
  1. wide

    help you go wide

    v0.7.32 950K #simd #data #portable #intrinsics #go #architecture #lokathor
  2. tree-sitter-go

    Go grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.23.4 58K #tree-sitter #incremental #go
  3. rust2go

    main shared library

    v0.4.0 5.6K #golang #data-exchange #async #ffi #go #sockets
  4. three_body_lang

    Three Body Language written in Rust

    v0.6.5 1.0K #three #interpreter #body #language #wall #go #book
  5. gospin

    A cli tool to create a boilerplate GO project

    v0.1.7 270 #htmx #command-line-tool #tool #go #command-line-arguments #server #cli
  6. goup

    version manager for Go written in Rust! 🚀

    v1.7.0 340 #version-manager #sdk #multi-platform #go #pre-compiled #binaries #install
  7. arcjet-gravity

    Gravity is a host generator for WebAssembly Components. It currently targets Wazero, a zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go.

    v0.0.2 #wasm-component #gravity #go #run-time #host #generator #zero
  8. gos

    project that helps you create a Go project with the modules you specify in a config file. It automatically writes the import statements in the main.go file and runs go mod init and go mod tidy for you.

    v0.1.4 370 #config-file #module #go #visual-studio-code #modules #vscode
  9. sgf-render

    CLI to generate diagrams of Go games from SGF game records

    v3.2.2 #svg #go #png #baduk #sgf #file-format #file-read
  10. ogk

    cli tool for open.go.kr

    v2.2.1 650 #open #go #kr #tool #cli-tool
  11. genesis_rs

    Enabling developers with Genesis. Genesis is a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly project starter tool designed for Go and Rust developers. It streamlines the initial setup process…

    v2.0.0 1.5K #genesis #starter #generate #go #rust
  12. influxdb-line-protocol

    InfluxDB line protocol parser and builder

    v2.0.0 28K #influx-db #protocols #line #parser #builder #data #go
  13. ontolius

    Empower analysis with terms and hierarchy of biomedical ontologies

    v0.4.2 220 #ontology #go #bioinformatics #hpo #m-ax-o
  14. defer

    excecution of code, inspired by go's defer statement

    v0.2.1 18K #scope #macro #execution #go #delay #statement #expression
  15. sgf-parse

    A parser for the SGF file format for Go games

    v4.2.2 100 #parser #go #sgf #baduk #file-format
  16. lsp4spl

    Language Server for SPL

    v0.2.0 160 #programming-language #spl #language-server #lsp #completion #go #language-server-protocol
  17. xq

    A reimplementation of jq

    v0.4.1 #jq #go #built #purely #reimplemented #gojq #original
  18. cities-json

    Get cities

    v0.6.8 170 #json #cities #benchmark #city #go #production #python
  19. gorrosion

    Go/weiqi/igo/baduk/goe whatchamacallit

    v0.1.3 #baduk #go #weiqi
  20. datadriven

    Rewritable table-driven testing

    v0.8.0 92K #test-cases #input-output #directive #testing #go #table-driven #run
  21. wit-bindgen-wrpc-go

    Go bindings generator for wRPC

    v0.11.0 #bindings-generator #wrpc #go #rpc-framework #wasm-bindings #wit
  22. librclone

    Rust bindings for librclone

    v0.9.0 210 #rclone #bindings #go #version #compile #applications #minimum
  23. line-straddler

    Determine how lines through text (underlines, strikethroughs, etc) should be rendered

    v0.2.3 #glyph #line #determine #go #text #how #rendered
  24. rust2go-common

    Rust2go common library

    v0.4.0 4.7K #golang #async #ffi #go #sockets
  25. uhttp

    Rust HTTP Server Library for Humans

    v0.2.2 360 #http-server #server-framework #humans #tokio #performance #high #go
  26. spf

    .spf (Simple Pixel Font) file parsing, and useful api's to go alongside

    v0.4.1 500 #font-file #go #language #pixel #native #guide #simple-pixel-font
  27. monoio-rust2go

