
  1. rust-ini

    An Ini configuration file parsing library in Rust

    v0.21.1 2.0M #config-file #ini #config-parser #ini-parser #configuration #conf #cfg
  2. configparser

    configuration parsing utility with no dependencies that allows you to parse INI and ini-style syntax. You can use this to write Rust programs which can be customized by end users easily.

    v3.1.0 685K #config-file #ini #configuration #parser #settings #config
  3. kdl

    Document-oriented KDL parser and API. Allows formatting/whitespace/comment-preserving parsing and modification of KDL text.

    v6.3.4 17K #config-parser #config-format #serialization #document #config #text-parser #parse-input
  4. hcl-rs

    HCL parser and formatter for rust with serde support

    v0.18.4 6.5K #configuration-language #hcl #serialize-deserialize #serialization #config-parser #serde #hashi-corp
  5. gix-config

    A git-config file parser and editor from the gitoxide project

    v0.43.0 690K #git-config #config-parser #git #config #gitoxide
  6. confique

    Type-safe, layered, light-weight, serde-based configuration library

    v0.3.0 6.2K #configuration-management #toml-config #env-vars #yaml-config #configuration #config-parser #config
  7. ion

    *.ion file parser

    v0.9.1 11K #config-parser #file-format #config-file #data #dictionary #format-string #structured
  8. irx-config

    convenient way to represent/parse configuration from different sources

    v3.5.0 2.9K #env-vars #config-parser #configuration #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #secret #json-configuration
  9. shm-rs

    scheme parser for dynamic config files

    v0.21.0 700 #dynamic-config #serialization #config-parser #config-file #scheme #binary-encoding #deserialize-json
  10. ssh2-config

    an ssh configuration parser for ssh2-rs

    v0.3.0 1.3K #ssh-config #config-file #config-parser #ssh #ssh-client #ssh-config-parser #ssh2
  11. slr_parser

    configuration format. This crate contains the parser, see the slr_config crate for a more user-friendly API.

    v0.0.22 #config-parser #config-file #configuration #config-format #string #file-format #syntax
  12. resolv-conf

    The resolv.conf file parser

    v0.7.0 1.5M #config-parser #conf #dns #unix #resolv #dns-resolver
  13. confik

    reading application configuration split across multiple sources

    v0.12.0 12K #config-parser #config-toml #config #parser #utility #toml-parser #serde
  14. docker_credential

    Reads a user's docker credentials from config

    v1.3.1 205K #credentials #docker #container #credential #config-parser #helper #env-vars
  15. pacmanconf

    A pacman-conf wrapper library for parsing pacman config files

    v3.0.0 17K #arch-linux #config-parser #pacman #arch #conf
  16. kfl

    KDL language implementation

    v0.4.0 140 #config-parser #kdl #file-format #parser #config-file #configuration #error-reporting
  17. kube-client

    Kubernetes client

    v0.98.0 1.3M #kubernetes #api-client #api-bindings #client #config-parser
  18. yazi-config

    Yazi configuration file parser

    v25.2.26 3.1K #terminal-file #file-manager #config-file #config-parser #yazi #file-explorer #async-io
  19. cliargs

    Parses command line arguments and prints the help

    v0.6.0 600 #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #command-arguments #config-parser #command #line #subcommand
  20. serde_ieml

    Implementing the IEML config parser for Rust. IEML (Interface Engine Markup Language) - A simple but powerful config with support for file uploads, inter-file anchors and tags.

    v0.3.1 290 #config-parser #markup-language #config-file #file-upload #deserialize #ieml #serde
  21. cfg-rs

    configuration loader

    v0.5.0 190 #configuration #yaml-config #settings #config-parser #config #toml-config #env
  22. tini

    A tiny ini parsing library

    v1.3.0 12K #ini-parser #ini #config-parser #configuration #config-file
  23. conf

    A derive-based config parser for CLI args and env parameters

    v0.1.1 180 #config-parser #env-var #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #configuration #environment #config
  24. cooklang

    parser with opt-in extensions

    v0.15.0 430 #recipe #unit-conversion #extension #cooking #config-parser #language #error
  25. whitespacesv

    parser/writer for the Whitespace-Separated Value format, as defined by Stenway. See https://dev.stenway.com/WSV/. WSV offers an unambiguous alternative to CSV.

    v1.0.2 #value #white-space #file-format #csv #separated #wsv #config-parser
  26. esyn

    De/Serialization Rust In Rust

    v0.9.1 1.1K #serialization #config-parser #deserialize #deserialization #parser #config
  27. knuffel

    KDL language implementation

    v3.2.0 2.3K #config-parser #kdl #config-file #file-format #parser #configuration #macro-derive
  28. clap-adapters

