs

    adds colors and styles to your terminal program

    v1.2.0 800 #terminal-colors #color #style #chalk #terminal #cli
  149. efcl

    The most simple, small, and fast terminal color text library

    v0.1.3 #terminal-colors #color #text-color
  150. css-colors

    converter to transform CSS colors

    v1.0.1 1.2K #css-color #color #css #converter #colors
  151. cd-pls

    A pretty LS-like screen for when you CD

    v0.1.7 600 #cd #icons #screen #pls #directory #color #information
  152. mincolor

    The most simple way to add colors in your terminal, without the std crate

    v2.0.1 2.2K #terminal-colors #ansi-term #term #color-string #string #color #background-color
  153. picoboy-color

    Board Support Package for the Picoboy Color

    v0.1.1 #board #color #package #rp2040 #picoboy #up
  154. bunt

    macros to write colored and formatted text to a terminal. Based on termcolor, thus also cross-platform

    v0.2.8 1.5K #terminal-colors #terminal-text #terminal #colored-text #color #style #proc-macro
  155. ansi-color-codec

    Encode bytes as ANSI background colors

    v0.7.3 #ansi-colors #background-color #ansi #byte-sequences #color #encoding #command-line
  156. scarlet

    Colors and color spaces made simple

    v1.2.0 1.9K #rgb #color-space #image-processing #color #image #visualization
  157. lscoltui

    A TUI tool for changing the colours of ls

    v1.0.1 #color #ls #tui #changing #tool
  158. clicolors-control

    A common utility library to control CLI colorization

    v1.0.1 25K #cli-color #ansi-colors #color #cli #command-line #colors #terminal-colors
  159. afetch

    A CLI system information tool written in Rust

    v0.0.7 440 #system-information #fetch #tool #color #command-line-tool #rust #text-color
  160. rgba_simple

    RGBA and Hex color representation

    v0.10.0 11K #rgba #graphics #hex-color #color #convert-hex #format #config-file
  161. named_colors

    that provides named colors in RGB and Hexadecimal formats

    v0.1.1 #rgb #hex-color #color #hex #colors #json-file #graphics
  162. euma

    color and design theme

    v1.1.0 360 #graphics #color #design #theme #gui #link
  163. simple-color

    color struct

    v0.2.2 240 #color #struct #color-color
  164. relative-luminance

    Utlities to manage relative luminance

    v1.0.0 320 #luminance #color #terminal #brightness #cli
  165. termit

    Terminal UI over crossterm

    v0.7.0 #tui #tty #command-line-interface #terminal-emulator #terminal #color #input-event
  166. act2pal

    Converts Adobe Color Tables to .pal files

    v0.1.4 390 #color #adobe #convert #table #color-palette #pal #input
  167. rjmatrix

    Creates the matrix in the terminal. Use c to cycle colors, 0-9 to change speed, and q to quit.

    v1.0.4 #matrix #terminal #color #speed #create #cycle #change
  168. anstyle-termcolor

    Adapt between termcolor and anstyle

    v1.1.3 650 #terminal-colors #termcolor #color #ansi-term #ansi-colors #ansi #terminal
  169. empfindung

    CIE Delta E colour difference algorithms

    v0.2.6 130 #color-space #color #difference #delta #cie #graphics #quantify
  170. ascii-izer

    converting an image into ASCII art

    v0.3.1 480 #ascii-art #image #crossterm #console #color #converting
  171. select_color

    color selection

    v0.22.0 1.2K #color #piston #select
  172. azalea-chat

    Parse Minecraft chat messages

    v0.11.0+mc1.21.4 #minecraft-bot #chat #azalea #json-text #formatted #parse #color
  173. clock-tui

    A clock app in terminal

    v0.6.0 #clock #timer #terminal #stopwatch #countdown #modes #color
  174. console-utilities

    handling console input and output utilities

    v1.0.1 #input-output #console #user-input #utilities #color #cursor
  175. cgats

    Parse, transform, and write CGATS color files

    v0.2.0 #color #write #ascii #xml-format #parser #transform #binary
  176. ansi-style

    ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal

    v1.2.1 #ansi #ansi-colors #ansi-term #escaping #styling #color #string
  177. clpeek

    Guess the color displayed in hex format

    v0.1.2 #color #hex #guess #format #displayed #screenshot #26 pm
  178. flavours

    An easy to use base16 scheme manager/builder that integrates with any workflow

    v0.7.1 #color-scheme #base-16 #color #manager #config-file
  179. termfmt

    Opinionated formatting for library primatives with color and outputing to the terminal

    v0.2.9 #terminal #output #formatting #opinionated #color #coloring #primatives
  180. easy-sgr

    An easy to use Select Graphics Rendition(SGR) library

    v0.1.1 #sgr #terminal-text #terminal-colors #ansi-codes #terminal #ansi-colors #color
  181. colortypes

