
  1. rusqlite

    Ergonomic wrapper for SQLite

    v0.32.1 1.0M #sqlite #database #ffi
  2. cxx

    Safe interop between Rust and C++

    v1.0.134 1.0M #safe-bindings #api-bindings #cpp #memory-safe #ffi #memory-safety
  3. linux-raw-sys

    Generated bindings for Linux's userspace API

    v0.6.5 10.7M #linux #generated-bindings #linux-api #api-bindings #syscalls #call #ffi
  4. numpy

    PyO3-based Rust bindings of the NumPy C-API

    v0.23.0 252K #pyo3 #python-bindings #api-bindings #ffi #python
  5. cbindgen

    generating C bindings to Rust code

    v0.27.0 2.9M #bindings-generator #bindings #code-generation #ffi #header-file #public-api
  6. num_enum

    Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier

    v0.7.3 3.5M #enums #proc-macro #conversion #safe #enumerations #derive #ffi
  7. bindgen

    Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

    v0.71.1 4.7M #bindings-generator #bindings #code-generation #ffi #codegen #env-var
  8. jni

    Rust bindings to the JNI

    v0.21.1 2.5M #java #native-bindings #ffi #api-bindings
  9. triomphe

    A fork of std::sync::Arc with some extra functionality and without weak references (originally servo_arc)

    v0.1.14 1.8M #weak-references #reference-counting #arc #data-structures #sync #ffi
  10. uniffi

    a multi-language bindings generator for rust

    v0.28.3 92K #bindings-generator #foreign-interface #multi-language #cross-platform #auto-generate #ffi #swift
  11. safer-ffi

    Write safer FFI code in Rust without polluting it with unsafe code

    v0.1.13 73K #foreign-interface #safety #bindings #framework #ffi
  12. flutter_rust_bridge

    Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple

    v2.7.0 71K #binding-generator #dart #flutter #bindings-generator #bindings #code-generation #ffi
  13. napi-build

    N-API build support

    v2.1.3 198K #napi #nodejs #ffi
  14. cpp

    Inline C++ code closures

    v0.5.10 151K #ffi #compiler #c #build-tool
  15. dylo-cli

    Generate dyn-compatible traits with proc macros

    v1.0.4 440 #proc-macro #dynamic #codegen #ffi
  16. ntapi

    FFI bindings for Native API

    v0.4.1 946K #api-bindings #winapi #native #windows #ffi
  17. csbindgen

    Generate C# FFI from Rust for automatically brings native code and C native library to .NET and Unity

    v1.9.3 8.0K #native-bindings #c-sharp #bindings #bindings-generator #code-generation #ffi
  18. cxx-build

    C++ code generator for integrating cxx crate into a Cargo build

    v1.0.134 946K #cargo-build #cpp #build-dependencies #build-script #generator #ffi #interop
  19. swift-bridge

    Generate FFI bindings for safe interop between Rust and Swift

    v0.1.57 38K #swift #safe-bindings #bindings-generator #bindings #ios #ffi #mac
  20. gobject-sys

    FFI bindings to libgobject-2.0

    v0.20.4 463K #gobject #gtk #gnome #ffi #gtk-rs
  21. rustfst-ffi

    constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Rustfst-ffi provides C interfaces of the Rust library

    v1.1.2 850 #transducer #fst #nlp #finite-state-machine #graph #acceptor #ffi
  22. bindgen-cli

    Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries

    v0.71.1 70K #bindings-generator #bindings #generate #ffi #code-generation #codegen
  23. magic

    High level bindings for the libmagic C library

    v0.16.2 68K #file-extension #file #bindings #api-bindings #filesystem #ffi #recognize
  24. mbox

    malloc-based box. Supports wrapping pointers or null-terminated strings returned from malloc as a Rust type, which will be free'd on drop

    v0.7.1 12K #malloc #box #free #cstr #ffi #c-str #array-string
  25. interoptopus

    The polyglot bindings generator for your library (C#, C, Python, ...). 🐙

    v0.14.27 5.2K #bindings-generator #bindings #generated-bindings #api-bindings #ffi #code-generation #python-bindings
  26. pyo3-async-runtimes

    PyO3 bridges from Rust runtimes to Python's Asyncio library

    v0.23.0 54K #pyo3 #python #async #async-io #python-bindings #events #ffi
  27. sibyl

    An OCI-based (synchronous or asynchronous) interface between Rust applications and Oracle databases

    v0.6.18 270 #database-interface #oracle #async-api #database #async #sql #ffi
  28. rsmpeg

    that exposes FFmpeg's power as much as possible

    v0.15.1+ffmpeg.7.0 2.2K #ffmpeg #multimedia-video #audio-video #video #binding #bindings #ffi
  29. ocaml

    bindings for Rust

    v1.1.0 5.8K #bindings #interop #ffi #extension #run-time #rust #ocaml-interop
  30. cglue

    FFI safe abstractions for making plugins and C-compatible libraries

    v0.3.4 700 #abi #api-bindings #macro #cbindgen #plugin-system #self-reference #ffi
  31. security-framework-sys