    Monoio Rust2go main shared library

    v0.3.1 #golang #async #ffi #go
  28. libgo

    Basic Go library that implements the Go Text Protocol

    v0.5.0 #go #baduk #weiqi
  29. gtp

    GTP (Go Text Protocol) controller implementation for Rust

    v0.1.2 #go #protocols #parser-serializer #baduk #weiqi #protocol
  30. goban

    Go move generation and Go ruling

    v0.18.1 180 #move-generation #go #baduk #game #igo
  31. ggstd

    Partial implementation of Go standard library

    v0.1.0 #golang #stdlib #go
  32. babyjubjub-rs

    BabyJubJub elliptic curve implementation

    v0.0.11 100 #elliptic-curve #poseidon-hash #edwards #twisted #baby-jub-jub #compatible #go
  33. japanese_law_xml_schema


    v4.0.2 #file #法令標準xmlスキーマ対応ライブラリ #go
  34. rust2go-cli

    Rust2go commandline tool

    v0.4.0 4.1K #golang #async #ffi #command-line-tool #data-exchange #sockets #go
  35. simple_txtar

    txtar archive format

    v1.1.0 #archive #txtar #text-file #file-format #test-cases #go #review
  36. maelstrom-go-test

    Go Test Runner for Maelstrom

    v0.13.0 160 #test-runner #container #cluster #go #subcommand #virtualization #containers
  37. youran

    code with peace

    v0.2.5 #key-value-store #key-value-database #peace #sqlite #db #go #behaves
  38. tfconfig

    Rust port of HashiCorp's terraform-config-inspect Go library

    v0.2.3 420 #hashi-corp #port #go #terraform-config-inspect #path #required-providers
  39. oracle-nosql-db-sdk-rust

    oracle nosql db sdk for rust

    v0.4.19 #nosql #oracle #sdk #db #go #github #com-oracle-nosql-go-sdk
  40. cargo-vroom

    Car no go run, car go vroom!

    v4.2.1 #cargo #go #runner #blazingly #dont #run #vroom
  41. kifuwarabe_tic_tac_toe

    A small example before developing computer chess and computer shogi. Come see the repository.

    v0.2.4 #tic-tac-toe #shogi #ai #user-interface #go #computer #game-engine
  42. slice-copy

    Go style copying for slices

    v0.3.0 3.6K #slice #copying #copy #go #style #determine #amount
  43. server-chan

    server_chan rust sdk

    v0.1.3 #server酱多语言调用实例 #sdk #nodejs #go #dart #java #php
  44. monoio-rust2go-common

    Monoio Rust2go common library

    v0.3.0 110 #golang #async #ffi #go
  45. flatbuffers-reflection

    Official FlatBuffers Rust reflection library

    v0.1.0 #flat-buffers #serialization #reflection #cross-platform #data #go #memory
  46. mfmt

    Meta formatter library

    v0.3.9 390 #formatter #language #format #programming-language #styling #meta #go
  47. cgo_oligami

    build scripts to compile custom Go code

    v0.3.6 #build-script #build-dependencies #cargo-build #compile #go #link #cgo
  48. mem-ring

    Across-thread queue based on shared memory

    v0.2.0 #shared-memory #golang #async #ffi #go
  49. rstxtar

    txtar Go package

    v0.1.0 #file #go #txtar #format #archive #package #tree
  50. harper-comments

    The language checker for developers

    v0.24.0 1.0K #comments #checker #language #parser #harper #go #locate
  51. pokeball-rs

    Pokemon Go Plus library

    v0.3.0-alpha.1 120 #pokemon #plus #go
  52. cjson

    Canonical JSON serializer

    v0.1.2 1.3K #canonical #go #docker #deserialize #specification #compliant #olpc
  53. dos_to_go

    Run Rust on DOS!

    v0.0.6 #dos #go #hot #named #yes
  54. jtg_gpt

    a gpt lib for JTG use only (not really go ahead and use it if you really want)

    v0.2.8 300 #gpt #jtg #lib #ahead #go
  55. cnctd

    Collection of cnctd modules

    v0.1.8 #collection #module #redis #android #docker #go #npm
  56. prometheus-32bitfix

