
  1. steno

    distributed saga implementation

    v0.4.1 5.7K #action #distributed #saga #task-execution #complex #sagas #progress
  2. fidget

    Infrastructure for complex closed-form implicit surfaces

    v0.3.5 #implicit #evaluation #surfaces #jit #tape #jit-compiler #complex
  3. i_triangle

    Polygon Triangulation Library: Efficient Delaunay Triangulation for Complex Shapes

    v0.28.0 2.7K #delaunay-triangulation #polygon #shape #complex #resolution #convex #self-intersection
  4. semval

    Semantic validation

    v0.5.2 550 #data-structures #validation #data-processing #semantic #web-services #run-time #complex
  5. number-general

    A generic number type for Rust which supports basic math and (de)serialization

    v0.13.0 1.0K #complex-numbers #numbers #deserialize #complex #number #float #integer
  6. openiap

    test client

    v0.0.26 440 #automation #client #testing #services #openiap-client #complex #plan
  7. micro_banimate

    Easily manage complex Bevy 2D sprite animations

    v0.9.2 280 #animation #sprite #bevy #complex #2d #component #manage
  8. test-assembler

    A set of types for building complex binary streams

    v0.1.6 2.2K #binary-data #binary-format #data-stream #testing #input #endianness #complex
  9. pyinrs

    type library that is as easy to use as Python built-in types

    v1.9.0 #python #type #string #fraction #deque #dictionary #complex
  10. fastlin

    an ultra-fast program for MTBC lineage typing

    v0.4.1 170 #fastq #bam #complex #typing #tuberculosis #mtbc #fasta
  11. rust_twostack

    Support for two-dimentional stacks for the Rust programming language

    v0.15.0 420 #stack #dynamically-typed #data-structures #structure #fifo #complex #computation
  12. espionox

    creating multi-agent workflows in Rust

    v0.1.42 1.1K #multi-agent #artificial-intelligence #workflow #applications #prompt #llm #complex
  13. polylog


    v2.6.0 #complex #math #dilogarithm #real #polylogarithms #polylogarithm #trilogarithm
  14. simplers

    Simplification of too complex stuff in rust

    v1.0.10 400 #color #input #complex #macro #weight
  15. aargvark

    Self-similar argument parsing

    v0.8.1 550 #arguments-parser #command-line #command-line-arguments #cli-parser #derive #complex #enums
  16. binmarshal

    Pack and unpack structs and enums into and out of binary data streams

    v1.1.7 320 #binary-data #data-stream #pack-unpack #complex #packing
  17. rs-sci

    the scientific library

    v0.2.0 #scientific #units #complex #linear-algebra #math #vector #matrix
  18. be_tween

    Helper library to support tweening - with inital support for bevy

    v0.5.1 460 #tweening #gamedev #bevy #helper #tween #sequences #complex
  19. vectora

    A vector computation library

    v0.8.1 #vector-math #vector #complex #real #math #imaginary #2d-3d
  20. mago-trinary

    implementing three-valued logical operations (true, false, maybe) to handle complex logical reasoning scenarios

    v0.17.0 1.5K #mago #scenario #logical #true #operations #handle #complex
  21. palmfft

    Palm-sized Faster Fourier Transform

    v1.1.1 130 #fft #complex #transform #faster #cfft-plan #palm-sized #derivative
  22. ancomplex

    Package provides easy to use, begginer frendly and python like complex numbers

    v0.0.5 220 #complex-numbers #complex #math #num-complex
  23. intrepid

    Manage complex async business logic with ease

    v0.3.0 #async #state #handler #business #actix-web #complex #frame
  24. primitive-from-enum

    macros for get primitive enum from complex

    v0.3.1 230 #enums #primitive #macro #complex #string #derive #u32
  25. complex-bessel-rs

    compute Bessel functions

    v1.2.1 #bessel #functions #complex #fortran #compute #order #hankel
  26. arxiv-tools

    Tools for arXiv API

    v1.1.2 320 #arxiv #api #query #complex #interface
  27. asn1obj

    Rust Asn1 format decode/encode

    v0.1.20 320 #format #asn1 #complex #decode #error #line #asn1-time
  28. heron-rebuild

    Workflow runner for complex build commands

    v0.2.0 #build-system #workflow #task #branch #complex #different #directory
  29. search-query-parser

    parse complex search query into layered search conditions, so it will be easy to construct Elasticsearch query DSL or something else

    v0.1.4 #search-query #query-parser #elasticsearch #condition #operator #dsl #complex
  30. pretty-printer

    A macro to simplify pretty-printing complex structures in Rust

    v0.1.1 #pretty-printing #structures #complex #macro #println #debugging #data-structures
  31. martos

    elegant real-time operating system designed for creating complex multi-agent systems. Developers have the flexibility to write software for Martos using either Rust (preferred) or C languages.

    v0.4.0 #operating-system #real-time #multi-agent #programming-language #task-manager #elegant #complex
  32. num_parser2