    Apple Security.framework low-level FFI bindings

    v2.12.1 3.3M #tls #macos-ios #ios #ssl #ffi
  32. pyo3-build-config

    Build configuration for the PyO3 ecosystem

    v0.23.3 3.8M #build-config #build-configuration #pyo3 #python-bindings #python #cpython #ffi
  33. allo-isolate

    Run Multithreaded Rust along with Dart VM (in isolate)

    v0.1.26 233K #dart #bindings #isolate #ffi
  34. android_log-sys

    FFI bindings to Android log Library

    v0.3.1 369K #android #log #ffi
  35. libsql-rusqlite

    Ergonomic wrapper for SQLite (libsql fork)

    v0.33.0 3.9K #sqlite #database #ffi
  36. libffi

    Rust bindings for libffi

    v3.2.0 34K #closures #ffi #c
  37. crux_http

    HTTP capability for use with crux_core

    v0.10.3 3.3K #cross-platform-ui #crux #wasm #ffi #crux-core #request-response
  38. moveit

    safe, in-place construction of Rust (and C++!) objects

    v0.6.0 34K #lifetime #ownership #macro #ffi #macros #no-std
  39. jlrs

    bindings to the Julia C API that enable Julia code to be called from Rust and more

    v0.21.1 100 #julia #bindings #math #api-bindings #ffi #api-calls #thread-pool
  40. ocaml-interop

    OCaml interoperability

    v0.10.0 58K #ocaml #interop #ffi #rust
  41. z3

    High-level rust bindings for the Z3 SMT solver from Microsoft Research

    v0.12.1 6.9K #smt-solver #solver #smt #satisfiability #ffi
  42. cl3

    Khronos OpenCL 3.0 API and extensions

    v0.10.0 1.8K #opencl #api-bindings #api #gpgpu #gpu #ffi
  43. napi-calm-down

    N-API bindings

    v2.16.13 140 #napi #nodejs #n-api #node #node-js #add-on #ffi
  44. gio-sys

    FFI bindings to libgio-2.0

    v0.20.6 427K #gnome #gio #gtk #ffi
  45. cxx-async

    interoperability between C++ coroutines and asynchronous Rust

    v0.1.2 260 #async #async-await #cpp #ffi
  46. ffi-support

    help expose Rust functions over the FFI

    v0.4.4 16K #bindings #error #string #ffi #data #panic #expose
  47. crux_kv

    Key-Value capability for use with crux_core

    v0.5.2 1.8K #key-value-store #cross-platform-ui #crux #key-store #ffi #crux-core #request-response
  48. sourceview5

    Rust bindings for GtkSourceView 5

    v0.9.1 1.4K #gui #gnome #gtk4 #sourceview #ffi #api-bindings
  49. flapigen

    connecting libraries written in Rust with other languages

    v0.8.0 1.5K #foreign-interface #java #jni #swig #cpp #ffi
  50. va_list

    'va_list' type for a small set of ABIs. Allowing rust implementations of functions like vprintf.

    v0.2.0 27K #unsafe #arguments #c #ffi
  51. nvbit-rs

    Idiomatic library for using the NVIDIA NVBIT binary instrumentation library

    v0.0.38 4.2K #nvbit #profiling #gpgpu #ffi #nvidia
  52. cxx-gen

    C++ code generator for integrating cxx crate into higher level tools

    v0.7.134 43K #cpp #interop #generator #ffi #higher-level #mechanism #integrating
  53. metacall

    Call NodeJS, TypeScript, Python, C#, Ruby... functions from Rust (a Rust Port for MetaCall).

    v0.4.2 550 #foreign-interface #polyglot #polyglot-programming #inter-language #ffi
  54. syscall-numbers

    System calls numbers for various architectures

    v4.0.0 5.5K #syscalls #kernel #api #linux-api #linux-kernel #syscall #ffi
  55. gphoto2

    High-level wrapper for libgphoto2

    v3.3.1 #camera-image #camera #ffi #gphoto #libgphoto #filesystem
  56. membrane

    opinionated crate that generates a Dart package from a Rust library. Extremely fast performance with strict typing and zero copy returns over the FFI boundary via bincode.

    v0.11.0 83K #dart #flutter #zero-copy #bindings #codegen #ffi #memory-management
  57. pact_ffi

    Pact interface for foreign languages

    v0.4.24 140 #foreign-interface #pact #json-format #mock-server #cdc #ffi #integration-testing
  58. cpp_build

    Cargo build script for the cpp crate

    v0.5.10 149K #build-tool #cpp #compiler #build-dependencies #cargo-build #build-script #ffi
  59. ext-php-rs