    Neat adapters for parsing config files with clap

    v0.2.2 54K #config-parser #config-file #clap-parser #adapter #cli-config #loading #json-file
  29. uclicious

    wrapper around Universal Configuration Library (UCL) parser with a lot of sugar

    v0.1.8 #config-parser #config #ucl #json-file #json-parser #json-toml #libuc
  30. no-proxy

    Parses and evaluate no_proxy configuration

    v0.3.5 9.3K #config-parser #proxy-config #evaluate #evaluator
  31. configure_me

    processing application configuration easily

    v0.4.0 3.3K #config-parser #env-vars #config-file #command-line-arguments #configuration #toml-config #arguments-parser
  32. khi

    Khi parser & library

    v0.16.0 2.0K #parser #config-parser #format #serialization #configuration-language #markup-language #config
  33. degenverate

    Loads environment variables from an environment.d directory

    v0.2.5 450 #env-vars #shell-environment #variables #load #config-directory #config-parser #default-config
  34. tsconfig

    Parse .tsconfig configuration files for TypeScript

    v0.3.1 2.8K #config-file #typescript #config-parser #configuration #json-configuration #json-parser #json-file
  35. header-parsing

    Simplifies parsing the headers of markdown inspired file formats

    v0.3.0 #header-parser #markdown-parser #file-header #config-file #file-format #header-file #config-parser
  36. tree-sitter-ssh-client-config

    SSH client config grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library

    v2025.2.27 550 #ssh-client #tree-sitter #client-config #ssh-config #config-parser #ssh #parser
  37. nom-kconfig

    A Kconfig parser

    v0.2.1 150 #linux-kernel #config-parser #kconfig #config-file #nom #parser #read
  38. strangemeadowlark

    Parser for the Starlark configuration language. Ported from https://github.com/google/starlark-go

    v0.4.3 440 #configuration-language #config-parser #starlark #build-system #python #bazel #dialect
  39. fsl-rs

    FluidServer Configuration Parser

    v1.0.2 350 #config-parser #fluidserver #fsl #fluid-server #icons
  40. cf-env

    parse Cloud Foundry environment variables with types and checks. Get you off that boilerplate code and care about what you actually need to code

    v0.1.9 #env-vars #cloud-foundry #cf #cf-for-k8s #config-parser
  41. gura

    configuration language serializer/deserializer for Rust

    v0.5.4 #configuration-language #serialization #config-parser #deserialize #parser #dump #parse
  42. ini-roundtrip

    Fast format preserving (round-tripping) INI-parser

    v0.2.0 900 #ini-parser #ini #config-parser #format-preserving #parser #configuration #config
  43. easy_config

    A language, parser, and lexer designed to make easy to read and write configuration files

    v0.3.7 #config-file #config-parser #configuration-language #config #lexer #read-write #user
  44. nu_plugin_hcl

    A nushell plugin for parsing Hashicorp Configuration Language file format

    v0.100.0 700 #configuration-language #nushell-plugin #config-parser #hcl #hashi-corp #nushell #config-file
  45. edres

    Generate struct and enum definitions from data files

    v0.7.1 #generator #build-config #config-parser #build #parser-generator #parser #config
  46. rusty-whsp

    designed to handle configuration parsing for command-line applications

    v0.1.7 #config-parser #env-vars #configuration #input-validation #default-value #terminal #command-line-utilities
  47. broxus-util

    A collection of utils used at Broxus

    v0.2.7 150 #jemalloc #config-parser #logging #web #profiling #env-vars #log4rs
  48. knus

    KDL language implementation

    v3.2.0 #kdl #parser #config-parser #configuration #config #error-reporting
  49. solp

    Microsoft Visual Studio solution parsing library

    v0.16.9 120 #visual-studio #solution #parser #microsoft #config-parser #sln
  50. git-config-env

    Parse git's env configuration

    v0.2.3 180 #git-config #git-configuration #git #config-parser #env
  51. plugx-config

    Plugin configuration management

    v0.3.0 350 #configuration-management #config-parser #env-vars #configuration #toml-config #config #config-file
  52. ini_core

    Implements a pretty bare-bones streaming INI parser

    v0.2.0 12K #ini-parser #config-parser #ini #configuration #streaming-parser #config #parser
  53. libcorn

    Parsing engine for Corn, a simple and pain-free configuration language

    v0.10.0 270 #configuration-language #config-parser #configuration #language #pest #peg #config
  54. config-file

    Read and parse configuration file automatically

    v0.2.3 18K #config-parser #yaml-config #configuration #json-xml #json-configuration #config #toml
  55. rsclp

