
  1. fontdb

    in-memory font database with CSS-like queries

    v0.23.0 315K #font #true-type #css #db #data-query
  2. font-kit

    A cross-platform font loading library

    v0.14.2 202K #font #cross-platform #glyph #loading #interface #matching #outline
  3. ab_glyph_rasterizer

    Coverage rasterization for lines, quadratic & cubic beziers

    v0.1.8 516K #font #font-rendering #true-type #otf #text-rendering #text
  4. skrifa

    Metadata reader and glyph scaler for OpenType fonts

    v0.28.1 134K #font #glyph #opentype #variation #metrics #graphics #metadata
  5. read-fonts

    Reading OpenType font files

    v0.27.2 146K #opentype #table #font #generate-table #graphics #reading #record
  6. pathfinder_simd

    SIMD library

    v0.5.4 226K #vector-graphics #simd #pathfinder #font #gpu #rasterizer #practical
  7. fontdue

    no_std font parser and rasterizer

    v0.9.3 59K #font #true-type #opentype #text-layout #text
  8. swash

    Font introspection, complex text shaping and glyph rendering

    v0.2.0 127K #font-rendering #font #glyph #graphics #shape #text-rendering #text-layout
  9. noto-sans-mono-bitmap

    pre-rasterized characters from the “Noto Sans Mono” font in different sizes and font weights for multiple unicode ranges. This crate is no_std and needs no allocations or floating…

    v0.3.1 18K #bitmap-font #font #unicode-characters #noto-sans-mono #floating-point #bitmap
  10. freetype-sys

    Low level binding for FreeType font library

    v0.23.0 247K #low-level #freetype #font #bundled #static #copy
  11. freetype-rs

    Bindings for FreeType font library

    v0.38.0 27K #font #freetype #glyph
  12. dioxus-free-icons

    Use free svg icons in your Dioxus projects easily with dioxus-free-icons

    v0.9.0 2.9K #svg-icons #dioxus #free #projects #font
  13. write-fonts

    Writing font files

    v0.36.1 2.3K #font #table #opentype #spec #graphics #editing #engineering
  14. font-types

    Scalar types used in fonts

    v0.8.3 138K #font #codec #types #glyph #scalar #opentype #data
  15. egui-phosphor

    Phosphor icons for egui

    v0.9.0 4.1K #icons #egui #phosphor #ui #font #bundles #boilerplate
  16. glyph_brush

    Fast cached text render library using ab_glyph

    v0.7.12 32K #text-rendering #font-rendering #true-type #optimization #text #font
  17. omekasy

    Decorate alphanumeric characters in your input with various font; special characters in Unicode

    v1.3.1 460 #unicode-characters #font #command-line #input #japanese #style #command-line-utilities
  18. fontconfig

    Safe, higher-level wrapper around the Fontconfig library

    v0.9.0 9.9K #font #search #wrapper
  19. cfonts

    Sexy ANSI fonts for the console

    v1.2.0 1.0K #font #console #ansi-colors #background-color #color #ansi #ascii
  20. figlet-rs

    FIGlet to create ascii art

    v0.1.5 6.8K #ascii-art #ascii #figlet #font
  21. norad

    Read and write Unified Font Object files

    v0.15.0 1.4K #font #ufo #graphics #read-write
  22. postscript

    The package provides a parser of PostScript fonts

    v0.18.4 22K #font #typography #typeface
  23. fontfor

    find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or browser

    v0.4.3 750 #font #character #font-file #utilities #cli-utils #parser
  24. allsorts

    Font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter for OpenType, WOFF, and WOFF2

    v0.15.0 3.2K #font #opentype #shaping #parser #true-type #parse #rendering-engine
  25. typst-kit

    Common utilities for Typst tooling

    v0.13.0 3.4K #typst #typesetting #system #markup #compilation #tooling #font
  26. font8x8

    8x8 monochrome bitmap font for rendering

    v0.3.1 9.8K #bitmap-font #font-rendering #unicode-characters #font #monochrome #8-bit #bitmap
  27. opentype

    The package provides a builder and parser of OpenType fonts

    v0.38.1 360 #font #font-file #typography #typeface
  28. truetype

    The package provides a builder and parser of TrueType fonts

    v0.47.8 3.0K #font #typography #typeface #true-type
  29. build_pbf_glyphs

    A CLI utility for generating protobuf-encoded SDF font glyphs from original source fonts

    v1.4.2 #sdf #font #protobuf #distance-field #binary-format #command-line-tool #generate
  30. icondata_fa

    providing SVG and corresponding metadata for "Font Awesome"

    v0.0.10 4.5K #svg-icons #icons #font #awesome #metadata #data #icon-data
  31. font-manager

    manage fonts on linux systems

    v0.0.6 300 #font #linux #nerd #system #linux-terminal #manager #home
  32. bmfont_rs

