
  1. eza

    A modern replacement for ls

    v0.20.15 15K #file-listing #ls #command-line #symlink #git-repository #linux #replace
  2. allup

    A CLI to check that all (configured) services are currently up

    v1.0.3 140 #check #status #service #file-listing #cli
  3. lla

    Blazing Fast and highly customizable ls Replacement with Superpowers

    v0.3.9 1.5K #file-listing #ls #plugin-system #filesystem #file-manager #blazing-fast #cli
  4. ls-enhanced

    a better looking ls command

    v0.1.7 #file-listing #ls #better #looking #command #cargo
  5. ex-cli

    Command line tool to find, filter, sort and list files

    v1.10.0 #file-listing #file-path #command-line #directory #month #show #command-line-tool
  6. exa

    A modern replacement for ls

    v0.10.1 1.9K #file-listing #ls #command-line #git #symlink #modern #system
  7. osh_dir_std

    humans and machines deal with the OSH directory standard: https://github.com/hoijui/osh-dir-std

    v0.8.3 #directory-structure #file-listing #directory #osh #structure #norm #parser
  8. lh

    List handsomely customizable ls command work in progress

    v0.6.0 500 #directory-listing #file-listing #customizable #ls #filter #command #filename
  9. acknowledgements-rs

    acknowledge is a simple CLI tool to analyze dependencies of a Cargo (rust) project and produce an ACKNOWLEDMENTS.md file listing (major) contributors of your dependencies

    v1.0.1 #cargo-toml #file-listing #gitlab-api #github-api #contributors #source #tool
  10. ffcnt

    Fast file counting on HDDs

    v0.3.2 #filesystem #hdd #file-listing #counting #linux #replace #find
  11. osh_dir_std_cli

    humans and machines deal with the OSH directory standard: https://github.com/hoijui/osh-dir-std

    v0.8.3 #directory-structure #directory #osh #structure #file-listing #norm #zip-file
  12. projectable

    highly configurable TUI file manager, built for projects. You can handle all your project's file-based needs from a comfortable and smooth interface!

    v1.3.0 #file-manager #tui #file #manager #project #fuzzy-search #file-listing
  13. fe

    sophisticated, yet simple to use file listing utility. Use Fe to list files in a directory or to recursively find files by their names using a fuzzy pattern. Fe's speeds are comparable to find, and often times faster.

    v1.0.3 #file-listing #directory-listing #find #fuzzy #recursion #pattern #names
  14. rust_tree

    tree is a cross-platform tree application and library that produces an indented directory listing of files

    v0.1.4 #tree #directory-listing #utility #command-line-tool #directory-structure #pattern-matching #file-listing
  15. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  16. xml-paths

    quickly see the structure of an xml file by listing all the tag paths present in the file

    v0.1.2 #xml #file-path #file-listing #tags #structure #present #quickly