    A lib crate to parse proccess arguments

    v0.1.6 340 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #config-parser #config-file
  56. configure_me_codegen

    easy processing of application configuration from files, environment variables and command line arguments

    v0.4.8 2.8K #env-vars #command-line-arguments #configuration #config-parser #codegen #environment #arguments
  57. envpath

    parsing and deserialising paths with special rules. The format is similar to ["$proj(com.xy.z): data ? cfg", "$const: os", "$val: rand-16"]

    v0.0.1-beta.3 200 #file-path #env #directory #config-file #cfg #proj #config-parser
  58. confget

    Parse configuration files

    v5.1.2 #config-parser #config-file #ini-parser #ini #parser #arguments-parser #parse
  59. sshq

    query your ssh config

    v0.1.5 #ssh-config #ssh #fuzzy-search #command-line-tool #search-pattern #chevdor #config-parser
  60. meval

    math expression parser and evaluator

    v0.2.0 6.6K #expression-parser #expression #numerical-computation #evaluator #math-parser #formula #config-parser
  61. clash-rs-config

    a clash yaml config parser

    v0.1.2 #clash #yaml #yaml-config #config-parser
  62. nightrunner_lib

    A parser library for making text adventure games

    v0.3.1 #game-engine #parser #config-parser #yaml #engine #parsing #text-input
  63. firefly-types

    Parser and serializer for the Firefly Zero metadata file format

    v0.5.0 190 #serialization #parser-serializer #gamedev #firefly-zero #serde #config-parser #file-metadata
  64. dotenv-parser

    Pest-based parser for .env files

    v0.1.3 3.9K #pest-parser #env-file #config-parser #parser #configuration #dotenv #env
  65. gimura-preprocessor-lib

    A small library for file peprocessing

    v0.1.2 #preprocessor #config-file #shaders #syntax #command #config-parser #lib
  66. tsdl

    A downloader/builder of many tree-sitter parsers

    v1.3.0 550 #tree-sitter #parser #config-parser #build-tool #bindings #download #config-file
  67. frostwalker

    A TOML-like configuration language parser with zero dependencies outside of std

    v0.1.2 150 #config-parser #toml-parser #configuration-language #toml-config #validation #lexer #formatter
  68. nextcloud-config-parser

    Rust parser for nextcloud config files

    v0.12.0 290 #config-parser #next-cloud
  69. postgres-service

    Parse Postgres service configuration files

    v0.19.4 #service-configuration #postgresql #config-parser #sql #database
  70. clap-serde-derive

    Merge results from clap and serde into struct with derive

    v0.2.1 5.1K #serde-derive #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #cli-config #config-parser #config #argument
  71. corn-cli

    CLI for Corn, A simple and pain-free configuration language

    v0.10.0 #configuration-language #configuration #peg #pest #language #config-parser #cli-parser
  72. config-more-formats

    Additional formats for the config library

    v1.1.1 #config-parser #file-format #config-format #config-file #config #configuration #json-format
  73. ryan

    configuration language for the practical programmer

    v0.2.3 #config-parser #config-file #json #serde-json #cli-parser #serde #parser
  74. tigerturtle

    Safely parse and evaluate toml files as bash variables

    v0.1.2 220 #toml-parser #bash #toml-config #toml #config-parser #config-file #parser
  75. curlyconf

    Configuration file parser

    v0.1.0 #config-file #config-parser #configuration #parser #file #config #serde
  76. udl

    Parser for UDL (Universal Data Language)

    v0.3.1 #config-parser #format #parser #serialization #data-structures #markup-language #config
  77. parse_wiki_text

    Parse wiki text from Mediawiki into a tree of elements

    v0.1.5 170 #wiki #text-parser #text-format #mediawiki #text-document #html-parser #config-parser
  78. letmein-conf

    Authenticated port knocking - Configuration parser

    v10.0.1 300 #port-knocking #port #firewall #nftables #knock #config-parser #config-file
  79. bmfont

    bitmap font config parser

    v0.3.3 #bitmap-font #font #config-parser #deserialize #bitmap #parse-error #characters
  80. logix-type

    LogixType trait and the parser for .logix files, aimed at enabling easy-to-read-and-write configurations for logix

    v0.11.2 #config-parser #config-format #read-write #logix #human-readable #traits #ecosystem
  81. async_parse_wiki_text

    Parse wiki text from Mediawiki into a tree of elements

    v0.2.1 #wiki #text-format #text-parser #mediawiki #tags #config-parser #async
  82. simple_config_parser

    configuration file parser

    v1.0.0 260 #config-parser #ini #config-file #config
  83. pml

    A parser for PML, just another format to specify your configs in

    v0.6.1 #config-parser #config-file #config-format #file-format #language #modern #specify
  84. cli-settings-derive