    Load/ save/ manipulate BMFont files

    v0.3.0 500 #font #xml-format #bitmap-font #json-format #font-rendering #text-format #format-file
  33. rust-fontconfig

    Minimal dependency, pure-Rust alternative to font-loader and servo-fontconfig

    v0.1.13 440 #font #fontconfig #font-file #xml-parser #font-loader #system-fonts #conversion
  34. wcpopup

    Context menu for Windows and Linux

    v0.5.2 240 #menu #context #color #background-color #font #theme #gtk3
  35. typst_font_manager

    A CLI tool to manage fonts for Typst projects

    v0.1.0 #font #typst #font-file #tool #command-line-tool #config-file #cli
  36. bevy_image_font

    Render pixel fonts from PNGs in Bevy

    v0.8.0 270 #font #bevy #text-image #pixel #gamedev #sprite #png
  37. font

    The package provides a builder and parser of fonts

    v0.40.0 100 #typography #typeface #opentype #font-file #woff
  38. fontu

    Bitmap font converter

    v0.2.0 220 #bitmap-font #font #conversion #format-conversion #convert #command-line-tool #bitmap
  39. fontkit

    font loading and indexing

    v0.6.0-beta.9 100 #font #font-rendering #nodejs #loading #indexing #string #text-rendering
  40. yeslogic-fontconfig-sys

    Raw bindings to Fontconfig without a vendored C library

    v6.0.0 136K #font #fontconfig #bindings #sys #freedesktop
  41. fea-rs

    Tools for working with Adobe OpenType Feature files

    v0.19.0 #font #opentype #table #features #parser #adobe #compilation
  42. wgpu_glyph

    A fast text renderer for wgpu, powered by glyph_brush

    v0.23.0 11K #wgpu #true-type #cross-platform-gui #text #font #2d-game
  43. pbf_font_tools

    Tools for working with SDF font glyphs encoded in protobuf format

    v2.5.1 800 #font-rendering #sdf #font #protobuf
  44. jaaj-rs

    Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 and memory safe ✨ JaaJ implementation in Rust 🦀

    v0.1.0 120 #blazingly #memory-safe #font #jaa-j #jaaj #🦀 #🚀
  45. font-test-data

    Test data for the fontations crates

    v0.3.1 200 #font #fontations #shared
  46. typeface

    The package provides a foundation for building and parsing fonts

    v0.4.3 2.8K #font #typography #true-type #opentype #postscript #parser #building
  47. nls-ls

    ls(1) implementation

    v0.6.0 550 #command-line #ls #icons #cross-platform #gitignore #font #nerd
  48. glyph_brush_draw_cache

    Texture draw cache for ab_glyph

    v0.1.6 16K #font-rendering #true-type #gfx #text-rendering #font #text
  49. iced_fonts

    Include fonts via feature flags in your Iced project!

    v0.2.0 4.8K #font #iced #gui
  50. harfbuzz

    Rust bindings to the HarfBuzz text shaping engine

    v0.6.0 850 #font #unicode #shaping #unicode-text #opentype #higher-level #text
  51. martin

    Blazing fast and lightweight tile server with PostGIS, MBTiles, and PMTiles support

    v0.14.2 110 #tile #postgis #mbtiles #maps #pmtiles #font
  52. pixglyph

    Font-rendering with subpixel positioning

    v0.6.0 4.9K #font-rendering #font #text-rendering #rendering #bitmap-font #data-structures
  53. u8g2-fonts

    A text renderer for embedded-graphics, based on U8g2

    v0.6.0 650 #embedded-graphics #embedded #font #u8g2 #renderer #ecosystem #subsystem
  54. allegro_examples

    Allegro 5 wrapper examples

    v0.0.48 130 #allegro #example #programming #font #bindings #allegro-font
  55. allegro_memfile-sys

    Allegro 5 memfile addon Rust binding

    v0.0.48 120 #allegro #binding #memfile #add-on #allegro-memfile #font #rust-allegro
  56. sdf_glyph_renderer

