
  1. egui

    immediate mode GUI that runs on both web and native

    v0.31.1 784K #web-gui #egui-integration #gui #web-native #imgui #gamedev #game-engine
  2. bevy-inspector-egui

    Inspector plugin for the bevy game engine

    v0.30.0 28K #bevy #inspector #egui #editor #reflection #bevy-plugin #game-engine
  3. egui_plot

    Immediate mode plotting for the egui GUI library

    v0.31.0 147K #immediate-mode #plot #egui #plots
  4. eframe

    egui framework - write GUI apps that compiles to web and/or natively

    v0.31.1 221K #gui-framework #web-native #egui #web-apps #gui #web-gui #immediate-mode
  5. egui_dock

    Docking system for egui - an immediate-mode GUI library for Rust

    v0.16.0 95K #tabs #egui #gui #immediate-mode #layout #gui-applications #docking
  6. egui-file-dialog

    file dialog for egui

    v0.9.0 18K #file-dialog #desktop-applications #egui #file-explorer #customizable #ui #key-bindings
  7. egui_demo_lib

    Example library for egui

    v0.31.1 2.5K #egui-integration #egui #immediate-mode #gui #gamedev #glow #graphics
  8. egui_file

    File dialog window for egui

    v0.22.0 404K #file-dialog #egui #file-picker #window #standalone #screenshot
  9. talon-gui

    On-demand Telegram chat analytic generator

    v1.1.0 230 #telegram #analytics #egui #telegram-api #gui #data-analysis #data-analytics
  10. egui-winit

    Bindings for using egui with winit

    v0.31.1 244K #egui #winit #gui #gamedev
  11. egui_tiles

    A tiling layout engine for egui with drag-and-drop and resizing

    v0.12.0 30K #egui #layout #tile #dock #gui #visualization
  12. egui_commonmark

    Commonmark viewer for egui

    v0.20.0 17K #common-mark #egui #markdown-syntax #markdown-parser #syntax-highlighting #commonmark #svg
  13. egui-phosphor

    Phosphor icons for egui

    v0.9.0 5.2K #icons #egui #phosphor #ui #font #variant #regular
  14. egui-notify

    notifications library for egui

    v0.19.0 6.5K #egui #notifications #gui #toast #notify
  15. egui_graphs

    Interactive graph visualization widget for rust powered by egui

    v0.24.0 490 #graph #egui #visualization #graph-node #ui #ui-framework #node-graph
  16. egui_glow

    Bindings for using egui natively using the glow library

    v0.31.1 685K #egui #glow #cross-platform-gui #gui #immediate-mode #web-native #gamedev
  17. egui_code_editor

    egui Code Editor widget with numbered lines and syntax highlighting

    v0.2.12 2.2K #syntax-highlighting #editor #egui #text-editors #syntax #highlighting #gui
  18. egui_table

    Table viewer for egui

    v0.3.0 27K #table #egui #dataframe #gui
  19. egui_taffy

    Grid, Flexbox, Block layout support for egui using taffy

    v0.7.0 2.0K #egui #layout #ui #flexbox #taffy
  20. emath

    Minimal 2D math library for GUI work

    v0.31.1 274K #immediate-mode #gui #egui #2d-vector #vector-math #math #web-gui
  21. pwsp

    soundpad application written in Rust using egui for the GUI, pipewire for audio input/output, and rodio for audio decoding

    v0.1.1 230 #pipe-wire #audio #soundpad #applications #egui #input-output #decoding
  22. epaint

    Minimal 2D graphics library for GUI work

    v0.31.1 730K #2d-graphics #egui #graphics #graphics-api #gui #immediate-mode
  23. egui-snarl

    Node-graphs for egui

    v0.7.1 260 #graph-node #node #input-pin #egui #graph #ui #node-graph
  24. egui_json_tree

    An interactive JSON tree visualiser for egui, with search and highlight functionality

    v0.11.0 3.8K #json #egui #tree #search #interactive #highlight #json-path
  25. egui_glium

    Bindings for using egui natively using the glium library

    v0.31.0 6.2K #cross-platform-gui #egui #glium #gui #gamedev #egui-integration #native-bindings
  26. egui-probe