    Manage CLI settings with configuration file(s) and command line parsing, using serde and clap

    v0.3.2 330 #arguments-parser #serde-derive #command-line-arguments #clap #config-parser #config-file #settings
  85. yscl


    v1.2.0 #config-parser #config #yaml-config #parser #language #atom #prelude
  86. kanata-parser

    A parser for configuration language of kanata, a keyboard remapper

    v0.180.1 550 #configuration-language #keyboard-layout #config-parser #kanata #parser #customization #cross-platform
  87. wick-config

    Wick manifest configuration format

    v0.28.0 #config-parser #component #wick #manifest #normalization #streaming #format
  88. envuse-parser

    a parser to envuse file

    v0.9.1 #config-parser #config-file #file-format #variables #envuse #describe #expression
  89. wd_run

    a project operation management tool

    v0.5.0 #config-parser #management #callback #configuration-management #operation #yaml-config #arguments-parser
  90. chifu-kube-client

    Kubernetes client

    v0.93.2 #kubernetes #api-client #client #api-bindings #config-parser
  91. kconfig-parser

    Kconfig parser for the Kconfig file format from the Linux Kernel for the Cargo Kconfig crate

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #kconfig #config-parser #ast #lexer #menu #config-file
  92. config_lite

    A lightweight and customizable configuration management library for binary crates

    v2.1.0-beta #config-file #configuration-management #config-parser #yaml-config #env-vars #configuration #yaml-parser
  93. misc-conf

    Nom parser for nginx/apache configuration

    v0.1.2 #config-parser #nom #parser #nginx #apache #ast
  94. systemd_tmpfiles

    A parser for systemd-tmpfiles configuration files

    v0.2.2 #config-parser #systemd #parser #tmpfiles #linux #file-format
  95. goff

    Goff configuration language and reference serde implementation

    v0.1.0 #configuration-language #language #parser #serialization #serde #string-parser #config-parser
  96. keybindings-parser

    parsing human keyboard shortcuts

    v0.1.0 #keyboard-shortcuts #key-bindings #parser #x11 #config-parser #xorg #keysym
  97. jss-pest

    Arc Readable Configuration Parser via Pest

    v0.4.2 #json-schema #config-parser #pest-parser #open-api #schema-version #readable #arc
  98. colorer

    command line utility that add color to commands that do not have it by default

    v1.1.0 #command-line-tool #command #terminal #utility #config-parser #parser #cli-parser
  99. rstdev-config

    manage config from multiple source and formats

    v0.1.3 #env-vars #config-parser #config-format #json-configuration #toml-config #yaml-parser #variables
  100. serde_jsonrc

    A lenient JSON serialization file format

    v0.1.0 1.2K #json-parser #json #serde-json #config-parser #serialization #config-file #format-json
  101. bulwark-config

    Configuration for the Bulwark security engine

    v0.6.0 #configuration #config-parser #bulwark #config #settings
  102. mg-settings

    Parse config files

    v0.4.3 160 #config-parser #config-file #settings #command #parse-input
  103. twilight-command-parser

    Message command parser for the Twilight ecosystem

    v0.9.0 150 #discord #twilight #discord-api #command-arguments #config-parser
  104. questdb-confstr

    A parser for a configuration string format handling service names and parameters

    v0.1.0 15K #config-parser #configuration #string-parser #parser #string-format #config #questdb
  105. ssh_cfg

    Parses ~/.ssh/config asynchronously

    v0.3.0 #ssh #ssh-config #async #parses #ssh-key #cfg #config-parser
  106. quire

    A YAML-based configuration parsing library

    v0.4.1 #config-parser #yaml-config #yaml-parser #parser #config #validation
  107. ensan

    Extended HCL expression evaluator

    v0.2.1 100 #expression-evaluator #configuration-language #hcl #configuration #config-parser #evaluator #expression-parser
  108. rusty-pkl

    Lightweight Pkl parser for Rust

    v0.1.2 #config-parser #parser #pkl #config-file #configuration-language #key-value #data
  109. taml

    A kind-to-humans configuration language

    v0.0.11 #configuration #configuration-language #config-parser #structured #parser #humane
  110. flow-expression-parser

    Parser for flow expressions in the Wick configuration manifest

    v0.7.0 170 #expression-parser #config-parser #wick #flow #manifest
  111. iceyee_config

    Config file parser

    v3.0.0 #config-parser #config-file #config #iceyee
  112. superconf

    A barebones configuration file made for low-dependency rust applications

    v0.4.3 120 #config-parser #config-file #configuration #markup #parser #config #no-dependencies
  113. clap_config