    Prometheus instrumentation library for Rust applications

    v0.13.1 #prometheus-metrics #metrics #prometheus #instrumentation #applications #latest #go
  57. sgf-parser

    parsing SGF files

    v2.6.0 #go #baduk #parser #sgf #weiqi #pest-parser
  58. rust2go-mem-ffi

    Across-thread FFI based on shared memory

    v0.2.0 #shared-memory #golang #async #ffi #go #data-exchange
  59. monoio-rust2go-cli

    Monoio Rust2go commandline tool

    v0.3.0 110 #golang #async #ffi #go
  60. gorrosion-gtp

    A best-effort strongly typed interface between Rust and GTP, the Go Text Protocoll

    v0.5.0 470 #go #gtp #baduk #protocoll #weiqi
  61. kifuwarabe_connect_four

    WIP. Connect-four AI. Currently, does not work.

    v0.1.0 #connect-four #artificial-intelligence #computer #strategy #thinking #evaluation #go
  62. colette

    Convert between truecolor, xterm(1) 256 color and 16 color

    v0.2.0 #true-color #xterm #convert #256 #16 #xterm256 #go
  63. rustigo

    webserver inspired by the Go standard library's HTTPServer

    v1.1.3 120 #web-server #tcp-stream #routes #go #pattern #standard #matched
  64. rust2go-convert

    Rust2go convertion related

    v0.1.0 4.5K #golang #async #ffi #go
  65. goban-screenhack

    XScreensaver hack that displays go games

    v0.1.4 #go #screensaver #baduk #xscreensaver #sgf #game
  66. lexicon_fractional_index

    Fractional index implementation migrated from Go/JavaScript

    v0.0.4-a1 3.0K #fractional-index #key #lexicon #go #javascript #string #order
  67. sgf-tool

    SGF Tool

    v1.0.4 #go #parser #sgf #baduk #file-format
  68. sp-staking

    contains primitives that are useful for implementation that uses staking approaches in general. Definitions related to sessions, slashing, etc go here.

    v37.0.0 264K #definition #primitive #sessions #go #staking #slashing #approaches
  69. xm

    (Xross-Compile Manager) is a cross-platform compilation management tool that supports cross-compilation for Go and Rust programming languages. Users can easily select the target compilation environment and architecture…

    v0.1.0 #user-interface #tool #golang #programming-language #go #slint #cpp
  70. defer-lite

    A lightweight high-performance implementation of Go's defer statement

    v1.0.0 1.0K #defer #go #deferred
  71. defer-rs

    Deferred execution Rust utilities

    v0.1.0 #defer #deferred #macro #go #scopeguard
  72. iomrascalai

    An AI for the game of Go

    v0.1.7 #ai #go #board #iomrascálaí #go-weiqi-baduk #game #bug
  73. bellboy

    A binary for managing dotfiles cross-platform. Take your dotfiles wherever you go!

    v0.2.0 #dotfiles #git-repository #binary #cross-platform #go #repo #wherever
  74. machinecode

    Execute machine code in hex form

    v1.0.1 #jit #hex #machine #unsafe #execute #forms #go
  75. logosaurus

    Logging implementation modeled after the Go standard library's log package

    v0.5.0 #log #go #package #standard #modeled
  76. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  77. gobuild

    A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to invoke the go compiler to compile go code into a static archive/dynamic library to be linked into Rust code

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 4.2K #build-dependencies #compile #script #build-time #cargo #compiler #go
  78. cities

    10,000 Cities with Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation in Rust

    v0.2.0 #latitude-longitude #elevation #10 #looking #go #created #animation
  79. phantomdrop

    Go-like deferring of function calls

    v1.0.1 #defer #drop #go
  80. selecta

    not Selecta in Rust. Please see https://github.com/felipesere/icepick

    v0.0.2-nopenopenope #github #go #icepick #com-felipesere-icepick #abandoned
  81. cgo

    build scripts to compile custom Go code

    v0.3.0 300 #build-dependencies #compile #script #cargo #package #go
  82. phantun

