
  1. async-stream

    Asynchronous streams using async & await notation

    v0.3.6 4.6M #async-await #stream #notation #macro #error #traits #elements
  2. async-task

    Task abstraction for building executors

    v4.7.1 2.5M #task #task-queue #async-executor #executor #future #spawn #async-await
  3. async-tungstenite

    Async binding for Tungstenite, the Lightweight stream-based WebSocket implementation

    v0.28.1 341K #websocket #async-std #async-await #websocket-server #websocket-client #native-tls #tokio
  4. smol

    A small and fast async runtime

    v2.0.2 393K #async-io #async-networking #async-await #async #networking #io #future
  5. async-std

    Async version of the Rust standard library

    v1.13.0 1.6M #async-version #async-await #async
  6. async-global-executor

    A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io

    v2.4.1 1.6M #async-executor #async-await #async-task #executor #async #future #await
  7. embassy-executor

    async/await executor designed for embedded usage

    v0.6.3 31K #async-executor #async-await #task #async-task #heap #allocated #alloc
  8. async-scoped

    Spawn scoped (non 'static) asynchronous futures for async_std and tokio runtimes

    v0.9.0 216K #async-std #tokio #async-await #async #scoped #spawn #run-time
  9. tor-rtcompat

    Compatibility layer for asynchronous runtimes, used by Tor

    v0.25.0 7.8K #tor #arti #async-io #async #async-networking #async-await
  10. fast-socks5

    Fast SOCKS5 client/server implementation written in Rust async/.await (tokio)

    v0.9.6 37K #async-await #proxy #proxy-server #async #vpn #sock #io
  11. ttrpc

    version of ttrpc

    v0.8.2 25K #grpc #rpc #protobuf #low-memory #async #async-await #async-version
  12. genawaiter

    Stackless generators on stable Rust

    v0.99.1 80K #async-await #generator #coroutine #async #await #yield #points
  13. eyeball

    Add observability to your Rust types!

    v0.8.8 5.7K #observable #reactive #async #async-await
  14. igd-next

    Internet Gateway Protocol client

    v0.15.1 285K #upnp #async-await #igd #async-std #tokio
  15. rsmq_async

    Async RSMQ port to rust. RSMQ is a simple redis queue system that works in any redis v2.4+. It contains the same methods as the original one in https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq

    v12.0.0 25K #redis-queue #rsmq #system #port #async-await #original #methods
  16. tls-api

    TLS API without implementation

    v0.12.0 20K #tls #tls-connector #api #async-std #async-await #acceptor #tokio
  17. dataloader

    Facebook's DataLoader using async-await

    v0.18.0 7.0K #cache #batching #facebook #async-await #batcher #load #loader
  18. executor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across executors

    v2.1.2 144K #async-executor #async-await #async #executor #future #await
  19. cxx-async

    interoperability between C++ coroutines and asynchronous Rust

    v0.1.2 260 #async #async-await #cpp #ffi
  20. wg

    Golang like WaitGroup implementation for sync/async Rust

    v0.9.2 5.2K #wait-group #async-await #sync #async #wake #notify
  21. async_executors

    Implements Spawn, SpawnLocal and SpawnHandle for commonly used executors

    v0.7.0 15K #async-executor #executor #future #async #async-await
  22. reactor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across reactors

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 137K #async #async-await #await #future #executor
  23. windmark

    An elegant and highly performant async Gemini server framework

    v0.3.11 #server-framework #gemini #async-std #async-await #tokio #response #highly
  24. mobc

    A generic connection pool with async/await support

    v0.8.5 42K #async-await #pool #async #database #await
  25. ghost_actor

    GhostActor makes it simple, ergonomic, and idiomatic to implement async / concurrent code using an Actor model

    v0.4.0-alpha.5 3.4K #actor-model #holochain #actor #async #holo #async-await
  26. clamav-client

    ClamAV client library with optional Tokio and async-std support

    v2.0.0 600 #clam-av #async-await #data-stream #tokio #async #client-send #clamd
  27. glommio

    thread-per-core crate that makes writing highly parallel asynchronous applications in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans

    v0.9.0 1.3K #thread-per-core #io-uring #async #async-await #linux-kernel #rust
  28. async-dropper

