
  1. font-kit

    A cross-platform font loading library

    v0.14.2 76K #font #cross-platform #glyph #loading #interface #matching #outline
  2. skrifa

    Metadata reader and glyph scaler for OpenType fonts

    v0.26.1 92K #font #glyph #opentype #variation #metrics #graphics #metadata
  3. swash

    Font introspection, complex text shaping and glyph rendering

    v0.1.19 84K #font-rendering #font #glyph #graphics #shape #text-rendering #text-layout
  4. font-types

    Scalar types used in fonts

    v0.8.2 99K #font #codec #types #glyph #scalar #opentype #data
  5. glyph_brush_layout

    Text layout for ab_glyph

    v0.2.4 43K #font-rendering #text-layout #layout #glyph #text-rendering #unicode #line
  6. freetype-rs

    Bindings for FreeType font library

    v0.37.0 17K #font #freetype #glyph
  7. glyphon

    Fast, simple 2D text rendering for wgpu

    v0.7.0 10K #text-rendering #wgpu #glyph #texture-atlas #graphics #2d #render
  8. crossfont

    Cross platform native font loading and rasterization

    v0.8.0 17K #font #cross-platform #glyph #loading #rasterization #native #engine
  9. devicons

    that provides filetype glyphs (icons) for a wide range of common file formats

    v0.6.11 1.2K #filetype #icons #glyph #file-format #nerd-fonts #rust #glyphs
  10. bevy_text

    text functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 52K #text-rendering #font-rendering #bevy #glyph #game-engine #character #data-driven
  11. sdf_glyph_renderer

    Tools for generating SDF font glyphs from bitmap images

    v1.0.1 600 #sdf #distance-field #font #glyph #graphics #glyphs
  12. fontship

    A font development toolkit and collaborative work flow

    v0.10.0 #font #collaborative #workflow #version-control #toolkit #collaboration #glyph
  13. line-straddler

    Determine how lines through text (underlines, strikethroughs, etc) should be rendered

    v0.2.3 #glyph #line #determine #go #text #how #generates
  14. krilla

    A high-level crate for creating PDF files

    v0.3.0 #pdf #pdf-file #svg #font #2d-graphics #glyph #document
  15. font-info

    Print font information and metrics

    v0.1.0 #font #true-type #opentype #glyph #font-file #parser
  16. glyph-names

    Mapping of characters to glyph names according to the Adobe Glyph List Specification

    v0.2.0 3.8K #glyph #font #name #character
  17. bdf2

    BDF format handling

    v0.7.1 #font #bdf #format #read-write #glyph
  18. emoji

    Every emoji, their metadata, and localized annotations

    v0.2.1 360 #annotations #variant #language #unicode #metadata #glyph #localization
  19. glyphrs

    A text art generator written in Rust

    v0.2.2 300 #art #glyph #generator #terminal #tool #generate #text
  20. notan_glyph

    glyph's support for Notan

    v0.12.1 500 #notan #glyph #renderer #gamedev #2d-game #multimedia #glyph-brush
  21. bevy_text_mesh

    A bevy 3D text mesh generator for displaying text

    v0.9.0 #bevy #mesh #font #3d #glyph #bevy-plugin #tessellation
  22. glifnames

    Mapping of characters to glyph names according to the Adobe Glyph List Specification

    v0.2.0 #glyph #font #name #ufo #glif
  23. uniwhat

    Display the unicode characters text

    v0.2.0 #unicode-characters #unicode #latin #unicode-text #letter #character #glyph
  24. zng-wr-glyph-rasterizer

    A glyph rasterizer for WebRender

    v0.3.0 800 #webrender #glyph #rasterizer #zng #web #servo-webrender
  25. mcsdf-font-tech-demo

    Multi-channel signed distance fields font tech demo

    v1.0.1 #font-rendering #distance-field #text-rendering #rasterization #glyph #demo #texture
  26. cff

    A zero-allocation CFF parser

    v0.5.0 #font #zero-allocation #font-file #parser #memory #glyph #table
  27. floem-cosmic-text

    Unofficial cosmic-text fork for Floem

    v0.7.2 100 #font #floem #layout #line #multi-line #cosmic-text #glyph
  28. directwrite