    Transforms UDP stream into (fake) TCP streams that can go through Layer 3 & Layer 4 (NAPT) firewalls/NATs

    v0.6.0 #tcp-udp #tcp-stream #layer #transform #fake #go #napt
  83. durationfmt

    format std::time::Duration the same way Go does

    v0.1.1 340 #duration #format-time #format #go
  84. cnls

    Class Name Language Server for web frontend projects

    v0.1.2 #class-name #completion #web #jsx #definition #go #hover
  85. rs-txtar

    txtar format

    v0.1.1 #txtar #storing #go #data #text #testing #cases
  86. go-tool-dist-list

    Get the list of targets supported by go compiler

    v0.1.2 #golang #targets #triplet #go
  87. caddyfile

    working with Caddy's Caddyfile format

    v0.1.1 #go #port #format #original #caddy #compatibility #behavior
  88. libgtp

    implmenting the gtp protocol

    v0.1.2 #protocols #go #text #gtp #implmenting
  89. gotest

    A testing utility wrapper for Go written in Rust and Bash

    v0.1.1 #testing #go #bash #utility
  90. after-drop

    Will act like defer in go or jai, but you can store it and move it

    v1.0.1 #defer #go #store #jai #move #act
  91. fvm_ipld_encoding

    Sharded IPLD encoding

    v0.5.1 3.9K #ipld #filecoin #go #vm #reference #machine #encoding
  92. mb_goban

    A go board data type

    v0.2.0 #board #go #playing #data #containing #game #io
  93. lacking

    A game engine/framework port from Go

    v0.0.2 #port #go #language #engine-framework #game
  94. jp-location-relation


    v0.1.1 #隣接する市区町村の一覧を取得 #stats #go #html #jp-data-mesh-m-itiran #隣接市区町村の取得 #隣接都道府県の取得
  95. monkeyinterpreter

    An interpreter written in Rust for the monkey programming language described in the book 'Writing An Interpreter In Go' (https://interpreterbook.com/)

    v0.2.0 #programming-language #interpreter #monkey #go #described #com #book
  96. golang-type-decl

    Golang Type Decl

    v0.3.0 #golang #programming-language #specification #decl #go
  97. cardstock

    papertrading & backtesting library - featuring real-world intergration for when you're ready to go live

    v0.1.0 #backtesting #live #ready #go #featuring #intergration #papertrading
  98. ffh

    ffh makes it easy to read and write files

    v0.1.0 #read-write #go #extract #details
  99. go-spawn

    that provides macros to spawn and join threads with minimal boilerplate

    v0.1.2 #join #thread #go #spawn
  100. atomic_value

    way that you can load or store value atomically like Golang AtomicValue

    v0.2.0 #golang #value #atomically #load #store #go
  101. wav_reader

    decodes and encodes WAV files. Go to the GitHub page for usage, and to the docs for overall structure.

    v0.1.3 #decode #wav #encode #github #docs #go #page
  102. pokemon_go_data

    A convenient interface for Pokemon Go data

    v0.6.0 #pokemon #interface #go #data
  103. goglob

    Shell pattern matching similar to golang's path.Match

    v0.2.0 #pattern #pattern-matching #pattern-match #path #glob #regex #go
  104. golang-struct-tag

    Golang Struct Tag

    v0.1.0 #golang #tags #struct #go
  105. async-uci

    An async UCI Implementation over the tokio runtime

    v0.1.3 #uci #async #run-time #tokio #line #search #go
  106. rdefer

    providing go like defer functionality in both sync and async contexts

    v1.0.0 #defer #sync #async #go #counter #synchronous #context
  107. err-as-you-go

    easy inline error types

    v0.1.3 #err #error #enums #inline #usize #go #variant
  108. singleflight

    port of Go's singleflight package for call collapsing

    v0.3.0 #call #go #collapsing #port #cache #package
  109. ninebynine

    download 9x9 SGF files from OGS server

    v1.0.3 #go #baduk #weiqi
  110. rustc-to-go-target

    Convert compilation targets supported by rustc (aka target triplets) into targets supported by Go

    v0.1.0 #targets #go #rustc #triplet #compilation #target #triplets
  111. test-tube

    building integration testing environments for cosmos-sdk chains in Rust

    v0.9.0 1.2K #cosmos #go #cosmos-sdk #environments #testing #chain #integration
  112. golang-type-name