    An abstract, safe, and concise color conversion library for rust nightly

    v0.6.2 #color-conversion #color #xyz #graphics #cie-lab #image
  182. anstyle-owo-colors

    Adapt between owo-colors and anstyle

    v2.0.3 #terminal-colors #ansi-colors #color #ansi-term #ansi #terminal #owo-colors
  183. richterm

    rich terminal, follow's python's famous rich library

    v0.5.0 #ansi-colors #ansi-term #terminal-colors #ansi #color #console #rich-text
  184. colorize-rs

    terminal text colorisation using ansi characters

    v0.1.2 340 #ansi-colors #colorize #text #terminal #terminal-text #characters #color
  185. prettylog-rs

    A pretty and customizable logging library for Rust

    v0.1.2 #logging #pretty #terminal #color
  186. imgfx

    Image filtering and modulating with bitwise, arithmetic, and logical operations

    v0.2.3 #image #graphics #color #bit-manipulation #operations #channel #arithmetic
  187. qwant

    Color qwantization library to reduce n colors to 256 colors

    v1.0.1 160 #color #quantization #reduce #neuquant #algorithm #dekker #anthony
  188. yew_confetti

    Confetti animation for Yew websites

    v0.4.2 160 #yew #website #animation #confetti #color #shape #style
  189. recolored

    A fork of colored: the most simple way to add colors in your terminal

    v1.9.3 160 #terminal-colors #color-string #ansi-term #string #term #color #term-painter
  190. rusty_tools

    useful tools for rust

    v0.3.1 #progress-bar #color #rusty #diff #track #file #text-colored
  191. chromazone

    line-oriented match and colorization tool

    v1.0.1 #terminal #color #effect #style #config-file #output #colorizer
  192. anstyle-syntect

    Adapt between syntect and anstyle

    v1.0.3 #ansi-colors #syntect #color #ansi #text-styling #ansi-term #terminal-colors
  193. xcolor

    Lightweight color picker for X11

    v0.5.1 #x11 #color #utility #color-picker
  194. rustint

    working with RGB colors

    v0.1.5 #rgb #color #hex-color #convert-hex #interpolation #applications
  195. oklch-color-picker

    A standalone graphical color picker using the Oklch color space. Allows output to hex, rgb, hsl and many other formats.

    v1.15.0 #oklab #color #oklch #utility #hex-color #color-picker
  196. picto

    Image handling library

    v0.4.4 #image-processing #image #png #color #jpeg #gif #bmp
  197. colorparser-css

    CSS color parser library

    v0.1.5 700 #css-parser #css-color #css #parser #color #color-string #graphics
  198. sty

    Color terminal outputs in a minimal, macro-based, and dead simple way

    v0.3.1 #terminal-colors #color #terminal #macro-based #ansi-term
  199. rust-colors

    parsing ANSI Strings to colors

    v0.2.1 #string-parser #ansi #ansi-colors #color
  200. acolor

    Color representations, operations and conversions

    v0.0.11 #rgb #color #lab #color-conversion #graphics #no-alloc
  201. ansi_parser_extended

    Parse ansi text with support for styling and colors

    v0.1.9 290 #ansi #ansi-codes #ansi-colors #text-styling #escaping #color #text-parser
  202. tinterm

    vibrant solid and gradient text in terminal outputs

    v0.1.0 #terminal-colors #color #text-color #gradient #text #terminal #ansi
  203. closest

    nearest neighbor implementation

    v0.2.0 #nearest-neighbor #kdtree #machine-learning #data-points #color #python #error
  204. tempo-rs

    & minimal client to connect and interact with RTE's 'Tempo Like Supply Contract' API

    v0.1.1 120 #tempo #color #price #day #client #rte #contract
  205. win-color

    managing and manipulating colors in Windows applications, providing high-level abstractions for color handling, gradient creation, and direct integration with Direct2D

    v0.1.7 600 #global #winapi #color #colors #system-wide #windows #api-bindings
  206. beacon-calculator

    calculating the glass colors needed to color a Minecraft beacon

    v1.1.0 #color #minecraft #beacon #rgb
  207. ttycolor

    easy way to use termcolor

    v0.1.3 #console #termcolor #color
  208. tauri-plugin-m3

    Android Material3/MaterialYou Plugin

    v0.2.0 120 #tauri-plugin #android #bar #material3-material-you #insets #color #status-bar
  209. minimal_ansi_color

    Ansi Color

    v0.2.0 #ansi-colors #color #ansi
  210. qute

    designify your terminal with a large ansi colors palette 🎨

    v0.0.13 #ansi-colors #terminal-colors #ansi-term #color #color-palette #ansi #css-color
  211. apa102-spi

    SPI-based Driver for apa102 leds

    v0.4.0 700 #spi-driver #led-driver #apa102 #smart-leds #traits #color #write
  212. apputils

    A lightweight Rust crate to help you build awesome tools

    v0.1.6 #helper #config #color
  213. quantette

    A fast and high quality image quantizer and palette generator. Supports the CIELAB, Oklab, and sRGB color spaces.