    Trait and derive macro for exposing value editing in egui

    v0.8.0 700 #macro-derive #egui #value #editing #ui #widgets #automatic
  27. egui-ash-renderer

    A Vulkan renderer for egui using Ash

    v0.8.0 170 #egui #vulkan #ash #command-buffer
  28. egui_dnd

    A drag and drop library for egui

    v0.12.0 2.8K #egui #drag #drop #ui #gui
  29. aphorme

    A program launcher for X11 and Wayland

    v0.1.19 #desktop-applications #launcher #wayland #x11 #linux #ui-toolkit #egui
  30. egui_flex

    A flexbox-like layout system for egui

    v0.3.0 600 #egui #layout #flexbox #gui
  31. ringboard-egui

    Ringboard egui client application

    v0.9.4 #clipboard #egui #ringboard #gui-applications #tool
  32. maps

    Inspect, compare and align multiple grid maps in an intuitive & fast GUI

    v1.3.3 600 #map #ros #egui #navigation #slam
  33. egui-plotter

    utilties for integrating plotter into egui

    v0.4.0 #egui #plotter #plotters #back-end #graphics
  34. catppuccin-egui

    Soothing pastel theme for egui

    v5.5.0 800 #egui #themes #gui #catppuccin
  35. egui_hooks

    React Hooks like API for egui

    v0.7.0 #egui #hook #gamedev
  36. egui-wgpu

    Bindings for using egui natively using the wgpu library

    v0.31.1 176K #wgpu #egui #gui #gamedev #web-gui #web-native
  37. egui-data-table

    A generic data table widget implmentation for egui

    v0.6.1 150 #egui #table #widgets #undo-redo #row #clipboard #ui
  38. bevy-egui-kbgp

    Better keyboard and gamepad story for egui in Bevy

    v0.23.0 260 #gamepad-input #egui #input #keyboard-input #bevy #bevy-ui #gui-framework
  39. egui_colors

    Experimental color styling toolkit for egui

    v0.8.0 280 #color #egui #color-themes #styling #graphics #gui #ui-elements
  40. egui-dropdown

    An actual dropdown list for egui

    v0.13.0 2.9K #egui #list #dropdown #ui #items #text
  41. egui_sdl2_gl

    Backend for Egui to use with sdl2-rs and open gl

    v0.31.0 #opengl-rendering #opengl #sdl2 #egui #gui #gui-framework #graphics
  42. egui_logger

    log implementation for egui

    v0.6.3 1.6K #logging #egui #regex #gui #gui-applications #advanced #ui
  43. egui_struct

    EguiStruct is a rust derive macro that creates egui UI's from arbitrary structs and enums

    v0.4.2 1.5K #egui #macro-derive #ui #bindings #difference #create #generating
  44. egui-modal

    a modal library for egui

    v0.6.0 2.8K #modal #egui #dialog #ui #button #style #frame
  45. door_player

    Door Player, Cross by ffmpeg and egui

    v0.3.15 #video-player #ffmpeg #player #egui #cross #rust
  46. lazy_async_promise

    Primitives for lazily getting data from futures with tokio for immediate mode guis

    v0.6.0 230 #immediate-mode #lazy-evaluation #tokio #future #egui #gui #primitive
  47. egui_material_icons

    Material icons for egui

    v0.3.0 420 #material-icons #icons #egui #material
  48. egui_kittest

    Testing library for egui based on kittest and AccessKit

    v0.31.1 11K #egui #testing #access-kit #gui #immediate #accesskit
  49. enum2egui

    derive macro that creates a set of egui ui databindings from arbitrary data structures. Supports egui v0.31.0

    v0.3.11 130 #macro-derive #egui #ui #data-structures #gui #enums #bindings
  50. egui-toast

    Toast notifications for the egui library

    v0.16.0 1.0K #egui #toast #notifications #notification
  51. egui-selectable-table

    egui to create tables with draggable cell and row selection

    v0.2.0 140 #egui #row-column #table #row #drag #selectable-table
  52. clipboard-history-egui

    Ringboard egui client application

    v0.9.4 340 #clipboard #egui #ringboard #gui-applications #tool
  53. egui-graph-edit