    A safe abstraction for interacting with DirectWrite, intended initially to be used with direct2d for easy text rendering

    v0.3.0-alpha4 300 #text-rendering #font-rendering #glyph #abstraction #bindings #intended #direct2d
  29. smufl

    Parse SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout) metadata

    v0.2.1 #music-notation #font #music #metadata #glyph #json-parser #bounding-box
  30. ft2

    Bonds for FreeType font library

    v0.2.1 #font #freetype #glyph
  31. wgpu-font-renderer

    GPU-Centered Font Rendering crate

    v0.1.0 #font-rendering #true-type #glyph #outline #cache #distance #render
  32. glyphana

    Quickly find, inspect & collect unicode glyps

    v0.1.4 #unicode-characters #character #glyph #search #typography #viewer #discover
  33. bdf

    BDF format handling

    v0.6.0 #font #glyph #format
  34. rbop

    Rust framework for writing mathematical expression editors

    v0.2.0 #editor #math #node-tree #expression #glyph #framework #draw
  35. fc-info

    A CLI tool for analyzing TTF and OTF font files

    v0.1.0 #font #font-file #true-type #otf #analyzing #glyph #width
  36. vdtfont

    converting glyphs into triangulations

    v0.3.2 #delaunay-triangulation #glyph #triangulation #voronoi-diagram #delaunay #voronoi #font
  37. avenger-glyphon

    Fast, simple 2D text rendering for wgpu

    v0.3.0 #text-rendering #wgpu #render #glyph #2d #texture-atlas #rotation
  38. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  39. webgl2-glyph

    WebGL2 text renderer, based on glyph_brush and ab_glyph (CPU rasterized glyph atlas)

    v0.1.3 #webgl #webgl2 #renderer #glyph #glyph-brush #text #atlas
  40. macroquad-text

    way to draw text in macroquad with support of using glyphs from multiple fonts in a single draw_text call, also known as fallback fonts

    v0.2.0 #font #macroquad #fallback #draw #glyph #multiple #graphics
  41. glyphspack

    Convert between .glyphs and .glyphspackage files

    v2.0.0 #glyph #convert #file-format #glyphspackage #format-file #font #editor
  42. fontloader

    Cross platform native font loader

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #font #cross-platform #native #loader #freetype #glyph #loading
  43. mface

    shape,tessellate,rasterize glyphs in font

    v0.2.0 #shape #font #glyph #rasterize #tessellate
  44. moscato

    Outline scaler for OpenType glyphs

    v0.1.2 #glyph #opentype #true-type #loader #scaler #graphics #truetype
  45. font-glyph

    draw font glyph outline for Rust with plotters

    v0.3.1 #font #glyph #bezier #plotters #interpolation
  46. glyph-bbox

    Data structures for managing glyph bbox datasets and support for calculating string bbox's

    v0.1.0 #bounding-box #bbox #glyph
  47. text-svg

    Render text or glyphs in a font to an SVG path

    v0.1.2 #svg #path #font #text #glyph #render
  48. elefont

    that handles caching rendered glyphs on the GPU

    v0.1.3 190 #font #glyph #font-rendering #gpu #font-cache #rendered #handle
  49. blurry

    SDF font asset generation

    v0.2.0 #sdf #glyph #generation #asset #distance #generate #image
  50. glyph_packer

    packing glyphs into a texture

    v0.0.2 #glyph #texture #packer #piston
  51. bezier-interpolation

    bezier interpolation for Rust

    v0.3.0 #bezier #interpolation #glyph #font #plotters
  52. text-svg-plus

    Render text or glyphs in a font to an SVG path

    v0.1.3 #svg #path #font #glyph #text #render
  53. glyph-bbox-render

    glyph bbox dataset and bbox rendering

    v0.1.0 #bounding-box #glyph #bbox #rendering
  54. glyphs-reader

    Parsing .glyphs source files

    v0.0.1 #glyph #font #github #plist #graphics #hash #part
  55. glyphs2fontir

    Converts www.glyphsapp.com files to font ir for compilation

    v0.0.1 #convert #glyph #ir #font #compilation #com #graphics
  56. ndless-freetype

    Bindings for FreeType font library for Ndless

    v0.1.3 #font #freetype #glyph
  57. fonttools_cli

    Command line utilities for manipulating OpenType files

    v0.1.0 #font #opentype #utilities #line #command-line #file #glyph