    The least-worst ad-hoc implementation of AsyncDrop as a Derive macro

    v0.3.1 2.9K #macro-derive #async #async-trait #tokio #drop #async-std #async-await
  29. async-graphql-extension-apollo-tracing

    An async_graphql extension to send traces & metrics to Apollo Studio

    v3.2.15 2.5K #async-graphql #graphql #apollo #studio #async #graphql-client #async-await
  30. agnostic-lite

    agnostic-lite is WASM friendly and light version of agnostic, for users who want to write async runtime-agnostic crate

    v0.3.16 200 #run-time #async-trait #async #traits #async-await #agnostic
  31. fauxgen

    write your own generators in stable rust

    v0.1.5 390 #generator #stable #async-await #write #own #run #top
  32. natpmp

    NAT-PMP client library

    v0.5.0 240 #nat #rfc6886 #async-await #portmapping
  33. gprs

    A set of filtered and optimized Rust libraries creates a foundation for building modern web frameworks

    v1.1.0 550 #task #async-await #run-time #await #template #async #web-framework
  34. async_cell

    A Cell<Option<T>> that you can await on

    v0.2.2 32K #callback #async-await #future #watch #resolve #mvar #futures
  35. openid-client

    OpenID client for Rust

    v0.2.6 #openid-connect #client #async-await #specs #party #relying
  36. tokio-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for tokio

    v2.1.3 88K #tokio #async-executor #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  37. ipgeolocate

    Get IP address geolocation information freely

    v0.3.6 480 #ip-geolocation #ip-address #geolocation #ip #locator #geolocator #async-await
  38. next-gen

    Safe generators on stable Rust

    v0.1.1 4.1K #generator #async-await #coroutine #yield #await #async #range-iterator
  39. xtra

    A tiny actor framework

    v0.6.0 240 #actor-framework #actor #async #async-await #future #actors #actix-actor
  40. async-socks5

    An async/.await SOCKS5 implementation

    v0.6.0 25K #socks5-proxy #async-await #proxy #async #sock #tokio
  41. monoio-http

    Low level http implementation for Monoio

    v0.3.12 440 #async-http #low-level #http #monoio #async #async-await
  42. discro

    DISCRete Observables for asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)

    v0.29.3 300 #reactive-programming #functional-reactive-programming #functional-programming #asynchronous-programming #reactive #async-await #observable
  43. stick

    Platform-agnostic asynchronous gamepad, joystick and flighstick library

    v0.13.0 #joystick #gamepad #gamepad-input #controller #ux #async-await #platform-agnostic
  44. smol-macros

    Macros for setting up a smol runtime

    v0.1.1 11K #async-io #async-executor #async-await #macro #async #setting-up #io
  45. async-event-emitter

    Lightweight AsyncEventEmitter

    v0.1.3 #tokio #async #future #bincode #event-listener #async-await #tokio-task
  46. tokio-reactor-trait

    reactor-trait implementation for tokio

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 47K #reactor #async-await #async #await #future
  47. elegant-departure

    simplify graceful shutdown

    v0.3.1 480 #graceful-shutdown #async-await #tokio #async-std #run-time #shutdown-signal #smol
  48. push_decode

    Push-based decoding and pull-based encoding

    v0.4.3 250 #codec #decoding #async-io #encoding #async-agnostic #async-await #io-error
  49. async-observable

    Async & reactive synchronization model to keep multiple async tasks / threads partially synchronized

    v0.4.2 #async-task #async-await #async #synchronization #observable #reactive #thread-synchronization
  50. async-compatibility-layer

    an abstraction layer for using both async-std and tokio

    v1.2.1 1.2K #async-channel #async-await #async-executor #abstraction-layer #async-std #tokio #run-time
  51. tokio-nats

    Async-await ready NATS library

    v0.4.1 270 #nats-client #tokio #async-await #ready #situations #connect #stream-ext
  52. rasi

    Asynchronous IO System Interface

    v0.2.6 190 #async-io #async-await #run-time #async-std #tokio #system-interface #unified
  53. async_progress

    Create sync points across async tasks

    v0.2.1 #async-task #synchronization #async-await #concurrency #oneshot-channel #progress #sync
  54. smoltimeout

    A way to poll a future until it or a timer completes

    v0.6.2 800 #future #async-await #await #async #async-io #futures
  55. async-rate-limiter

    Implements a token bucket algorithm that can be used to limit API access frequency. Written in pure Rust.