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.6.0 310 #graph-node #graph #node #egui #ui
  54. egui-bind

    showing keybinds

    v0.16.0 600 #egui #ui #bind #keybind #key #key-pressed #modifiers
  55. egui_text_animation

    text animation using egui

    v0.1.2 #animation #egui #text-animator #speed #enums #finished
  56. egui-theme-switch

    A pretty theme switch for your egui app

    v0.3.0 160 #egui #switch #widgets #dark-light
  57. egui_alignments

    alignment tools for egui

    v0.3.2 #egui #alignment #layout
  58. egui_ltreeview

    A tree view widget for egui

    v0.1.10 330 #widgets #tree #egui #node-tree #gui
  59. egui_dialogs

    Platform-agnostic, customizable dialogs for egui library

    v0.3.7 #dialog #egui #customizable #platform-independent #information #standard #id
  60. egui_form

    Form validation for egui

    v0.5.0 220 #forms #validation #egui #form
  61. hello_egui

    A collection of useful crates for egui

    v0.8.0 140 #egui #ui #widgets #gui
  62. egui_gl_glfw

    OpenGL backend for egui using GLFW

    v0.1.9 210 #opengl #egui #glfw #graphics #gui #gamedev #back-end
  63. lipl-display-egui

    Displaying part on the screen using egui

    v0.4.6 500 #egui #display #data #displaying #screen #gatt #part
  64. egui_wings

    egui bindings for WASM plugins

    v0.4.0 170 #wasm-plugin #wasm-module #egui #egui-integration #ui #context #host
  65. egui_css

    Use css to styling egui

    v0.1.1 300 #egui #css #styling #gui #web-gui #web
  66. egui_tracing

    Integrates tracing and logging with egui for event collection/visualization

    v0.2.6 400 #logging-tracing #egui #tracing #event-logging #immediate-mode #gui-applications #logging
  67. egui-keybind

    A keybind widget for egui

    v0.6.0 110 #egui #widgets #hotkey #keybind #ui #widget
  68. transform-gizmo

    3D transformation gizmo

    v0.4.0 2.9K #gizmo #3d #transformation #egui #rotation #scale #bevy
  69. egui_canvas

    A TKinter-like canvas widget for egui

    v0.1.2 350 #canvas #egui #tkinter #graphics
  70. egui-gizmo

    3d transform gizmo for the egui library

    v0.16.2 2.7K #egui #gizmo #3d #rotation #transformation #transform #translation
  71. ferrite

    Fast and efficient image viewer with focus on performance

    v0.1.21 210 #image-viewer #viewer #image #egui #gui #graphics
  72. egui_memory_editor

    memory editor for the egui library

    v0.2.11 120 #egui #editor #emulator #immediate-mode #memory #address-range #imgui
  73. egui_knob

    knob widget for egui

    v0.1.9 250 #widgets #egui #knob #ui #range #widget
  74. egui-remixicon

    Remix Icon for egui

    v0.29.1 1.0K #remixicon #icons #egui #ui #remix
  75. egui-aesthetix

    A Uniform and programmatic approach to theming Egui applications

    v0.2.4 #egui #theming #themes #uniform #programmatic #applications #dark
  76. egui_gauge

    egui gauge UI element

    v0.1.5 160 #gauge #egui #ui #element #ui-elements #speedometer
  77. blade

    Sharp and simple graphics library

    v0.3.0 #graphics #ray-tracing #graphics-engine #rendering-engine #low-level #gpu #egui
  78. egui_router

    A SPA router for egui

    v0.4.0 #egui #router #ui #single-page #gui
  79. leftright

    A visual image sorting tool

    v0.1.0 110 #image #sorting #visual #tool #animation #built #egui
  80. eframe_tao

    egui framework - write GUI apps that compiles to web and/or natively

    v0.23.0 340 #gui-framework #egui #gui #cross-platform-gui #web-gui #web-apps #web-native
  81. egui-theme-lerp

    An egui lib to animate theme switching between visuals

    v0.2.0 #egui #theme #themes #interpolation #switch #animation #visual
  82. egui_autocomplete

    Auto complete text box for egui

    v9.0.0 1.4K #egui #text-input #autocomplete #suggestions #ui #box #extension
  83. egui_node_editor

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.7.0 #graph-node #node #graph #egui #ui
  84. egui-directx11