    Bindings for the Zend API to build PHP extensions natively in Rust

    v0.12.0 1.0K #php #api-bindings #zend #ffi
  60. pango-sys

    FFI bindings to libpango-1.0

    v0.20.4 332K #pango #gtk #gnome #gtk-rs #ffi
  61. rust2go

    main shared library

    v0.3.17 3.9K #golang #data-exchange #async #ffi #go #sockets
  62. gmp-mpfr-sys

    Rust FFI bindings for GMP, MPFR and MPC

    v1.6.4 18K #gmp #rational-numbers #complex-numbers #math #bignum #ffi #numeric
  63. openapi-client-gen

    Experimental OpenApi client generator for Rust with support for C-FFI and WASM

    v0.0.2 #openapi-generator #api-client #openapi #generator #http-request #source-file #ffi
  64. buffi

    generate ergonomic, buffer-based C++ APIs

    v0.2.4+rust.1.83.0 2.5K #api #bincode #serde #ffi #c
  65. crux_time

    Time capability for use with crux_core

    v0.6.0 1.7K #cross-platform-ui #crux #request-response #ffi #crux-core #wasm #data-access
  66. autocxx-bindgen

    Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries. Version adjusted for autocxx.

    v0.70.1 35K #bindings-generator #bindings #generated-bindings #code-generation #ffi #codegen #env-var
  67. windows-native

    Windows Native Undocumented API for Rust Language 🔥

    v1.0.44 280 #winapi #native #api-bindings #windows #com #ffi #system-api
  68. pyo3-asyncio

    PyO3 utilities for Python's Asyncio library

    v0.20.0 38K #pyo3 #async-io #async #events #python-bindings #python #ffi
  69. pyo3-ffi

    Python-API bindings for the PyO3 ecosystem

    v0.23.3 3.6M #pyo3 #python-module #cpython #python-bindings #ffi #python #api-bindings
  70. nvbit-model

    NVIDIA NVBIT models for serialization and deserialization

    v0.0.38 8.3K #profiling #nvbit #gpgpu #api-bindings #ffi #nvidia
  71. nvbit-io

    NVIDIA NVBIT streaming encoder and decoder implementations using serde

    v0.0.38 7.3K #codec #nvbit #profiling #gpgpu #ffi #nvidia #api-bindings
  72. libyuv

    Raw FFI bindings to libyuv libraries

    v1.0.0 1.5K #computer-vision #ffi #api-bindings
  73. lm-sensors

    Hardware monitoring in Linux

    v0.3.1 150 #monitoring #linux #linux-kernel #sensor #bindings #sensors #ffi
  74. gtk4-sys

    FFI bindings of GTK 4

    v0.9.4 54K #gtk #gtk4 #gnome #ffi
  75. raw-parts

    Ergonomic wrapper around Vec::from_raw_parts and Vec::into_raw_parts

    v2.2.0 900 #raw-pointers #vec #unsafe #ffi #vector #no-std
  76. cairo-sys-rs

    FFI bindings to libcairo

    v0.20.0 352K #cairo #gtk #gnome #ffi
  77. citrus

    C to Rust syntax converter

    v0.10.2 #bindings #ffi #code-generation #c
  78. uniffi_build

    a multi-language bindings generator for rust (build script helpers)

    v0.28.3 87K #build-script #bindings-generator #foreign-interface #cross-platform #uni-ffi #multi-language #ffi
  79. uniffi_meta

    v0.28.3 94K #bindings-generator #foreign-interface #uni-ffi #cross-platform #ffi #multi-language #component
  80. gdk4-sys

    FFI bindings of GDK 4

    v0.9.4 54K #gdk #gtk #gnome #gdk4 #ffi
  81. jni-simple

    wrapper around the JNI (Java Native Interface) API

    v0.2.0 180 #jni #java #ffi
  82. flutter_rust_bridge_codegen

    Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple

    v2.7.0 97K #flutter #dart #bindings-generator #bindings #binding-generator #code-generation #ffi
  83. nvbit-build

    Build-time helpers for compiling NVIDIA NVBIT instrumentation

    v0.0.38 4.2K #nvbit #profiling #gpgpu #ffi #nvidia #helper #cleanup
  84. ffi_helpers

    help make working with FFI easier

    v0.3.0 735K #foreign #extern #error-handling #ffi #gui-applications
  85. vitasdk-sys

    Raw bindings to vitasdk

    v0.3.3 #vitasdk #vita #ffi #psvita #playstation #env-vars
  86. com

    implementing COM Client and Servers

    v0.6.0 141K #com-interface #windows-api #component #client-server #ffi #programming #producing
  87. gifsicle

    Bindings for gifsicle library. Supports lossy compression. GPL.

    v1.95.0 430 #gif #lossy #encoder #encoding #ffi
  88. plain

    A small Rust library that allows users to reinterpret data of certain types safely

    v0.2.3 668K #memory #data-structures #pod #memory-safe #ffi #byte-array
  89. objr

    Drew's very fast ObjC Rust bindings

    v1.0.0 #bindings #objective-c #objc #ffi #macos
  90. mc-sgx-core-types

    Rust wrapper for common SGX types

    v0.11.0 1.1K #intel-sgx #sgx #ffi #wrapper
  91. rsfbclient

    Binds to official firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 310 #firebird #database #embedded-database #fbclient #ffi
  92. cxxbridge-cmd

