
  1. async-global-executor

    A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io

    v2.4.1 1.6M #async-executor #async-await #async-task #executor #async #future #await
  2. nb

    Minimal non-blocking I/O layer

    v1.1.0 308K #async-io #io #future #await #futures
  3. async-recursion

    Recursion for async functions

    v1.1.1 1.8M #recursion #async #proc-macro #future #await #functions #boxed
  4. genawaiter

    Stackless generators on stable Rust

    v0.99.1 80K #async-await #generator #coroutine #async #await #yield #points
  5. executor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across executors

    v2.1.2 144K #async-executor #async-await #async #executor #future #await
  6. reactor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across reactors

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 137K #async #async-await #await #future #executor
  7. mobc

    A generic connection pool with async/await support

    v0.8.5 42K #async-await #pool #async #database #await
  8. tokio-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for tokio

    v2.1.3 88K #tokio #async-executor #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  9. gprs

    A set of filtered and optimized Rust libraries creates a foundation for building modern web frameworks

    v1.1.0 550 #task #async-await #run-time #await #template #async #web-framework
  10. next-gen

    Safe generators on stable Rust

    v0.1.1 4.1K #generator #async-await #coroutine #yield #await #async #range-iterator
  11. async-local

    For using thread locals within an async context and across await points

    v2.0.1 440 #thread-local #worker-thread #async-context #run-time #await #data
  12. tokio-reactor-trait

    reactor-trait implementation for tokio

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 47K #reactor #async-await #async #await #future
  13. cap-async-std

    Capability-based version of async-std

    v3.4.2 550 #async #file #networking #await #file-path #future #relative-path
  14. redis-lock

    distributed locking backed by Redis

    v0.5.1 350 #lock #redis #backed #distributed #setup #client #await
  15. wait

    Syntactic sugar for calling async functions outside of an async context

    v0.2.5 #future #async #synchronization #blocking #await #async-context
  16. async-global-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-global-executor

    v2.1.2 142K #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  17. smoltimeout

    A way to poll a future until it or a timer completes

    v0.6.2 800 #future #async-await #await #async #async-io #futures
  18. async-reactor-trait

    reactor-trait implementation for async-io

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 139K #async-await #reactor #async #await #future
  19. test_executors

    async executors for testing

    v0.3.2 210 #testing #future #async #async-await #await
  20. async-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-std

    v2.1.2 3.3K #async-executor #executor #async-await #await #future #async
  21. futures-delay-queue

    Async delay queue backed by async-std and futures-timer

    v0.6.0 #delay-queue #delay #queue #future #async #async-await #await
  22. actix_async_handler

    Support for async syntax for Actix

    v0.1.0 470 #async #handler #actor #syntax #actix-actor #message #await
  23. async_counter

    Counter that implements a future to await on specific value

    v0.1.3 600 #counter #future #async #value #shared #tasks #await
  24. async-gcode

    An async gcode parser for no_std targets

    v0.3.0 #gcode #async #async-await #await
  25. thread-async

    Execute a task in a new thread and await the result asynchronously

    v0.1.2 #thread #await #task #async #execute #tokio #duration
  26. smol-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for smol

    v3.0.2 420 #async-await #executor #await #future #async
  27. some_local_executor

    local executor

    v0.1.1 110 #non-blocking #await #async-await #future #async
  28. async-attributes

    Experimental language-level polyfills for Async Rust

    v1.1.2 645K #async #async-await #await #future #macro #futures #api-bindings
  29. actix-interop

    Use async/await syntax with actix actors

    v0.4.0 #actix-actor #async-await #actix #await #context #atomic #async
  30. asyncore

    v0.2.0 420 #await #task #async-await #async
  31. continue

    Swift-style continuation API

    v0.1.0 #continuation #future #async #task #async-await #await #futures
  32. mobc-redis

    Redis support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.8.2 9.7K #connection-pool #redis #pool #async-await #async #await
  33. async-ops

    Use std::ops traits with Futures

    v1.1.0 #async-trait #future #async-await #async #await #std
  34. async-macros

    Macros for async-std

    v2.0.0 13K #macro #async #future #await #async-rs
  35. waitlist

    Keep track of an ordered list of Wakers to wake

    v0.1.1 #waker #async-await #async #await #async-task #fifo-queue
  36. manual_future

    A future that must be manually completed, similar to Java's CompletableFuture

    v0.1.1 43K #future #async-await #async #complete #await #completablefuture
  37. tokio-sync2async

    Helpers to bridge between sync and async code

    v1.0.0 #tokio #sync #async #bridge #asynchronous #helper #await
  38. whynotblog

    A semi-simple blog system using turso

    v1.1.0 600 #blog #system #turso #semi-simple #duration #secs #await
  39. mobc-forked

    A generic connection pool with async/await support

    v0.7.4-alpha.4 140 #async-await #pool #async #database #await
  40. smol-timeout2

    A way to poll a future until it or a timer completes

    v0.6.1 600 #async-await #future #await #async #async-io #futures
  41. elk-mq

    A Message Queue implementation in rust, using Redis as a communication medium

    v0.1.1 #event-queue #redis #message-queue #events #communication #event-log #await
  42. futures-async-combinators

    toy futures combinators

    v0.3.2 #future #async-await #async #await #futures
  43. async_t

    zero-cost async-traits

    v0.7.0 #async-trait #future #async #dynamic-dispatch #traits #await #compile-time
  44. gen-z