    Direct3D11 renderer for egui

    v0.7.0 140 #egui #d3d11 #gui #directx-11 #dx11 #win32
  85. egui_chip

    compact component to display tags, selections, or actions

    v0.1.1 250 #chip #egui #material #ui #action
  86. tweak_runner

    a runner for the tweak shader library

    v0.2.4 #shader #tweak #runner #egui #applications #ui #display
  87. egui_node_graph2

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.7.0 170 #graph-node #graph #node #egui #user-interface #ui #egui-node-graph
  88. tether-egui

    GUI for building and testing Tether-based applications

    v0.10.5 #applications #remote-control #tether #egui #testing #systems #gui
  89. egui_ratatui

    WASM ratatui with egui works with bevy and macroquad and eframe

    v0.0.29 #egui #tui #ratatui #terminal #gui #back-end #macroquad
  90. epaint_default_fonts

    Default fonts for use in epaint / egui

    v0.31.1 96K #egui #graphics #gui
  91. egui_zhcn_fonts

    load system zhcn fonts automatically for egui

    v0.1.1 #font #egui #chinese
  92. egui_double_slider

    A double slider widget for egui

    v0.5.0 280 #egui #widgets #slider #double-slider #widget
  93. egui_nerdfonts

    Nerdfonts icons for egui

    v0.1.3 200 #icons #egui #font #symbols #nerdfonts
  94. transform-gizmo-bevy

    bevy integration for transform-gizmo

    v0.4.0 2.2K #gizmo #bevy #transformation #3d #gamedev #integration #egui
  95. egui-twemoji

    An egui widget that renders colored Twemojis

    v0.7.0 #emoji #egui #widgets #twemoji
  96. irox-egui-extras

    Extras & tweaks for the egui framework

    v0.7.0 460 #egui #gui #gui-framework #irox #serialization
  97. kanbanrs

    A basic kanban task manager written with egui

    v0.2.4 #task-manager #fuzzy-search #egui #kanban #view #focus #queue
  98. egui_web

    Bindings for compiling egui code to WASM for a web page

    v0.17.0 5.6K #egui #gui #gamedev #web-page #web-gui #web #wasm
  99. egui-modal-spinner

    A modal spinner to temporarily suppress user input in egui

    v0.3.0 140 #user-input #egui #spinner #modal #eframe #temporarily #applications
  100. egui-video

    a video library for egui

    v0.9.0 #video #egui #ffmpeg #playing #byte #play #file-path
  101. brisk-egui-components

    Components for brisk-egui

    v0.4.0 170 #component #egui #brisk-egui
  102. egui_solarized

    Solarized theme for egui

    v0.1.0 #themes #egui #solarized #gui
  103. egui_grid

    Create grid-based layouts for egui

    v0.5.1 #egui #grid #layout #ui #nested #cells #row
  104. hframe

    Show HTML content "inside" your egui rendered application

    v0.4.1 #html-content #egui #web-assembly #web-apps #webview #browser #show
  105. egui-multiwin

    that allows for multiple windows with egui

    v0.5.2 #egui #window #user #multi #applications #structs #create
  106. egui-dataframe-sample

    Rust egui Widgets for polars dataframe

    v0.3.10 700 #polars #dataframe #egui #gui #plotters #graphics
  107. egui_graph

    A general-purpose node graph widget for egui

    v0.3.0 #graph-node #egui #widgets #nannou #processing #framework #creative-coding
  108. egui_wgpu_backend

    Backend code to use egui with wgpu

    v0.33.0 1.5K #wgpu #egui #backends #render #data #render-pass
  109. egui_keyboard

    virtual keyboard widget for egui

    v0.1.0 120 #keyboard #egui #widgets #virtual #text #layout #clipboard
  110. egui-multiselect

    Multiselect widget for egui

    v0.5.0 150 #egui #widgets #graphics #gui #widget #selection
  111. egui-theme-switcher

    egui widget for switching theme

    v0.1.5 230 #theming #widgets #egui
  112. egui_virtual_list

    A virtual list widget for egui, with support for variable height items

    v0.7.0 600 #list #egui #ui #virtual-list
  113. egui_transition_animation

    Easy animated transitions between multiple pages in egui

    v0.1.3 #animation #egui #transition #ui #gui
  114. egui-ark

    Bindings between the egui GUI library and ark

    v0.40.2-pre.43 2.5K #gui #ark #egui #bindings #applet #module
  115. bevy_metrics_dashboard