    v1.1.0 #rate-limiting #token-bucket #api-access #async-await #async-std #concurrency #tokio
  56. async-global-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-global-executor

    v2.1.2 142K #executor #async-await #async #await #future
  57. rasi-mio

    a rasi drivers implementation base on mio

    v0.2.6 130 #rasi #mio #drivers #system-interface #run-time #async #async-await
  58. test_executors

    async executors for testing

    v0.3.2 210 #testing #future #async #async-await #await
  59. rip-starttls

    Sans I/O implementation of https://duesee.dev/p/avoid-implementing-starttls/

    v0.1.0 #async-await #imap #async-std #tokio #ssl #sans-io #starttls
  60. async-reactor-trait

    reactor-trait implementation for async-io

    v2.0.0-alpha.2 139K #async-await #reactor #async #await #future
  61. twitchchat

    interface to the irc-side of twitch's chat system

    v0.14.8 #twitch #irc #async #chat-bot #asynchronous #async-await #tokio
  62. act-zero

    Ergonomic actor system

    v0.4.0 600 #actor-system #future #async #async-await #executor #static #polymorphism
  63. futures-delay-queue

    Async delay queue backed by async-std and futures-timer

    v0.6.0 #delay-queue #delay #queue #future #async #async-await #await
  64. async-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for async-std

    v2.1.2 3.3K #async-executor #executor #async-await #await #future #async
  65. wasm-mt

    A multithreading library for Rust and WebAssembly

    v0.1.3 #web-worker #worker-thread #multi-threading #wasm #thread-pool #async-await #closures
  66. spaik

    Programming Language

    v0.3.1 #programming-language #garbage-collection #lisp #continuation #async-await #extension #dynamic
  67. async-stream-lite

    Proc macro-free async/await Rust streams

    v0.2.0 120 #async-stream #lite #proc #async-await #yield #future #macro-free
  68. smol-potat

    Proc macro for smol runtime

    v1.1.2 8.9K #proc-macro #smol #run-time #async #async-await #test-cases #async-std
  69. couchbase

    The official Couchbase Rust SDK

    v1.0.0-alpha.4 140 #database #sdk #libcouchbase #kv #async-await #top #built
  70. async-gcode

    An async gcode parser for no_std targets

    v0.3.0 #gcode #async #async-await #await
  71. embedded-asyncdelay-rp2040

    A hardware-based, asynchronous delay that can be used with async/await runtimes

    v0.1.0 #delay #async-await #runtimes #waker #hardware #alarm #future
  72. smol-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for smol

    v3.0.2 420 #async-await #executor #await #future #async
  73. some_local_executor

    local executor

    v0.1.1 110 #non-blocking #await #async-await #future #async
  74. actix-interop

    Use async/await syntax with actix actors

    v0.4.0 #actix-actor #async-await #actix #await #context #atomic #async
  75. continue

    Swift-style continuation API

    v0.1.0 #continuation #future #async #task #async-await #await #futures
  76. async-attributes

    Experimental language-level polyfills for Async Rust

    v1.1.2 645K #async #async-await #await #future #macro #futures #api-bindings
  77. messages

    Runtime-agnostic actor library

    v0.3.1 130 #actor #actor-framework #actix-actor #actors #async #async-await #utilities
  78. ringbuf-rs

    in-memory ringbuf implementation

    v0.2.6 #ringbuf #async-await #rasi #run-time #async-std #tokio #in-memory
  79. callback-result

    Assists in converting the callback function's method of obtaining results into the await method

    v0.1.3 #async-await #callback #converting #async-std #results #obtaining #assist
  80. async-dropper-simple

    struct-wrapper (i.e. AsyncDropper<T>) based implementation of AsyncDrop

    v0.2.6 3.1K #tokio #async #async-std #async-await #macro-derive #async-drop #default
  81. async_to_iter

    Convert async functions to generators on stable Rust

    v0.1.0 #async #generator #iterator #async-await #stable #convert #sink
  82. tls-api-2