    Tools for generating SDF font glyphs from bitmap images

    v1.0.1 550 #sdf #distance-field #font #glyph #graphics #glyphs
  57. runi

    a CLI tool to generate unicode fonts

    v0.1.4 #font #unicode #generator #command-line-tool #unicode-text #generate-completions #cli
  58. google-fonts-sources

    finding source repositories of Google Fonts fonts

    v0.7.0 1.0K #font #source #repository #google #file-source #yaml #find
  59. tfon

    Bitmap font parsing / conversion

    v0.2.0 #bitmap-font #font #parser #conversion #format #bitmap #ifnt
  60. crossfont

    Cross platform native font loading and rasterization

    v0.8.0 22K #font #cross-platform #glyph #loading #rasterization #native #engine
  61. pino-rs

    pretty minimal notification app for Unix (x11 only)

    v0.1.2 #notifications #font #pino #title #screen #delay #unix
  62. adobe-cmap-parser

    parse Adobe CMap files

    v0.4.1 22K #pdf #font #postscript #cmap
  63. uutils_term_grid

    formatting strings into a grid layout. Fork of term_grid.

    v0.6.0 26K #string-formatting #grid #layout #font #fixed-width #data #textual
  64. tectonic

    A modernized, complete, embeddable TeX/LaTeX engine. Tectonic is forked from the XeTeX extension to the classic “Web2C” implementation of TeX and uses the TeXLive distribution of support files.

    v0.15.0 800 #typesetting #latex #tex #font
  65. woff

    The package provides a converter for Web Open Font Format

    v0.6.1 140 #font #true-type #opentype #woff2
  66. harfbuzz-sys

    Rust bindings to the HarfBuzz text shaping engine

    v0.6.1 22K #unicode #font #unicode-text #shaping #opentype #api-bindings
  67. pino-rs-wl

    pretty minimal notification app for Unix (wayland only)

    v0.1.1 #notifications #font #pino #title #screen #delay #unix
  68. ansi2

    v0.2.11 800 #ansi #svg #convert-html #format #parser #string #font
  69. mkwebfont_hb-subset

    A wrapper for HarfBuzz font subsetting API

    v0.5.0 #font #font-file #harfbuzz #subsetting #api-bindings
  70. font-loader

    A font loading utility written in and for Rust

    v0.11.0 3.6K #font #loading #loader #fontconfig #wingdi
  71. allegro_audio

    Allegro 5 audio addon Rust wrapper

    v0.0.48 170 #allegro #audio #add-on #bindings #font #programming #allegro-font
  72. ug_max

    Down-top left-right defined font. Seemly design for 5x5 display.

    v4.0.4 900 #font #micro-bit #microbit #led-display #embedded #5x5 #no-alloc
  73. versatiles_glyphs

    generating SDF glyphs from fonts

    v0.2.1 #sdf #glyph #font #generate #versatiles #distance #scale
  74. glow_glyph

    A fast text renderer for glow, powered by glyph_brush

    v0.7.0 3.1K #glow #true-type #font #text
  75. webtype

    The package provides a parser for fonts in Web Open Font Format

    v0.17.0 110 #font #typography #woff #typeface #woff2
  76. fontique

    Font enumeration and fallback

    v0.3.0 600 #font #fallback #enumeration #text
  77. woff2-patched

    WOFF2 decompression library, forked with some fixes

    v0.4.0 #font #woff2 #parse
  78. sudoku_machine

    A Sudoku game built with Bevy

    v0.1.8 500 #sudoku #built #machine #font #classic #puzzle #icons
  79. cn-font-split

    划时代的字体切割工具,CJK与任何字符!支持 otf、ttf、woff2 字体多线程切割,完美地细颗粒度地进行包大小控制。A revolutionary font subetter that supports CJK and any characters…

    v7.4.0 150 #font #otf #true-type #subset #cjk #size #allowing
  80. nerd_font

    Enumerated contents of the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font

    v0.2.8 490 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text #macros
  81. mkwebfont

    turning .ttf/.otf files into webfonts

    v0.2.0-alpha7 #font #true-type #webfonts #self-hosting #otf #split #turning
  82. font-map

    Macros and utilities for parsing font files

    v0.2.8 800 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #macros #text
  83. sleipnir

    Memory safe font operations for Google Fonts

    v0.2.2 #memory-safe #font #google #operations #graphics #process #cargo
  84. reflexo-typst

    Bridge Typst to Web Rendering, with power of typst

    v0.5.5-rc7 850 #typst #browser #world #web #document #font #rendering
  85. dafont