    Metrics dashboard for Bevy apps

    v0.4.0 160 #bevy #monitoring #egui
  116. re_ui

    Rerun GUI theme and helpers, built around egui

    v0.22.1 10K #egui #rerun #theme #visualization #ui #gui #helper
  117. maelstrom-plot

    Fork of egui_plot with added stacked line graph functionality

    v0.13.0 170 #plot #line #stacked #egui #graph #fork #added
  118. cartography

    map rendering library for Geographic features expressed using georust libraries

    v0.4.0 240 #map #rendering #egui #geographic #org #georust #expressed
  119. egui-map

    Visual component to draw a map on screen

    v0.0.14 600 #map #component #egui #graphics
  120. kittest

    Automated GUI testing using AccessKit

    v0.1.0 14K #access-kit #testing #egui #gui #accessibility #gui-framework
  121. egui_inbox

    send messages to egui views from async functions, callbacks, etc. without having to use interior mutability.

    v0.8.0 400 #egui #interior-mutability #send-message #callback #update #views #ui
  122. hello_egui_utils

    used by crates from https://github.com/lucasmerlin/hello_egui

    v0.8.0 2.3K #egui #helper #ui #struct #methods #hello-egui #collection
  123. transform-gizmo-egui

    egui integration for transform-gizmo

    v0.4.0 #egui #gizmo #egui-integration #3d #gamedev #scene-editor #transform-gizmo
  124. egui_winit_platform

    Platform code to use egui with winit

    v0.25.0 1.3K #egui #winit #egui-integration #platform #run
  125. egui_xml

    XML macro for egui

    v0.1.4 #egui #xml #ui #layout #xml-format #macro #definition
  126. renet2_visualizer

    Egui metrics visualizer for the renet2 crate

    v0.5.0 410 #networking #gamedev #visualizer #metrics #egui #renet #renet2
  127. egui-d3d9

    D3D9 backend for egui

    v0.3.8 130 #egui #direct-x #d3d9 #back-end #cs-go #input #manager
  128. egui_animation

    Experimental animation utilities for egui, including easing functions and a collapse view

    v0.8.0 2.0K #egui #animation #ui #collapse #view #experimental #easing
  129. egui_cable

    A generic and extensible data-oriented widget for connecting ports by cables

    v0.5.0 #visual-programming #data-oriented #widgets #cable #ui #connection #egui
  130. material-egui

    Material Design color theme generator for Egui

    v0.1.7 #material-design #color-palette #color-themes #egui
  131. breakwater-egui-overlay

    Bindings for a custom breakwater egui overlay

    v0.17.0 #overlay #breakwater #egui #bindings
  132. ac-qu-ai-nt-gui-eframe

    A GUI (written with egui / eframe) for ac-qu-ai-nt

    v0.0.7 430 #eframe #artificial-intelligence #egui #gui #knowledge #user #ac-qu-ai-nt
  133. luminol-eframe

    egui framework - write GUI apps that compiles to web and/or natively

    v0.4.0 #egui #gamedev #gui #web-native #web-apps #web-gui
  134. egui_commonmark_backend

    Shared code for egui_commonmark and egui_commonmark_macros

    v0.20.0 28K #common-mark #egui #shared #markdown #egui-commonmark #egui-commonmark-macros #point
  135. egui_suspense

    Automatically show loading and error uis for egui

    v0.8.0 #egui #ui #error #loading #data #error-message #async
  136. epi

    Backend-agnostic interface for writing apps using egui

    v0.17.0 9.7K #egui #gui-applications #gui #gamedev #web-gui #web-native
  137. notan_egui

    EGUI support for Notan

    v0.12.1 500 #notan #egui #multimedia #2d-game #cross-platform #egui-texture
  138. egui_window_glfw_passthrough

    egui windowing backend using Glfw

    v0.9.0 120 #glfw #glfw-window #egui #back-end #windowing #pass-through #overlay
  139. egui_pull_to_refresh