    TLS API without implementation

    v0.11.0 3.9K #tls-api #tls #tls-connector #async-std #async-await #acceptor #tokio
  83. orientdb-client

    client for OrientDB™

    v0.6.0 #graph-database #database-client #graph #database #orientdb #async-await
  84. tfrecord

    de/serialize for TensorBoard

    v0.15.0 7.8K #serialization #tensorflow #data #interop #deserialize #ndarray #async-await
  85. rasi-sqlite3

    rais database driver for sqlite3

    v0.2.6 #database-driver #sqlite #system-interface #rasi #async #run-time #async-await
  86. asyncore

    v0.2.0 420 #await #task #async-await #async
  87. woke

    A minimalistic waker implementation for executors

    v0.0.4 650 #async-executor #waker #async-task #minimalist #future #async-await #own
  88. retrying

    General-purpose retrying library for Rust with macros and functions

    v0.1.0 2.3K #retry #macro #tokio #async-std #sync #async-await #functions
  89. async-ops

    Use std::ops traits with Futures

    v1.1.0 #async-trait #future #async-await #async #await #std
  90. sea-streamer-runtime

    🌊 SeaStreamer async runtime abstraction

    v0.5.0 2.7K #async-std #async-await #tokio #async
  91. polyfuse

    A FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) library for Rust

    v0.4.1 100 #fuse #async #future #async-await #filesystem
  92. mobc-redis

    Redis support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.8.2 9.7K #connection-pool #redis #pool #async-await #async #await
  93. executor

    A minimalistic async/await executor

    v0.8.4 #minimalist #wasm #async-await
  94. fure

    Retrying futures using different policies

    v0.6.0 220 #future #retry #futures #futures-retry #async-await
  95. tbot

    Make cool Telegram bots with Rust easily

    v0.6.7 #telegram-bot #telegram #bot-api #telegram-api #async-await
  96. jsonrpsee-http-server

    HTTP server for JSON-RPC

    v0.15.1 8.5K #json-rpc-server #http-server #jsonrpsee #api #websocket #http-proxy #async-await
  97. async-core

    A standard for async runtimes

    v0.3.1 #async #async-std #run-time #async-api #standard #async-await #tokio
  98. rtx

    zero-cost runtime-abstraction intended for use by Rust libraries to enable the Freedom of Choice between asynchronous runtimes

    v0.1.0 #tokio #async #async-await #async-std #generic
  99. async-mq

    Zero-cost async-await abstraction of lapin AMQP client crate

    v1.1.0 #amqp-client #rabbitmq #async-await #amqp #lapin #future #async-client
  100. manual_future

    A future that must be manually completed, similar to Java's CompletableFuture

    v0.1.1 43K #future #async-await #async #complete #await #completablefuture
  101. waitlist

    Keep track of an ordered list of Wakers to wake

    v0.1.1 #waker #async-await #async #await #async-task #fifo-queue
  102. fut-compat

    Offers compatibility between the tokio and async_std runtimes

    v0.1.0 #async-await #async-std #async #tokio #compatibility #future #object
  103. anonymous-trait

    Anonymous trait implementation with capturing the environment

    v0.1.3 #anonymous #closures #async-await #tokio #closure
  104. async-wormhole

    Async calls across non-async functions

    v0.3.7 #async #async-await #jit #non-async #closures #calls #functions
  105. mobc-forked

    A generic connection pool with async/await support

    v0.7.4-alpha.4 140 #async-await #pool #async #database #await
  106. tokio-wrap

    run asynchronous code within synchronous functions

    v0.0.3 #tokio #synchronous #async-await #run-time #wrap #functions #macro
  107. tokio-async-std

    An async-std that can fit into tokio ecosystem straight ahead

    v1.5.3 #async-std #async-await #async
  108. swait

    Blocking on Futures

    v0.1.0 #future #non-blocking #blocking #async-await #async #io #futures
  109. qjack

    ergonomic sqlx wrapper for nightly Rust

    v0.1.3 #sqlite #postgresql #mysql #async #database #postgres #async-await
  110. reacher-fast-socks5

    Fast SOCKS5 client/server implementation written in Rust async/.await (tokio)

    v0.8.1 #async-await #sock #async #io #proxy #vpn #socks
  111. abs_art

    ABStraction of Asynchronous RunTime

    v0.1.0 #async-await #tokio #smol #async-std #async #wrapper
  112. catty

    Send and await a value asynchronously

    v0.1.5 800 #oneshot-channel #oneshot #channel #future #async #async-await #futures
  113. rvk

    accessing VK (VKontakte) API (using async/await)

    v0.23.0 #async-await #vk #api #api-bindings
  114. ockam_node_no_std

    Ockam library types that do not need std

    v0.14.0 #ockam #async-await #future #cryptography #futures #no-std #crypto
  115. timeware

    timer used to schedule execution of closures at a given timestamp

    v0.2.0 #closures #timer #async #async-await #timestamp #schedule #execution
  116. async-gen