    Minimal dependency, pure-Rust alternative to font-loader and servo-fontconfig

    v0.1.1 #font #fontconfig #font-loader #system-fonts
  86. allegro_font

    Allegro 5 font addon Rust wrapper

    v0.0.48 230 #font #graphics #add-on #text #image-processing
  87. cff-parser

    A parser for the Compact Font Format (CFF)

    v0.1.0 #font #adobe #cff
  88. krilla

    A high-level crate for creating PDF files

    v0.3.0 170 #pdf #pdf-file #svg #font #2d-graphics #glyph #document
  89. findfont

    find font by file name

    v0.1.1 #font #find #name #path #filename #font-file #directory
  90. silicon

    Create beautiful image of your code

    v0.5.2 150 #image #source #carbon #snippets #line #font #presentation
  91. pdfcr

    render a codebase to a pdf

    v1.3.0 190 #pdf #render #codebase #file #title #binary-file #font
  92. glyph-names

    Mapping of characters to glyph names according to the Adobe Glyph List Specification

    v0.2.0 4.9K #glyph #font #name #character
  93. tradedoc

    generating PDFs like invoices, receipts, packing slips, etc

    v0.1.0 #invoice #pdf #generate #packing #receipt #slips #font
  94. ibm437

    font for uses with the embedded-graphics crate

    v0.3.3 #font #monochrome #bitmap-font #monospace #bitmap
  95. allegro_ttf

    Allegro 5 ttf addon Rust wrapper

    v0.0.48 170 #font #true-type #graphics #add-on #text
  96. term_grid

    formatting strings into a grid layout

    v0.2.0 6.8K #fixed-width #grid #string-formatting #layout #font #format-string #direction
  97. swamp-font

    Font asset loading

    v0.0.16-alpha.2 #font #asset #loading
  98. pak

    data pak format for games

    v0.6.0 #assets #gamedev #file-format #game-assets #configuration #font #toml
  99. fontship

    A font development toolkit and collaborative work flow

    v0.10.0 #font #collaborative #workflow #version-control #toolkit #collaboration #glyph
  100. nipdf-cff-parser

    that parses CFF files, part of nipdf library

    v0.1.1 #cff #font #parser #file #data #types #part
  101. unifont

    monochrome Unicode bitmap font. Halfwidth glyphs are 8x16, fullwidth are 16x16 pixels.

    v1.1.0+data-15.1.05 #bitmap-font #font #unicode #monochrome #bitmap #binary-data #pixel
  102. si-img

    lightweight Rust library to generate Social Media Preview Images

    v0.5.0 100 #image #social #text-image #preview #share #font #si
  103. egui_nerdfonts

    Nerdfonts icons for egui

    v0.1.3 #icons #egui #font #symbols #nerdfonts
  104. pinot

    Fast, high-fidelity OpenType parser

    v0.1.5 2.8K #font #opentype #parse #graphics #parser
  105. pdfrust

    PDF parser

    v0.5.3 #pdf #parser #font #page #content #stream #character
  106. image-to-ascii

    Converts images and gifs to ascii art

    v0.6.0 #ascii-art #convert-images #image #gif #font #character
  107. egui_zhcn_fonts

    load system zhcn fonts automatically for egui

    v0.1.1 #font #egui #chinese
  108. gfx_glyph

    Fast GPU cached text rendering using gfx-rs & ab_glyph

    v0.17.1 3.7K #text-rendering #gfx #true-type #font-rendering #text #font
  109. multi-mono-font

    Multi mono font mixed typesetting for embedded-graphics

    v0.3.2 #embedded-graphics #font #embedded #mono-font
  110. bevy_rich_text3d

    Mesh based raster rich text implementation for bevy

    v0.1.0 #font #bevy #rich-text #text
  111. pdf-min

    Very minimal crate for writing PDFs

    v0.1.12 120 #pdf #html #conversion #font #min #tags #parser
  112. glifparser

    A parser and writer for UFO .glif files

    v2.0.1 100 #parser-writer #font #parser #glif #ufo-format #parsing
  113. fonterator

    Load fonts as vector graphics in pure Rust with advanced text layout

    v0.9.0 #font #font-rendering #true-type #opentype #otf #text-rendering
  114. google-fonts