    A math interpreter and evaluator (fork of num_parser)

    v0.1.0 #evaluator #complex #analysis #binary-operator #math-parser #math #parser
  33. vaz_lib

    small library made for those who just don't want to fuddle with complex stuff

    v0.2.8 140 #input #dont #reading #complex #who #open #ticket
  34. toktor

    A small tokio-based Actor framework

    v0.2.1 230 #actor-framework #actor #tokio #shutdown #tasks #child #complex
  35. easy_complex

    Complex numbers crate

    v0.4.1 #complex-numbers #complex #numbers #math
  36. intrepid-sqlite

    Manage complex async business logic with ease

    v0.3.0 #manage #ease #business #complex #async #logic
  37. rs_filter

    filter library for matching on complex data structures

    v0.3.0 110 #filter #complex #matching #structures #data #data-structures #abstraction
  38. num_parser

    A math interpreter and evaluator

    v1.0.2 #evaluator #math-parser #complex #analysis #math #expression-parser #binary-operator
  39. depict

    Picture systems, tell stories

    v0.3.0 #diagram #systems #label #complex #drawing #draw #model
  40. hcomplex

    Lightweight complex and hypercomplex algebra library

    v0.2.0 #complex-numbers #complex #math #quaternions #algebra #hypercomplex #associative
  41. complex-number

    A basic implementation of complex numbers in rust

    v0.1.2 #complex-numbers #complex #numbers #basic
  42. yuuka

    A helper library to generate complex and nested structures by a simple macro

    v0.6.1 #serialization #nested #structures #macro #generate #complex #helper
  43. clausen


    v1.0.1 #functions #math #glaisher-clausen #complex #standard #arguments #package
  44. rustalize

    Rustalizer is a powerful tool designed to help developers analyze complex Rust code structures. It provides a simple Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) parser that can break down Rust traits…

    v0.1.0 #ast #ast-parser #traits-structs #syntax-tree #enums #complex #structures
  45. sparse_complex

    solver for complex sparse matrices

    v0.1.4 #sparse-matrix #sparse #complex #linear-algebra #matrix #algebra #num-complex
  46. readability-text-cleanup

    cleaning up text from HTML using Mozilla's Readability algorithm

    v1.0.0 #html-content #readability #entities #processing #complex #cleanup #web
  47. malvolio

    programmatically generating HTML

    v0.4.1 #web-apps #html #generate-html #attributes #complex #document #programmatically
  48. arb-sys

    Bindings to the Arb library

    v0.3.6 #math #real #complex #number-theory #flint
  49. intrepid-model

    Manage complex async business logic with ease

    v0.3.0 #async #logic #business #complex #ease #manage
  50. lapack-traits

    Generic real/complex scalar trait wrappers for BLAS and LAPACK routines

    v0.4.0 #blas-lapack #lapack #blas #complex #algebra #wrapper
  51. mutable

    keep track of changes in structures

    v0.2.8 #observable #observer #structures #track #complex #keep #derive
  52. inertia


    v0.2.5 #math #real #complex #number-theory #flint
  53. doc-search-dsl

    procedural macro for creating complex regex patterns using a Domain-Specific Language (DSL)

    v0.1.0 #domain-specific-language #pattern-matching #proc-macro #dsl #text-processing #nlp #complex
  54. pest_generator_tmp

    pest code generator

    v2.1.0 #pest #generator #parser #grammar #peg #elegant #complex
  55. num-irrational

    num-irrational is based on num and extends it with support for several kinds of irrational numbers

    v0.3.0 #math #complex-numbers #complex #numeric #mathematics #numerics
  56. croot

    finding real and complex roots

    v0.3.3 #complex-numbers #root #complex #numbers #math
  57. expression-formatter

    Insert complex expressions directly into format strings

    v0.1.0 #format #string #expression #complex
  58. cargo-workspace2

    query and manage complex cargo workspaces

    v0.2.2 #query #cargo-workspace #command #manage #complex #version #publish
  59. tch-tensor-like

    Derive convenient methods for struct or enum of tch tensors

    v0.6.0 #tensor #enums #derive #model #image #complex #tch
  60. hydroperfox-lateformat

    Late formatting of string parameters

    v1.0.0 #string-formatting #format-string #template-engine #run-time #parameters #complex #hash-map
  61. rawarray

    file format for retrievably storing n-dimensional arrays

    v0.1.1 #file-format #array #n-dimensional #storing #hdf5 #ra #complex
  62. cnetworks

    A set of tools for creating and manipulating complex networks

    v0.7.0 #networking #complex #complex-network #model #links #source #set
  63. symmetria

    numerical library

    v0.1.0 #quadrature #root-finding #numerical-methods #interpolation #math #complex #f64
  64. mandelbrot-orbits-rust

    A console command to generate an image of the Mandelbrot Set where each pixel color represents the period of the complex point (if the point belongs to the Set)

    v0.1.0 #mandelbrot #set #period #point #pixel #color #complex
  65. axiograph

    program that visualizes the structure of complex axioms using GPT-4. Give it an axiom and a "depth", and it will generate a summary based on all established sub-axioms and a graph using graphviz…

    v0.1.0 #axiom #insight #complex #graph #relationships #structure #depth
  66. xcomplex