    C++ code generator for integrating cxx crate into a non-Cargo build

    v1.0.134 170K #cpp #build #interop #generator #ffi #non-cargo #integrating
  93. mc-sgx-dcap-types

    Rust wrapper for common DCAP types

    v0.11.0 800 #intel-sgx #sgx #ffi #api-bindings
  94. serde-pyobject

    PyO3's PyAny as a serde data format

    v0.4.0 9.3K #serde #pyo3 #python #ffi
  95. wnf

    Safe bindings for the Windows Notification Facility

    v0.5.2 150 #api-bindings #bindings #winapi #api #notifications #async #ffi
  96. gdk-pixbuf-sys

    FFI bindings to libgdk_pixbuf-2.0

    v0.20.4 332K #gtk #gnome #gdk-pixbuf #ffi
  97. harfbuzz_rs

    A high-level interface to HarfBuzz, exposing its most important functionality in a safe manner using Rust

    v2.0.1 4.4K #harfbuzz #shaping #textlayout #text #ffi
  98. glib-sys

    FFI bindings to libglib-2.0

    v0.20.6 487K #glib #gnome #gtk #ffi
  99. standardform

    Effortlessly operate on numbers like 2e19 or 2*10^4 and more with this Rust implementation of standard form. Simplify, convert, and manipulate large numerical expressions with ease.

    v0.2.1 #arithmetic-operations #math #ffi #science #mathematics #python-bindings #no-std
  100. pyo3-macros-backend

    Code generation for PyO3 package

    v0.23.3 3.7M #python-bindings #pyo3 #python #cpython #api-bindings #ffi
  101. graphene-sys

    FFI bindings to libgraphene-1.0

    v0.20.4 52K #graphene #gnome #gtk #ffi #gtk-rs
  102. jnix

    High-level extensions to help with the usage of JNI in Rust code

    v0.5.1 7.8K #jni #java #java-class #ffi #proc-macro #extension
  103. windivert

    Wrapper library around windivert-sys

    v0.7.0-beta.0 130 #bindings #driver #ffi
  104. gettext-sys

    Raw FFI bindings for gettext

    v0.22.5 61K #gettext #localization #internationalization #binding #bindings #linker #ffi
  105. linux-personality

    Wrapper around Linux personality function

    v2.0.0 650 #personality #posix #ffi #linux
  106. ohos-sys

    Bindings to the native API of OpenHarmony OS

    v0.4.0 3.1K #api-bindings #open-harmony #harmony-os #ffi
  107. librna-sys

    Low-level bindings for the ViennaRNA library

    v0.3.0 #bioinformatics #rna #ffi #viennarna #sys #unsafe-bindings #structure
  108. emacs

    creating Emacs's dynamic modules

    v0.19.0 750 #ffi #emacs-module #tree-sitter
  109. libcsp

    Safe and ergonomic Rust API for libcsp on top on libcsp-sys

    v0.1.3 #aerospace #csp #space #ffi #api-bindings #no-std
  110. rs4j

    A small, automatic, efficient, and easy-to-use Rust to Java bridge

    v0.10.2 #java #interop #bridge #extern #java-class #ffi #file-path
  111. elysees

    A fork of triomphe, now with more pointer trickery

    v0.3.2 #arc #sync #weak-references #ffi #data-structures #reference-counting
  112. pwd

    Safe interface to pwd.h

    v1.4.0 16K #passwd #unix #ffi #linux
  113. rtpx

    Safe Rust bindings for CTP (Comprehensive Transaction Platform) and its variations for Chinese financial markets

    v1.0.2 180 #trading #ctp #china #ffi #finance
  114. secp256k1-sys

    FFI for Pieter Wuille’s libsecp256k1 library

    v0.10.1 859K #libsecp256k1 #ffi #secp256k1
  115. conan2

    Pulls the C/C++ library linking flags from Conan dependencies

    v0.1.4 310 #build-script #build #package-manager #conan #ffi #linker
  116. interoptopus_backend_cpython

    Generates CPython bindings

    v0.14.25 2.5K #bindings-generator #python-bindings #bindings #api-bindings #ffi #code-generation #binding-generator
  117. arcdps

    Rust bindings for the Guild Wars 2 dps-meter with focus on ease-of-use and performance

    v0.10.1 #addons #add-on #api-bindings #guild-wars-2 #framework #ffi
  118. pamsm

    Rust wrappers around PAM Service Modules functions

    v0.5.5 330 #pam #module #service #wrapper #ffi
  119. tiny-std

    Tiny rust stdlib for linux

    v0.2.4 #operating-system #linux #operating #bindings #ffi #os #system
  120. robusta_jni

    Easy interop between Rust and Java

    v0.2.2 2.0K #jni #java #ffi #proc-macro #input-output #api-bindings
  121. janetrs

    High level binding for Janet programming language

    v0.7.0 #janet #programming-language #api-bindings #embedding #ffi
  122. diplomat-runtime