    Download and cache TTF fonts from Google

    v0.1.5 #font #google #google-api
  115. bdf2

    BDF format handling

    v0.7.1 #font #bdf #format #read-write #glyph
  116. google-fonts-axisregistry

    Google Fonts font axis support data

    v0.4.12 #font #axis #registry #google #data #variables #python
  117. spf

    .spf (Simple Pixel Font) file parsing, and useful api's to go alongside

    v0.3.0 #font #font-file #parser #go #characters #create #pixel
  118. profont

    monospace font for use with the embedded-graphics crate

    v0.7.0 850 #font #bitmap-font #monospace #monochrome #bitmap
  119. xfont

    font query

    v0.2.0 110 #font #query #font-file #system #fallback #android #fontconfig
  120. bitmap-font

    Bitmap fonts for the embedded-graphics crate that don't require generics

    v0.3.0 #embedded-graphics #font #graphics #embedded #bitmap
  121. typst-ts-compiler

    Compile Typst documents

    v0.5.0-rc6 #typst #server-side-rendering #document #font #compiler #browser #compilation
  122. google-fonts-languages

    Google Fonts script and language support data

    v0.7.3 700 #font #language #script #google #data #scripting-language #python
  123. bigstr

    A command-line tool to make string BIG

    v0.1.1 #command-line-tool #string #font #big #background #offset #
  124. unicode-language

    detect language coverage given a list of codepoints

    v2.0.3 230 #language-detection #language #unicode #font #code-point #coverage #scripting-language
  125. font-info

    Print font information and metrics

    v0.1.0 #font #true-type #opentype #glyph #font-file #parser
  126. ufofmt

    A fast, flexible UFO source file formatter based on the Norad library

    v0.7.1 #source-file #font #formatter #ufo #normalizer #graphics #file-format
  127. font_7seg


    v0.0.5 150 #embedded-graphics #font #graphics #embedded
  128. nipdf

    A PDF library written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #pdf #color-space #font
  129. nerd-font-symbols

    Nerd Fonts Symbols

    v0.3.0 #font #symbols #nerd #definition
  130. eg-seven-segment

    Seven-segment displays for embedded-graphics

    v0.2.0 120 #embedded-graphics #graphics #font #pixel #text
  131. servo/pathfinder_swf

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #gpu #pathfinder #vector-graphics #font #practical #rasterizer #path
  132. notoize

    that tells you what Noto font stack you need

    v2.14.0 #font #stack #noto #tells
  133. mttf

    working with TrueType fonts. Most parts are zero-allocation.

    v0.1.7 190 #font #zero-allocation #true-type #parts
  134. cn-font-utils

    utils of cn-font-split

    v0.2.0 #font #cn-font-split #true-type #otf #cjk #multi-threading #nodejs
  135. libfonthelper

    Reads fonts in passed directories and return objects of fonts for Figma Font Helper

    v0.3.9 180 #font #figma #system
  136. font-awesome-as-a-crate

    Font Awesome Free, packaged as a crate

    v0.3.0 #font #awesome #free #svg #inc #packaged #fonticons
  137. gerb

    Font editor for UFO 3 fonts

    v0.0.1-alpha+2023-04-27 #font #editor #typography #ufo #graphics
  138. google-fonts-subsets

    Google Fonts subset definitions

    v0.202411.21 #font #subset #definition #google #range #unicode #css
  139. figleter

    FIGlet to create ascii art. With kerning.

    v0.2.2 #ascii-art #kerning #ascii #figlet #font #fi-glet #generate
  140. google_material_symbols

    Google Material Design Icon Font

    v0.2.8 800 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text #macros #material-design
  141. cn-font-proto

    proto of cn-font-split

    v0.1.2 180 #font #true-type #subset #proto #cn-font-split #cjk #otf
  142. tauri-plugin-android-fix-font-size

    Android file system API for Tauri

    v1.0.0 #tauri-plugin #size #tauri #font #plugin #android
  143. bmfont

    bitmap font config parser

    v0.3.3 #bitmap-font #font #config-parser #deserialize #bitmap #parse-error #characters
  144. freetypegl

    Rust build helpers and bindings for freetype-gl

    v0.4.0 #font #font-rendering #freetype #bindings #helper
  145. glifnames

    Mapping of characters to glyph names according to the Adobe Glyph List Specification

    v0.2.0 #glyph #font #name #ufo #glif
  146. bevy_text_mesh

    A bevy 3D text mesh generator for displaying text

    v0.9.0 #bevy #mesh #font #3d #glyph #bevy-plugin #tessellation
  147. critters-rs

    Quickly inline your website's critical CSS

    v1.1.0 #css #html-css #critical #performance #inline #css-parser #font
  148. allegro_font-sys