    v0.3.0 550 #color-palette #quantization #palette #k-means #color #dither #performance
  214. color-lib

    implementing colors and converting between different representations. Includes a library easy access default colors.

    v0.1.0 120 #rgb #color #representation #convert #hsl #hsv #maps
  215. colorized


    v1.0.0 650 #color #command #cli
  216. shapemaker

    An experimental WASM-capable, generative SVG-based video rendering engine that reacts to MIDI or audio data

    v1.1.1 #rendering-engine #midi #video #experimental #generative #data #color
  217. rusistor

    calculate color codes and specs of electrical resistors

    v0.3.0 250 #specs #electrical #color #codes #calculate #resistors
  218. lliw

    Text colours and styles for your terminal with no additional dependencies

    v0.2.0 #terminal-colors #color #terminal #text-color #ansi #terminal-text #text-style
  219. radix-colors-rs

    The Radix UI Colors palettes expressed in Rust constants

    v0.1.1 220 #color #color-palette #radix #constants #ui #expressed
  220. unilog

    A lightweight Rust logging library supporting async/sync logging and colored logs

    v0.1.3 #logging #fmt #logger #log-file #async #log-level #color
  221. moleco

    generate color swatches for chemical compounds

    v0.1.0 #color #chemical #generate #notation #molecule #unique #identification
  222. coloredpp

    Lighweight crate for coloring texts

    v0.3.0 #terminal-text #coloring #color #colored-text #gradient #colorize #animation
  223. psprompt

    Create colorful prompts for the terminal

    v0.1.3 #prompt #color #terminal #bash #terminal-colors #config-file #user-name
  224. ambient_color

    Defines a color type for Ambient, as well as helper operations

    v0.3.1 #color #ambient #gamedev #game-engine #operations #helper #defines
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. colorbrewer

    providing colors from ColorBrewer

    v0.2.0 #color-palette #rgb #palette #color-scheme #color #design #specification
  227. urs

    Rust utility library

    v0.5.1 230 #urs #color #log
  228. luv

    Tools for converting between sRGB, CIE Luv and CIE LCh(uv) colour spaces and comparing differences in colour

    v0.9.2 #color-space #color #rgb #pixel #lch
  229. termplay

    Play images/videos in your terminal

    v2.0.6 #terminal #image-viewer #video #gstreamer #ansi #color #true-color
  230. rs-paint

    A light-weight image editor

    v1.0.0 #image #editor #light-weight #color #paint #layer #free
  231. kxxt-owo-colors

    Zero-allocation terminal colors that'll make people go owo

    v4.0.0 #terminal-colors #ansi-term #terminal #color #cli
  232. average_color

    Get the average color of an image

    v0.1.2 #color #average #image
  233. dominant_color

    image color extractor written in Rust with no external dependencies

    v0.4.0 1.9K #color #image #palette-generation #extractor #external
  234. colorbox

    A low-level toolbox for working with color

    v0.4.0 #color #low-level #graphics #toolbox #pipeline #building-block #management
  235. cliclr

    A very simple wrapper for termcolor

    v0.1.2 240 #termcolor #console #color #line #print-colored-text #wraps #console-line
  236. neowatch

    A modern alternative to watch command

    v0.2.1 #watch #command #modern #color #text #numeric
  237. fancy-prompt

    improved shell prompt with several useful features

    v0.3.1 #shell-prompt #battery #git #meter #color #customizable #integration
  238. makeup

    Stylish CLIs/TUIs for Rust!

    v0.0.8 #tui #terminal-colors #terminal #color #60fps #terminal-interface #cli
  239. css-color-parser2

    parser for CSS3 color strings

    v1.0.1 12K #css-color #color-string #css-parser #string-parser #css #parser #color
  240. kasi-kule

    CIECAM02 color spaces in Rust

    v0.3.4 #color-space #color-conversion #color
  241. painted

    Colored reborn (altough I won't maintain it much as I only need to publish a new version of colored)

    v1.0.0 #terminal-colors #ansi-term #color-string #string #term #term-painter #color
  242. tailwindcss_palette

    Tailwind v4 colors in Rust's palette crate

    v0.1.0 100 #tailwind #tailwind-css #color-palette #color #palette #css #colors
  243. tailwindcss_colors

    Tailwind v4 colors in Rust's color crate

    v0.1.0 110 #tailwind #color #tailwind-css #css #colors #graphics
  244. vari

    formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal

    v0.2.1 #terminal-colors #ansi-term #string-formatting #ansi-colors #color #terminal #cli
  245. colorizer

    highlighting words in your terminal

    v2.1.0 #terminal-colors #color #terminal #terminal-text #highlight #text #config-file
  246. toolstr_colored

    An inline version of colored to use latest commit

    v2.1.1 #terminal-colors #string #color-string #ansi-term #term #background-color #color