    Automatically merge CLI args, environment variables, config files, and default values in clap apps

    v0.1.1 190 #config-parser #clap-parser #arguments-parser #default-value #env-vars #arg #config-file
  114. editor-config

    Editorconfig implementation in Rust

    v0.2.9 #editor #configuration #config-parser #config #filesystem
  115. haproxy-config

    Parse HAProxy configs and easily query it

    v0.4.1 #config-parser #config #parser #ha-proxy #haproxy #config-file #line-comment
  116. git-checks-config

    Configuration parsing for checks

    v0.2.2 150 #config-parser #git-config #git-configuration #check #git #code-review #inventory
  117. libsdbootconf

    A systemd-boot configuration and boot entry configuration parser library

    v0.11.2 120 #config-parser #systemd-boot #entry #fields #default #loader #menu
  118. nix-config-parser

    parser for the Nix configuration file format

    v0.2.0 110 #config-file #config-parser #nix #file-format #error
  119. nixify

    parse existing configuration files into nix syntax

    v0.2.0 #nix #config-parser #json-toml #yaml-parser #syntax #config-file #dotfiles
  120. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  121. nginx-config

    A parser, AST and formatter for nginx configuration files

    v0.13.2 #config-parser #nginx #config #parser
  122. mico

    mico (minimalistic config file format) parser and emitter

    v0.1.4 #config-file #file-format #config-parser #config-format #minimalist #emitter #emitting
  123. configster

    parsing configuration files

    v0.1.1 #config-parser #settings #parser #config #library #configuration
  124. simpleini

    very simple crate to parse and write with the INI format

    v0.1.2 #ini #config-parser #parser #configuration #config
  125. tide_rs

    TIDE configuration parser

    v0.1.0 #config-parser #tide #hobby #flexible #values #accessing #api
  126. corosync-config-parser

    hassle-free Corosync's configuration file parsing

    v0.1.0 #config-parser #config-file #corosync #hassle-free
  127. hemtt-config

    A config parser library for hemtt

    v1.0.0 #config-parser #hemtt #requires
  128. dhcpd_parser

    Parser for dhcpd configuration files. Currently supports only dhcpd.leases file of the OpenBSD base implementation

    v0.4.3 #openbsd #dhcpd #leases #config-parser #lease #open-bsd
  129. string-config-parser

    configuration file parser for Rust

    v0.2.1 #key-value #config-parser #pair #config-file #comments #different #boolean
  130. re0-pest

    Arc Readable Configuration Parser via Pest

    v0.2.0 #config-parser #pest #arc #readable
  131. asterisk

    Universal language-agnostic AST walking and accurate call stack generation with tree-sitter

    v0.1.0 #language #tree-sitter #call-stack #indexing #config-parser #universal #structure
  132. dotini

    parsing INI files into a HashMap

    v0.1.0 #ini-parser #ini #config-parser #parser #configuration #settings #parsing
  133. questdb-confstr-ffi

    C FFI bindings for questdb-confstr

    v0.1.0 13K #config-parser #configuration #parser #questdb
  134. arc-pest

    Arc Readable Configuration Parser via Pest

    v0.4.0 #config-parser #arc #pest #readable
  135. config-parser

    parser for block based configuration files

    v0.1.2 #configuration #library #config
  136. marin

    DSL used for kantek (kv2.dev)

    v0.1.0 #dsl #config-parser #parser #config
  137. yaml-config

    Dynamic YAML configuration parser

    v1.0.0 #yaml #yaml-parser #preferences #null #key #configuration #config-parser
  138. serde-tcod-config-parser

    A best-effort implementation of the now deprecated libtcod config file parser functionality from libtcod

    v0.1.1 #libtcod #serde #tcod #config-parser #serialization
  139. arc_parser

    Arc Readable Configuration Parser via Pest

    v0.2.0 #arc #pest-parser #readable #configuration #config-parser
  140. ov-config

    An ini/toml configuration parsing library that provide macros and convenience functions for generating configuration schema, sanity check, flush, refresh, etc

    v0.1.1 #ini #configuration #cfg #conf #config-parser #openvdi #config
  141. teeconfig

    A teeworlds/ddnet config parser

    v0.1.0 #parser #config-parser #teeworlds #ddnet #config
  142. ikki-config

    Ikki configuration parser

    v0.2.0 #parser #ikki #config-parser
  143. config_parser_derive

    A proc-macro for implementing ConfigParser trait of config_parser library

    v0.1.3 1.1K #config-parser #parser #toml #config