    Allegro 5 font addon Rust binding

    v0.0.48 200 #font #graphics #add-on #text
  149. font-catcher

    A command-line utility and a high-level library for user and system font management

    v2.1.1 #font #download #awesome #command-line-tool #font-management
  150. salvation-cosmic-text

    Pure Rust multi-line text handling

    v0.12.0 #font #font-rendering #shaping #layout #pure #multi-line #fallback
  151. lucide-rs

    Provide lucide icon for rust

    v0.1.0 #lucide #icons #point #data #font
  152. harfbuzz-traits

    Rust Traits for the HarfBuzz text shaping engine

    v0.6.0 26K #unicode #font #shaping #opentype #unicode-text #text
  153. founder

    The package provides a font toolbox

    v0.11.0 #font #typography #toolbox #character #path #vectorization #rasterize
  154. allegro_ttf-sys

    Allegro 5 ttf addon Rust binding

    v0.0.48 220 #true-type #font #graphics #add-on #text
  155. omage

    omage is a Rust library for image processing. It provides functionality for handling images, drawing basic shapes, and configuring image properties.

    v0.3.11 #image-processing #drawing #shapes #font #configuring #text-image #properties
  156. fleck

    A uf2 font parser

    v0.2.0 #font #bitmap-font #graphics #uxn
  157. cff

    A zero-allocation CFF parser

    v0.5.0 #font #zero-allocation #font-file #parser #memory #glyph #table
  158. ttf-noto-sans

    Noto Sans TrueType fonts for embedding into your application binary

    v0.1.2 #font #true-type #noto #sans
  159. ttf-inter

    Inter font as cargo crate for direct use from code

    v0.1.0 #font #inter #typeface #design #opentype #readability #direct
  160. vl-convert-pdf

    convert SVG to PDF with embedded text

    v1.4.0 950 #svg #pdf #convert #embedding #image #font #svg2pdf
  161. embedded-vintage-fonts

    Vintage fonts from embedded-graphics 0.6 back release 0.7

    v0.2.0 #font #bitmap-font #monochrome #monospace #bitmap
  162. text2art

    translate text to ascii art

    v1.0.2 #ascii-art #font #user #string #cli
  163. servo/pathfinder_lottie

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #vector-graphics #gpu #font #font-rendering #pathfinder #rasterizer #practical
  164. bdf-reader

    BDF font format reader

    v0.1.2 #bitmap-font #font #font-file #bdf #file-format #bitmap #file-reader
  165. pdf-create

    low-level, strongly-typed PDF creation library

    v0.1.1 #pdf #low-level #creation #strongly-typed #font #page #document
  166. text-to-png

    way to render text to a png image with basic options

    v0.2.0 750 #png #font-rendering #text-image #text-rendering #font #svg #rendering
  167. smufl

    Parse SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout) metadata

    v0.2.1 #music-notation #font #music #metadata #glyph #json-parser #bounding-box
  168. luminance-glyph

    A fast text renderer for luminance, powered by glyph_brush

    v0.5.0 #luminance #true-type #text #font
  169. pane

    Align text inside of resizable rectangular panes

    v0.4.0 #text-rendering #align #font #render #word #alignment #text
  170. bbox-asset-server

    Serving static and templated files

    v0.6.1 #assets #serving #static #tile #bbox #font #template
  171. ft2

    Bonds for FreeType font library

    v0.2.1 #freetype #font #glyph
  172. fontconfig-cache-parser

    A parser for fontconfig's cache format

    v0.2.0 1.7K #font #fontconfig #cache #font-file #metadata #information #list
  173. finder

    Recursive find files in folders with filtering

    v0.1.6 #recursion #file-search #font #iterator #recursive
  174. servo/pathfinder_c

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #pathfinder #font #gpu #vector-graphics #path #practical #rasterizer
  175. floem-cosmic-text

    Unofficial cosmic-text fork for Floem

    v0.7.2 #font #floem #layout #line #multi-line #cosmic-text #glyph
  176. pdf_encoding

    Font related encodings

    v0.4.0 370 #font #encoding #apl-aglfn #mac-roman #adobe #systems
  177. font-reader

    Reads fonts in passed directories and return objects of fonts for Figma Font Helper

    v0.1.10 #font #system #figma #helper #read #directories #objects
  178. fontconfig-rs

    Safe, higher-level wrapper around the fontconfig library

    v0.1.1 290 #fontconfig #font #wrapper #search
  179. bdf

    BDF format handling

    v0.6.0 #font #glyph #format
  180. bdf2surface

    convert bdf font to sdl2 surface

    v0.0.2 #font #sdl2 #surface #bdf #convert #color #converter
  181. fontup

    A cross-platform command line application that makes installing and uninstalling fonts a blast!