    Common runtime utilities used by diplomat codegen

    v0.9.0 19K #codegen #run-time #utilities #diplomat #ffi #language #generate
  123. libnotcurses-sys

    Low-level Rust bindings for the notcurses C library

    v3.11.0 #tui #terminal #ncurses #ffi #higher-level
  124. libpulse-sys

    FFI bindings for the PulseAudio libpulse system library

    v1.21.0 106K #pulse-audio #ffi #pulseaudio #audio
  125. parasail-rs

    Rust bindings and wrapper for parasail, a SIMD C library for pairwise sequence alignment

    v0.7.6 400 #bioinformatics #parasail #ffi #alignment #rust
  126. swift-bridge-ir

    Holds the data structures and logic for bridge module parsing and code generation

    v0.1.57 40K #swift #bindings #ios #ffi #parser-generator #mac #data-structures
  127. byte-strings

    Rust byte strings manipulation, for a better and safer C FFI

    v0.3.1 8.1K #string-literal #string #c-str #c-strings #ffi #c #char
  128. moveref

    Types and traits for safe C++ style placement initialization and move semantics

    v1.0.0 200 #memory-management #memory #reference #allocation #cpp #ffi
  129. priv_sep

    FFI for pledge(2) and unveil(2) on OpenBSD

    v2.1.0 #openbsd #security #ffi
  130. pyo3-asyncio-0-21

    PyO3 utilities for Python's Asyncio library - 0.21 fork

    v0.21.0 6.8K #pyo3 #async-io #async #events #python #python-bindings #ffi
  131. seesaw-cli

    generate traits from C header files

    v0.1.0 #bindings #ffi #no-alloc #bindgen #input-file #regex
  132. libsql-sys

    Native bindings to libSQL

    v0.8.0 4.0K #libsql #native-bindings #sqlite #bindings #database #ffi
  133. value-box

    Allows developers to pass Rust-allocated structures over ffi

    v2.3.3 #structures #ffi #value #ownership #box #pass #bindings
  134. skynet_api

    API for Skynet plugin

    v0.4.0 3.5K #plugin-api #plugin #api-bindings #api #framework #ffi
  135. hardened_malloc-rs

    hardened_malloc rust wrapper

    v0.1.2+12 470 #memory-allocator #malloc #security #bindings #hardened-malloc #ffi
  136. buffi_macro

    A proc-macro to generate ergonomic, buffer-based C++ APIs

    v0.2.4 2.9K #bincode #api #serde #ffi #c #proc-macro #byte-buffer
  137. trixy

    used to generate multi-language apis for your application

    v0.4.0 #foreign-interface #api #c-ffi #ffi
  138. swift-bridge-build

    Parse Rust files for swift-bridge modules and generate the corresponding Swift and C code for them

    v0.1.57 54K #swift #ios #bindings #ffi #bindings-generator #mac #higher-level
  139. mc-sgx-urts

    Rust wrapper for sgx_urts

    v0.11.0 110 #intel-sgx #sgx #api-bindings #ffi
  140. dylo

    Generate dyn-compatible traits with procedural macros

    v1.0.1 #codegen #proc-macro #ffi #dynamic-library
  141. gudev

    Rust API for gudev, the glib support library for libudev

    v0.17.0 #glib #udev #ffi #api-bindings
  142. ffi-opaque

    macro to create correct opaque pointers

    v2.0.1 43K #safety #macro #ffi #generate #send-sync #behavior #codebase
  143. opaque-pointer

    Generic functions to work with opaque pointers when use FFI to expose Rust structs

    v0.9.0 #pointers #opaque #ffi #cbindgen #no-std
  144. ffi-convert

    A collection of utilities to ease conversion between Rust and C-compatible data structures

    v0.6.1 7.9K #conversion #ffi #structures #interface #data-structures #utilities #data-conversion
  145. crux_platform

    Platform capability for use with crux_core

    v0.2.2 #cross-platform-ui #crux #wasm #ffi #crux-core #request-response
  146. poppler-sys-rs

    Low-level (FFI) bindings for poppler-glib

    v0.24.0 3.1K #poppler #bindings #low-level #poppler-glib #ffi
  147. libaom-sys

    Bindings for libaom. Part of libavif-sys

    v0.17.1-rc.1+libaom.3.10.0 1.4K #codec #av1 #avif #aom #ffi
  148. bindgen_helpers

    rename, change case, and fix Rust code generated by bindgen from C headers

    v0.3.0 280 #bindgen #rename #case #convert #ffi #helper #debugging
  149. polyline-ffi

    FFI bindings for the polyline crate

    v0.6.5 550 #polyline #codec #ffi #python-bindings #geo
  150. libpulse-simple-sys