    A pull to refresh library for egui

    v0.8.0 140 #egui #widgets #refresh #ui #pull #user #down
  140. egui_glow_tao

    Bindings for using egui natively using the glow library

    v0.23.0 360 #glow #egui #gui #cross-platform-gui #gamedev #web-apps #web-native
  141. renet_visualizer

    Egui metrics visualizer for the renet crate: Server/Client network library for multiplayer games

    v1.0.0 140 #multi-player #networking #renet #gamedev #metrics #egui #visualizer
  142. egui_wings_host

    egui bindings for WASM plugins

    v0.4.0 490 #wasm-plugin #egui #host #wings #egui-wings #module #context
  143. blue_engine_egui

    egui library for Blue Engine

    v0.5.2 #egui #gui #blue-engine
  144. ecargo

    Cargo metadata viewer using egui

    v0.2.0 #cargo-metadata #egui #viewer #package-metadata #directory #overview #better
  145. coze

    An egui app for playing with a local open source LLM

    v0.1.7 #llm #egui #model #local #prompt #huggingface #prompting
  146. egui_render_glow

    egui rendering backend using glow

    v0.9.1 #egui #opengl #input #user-input #gui-applications #glow #window
  147. passgen-desktop

    Cross-platform gui-tool (emilk/egui) for generating cryptographically secure passwords/tokens and other sets and sequences

    v1.1.0 #generator #egui #password #password-generator #linux #windows
  148. egui_render_wgpu

    egui rendering backend using wgpu

    v0.9.0 #wgpu #egui #gui-applications #pass-through #rendering #input #overlay
  149. guiver

    GUI programming with Piet

    v0.1.0 #widgets #immediate-mode #gui #piet #programming #egui #applications
  150. egui_infinite_scroll

    Infinite scroll widget for egui

    v0.7.0 160 #egui #ui #infinite-scroll
  151. egui_sdl2_platform

    A render-backend independant egui backend for sdl2

    v0.3.0 110 #sdl2 #egui #backends #opengl #wgpu #render-backend #together
  152. egui_thumbhash

    Easily use thumbhashes in egui

    v0.7.0 170 #egui #image #placeholder #thumbhash
  153. egui-tetra2

    egui integration for Tetra

    v0.6.0 100 #tetra #egui #egui-integration #gui #2d-game #gamedev #egui-tetra
  154. egui_console

    A Console Window for egui

    v0.2.0 #console #egui #widgets #command-line #command-line-interface #widget
  155. egui-sdl2-event

    event handling for egui in SDL2 window applications

    v1.0.0 110 #egui #sdl2 #event #applications #window #windowing #system
  156. clickable_img

    Click aware image for egui

    v0.1.13 #image #egui #click #aware
  157. let-engine

    game engine

    v0.10.0 #game-engine #graphics #graphics-engine #gamedev #egui #engine #run
  158. oml-game-egui

    Very tiny helper to use egui with oml-game

    v0.40.2-alpha #gamedev #egui #helper #oml-game #tool #tiny
  159. avis-imgv

    Image viewer based on egui. Makes use of modern RAM amounts by loading images ahead of time for very fast responsiveness. Minimal UI with heavy use of shortcuts.

    v0.2.0 #image-viewer #image #color #egui #ui #managed #user
  160. brisk-eframe

    brisk declarative engine with eframe

    v0.4.0 160 #eframe #brisk #declarative #engine #hello-world #create #egui
  161. egui-tao

    Bindings for using egui with winit

    v0.23.0 #egui #winit #gui #gamedev #immediate-mode
  162. egui_virtual_keyboard

    Virtual Keyboard for egui

    v0.1.3 #keyboard #virtual-keyboard #egui #gui #eframe #label #ui
  163. bevy-egui-notify

    notifications library for EGUI, in the bevy system

    v0.17.0 #egui #notifications #bevy #applications #notify #system #bevy-egui
  164. brisk-egui

    brisk declarative engine with egui

    v0.4.0 150 #egui #declarative #brisk #engine #title #create #str
  165. egui_skia

    skia integration for the egui ui library. Render egui within a skia application or render skia in a egui application.