    Async generator in stable rust using async/await

    v0.2.3 100 #generator #async #async-await #stable #gen #features #yield
  117. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  118. remit

    Rust generators implemented through async/await syntax

    v0.1.4 #generator #yield #async-await #syntax #implemented #values #features
  119. hyper-unix-connector

    Use hyper with unix-domain sockets

    v0.2.2 21K #unix-domain #sockets #hyper #hyper-server #unix-socket #async-await #hyperlocal
  120. task-executor

    A task executor

    v0.3.3 #task #async-std #async-await #executor #task-queue #tokio
  121. futures-await-test

    Async test support for Rust through a procedural macro. This crate defines the #[async_test] attribute to make writing tests that use async/await easier.

    v0.3.0 5.0K #testing #async #async-test #proc-macro #async-await #procedural #attributes
  122. smol-timeout2

    A way to poll a future until it or a timer completes

    v0.6.1 600 #async-await #future #await #async #async-io #futures
  123. futures-async-runtime-preview

    Runtime for the async/await macros in the futures crate

    v0.2.3 490 #async #future #run-time #async-await #macro #zero-cost
  124. embassy-mock

    An unofficial collection of mocked types for the Embassy framework

    v0.4.0 #embassy #mocked #async-await #framework #testing #types #collection
  125. sqlx-build-trust-postgres

    PostgreSQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.9 1.9K #postgresql #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #async-await #queries
  126. backoff-tower

    A tower layer to apply a backoff strategy to retried requests

    v0.1.6 #tower-layer #tower #backoff #requests #strategy #retry #async-await
  127. retry_fn

    retry function with versions for blocking or non-blocking, tokio or async-std

    v0.2.0 #retry #tokio #async #async-await #io-error
  128. futures-async-combinators

    toy futures combinators

    v0.3.2 #future #async-await #async #await #futures
  129. leaves

    Distributed ID Allocator

    v0.5.0 #id #distributed-id #async-await #await #distribution #async
  130. shadowrocks

    Shadowsocks port in pure async/.await Rust

    v0.1.0 #shadowsocks #server #async-await #port #compatible #pure #server-port
  131. gen-z

    Macro-free stream construction through asynchronous generators via an awaitable sender

    v0.1.0 1.0K #generator #async-await #yield #await #future #async
  132. veilid-async-tungstenite

    Async binding for Tungstenite, the Lightweight stream-based WebSocket implementation

    v0.23.0 #websocket #websocket-server #async-std #async-await #client-server #native-tls #non-blocking
  133. genawaiter-macro

    Convenience macros for generators (genawaiter)

    v0.99.1 80K #generator #async-await #coroutine #await #yield #async #construct
  134. ng-async-tungstenite

    fork of async-tungstenite for NextGraph.org

    v0.22.2 #websocket #async-std #async-await #native-tls #tokio #io #web
  135. implicit-await

    Implicitly await calls returning Future impls

    v0.1.0 #async-await #implicit #await #async
  136. ws-gonzale

    Naive websocket server implemented using async / await

    v0.5.0 #websocket-server #websocket #async #non-blocking #future #async-await
  137. akt

    An actors library for Rust and Tokio designed to work with async / await message handlers out of the box

    v0.1.2 #actor #tokio #async-await #async #actor-framework #actix #future
  138. taskwait

    Runtime agnostic way to wait for a group of async tasks

    v0.4.1 #wait #async-task #tasks #wait-group #async #async-await #waitgroup
  139. rasi-ext

    includes extend features or experimental features that are useful for asynchronous programming

    v0.1.11 120 #asynchronous-programming #rasi #experimental #tokio #run-time #async-await #system-interface
  140. signalr_rs

    SignalR client based on actix web client and async await

    v0.2.6 #signalr #actix-web #async-await #actix #zstd #default #url
  141. st7735-async-low