    FFI bindings for the PulseAudio libpulse-simple system library

    v1.21.1 83K #pulse-audio #audio #ffi
  151. uniffi-bindgen-java

    a java bindings generator for uniffi rust

    v0.1.0 190 #java #bindings-generator #ffi #bindgen
  152. asimov-sys

    ASIMOV Software Development Kit (SDK) for Rust

    v24.0.0-dev.22 160 #ai #asimov #ffi #sdk
  153. intel-mkl-sys

    Rust binding of unique functions in Intel(R) MKL

    v0.8.1 #mkl #intel #ffi #fft #vector-math #bindings #intel-mkl
  154. directcpp

    Direct call cpp from Rust

    v0.1.9 #visual-studio #cpp #ffi
  155. bitwuzla-sys

    Low-level bindings for the Bitwuzla SMT solver

    v0.5.1 #smt-solver #smt #bitwuzla #ffi #low-level
  156. cpp_common

    details crate for the cpp crate

    v0.5.10 153K #cpp #compiler #build-tool #build-dependencies #ffi #c
  157. savefile-abi

    Easy to use, simple, stable ABI for Rust-libraries. Allows creating dynamically loadable plugins written in rust.

    v0.18.5 160 #dylib #dlopen #ffi #binary-encoding
  158. minimap2-sys

    Bindings to libminimap2

    v0.1.20+minimap2.2.28 1.4K #bioinformatics #fastq #fasta #alignment #ffi
  159. pyszczek

    C compatible library to show an animal face

    v0.1.11 360 #face #ffi #c #animal #rust
  160. ffi_rpc

    Use FFI with RPC

    v0.5.1 950 #rpc #ffi #framework #plugin
  161. malloced

    A malloc-ed box pointer type

    v1.3.1 2.9K #malloc #free #array #ffi #c #api-bindings
  162. rifgen

    ffi Interface file generator. Use with flapigen

    v0.1.61 310 #jni #swig #java #cpp #api-bindings #ffi
  163. libcdio-sys

    Native bindings to the libcdio library

    v0.5.2 700 #udf #cd #native-bindings #ffi #cdio #iso9660
  164. rigetti-pyo3

    creating a Python wrapper for a Rust library

    v0.4.2 2.1K #python-bindings #pyo3 #ffi #python
  165. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000005

    Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc

    v0.2.151 130 #libc #bindings #operating #operating-system #system #ffi #constant
  166. abi_lab

    binary for exploring advanced Application Binary Interface (ABI) concepts, FFI, and cross-language interoperability

    v0.1.4 500 #abi #callback #interop #ffi #memory-management
  167. crabi_test

    An experimental Rust library for exploring and experimenting with ABI concepts and cross-language interoperability

    v0.2.3 750 #abi #interop #education #ffi #rust #interoperability
  168. deno_bindgen

    Write high-level Deno FFI libraries in Rust

    v0.9.0-alpha 140 #deno #bindings #ffi #macro #bindgen
  169. fambox

    data structure for ergonomically and safely using c's flexible array members

    v0.2.0 210 #c #flexarray #ffi #fam #data-structures #bindgen #api-bindings
  170. async-ffi

    FFI-compatible Futures

    v0.5.0 35K #async #future #ffi #futures
  171. dylo-runtime

    Dynamic library loader for con traits

    v1.0.4 350 #loader #ffi #dynamic-library #target-directory #version #cargo-workspace
  172. autocxx-build

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 7.8K #autogenerated #interop #cpp #api-bindings #autocxx #ffi #component
  173. cglue-gen

    FFI safe code generation for making plugins and C-compatible libraries

    v0.3.1 700 #abi #cglue #ffi #macro #cbindgen #plugin-system #api-bindings
  174. seestr

    pointer-wide nul-terminated strings with ownership semantics

    v0.1.5 490 #nul #transparent #c-str #ffi #no-alloc
  175. ohos-drawing-sys

    Bindings to the native_drawing API of OpenHarmony OS

    v0.1.2 130 #drawing #graphics-api #open-harmony #harmony-os #ffi #api-bindings #2d-graphics
  176. fcplug-build

    Foreign-Clang-Plugin solution, such as solving rust and go two-way calls

    v0.4.5 1.3K #go-rust #cgo #rust-go #ffi
  177. dylink

    Run-time dynamic linking loader utilities

    v0.10.0 #shared #dlopen #lazy-evaluation #load #ffi #api-bindings #lazy
  178. interoptopus_backend_csharp

    Generates C# bindings

    v0.14.25 850 #bindings-generator #c-sharp #bindings #dotnet #api-bindings #ffi #code-generation
  179. epicinium_lib

    Rust bindings for libepicinium, the game logic library of the strategy game Epicinium

    v1.1.0 #gamedev #game-state #ffi #api-bindings
  180. ocaml-boxroot-sys

    Boxroot for OCaml: fast movable GC roots (C API)

    v0.3.1 60K #ocaml #foreign-interface #ffi #rust #smart-pointers
  181. seesaw

    generate traits from C header files

    v0.1.5 260 #bindings #ffi #no-alloc #bindgen
  182. dart-sys

    Statically generated, Opt-in style bindings to the Dart SDK

    v4.1.5 51K #dart #generated-bindings #bindings #flutter #ffi #api-bindings #dart-native
  183. encoding_c