    v0.1.2 #font #cross-platform #command-line #command-line-utilities #applications #install #typography
  182. alaconfig

    Alacritty Configurator

    v0.1.0 #alacritty #command-line #config-file #config #set #font #parameters
  183. easytext

    A dead simple, easy-to-use and basic text rendering library for wgpu

    v0.0.3 #text-rendering #wgpu #graphics #gamedev #font-rendering #font #graphics-api
  184. servo-freetype-sys

    FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts

    v4.0.5 6.2K #freetype #font #render #freely
  185. bitmap_type_tracer

    bitmap_type_trace is a utility tool to generate images from font bitmaps with customizable configurations

    v1.1.0 #bitmap-font #image-generation #font #demoscene #bitmap #typography
  186. servo/svg-to-skia

    A fast, practical GPU rasterizer for fonts and vector graphics

    GitHub 0.1.0 #gpu #vector-graphics #font #svg #practical #rasterizer #performance
  187. hb-subset

    A wrapper for HarfBuzz font subsetting API

    v0.3.0 #font #font-file #harfbuzz #subsetting #api-bindings
  188. servo-fontconfig-sys

    Font configuration and customization library

    v5.1.0 114K #font #fontconfig #configuration #customization #freetype #null #binding
  189. font-rs

    A font renderer written (mostly) in pure, safe Rust

    v0.1.3 #true-type #font #data-points
  190. sfl_parser

    Lightweight and easy-to-use bitmap font (.sfl) parser

    v1.3.1 160 #font #bitmap-font #parser #sfl #bmfont #bitmap
  191. libharu

    Rust binding for libharu(http://libharu.org/) PDF library

    v0.1.5 #page #pdf #document #org #binding #haru #font
  192. li_wgpu_glyph

    A fast text renderer for wgpu, powered by glyph_brush

    v0.22.0 #true-type #wgpu #font #text #2d-game #cross-platform-gui
  193. allsorts_no_std

    Font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter for OpenType, WOFF, and WOFF2

    v0.5.2 150 #font #shaping #opentype #true-type #parse #parser #truetype
  194. vulkano_text

    Render text with the DejaVu font using the Vulkano library

    v0.15.0 140 #vulkano #text-rendering #font-rendering #font #text
  195. yeslogic-fontconfig

    RENAMED: use the fontconfig crate instead

    v0.1.1 #fontconfig #font #search #wrapper
  196. psf-rs

    A super simple no_std psf2 parser for rust

    v2.2.0 #font #bitmap-font #tty #psf2 #psf #bitmap
  197. fontsdf

    fontdue extension to generate sdf:s directly

    v0.5.1 100 #sdf #true-type #font #opentype #distance-field
  198. sdl2-unifont

    Embedded GNU Unifont for Rust SDL programs, for simple font rendering tasks

    v1.0.2 #font #sdl #font-rendering #unicode #unifont #text #font-file
  199. fontpm

    A package-manager like tool to install fonts

    v0.2.0 #font #package-manager #command-line #install #command-line-tool #google-fonts
  200. plotters-font-loader

    A font loading utility written in and for rust. (Forked from MSleepyPanda/rust-font-loader)

    v0.8.2 #font #loading #fontconfig #loader #wingdi
  201. zaplib_vector

    The vector library for Zaplib

    v0.0.3 #vector #zaplib #early-stage #font #experimental #details #repository
  202. rusttype

    pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType. RustType provides an API for loading, querying and rasterising TrueType fonts. It also provides an implementation of a dynamic GPU…

    v0.9.3 196K #true-type #opentype #font-rendering #otf #font #text-rendering
  203. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  204. woff2

    decompression library

    v0.3.0 150 #font #parse #decompression #opentype #true-type #decode
  205. pathfinder_renderer

    A GPU-accelerated vector graphics and font renderer

    v0.5.0 190 #vector-graphics #gpu-accelerated #pathfinder #renderer #font #cpu
  206. ttf_word_wrap

    Wraps text based on character width

    v0.5.0 #wrap #word #font #wordwrap
  207. vdtfont

    converting glyphs into triangulations

    v0.3.2 #delaunay-triangulation #glyph #triangulation #voronoi-diagram #delaunay #voronoi #font
  208. unicode_font

    Convert unicode characters between fonts

    v0.1.1 #unicode-characters #unicode #font #subscript #convert #variant #superscript
  209. deno_sdl2