    v0.4.0 #egui #skia #gui #skia-safe #gui-applications
  166. egui_node_graph

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.4.0 #graph-node #graph #node #egui #ui
  167. mimium-guitools

    basic analyzer tool plugin with egui for mimium

    v2.2.7 190 #plugin #egui #tool #plot #basic #analyzer #gui
  168. smol_egui_skia

    skia integration for the egui ui library. It differs from the egui_skia library in that it is NOT intended to allow you to create _ui applications_ that render egui UIs with skia, rather…

    v0.3.0 250 #egui #skia #skia-safe
  169. malakal

    a day-planning calendar app based on egui

    v0.1.9 #calendar #egui #desktop #desktop-applications #command-line #action
  170. egui_timeline

    A general timeline widget for egui, for working with time-based media and control

    v0.3.0 #timeline #egui #sequencer #automation #daw
  171. edger_bevy_egui

    edger.dev egui helpers

    v0.6.0 170 #egui #helpers #dev #bevy #edger #projects
  172. egui-screenshot-testing

    Helper functions to test egui applications using screenshots and comparing them to a snapshot version

    v0.3.1 #egui #screenshot #snapshot #visual #comparing #version #back-end
  173. godot_egui

    Egui backend for the Godot Engine

    v0.1.8 #godot #egui #gui #egui-integration #back-end #gamedev #font
  174. comfy-wgpu

    A comfy 2d game engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 150 #comfy #game-engine #wgpu #egui #2d-game #api #immediate-mode
  175. egui-keybinds

    keybinding system developed for EGUI

    v3.3.8 120 #egui #input #keyboard #keybind #bind
  176. imgui_presentable

    way to represent Rust types in ImGui

    v0.4.0 #imgui #user-interface #types #render #structs #egui #presentable
  177. ggegui

    egui for ggez

    v0.4.0 #ggez #egui #gui #gamedev #gui-framework #events
  178. egui_glfw

    OpenGL backend for egui using GLFW

    v0.55.2 #opengl #egui #glfw #gui #gamedev #graphics #back-end
  179. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  180. egui_render_three_d

    egui rendering backend using three-d

    v0.9.0 110 #egui #gui-applications #rendering #back-end #window #transparent #overlay
  181. egui_tabs

    A tabs control for egui

    v0.2.1 500 #tabs #egui #view #control
  182. bevy_egui_ime

    plugin that supports Japanese input with bevy_egui

    v0.1.4 #egui #bevy #bevy-plugin #japanese #ime
  183. egui_speedy2d

    egui integration for speedy2d

    v0.5.0 #immediate-mode #egui #egui-integration #gamedev #speedy2d #gui #2d-rendering
  184. egui-fltk-frontend

    FLTK frontend for Egui WGPU backend

    v0.22.1 #wgpu #egui #fltk #gui #back-end
  185. egui-themes

    Super-simple color theming for egui

    v0.1.2 #themes #egui #eframe #color-themes #ui
  186. egui_float_scroller

    A fixed-size scrollbar widget for egui

    v0.1.1 #egui #widgets #scrollbar #gui #widget
  187. shaderunner

    A rendering layer on top of wgpu, winit, and egui

    v0.1.4 110 #wgpu #layer #egui #winit #top #rendering #texture
  188. egui_listview

    A list view widget for egui

    v0.1.5 #widgets #egui #view
  189. egui_clickpack_db

    ClickpackDB integration for egui (public Geometry Dash clickpack archive)

    v0.5.0 #egui #ui #archive #clickpackdb #geometrydash
  190. egui-scrubber

    scrubber for egui for use in video or replay scrubbing

    v0.2.0 #replay #egui #video #scrubber #scrubbing
  191. ggez-egui

    egui for ggez

    v0.3.1 #egui #ggez #gamedev #gui
  192. egui_minipng

    egui PNG image loader based on minipng

    v0.4.0 #png #egui #image
  193. egui-ash

    egui integration for ash (Vulkan)

    v0.4.0 #egui #vulkan #ash #egui-integration #winit #gui #winit-window
  194. baobab

    boa_cli in egui

    v1.0.3 140 #egui #boa-cli #js
  195. klask

    Automatically create GUI for clap apps

    v1.0.0 300 #clap #egui #gui #gui-applications #ui #progress-bar #cli
  196. code-graph