    C API for encoding_rs

    v0.9.8 10K #c-api #unicode #encoding #charset #ffi
  184. odbc-sys

    ODBC ffi bindings

    v0.24.0 31K #foreign-interface #odbc #sql-database #sql #ffi #database #low-level
  185. xcb-rust-protocol

    Rust x11 connection interface layer

    v0.2.3 280 #x11 #bindings #xorg #linux #ffi
  186. flutter_logger

    logging library for using rust together with flutter/dart and flutter_rust_bridge

    v0.6.1 650 #flutter #logging #dart #debugging-logging #mobile #ffi
  187. mc-sgx-util

    shared by SGX libraries

    v0.11.0 1.1K #intel-sgx #sgx #ffi #utilities
  188. rust2go-cli

    Rust2go commandline tool

    v0.3.10 3.5K #golang #async #ffi #command-line-tool #data-exchange #sockets #go
  189. asc

    Atomic Strong Count

    v0.2.0 260 #arc #sync #ffi #data-structure
  190. cty

    Type aliases to C types like c_int for use with bindgen

    v0.2.2 223K #type #types #ffi #c #bindgen
  191. aubio

    Safe bindings for aubio library to label music and sounds

    v0.2.1 100 #audio-processing #audio #recognition #processing #ffi #signal-processing
  192. rustler_sys

    Create Erlang NIF modules in Rust using the C NIF API

    v2.4.3 112K #erlang #nif #ffi #bindings
  193. raw-window-handle-extensions

    C representation for the raw-window-handle crate

    v0.6.0 260 #raw-window-handle #ffi #representation #extension
  194. gstreamer-base-sys

    FFI bindings to libgstbase-1.0

    v0.23.3 110K #gstreamer #multimedia #unsafe-bindings #gnome #ffi #building-block #api-bindings
  195. sentryshot_ffmpeg_h264

    A small rust wrapper around FFmpeg's h264 decoder

    v0.2.1 #ffmpeg #video #ffi #encoding
  196. libffi-sys

    Raw Rust bindings for libffi

    v2.3.0 35K #closures #libffi #ffi #c #closure #call
  197. autocxx-gen

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 2.4K #cpp #interop #ffi #autocxx #header #autogenerated #api-bindings
  198. ryml

    Parse YAML and do it fast: Rapid YAML bindings for Rust

    v0.3.2 320 #yaml-parser #yaml #bindings #safe-bindings #ffi #rapidyaml
  199. swift-bridge-cli

    Parse Rust files for swift-bridge modules and generate the corresponding Swift and C code for them

    v0.1.57 #swift #bindings #ios #ffi #mac
  200. fcplug

    Foreign-Clang-Plugin solution, such as solving rust and go two-way calls

    v0.4.5 1.2K #ffi #cgo #go-rust #rust-go
  201. webrtc-audio-processing

    A wrapper for WebRTC's AudioProcessing module

    v0.4.0 #audio-processing #web-rtc #pulse-audio #ffi #module #echo #audio-stream
  202. gstreamer-sys

    FFI bindings to libgstreamer-1.0

    v0.23.3 122K #gstreamer #multimedia #gnome #ffi #api-bindings #building-block
  203. xcb-rust-connection

    Rust x11 connection interface layer

    v0.2.2 230 #operating-system #bindings #operating #linux #ffi #system
  204. libxlsxwriter-sys

    Rust binding of libxlsxwriter

    v1.1.7 27K #xlsx #excel #bindings #file-writer #ffi
  205. rs_container_ffi

    Wrap Rust Vec, std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet} for C

    v2024.12.3 180 #container #ffi #c #rust
  206. tracker-sys

    FFI bindings to libtracker-3.0

    v0.6.0 380 #tracker #gnome #sparql #gtk #api-bindings #ffi
  207. time-c

    Wrapper for time functions of C standard library

    v1.0.0-alpha.2 310 #time #operating #ffi #bindings #system-time #operating-system #system
  208. gsk4-sys

    FFI bindings of GSK 4

    v0.9.4 56K #gnome #gtk #gsk #api-bindings #ffi
  209. sundials-sys

    Bindings to the SUNDIALS suite of Nonlinear and DAE Solvers

    v0.5.1 450 #ode #math #simulation #ffi #numeric #env-vars #numerics
  210. cstr-argument

    A trait for converting function arguments to null terminated strings

    v0.1.2 44K #null-terminated #string #ffi #arguments #converting #cstr #cargo
  211. mc-sgx-core-build

    Build Helpers for SGX FFI Crates

    v0.11.0 1.3K #intel-sgx #sgx #build #ffi #wrapper #env-vars #compilation
  212. machnet

    FFI bindings for Machnet

    v0.1.9 #dpdk #ffi #networking #distributed-applications
  213. libbtrfsutil


    v0.7.1 #btrfs #ffi #btrfsutil
  214. vtable-rs

    Set of traits and macros to help dealing with C++ virtual method FFI

    v0.1.3 210 #vtable #cpp #ffi #game-hacking #no-alloc #gamehacking
  215. cglue-bindgen

    cleanup cbindgen headers for CGlue

    v0.3.0 #cbindgen #abi #cglue #ffi
  216. rsfbclient-native

    Native(using fbclient) implementation of firebird client lib

    v0.25.1 #firebird #database #fbclient #ffi #database-client
  217. objective-rust