    Macro-free stream construction through asynchronous generators via an awaitable sender

    v0.1.0 1.0K #generator #async-await #yield #await #future #async
  45. leaves

    Distributed ID Allocator

    v0.5.0 #id #distributed-id #async-await #await #distribution #async
  46. genawaiter-macro

    Convenience macros for generators (genawaiter)

    v0.99.1 80K #generator #async-await #coroutine #await #yield #async #construct
  47. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  48. implicit-await

    Implicitly await calls returning Future impls

    v0.1.0 #async-await #implicit #await #async
  49. st7735-async-low

    Low-level async library for 4-wire serial ST7735

    v0.0.2 #future #async #async-await #await #st7735 #api
  50. wait_not_await

    awaiter implementation

    v0.2.1 #await #wait #awaiter #🦀 #loop
  51. async-priority-queue

    An async-aware priority queue

    v0.1.1 #priority-queue #queue #priority #async #await #wait
  52. futures-macro-await-preview

    Definition of the await! macro for the futures crate

    v0.2.2 #definition #asynchronous-programming #zero-cost #await #macro
  53. alzheimer

    Async implementation of brainfuck interpreter

    v0.1.0 #interpreter #async #async-await #await #command-line-utilities
  54. gain

    Async/await-based framework for programs targetting Gate runtime (wasm32 targets)

    v0.5.0 #gate #run-time #framework #await #wasm #api-bindings #webassembly
  55. bastion-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for bastion

    v0.5.3 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  56. core-futures-tls

    A libcore wrapper allowing async/await to be used from no_std crates

    v0.1.1 #async-await #await #async #no-std #nostd
  57. await_macros

    Macros that expand to (expr).await

    v0.2.0 #future #await #macro #futures
  58. yaar

    asynchronous runtime optimized around configuration and no_std

    v0.1.1 #future #async #async-await #non-blocking #await #no-std
  59. gain-lep

    Support for exposing Gain APIs via Lep

    v0.1.3 #gate #future #await #lisp #framework #api-bindings #futures
  60. casus

    containing a handful of event-based async primitives

    v0.1.0 #primitive #events #containing #waiter #async #handful #await
  61. uexec

    work-stealing global and local executor

    v0.1.4 #await #future #async-await #executor #async #worker-thread
  62. gidle_future

    A future executor for the glib main loop idle time

    v0.2.0 #glib #gtk #await
  63. future-bool

    A bool one can await the changes

    v0.1.1 #await #bool #future
  64. promissory

    One-shot value exhange between threads

    v0.1.3 #thread #one-shot #producer-consumer #value #single #exhange #await
  65. await-group

    Golang like WaitGroup implementation

    v0.1.0 #wait-group #async #golang #await
  66. onchange

    cli to await file changes

    v0.1.1 #await #file #cli
  67. futures-macro-await

    Definition of the await! macro for the futures crate

    v0.2.1 #future #definition #asynchronous-programming #foundation #zero-cost #await #macro
  68. build_async

    Rust Macros to Unify Synchronous and Asynchronous Codebases

    v0.1.1 #async-await #async #await
  69. pigrabbit

    Porkbun api wrapper for rust

    v0.1.4 #api-wrapper #record #domain #porkbun #await #duration #wait
  70. youtube-metadata

    YouTube video metadata fetcher

    v0.2.0 #metadata #information #fetcher #await #url #title #thumbnail
  71. global-executor

    Configure a global executor you can reuse everywhere

    v0.1.0 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  72. async-await

    Just some macros to emulate the Async and Await :)

    v0.2.1 #await #future #async
  73. mobc-postgres

    Postgres support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.8.0 310 #postgresql #pool #async-await #await #async #database #connection-pool
  74. suspend_fn

    macro for implicit await

    v0.1.0 #async #await #macro #implicit #suspend
  75. yaar-reactor

    Non-blocking IO abstractions for building executors

    v0.1.2 #async-io #non-blocking #io #async #await #future
  76. anchored

    things can't cross the .await point

    v0.1.0 #await #point #cross #can-t #unanchored #check
  77. mpool

    A generic connection pool

    v0.1.4 #connection-pool #pool #async-await #await #tokio #async
  78. wasm_main_executor

    Run futures from web workers on the main browser thread

    v0.1.0 #web-worker #thread #future #browser #executor #tasks #await
  79. syncify

    macro for writing async functions once and getting both the async version and a sync version that strips all async function modifiers and all .await suffixes

    v0.1.0 130 #async-version #sync #macro #await #functions #suffix #once
  80. rs-uptobox

    Wrapper for uptobox.com

    v0.1.0 #uptobox #dev #offset #limit #api #folder #await
  81. mobc-redis-cluster

    Redis support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.1.1 #redis-cluster #redis #pool #async-await #connection-pool #await #async
  82. imboard

    Exchange images with the clipboard

    v0.2.6 #clipboard #image #exchange #api-bindings #anyhow #await #copy
  83. actix-web-async-await

    preview of Actix with async/await support

    v0.2.0 #actix-web #async-await #actix #await #web #async
  84. atomicmonitor

    Effeciently await a condition on atomic data

    v0.1.2 #data #condition #atomic #monitor #atom-monitor #await #effeciently