    An egui app that can display code graphics and find all references

    v0.0.3 #egui #ast #coding
  197. custom_egui_frame

    A custom window frame for egui windows

    v0.1.4 280 #window #egui #frame #windows
  198. egui_cosmic_text

    Unofficial cosmic text widget and utilities for egui

    v0.2.0 260 #egui #widgets #texture-atlas #cosmic #utilities #click
  199. luminol-egui-wgpu

    Bindings for using egui natively using the wgpu library

    v0.4.0 #egui #wgpu #gamedev #gui
  200. workflow-egui

    Components for EGUI-based applications

    v0.18.0 #egui #framework #applications #asynchronous-programming #component #dom #wasm
  201. voxel_engine_types

    Public API for the octo voxel game engine

    v0.1.0 #voxel-game #engine #input #game-engine #modding #egui #api
  202. voxel_engine

    Public API for the octo voxel game engine

    v0.1.0 #voxel-game #user-input #api #game-engine #modding #wasm-plugin #egui
  203. triglyceride

    realtime event loop profiler with egui ui

    v0.1.2 160 #profiler #real-time #event #ui #egui #loops
  204. egui_tracing_rs

    Integrates tracing and logging with egui for event collection/visualization

    v0.3.1 #egui #tracing #logging-tracing #log #logging #immediate-mode #events
  205. egui_nodes

    A Egui port of https://github.com/Nelarius/imnodes

    v0.1.3 #ui #node #egui #attributes #port #label #github
  206. egui_dpanel

    Dynamic Panels for egui

    v0.1.0 #egui #immediate #imgui #gamedev #gui
  207. egui-dataframe

    Rust egui Widgets for polars dataframe

    v0.3.3 280 #polars #dataframe #egui #plotters #gui #graphics
  208. whiskers-widgets

    Dynamic UI sub-system for whiskers

    v0.5.0 #widgets #ui #sketch #whiskers #egui #machinery #parameters
  209. edom

    An immediate mode web frontend library similar to EGUI

    v0.1.0 #web #web-frontend #wasm #immediate-mode #egui #events #vdom
  210. gtk-egui-area

    EguiArea widget for embedding inside of GTK

    v0.1.1 #gtk #egui #widgets #applications #embedding #renderer #egui-area
  211. opmark-egui

    An experimental presentation application based on OpMark, powered by egui

    v0.0.7 #presentation #egui #opmark
  212. egui-widget-texicon

    An egui widget that combines an icon and text, often found in modern UIs

    v0.1.0 #widgets #egui #ui #eframe
  213. egui-aesthetix-lj

    A Uniform and programmatic approach to theming Egui applications with some enhancements

    v0.2.4 #theming #egui #dark #programmatic #themes #applications #approach
  214. egui-qr

    QR painter for egui

    v0.1.0 #qr #egui #painter
  215. rpack_egui

    GUI application for generating rpack atlases

    v0.1.0 #generate #egui #applications #rpack #tilemap #image #gui-applications
  216. rust-training-tool

    A very simple game engine using egui. Made for a rust training session, do not use!

    v0.3.0 #game-engine #gamedev #training #eframe #egui #dev #tool
  217. erust

    additional package for egui and eframe that provides extendable components

    v0.1.6 450 #eframe #egui #component #widgets #extend #package #states
  218. egui_custom_frame

    Custom your egui client-side window frame

    v0.1.1 #egui #frame #window #ui #eframe #client-side #shadow
  219. orz

    Small projects for personal use,for egui

    v0.24.1 #egui #projects #progress #ui #personal #btn-updown #extui
  220. egui_glfw_gl2

    OpenGL backend for egui using GLFW

    v0.1.2 110 #opengl #egui #glfw #gui #gamedev #back-end #graphics
  221. tauri-egui

    A Tauri plugin for the egui library

    v0.3.0 140 #tauri #egui #tauri-plugin #context #glutin #native
  222. tinted_egui_nodes

    A Egui port of https://github.com/Nelarius/imnodes

    v0.1.0 #egui #ui #node #github #context #port #attributes
  223. hanhan-egui-common

    hanhan egui common

    v0.1.1 #egui #hanhan #hanhan-egui-common
  224. bevy_diagnostics_inspector

    Inspector plugin for the bevy game engine

    v0.15.0-rc1 #inspector #bevy-inspector-egui #bevy #egui #editor #reflection