    Low-level async library for 4-wire serial ST7735

    v0.0.2 #future #async #async-await #await #st7735 #api
  142. yield-return

    Implement a coroutine like C#‘s yield return using Rust’s async, await

    v0.1.0 #coroutine #iterator #yield #generator #async-await
  143. alzheimer

    Async implementation of brainfuck interpreter

    v0.1.0 #interpreter #async #async-await #await #command-line-utilities
  144. tasic

    Tokio, Async_STD, Smol, Interface Crate

    v0.3.2 #async-await #smol #tokio #async-std #async
  145. dedenne

    Cute little generators using async/await in stable rust

    v0.1.0 #generator #async #cute #little #async-await #stable #done
  146. futures-await-test-preview

    Async test support for Rust through a procedural macro. This crate defines the #[async_test] attribute to make writing tests that use async/await easier.

    v0.3.0-alpha.19 #async #async-test #attributes #testing #async-await #defines #procedural
  147. udp_sas_async

    Source address selection for UDP sockets

    v0.2.0 #udp #ip-pktinfo #ipv6-recvpktinfo #async-await
  148. bastion-executor-trait

    executor-trait implementation for bastion

    v0.5.3 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  149. core-futures-tls

    A libcore wrapper allowing async/await to be used from no_std crates

    v0.1.1 #async-await #await #async #no-std #nostd
  150. abs_sync

    Abstraction of synchronization for rust async/await

    v0.1.0 #async-trait #traits #async #sync #abstraction #async-await #abs
  151. async-streamdata

    Async IO data stream decoding utilitites

    v0.5.1 #data-stream #async-io #stream #async-stream #deserialize #async-await #deserialization
  152. sgx_core_futures

    Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language

    v1.1.1 #sgx-sdk #intel-sgx #write #applications #async-await #ability
  153. coerce-rt

    Async actor runtime

    v0.2.2 #actor #run-time #coerce #async-await #distributed-systems #scalable #event-driven
  154. yaar

    asynchronous runtime optimized around configuration and no_std

    v0.1.1 #future #async #async-await #non-blocking #await #no-std
  155. async_dataloader

    Powerful tool for avoiding N+1 queries using async/await, based on the DataLoader pattern

    v0.1.3 #data-loader #load #pattern #queries #async-await #avoiding #batches
  156. uexec

    work-stealing global and local executor

    v0.1.4 #await #future #async-await #executor #async #worker-thread
  157. stream_generator

    Allows to easily generate streams with async/await

    v0.1.0 #stream #generate #async-await
  158. ws-lite

    Naive websocket server implemented using async / await

    v0.6.1 #websocket-server #websocket #async #non-blocking #future #async-await
  159. waitmap

    an awaitable concurrent hash map

    v1.1.0 #hash-map #wait #concurrency #api #primitive #async-await #stop
  160. ruserf-core

    A decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration that is lightweight, highly available, and fault tolerant

    v0.1.0 #service-discovery #gossip #swim #memberlist #fault-tolerant #serf #async-await
  161. pyo3-async-runtimes-macros

    Proc Macro Attributes for pyo3-async-runtimes

    v0.23.0 5.0K #pyo3 #python #async #async-io #ffi #async-await #proc-macro
  162. build_async

    Rust Macros to Unify Synchronous and Asynchronous Codebases

    v0.1.1 #async-await #async #await
  163. ndless-async

    Ndless-specific integration with async/await for the TI-Nspire

    v0.1.2 #async #async-await #ndless #integration #key #timer #ti-nspire
  164. global-executor

    Configure a global executor you can reuse everywhere

    v0.1.0 #executor #await #async-await #future #async
  165. mobc-postgres

    Postgres support for the mobc connection pool

    v0.8.0 310 #postgresql #pool #async-await #await #async #database #connection-pool
  166. async-await

    Just some macros to emulate the Async and Await :)

    v0.2.1 #await #future #async
  167. core-futures-stateless

    Workaround for no_std async-await that doesn't store task contexts

    v0.1.0 #workaround #context #task #async-await #future #store #dummy
  168. mojang-api

    interfacing with the Mojang API. Includes full support for async/await.

    v0.6.1 #minecraft #mojang #client-server #async-await #interfacing #hash #authentication
  169. pyo3-asyncio-macros

    Proc Macro Attributes for PyO3 Asyncio

    v0.20.0 23K #pyo3 #async-io #python #async #ffi #async-await #proc-macro