    A complex number library

    v0.1.0 #complex-numbers #numbers #complex #math #number
  67. mutification

    Convert immutable reference to mutable reference

    v0.3.0 #reference #immutability #mutable #mutable-borrow #convert #complex #field
  68. cplx

    Complex and hypercomplex numbers

    v0.3.3 #complex #complex-numbers #arithmetic #construction #hypercomplex #cayley-dickson
  69. asserter

    New assertion library for rust

    v0.1.0 #testing #swc #assertions #complex
  70. phreak_engine

    Rule matching algorithm focussed on speed

    v0.1.5 #algorithm #fact #matching #engine #rule #phreak #complex
  71. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  72. complex-stuff

    working with complex numbers in rust

    v1.0.0 #complex-numbers #complex #numbers #math
  73. pipe_sim

    a Pipe Simulator Framework for fast building of complex pipelines

    v0.2.3 #pipe #pipeline #framework #simulation #complex #building
  74. makero

    A macro_rules! macro to aid in the creation of complex macro_rules! macros

    v0.1.2 #macro-rules #macro #complex #aid #creation
  75. irox-derive-helpers

    Helper traits & functions for the proc_macro crate to aid in writing less complex derive macros

    v0.1.0 330 #macro-derive #proc-macro #macro-helpers #irox #helper #less #complex
  76. viaptr

    An experimental library for packing complex types into pointer-sized fields

    v0.1.0 #packing #complex #fields #pointers #experimental #type #pointer-sized
  77. intrepid-core

    Manage complex async business logic with ease

    v0.3.0 220 #async #business #ease #complex #manage #logic
  78. seqcompress

    A toy compression algorithm that combines sequences of bytes into smaller strings

    v0.1.0 #byte #string #toy #sequences #complex #sequential #combine
  79. inertia-core

    Core functionality of the Inertia crate with high level wrappers for FLINT, Arb, and Antic

    v0.4.0 #number-theory #math #real #complex #flint #wrapper
  80. wasi-binio-wasm

    Allow complex data structure to be transffered as function arguments and results between host and wasm

    v0.1.1 #host #wasi #wasm #arguments #results #complex #structure
  81. impl-opaque-macro

    Macro for declaring complex struct and initializer

    v0.5.2 1.4K #boilerplate #macro #complex #struct #initializer #declaring
  82. complex_newton

    newton's method for finding solutions of complex equations

    v0.1.0 #newton #solution #complex #finding #equations
  83. rustpub

    Activitypub types

    v0.1.8 #activity-pub #activitypub #type #complex #properties
  84. rcomplex

    class for manipulating complex numbers. This project is mainly for educational purposes, and I reccomend using other more complete packages for complex math.

    v0.1.2 #complex #math #complex-numbers #educational #mainly #class #packages
  85. croot-gui

    graphing complex roots and numbers

    v0.1.0 #graphing #root #complex #plot #math #plotting
  86. wasmtime_serde_guest

    serializing complex types to the wasmtime runtime using serde

    v0.1.0 #wasmtime #run-time #serde #serialization #complex #type
  87. ComplexNumbers

    performing operations on complex numbers in which the magnitude of the real and imaginary parts are provided in f64 datatype

    v0.1.3 #complexnumbers #complex #numbers #operations #parts #datatype #real #performing
  88. ccomplex

    Easy to use complex numbers

    v0.1.0 #complex-numbers #complex #math #iprimitive
  89. yuuka-macros

    A helper library to generate complex and nested structures by a simple macro

    v0.4.0 1.2K #yuuka #helper #nested #complex #structures #generate #macro
  90. mathpack

    General Mathematics Library for Rust

    v0.1.8 #math #calculus #fitting #complex #symbolic-math #transform #optimization
  91. prty_fmtmodifier

    wrapping complex datastructures with different formatting options, extracted for bitgraph library

    v0.1.1 #data-structure #formatting #bitgraph #extracted #complex #different
  92. primitive-enum-derive

    macros for get primitive enum from complex

    v0.3.1 #enums #primitive #complex #macro #derive
  93. comcom

    designed to make it easier to compose complex commands

    v0.3.0 #command #composer #interactive #compose #complex
  94. dedup_by

    A helper function for removing consecutive duplicates from a vector of complex types

    v0.1.0 #dedup #removing #helper #complex #duplicates #consecutive #type
  95. wasmtime_serde_host

    serializing complex types to the wasmtime runtime using serde

    v0.1.3 #wasmtime #run-time #serde #serialization #complex #type #wasm
  96. devii

    Connection so you can easily Insert, Update, Query, and Delete complex structs into your Devii Database (PostGres)

    v0.0.3 #complex #struct #query #database #graphql #delete #update
  97. fixed-fft

    Fixed-point Fast Fourier Transform

    v0.1.0 #fft #fixed-point #transform #complex #real #q15 #direction
  98. workflow

    Execute complex workflows using simple definition files

    v0.3.0 170 #execute #complex #definition