    SDL2 Bindings to Deno

    v0.3.1 #deno #sdl2 #bindings #font #canvas #rodio #mixer
  210. minifb_fonts

    Addon for the minifb crate that enables drawing text using bitmap fonts

    v0.1.3 #bitmap-font #font #minifb #graphics #gamedev #add-on #bitmap
  211. psf2

    Minimal, unopinionated PSF2 bitmap font parser

    v0.4.0 #font #bitmap-font #psf #graphics #text
  212. font-awesome

    A typed manifest of constants of Font Awesome unicode code points

    v0.2.0 #unicode #dont #font #awesome #name #magic #engine
  213. textwidth

    Get the width of a piece of text for a font through xlib

    v2.1.0 #width #xlib #context #font #multi-threading #call #query
  214. nerd_fonts

    Nerd Fonts in rust

    v0.1.9 #font #nerd #github
  215. fc-info

    A CLI tool for analyzing TTF and OTF font files

    v0.1.0 #font #font-file #true-type #otf #analyzing #glyph #width
  216. three-d-text-builder

    Glyph atlas based text rendering for the three-d crate

    v0.7.0 #text-rendering #font-rendering #font #3d #mesh-generation #gamedev #three-d
  217. pdf_parser

    PDF parser

    v0.1.0 #font #pdf #postscript #interpreter #input
  218. vngine

    A player and engine for visual novels

    v0.1.0 #player #visual #engine #color #net #novels #font
  219. handwriting-scan-tool

    Scan a page of handwriting and extract the letters as individual images. I use this tool when creating fonts based on handwriting.

    v0.1.0 #scan #image #image-processing #font #processing #handwriting
  220. typoscale

    1, 1 1⁄10, 1 3⁄10, 1 ½, 1 7⁄10, 2, 2 ⅕, 2 ⅗, 3, 3 ⅖, 4, 4 ½, 5 ⅕, 6, 6 9⁄10, 8, 9 1⁄10, 10 ½, 12 1⁄10, 13 9⁄10, 16, 18 3⁄10…

    v0.2.1 #font #typography #font-editor #mfek
  221. font-map-core

    Core font-parsing capabilities for font-map

    v0.2.8 470 #font #svg #macro #api-bindings #text
  222. artery-font

    A pure rust parser for artery font files

    v1.0.1 #font #font-file #atlas #pure #artery #parser #format
  223. fit_text

    Fit text inside a rectangle

    v0.3.3 #font #word #render #align #text
  224. kas-theme

    KAS GUI / theme support

    v0.12.0 #themes #gui #kas #font #draw #color #color-scheme
  225. embedded-picofont

    The PICO-8 font to use with embedded-graphics

    v0.2.1 #embedded-graphics #font #graphics #monospace #pico-8 #embedded
  226. dkb-rs

    old bitmap font renderer which supports Latin, Korean and Japanese. Implemented in Rust

    v0.0.1-alpha.2 #font #dokkaebi #fontx #fnt #bitmap-font
  227. swc-css-fonts-dl

    Download remote fonts referenced in stylesheets

    v0.0.3 #font #css #swc #download #style-sheet #remote #user-agent
  228. microbit-text

    Scrolling text on a 5×5 (micro:bit) display

    v1.0.0 #micro-bit #microbit #scroll #display #font #nothing #5×5
  229. embedded-mogeefont

    Pixel font for embedded-graphics

    v0.1.0 #embedded-graphics #font #embedded #graphics #text #no-std
  230. fontfinder

    Font Finder Library

    v1.5.0 #font #finder #archive #install #google #applications #gtk3
  231. kicad_newstroke_font

    KiCAD v6 Newstroke Font (raw data)

    v0.1.0+6.0.0 #font #ki-cad #raw #data #v6 #newstroke
  232. fribidi

    bindings for Rust

    v0.1.2 #arabic #rtl #font #api-bindings #text
  233. mdbook_katex_css_download

    Executable to download static CSS and fonts for mdbook-katex

    v0.2.2 #font #mdbook #css #download #executable #static #katex
  234. font-enumeration

    cross-platform font enumeration

    v0.9.0 #font #true-type #opentype #truetype
  235. sfnt

    A zero-allocation SFNT parser

    v0.12.0 #zero-allocation #parser #tags #font #record #table #file
  236. bmfont_parser

    Lightweight and easy-to-use bitmap font parser (.sfl and .fnt files)

    v0.2.0 #font #bitmap-font #parser #sfl #bmfont #bitmap