    Golang TypeName

    v0.1.0 #golang #programming-language #go #type-name
  113. armory_lib

    publishing cargo workspaces in one go

    v0.4.1 140 #cargo-workspace #publishing #go
  114. civo-rs

    a superior port of the civo go client

    v0.1.0 #client #civo #go #port #objectstores #api #superior
  115. add3

    Toy crate that will go through major version changes to demo semver

    v4.0.0 #toy #semver #go #demo #major #version
  116. iff

    A macro for if / if let chains until [RFC 2497] is implemented

    v0.1.0 #let #chains #implemented #rfc #macro #2497 #go
  117. monoio-rust2go-macro

    Monoio Rust2go macro

    v0.3.0 110 #golang #async #ffi #go
  118. cnctd_go

    Go methods

    v0.1.1 #go #methods #cnctd-go
  119. mmlib

    Multimedia Library

    v0.1.2 #multimedia #format #documentation #welcome #look #module #go
  120. http-mux

    Go style http multiplexer/router for Rust

    v0.1.1 #http #go #style #multiplexer-router
  121. test-tube-inj

    building integration testing environments for cosmos-sdk chains in Rust

    v2.0.6 230 #testing #environments #go #cosmwasm #chain #cosmos-sdk #contracts
  122. rust-compile

    Go on. Compile it.

    v0.1.0 #compile #rust-compile #go
  123. rust2go-macro

    Rust2go macro

    v0.4.0 4.1K #golang #async #ffi #go
  124. fcplug-rclib

    Foreign Clang Plugin solution

    v0.2.1 #clang #solution #go #foreign #plugin #fcplug #cgo-rust
  125. pokemon-go-protobuf

    Pokemon Go proto buffer types

    v0.1.4 #pokemon #type #go #protobuf #types
  126. gtmpl_helpers

    A set of helper functions for the templates to work with gtmpl template system

    v0.1.3 #template #helper #go #language
  127. trim-go-asm

    Trim Go Assembly from $ go tool compile -S

    v0.1.3 #trim #go #compile #assembly #tool
  128. encoding-asn1

    asn1 crate based on pkg.go.dev/encoding/asn1

    v0.1.0 #asn-1 #go #pkg #dev-encoding-asn1
  129. hash_limette

    personal tool for obfuscation of code

    v0.1.4 #obfuscation #password #personal #hasher #tool #go #bad
  130. extra-default

    Extra traits to go along with the Default trait

    v0.2.0 #default #traits #along #go
  131. stupid-add

    If you want to add stuff this lib is the way to go

    v0.1.0 #stupid-add #lib #go
  132. lightning-time

    Lightning Time in Rust

    v1.0.0 120 #lightning #time #go
  133. infrared-rs

    used for receiving signals from infrared remote controls (Ported from Go)

    v0.3.1 #ported #remote-control #infrared #go #signals #receiving
  134. inp_func

    my first crate so go easy on me use input input::i8() = To input i8 value in a var

    v0.1.1 #input #i8 #value #go #first #var
  135. trans-gen-go

    Generating Go trans code

    v0.3.0-alpha.2 #go #trans #generating
  136. beginnerror

    error-handling crate for beginners

    v0.1.2 #beginner #error-handling #ahead #top #go #add #toml
  137. oomclient

    oomstore client for rust

    v0.1.1-rc.0 #client #go #tokio #protocols #communicate #powered #store
  138. test-tube-coreum

    building integration testing environments for cosmos-sdk chains in Rust

    v4.1.2 110 #environments #go #integration #chains #cosmos-sdk #testing #tube
  139. fcplug-callee

    Foreign Clang Plugin solution

    v0.2.4 #clang #go #solution #foreign #plugin #fcplug #cgo-rust
  140. dialga

    Blueprint instantiator for Palkia

    v0.4.2 #blueprint #gamedev #palkia #instantiator #ctx #go #generic
  141. pen-ffi-macro

    FFI macro library for Pen programming language

    v0.5.0 370 #pen #programming-language #macro #functional #go #concurrency #golang
  142. ellie

    echo "It's dangerous to go alone" | ellie

    v0.1.0 #echo #dangerous #go #provider #alone #functions
  143. test-tube-ntrn

    building integration testing environments for cosmos-sdk chains in Rust

    v0.1.7 360 #go #environments #cosmos-sdk #testing #chain #integration #tube