    Seamlessly bind Rust and Objective-C code

    v0.1.1 130 #objective-c #class #macos #ffi #objrs #instance #methods
  218. interoptopus_backend_c

    Generates C bindings

    v0.14.25 470 #bindings-generator #bindings #header #ffi #c #api-bindings #code-generation
  219. pbni-rs

    PBNI for Rust

    v0.1.14 #pbni #powerbuilder #pb #ffi #api-bindings
  220. zmq-sys

    Low-level bindings to the zeromq library

    v0.12.0 54K #zeromq #bindings #ffi #low-level #api #libzmq
  221. conan-build

    Extracts linker flags from conan packages for use in build scripts

    v0.1.4 #build-script #build #conan #ffi #link
  222. vpi_export

    Export Rust function to be used on a verilog module through VPI

    v0.1.7 700 #verilog #fpga #vpi #ffi #no-std
  223. tflitec

    A safe Rust wrapper of TensorFlow Lite C API supporting x86_64 and ARM (iOS, Android)

    v0.6.0 #tensorflow #machine-learning #cross-platform #bindings #ffi
  224. autocxx-parser

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 10K #autogenerated #interop #cpp #header #autocxx #component #ffi
  225. rustishka

    Better Interop between C# and Rust

    v0.1.1 #dotnet #c-sharp #bindings #managed #ffi
  226. bsd-kvm

    BSD Kernel Data Access Library (libkvm) binding

    v0.1.5 160 #data-access #bsd #api-bindings #ffi
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. ic4

    bindings for IC Imaging Control 4 SDK from The Imaging Source. (Safe Part)

    v0.0.2 #camera #ffi #safe-bindings #windows #video
  229. enum-primitive-derive

    enum_primitive implementation using procedural macros to have a custom derive

    v0.3.0 203K #enums #macro-derive #proc-macro #primitive #derive #ffi #fromprimitive
  230. mem-ring

    Across-thread queue based on shared memory

    v0.2.0 #shared-memory #golang #async #ffi #go
  231. openvpn-plugin

    allowing easy creation of OpenVPN plugins in Rust

    v0.4.2 14K #openvpn #vpn #cdylib #api-bindings #plugin #ffi
  232. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000095

    Generated bindings for Linux's userspace API

    v0.6.5 130 #linux #generated-bindings #ffi #uapi #syscalls
  233. c_import

    macro for Rust

    v0.2.4 #bindings #code-generation #proc-macro #ffi
  234. thin_cstr

    An experimental crate which provides a truly thin std::ffi::CStr

    v0.1.1 #c-str #c-strings #cstr #ffi #c-string
  235. gstreamer-pbutils-sys

    FFI bindings to libgstpbutils-1.0

    v0.23.2 10K #gstreamer #multimedia #gnome #ffi #building-block
  236. rusl

    Rust linux interface layer

    v0.3.1 #linux #operating-system #bindings #operating #ffi #os #system
  237. sneak

    *at syscall abstractions

    v0.1.0-rc2 110 #open #ffi #linux #toctou #openat
  238. seasick

    FFI-safe nul-terminated strings with ownership semantics

    v0.1.0 #c-str #transparent #nul #ffi #no-alloc
  239. ocaml-sys

    Low-level OCaml bindings for Rust

    v0.25.0 63K #ocaml #ffi #rust #extension
  240. cuda-rs

    A safe rust wrapper for CUDA Driver/Runtime APIs

    v0.1.9 #cuda #ffi #api #run-time #driver #install #driver-runtime
  241. skynet_api_agent

    API for Skynet agent plugin

    v0.6.0 600 #plugin-api #api #framework #api-bindings #ffi #api-integration
  242. bear-lib-terminal

    BearLibTerminal FFI for Rust

    v2.0.0 250 #tui #ui #ffi #documentation
  243. cxx-qt

    Safe interop between Rust and Qt

    v0.7.0 490 #qt #cpp #qml #data-transfer #build-system #ffi
  244. nimble-ffi

    Nimble FFI

    v0.0.17-dev #networking #game #nimble #ffi #handle
  245. pangocairo-sys

    FFI bindings to PangoCairo

    v0.20.4 27K #gtk #gnome #ffi
  246. interoptopus_reference_project

    A reference project for Interoptopus backends to test interop generation

    v0.14.25 #interop #bindings-generator #reference #interoptopus #ffi #testing #back-end
  247. rust2go-common

    Rust2go common library

    v0.3.12 3.6K #golang #async #ffi #go
  248. gdk4-win32-sys

    FFI bindings of GDK4 Win32

    v0.9.3 1.1K #gtk #gnome #winapi #gdk4 #api-bindings #gdk4-win32 #ffi