
  1. reqwest

    higher level HTTP client library

    v0.12.12 10.0M #http-client #http-request #async-http-client #http #client #blocking-client #async-client
  2. bollard

    An asynchronous Docker daemon API

    v0.18.1 505K #docker #async-client #build-kit #api-client #daemon #api-version #async-stream
  3. mysql_async

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.35.1 148K #mysql #database-client #connection-pool #async #async-client #database #database-driver
  4. fred

    An async client for Redis and Valkey

    v10.1.0 67K #redis #redis-cluster #redis-server #async-client #cluster
  5. async-nats

    A async Rust NATS client

    v0.39.0 171K #nats-client #nats #async-client #distributed-systems #messaging #client #api-bindings
  6. etcd-client

    An etcd v3 API client

    v0.14.1 133K #etcd #api-client #async-client #client #tls-connection #async #rustls
  7. amqprs

    AMQP 0-9-1 client implementation for RabbitMQ

    v2.1.0 11K #amqp-client #rabbitmq #amqp #lock-free #async-client #tokio #async
  8. slack-morphism

    Slack Morphism is a modern client library for Slack Web/Events API/Socket Mode and Block Kit

    v2.9.0 43K #slack #api-bindings #api-client #web-api #sockets #async-client #client
  9. gcp-bigquery-client

    An ergonomic async client library for GCP BigQuery

    v0.25.1 87K #google-cloud #big-query #async-client #table #service-account #gcp #dataset
  10. vaultrs

    An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API

    v0.7.4 158K #hashicorp #hashi-corp #vault #client #api-client #async-client
  11. redis-async

    An asynchronous futures based Redis client for Rust using Tokio

    v0.17.2 11K #redis #tokio #redis-cluster #async-client #future #redis-server
  12. instant-acme

    Async pure-Rust ACME client

    v0.7.2 33K #tls-certificates #acme-client #acme #letsencrypt #async-client #http-client #tls-client
  13. irc

    usable, async IRC for Rust

    v1.0.0 5.0K #irc-client #async-client #tokio #thread-safe #client #async
  14. zookeeper-client

    ZooKeeper async client

    v0.9.0 478K #async-client #zookeeper #zoo-keeper #api-client #api-bindings
  15. ntex-h2

    An HTTP/2 client and server

    v1.8.5 10K #non-blocking #client-server #async #async-http #http-server #http #async-client
  16. bluez-async

    An async wrapper around the D-Bus interface of BlueZ (the Linux Bluetooth daemon), supporting GATT client (central) functionality

    v0.8.0 15K #linux-bluetooth #bluetooth #ble #bluez #linux #async-client #api-bindings
  17. rust_socketio

    socketio client written in rust

    v0.6.0 10K #socket-io #protocols #async-client #engineio #client-server #socketio #networking
  18. tokio-postgres

    A native, asynchronous PostgreSQL client

    v0.7.13 820K #postgresql #async-client #sql-database #database-client #async #database #sql
  19. musicbrainz_rs

    MusicBrainz Rust is a utility crate for the MusicBrainz API

    v0.9.0 380 #music-brainz #search-query #blocking-client #async-client #api-client #utility #user
  20. nats


    v0.25.0 50K #nats-client #distributed-systems #messaging #client #async-client #api-bindings #api-client
  21. ldap3_proto

    LDAP Protocol Bindings for Tokio

    v0.6.0 3.1K #ldap-client #protocols #async-client #ldap-server #tokio #access-control #bindings
  22. cloudflare

    v4 API

    v0.13.0 2.8K #api-client #client #blocking-client #async-client #api-bindings #async-api #api
  23. tokio-zookeeper

    Asynchronous client library for interacting with Apache ZooKeeper

    v0.4.0 410 #zookeeper #tokio #key-value-store #distributed-systems #async-client #client-server #service-configuration
  24. musicbrainz_rs_nova

    MusicBrainz Rust is a utility crate for the MusicBrainz API

    v0.8.0 310 #music-brainz #async-client #search-query #blocking-client #rate-limiting #api-client #utility
  25. mongod

    An abstraction layer on mongodb

    v0.3.6 750 #mongo-db #async-client #bson #mongodb #abstraction-layer #nosql #database
  26. conjure-runtime

    An HTTP client compatible with Conjure-generated services

    v6.0.0 330 #http-client #async-http-client #conjure #async-client #client-server #service #http-framework
  27. poster

    MQTTv5 client library written in Rust

    v0.3.1 #mqtt-client #async-client #mqtt #non-blocking #client #async #runtime-agnostic
  28. mpd_client

    Asynchronous user-friendly MPD client

    v1.4.1 500 #mpd #async-client #async #client
  29. conogram

    An async wrapper for Telegram Bot API

    v0.2.19 #telegram-bot #bot-api #telegram #telegram-api #bot #async-client
  30. async-tls

    Asynchronous TLS/SSL streams using Rustls

    v0.13.0 63K #tls-stream #async-io #tls-client #tls-server #rustls #async-stream #async-client
  31. tigerbeetle-unofficial

    Safe high level async bindings to tigerbeetle client library

    v0.8.0+0.16.28 490 #bindings #tigerbeetle #api-bindings #async #async-client #level #high
  32. rabbitmq_http_client

    RabbitMQ HTTP API client

    v0.23.0 950 #http-client #rabbitmq #http-api #api-client #blocking-client #amqp-client #async-client
  33. restson

    REST client with automatic serialization and deserialization

    v1.5.0 1.8K #rest-client #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #async-client #rest #client
  34. clickhouse-rs

    Asynchronous Yandex ClickHouse client library

    v1.1.0-alpha.1 1.5K #clickhouse #async-client #database #tokio
  35. rqlite-rs

    Async rqlite client for Rust

    v0.6.0 240 #distributed-database #database-client #sqlite #rqlite #async-client #database #async
  36. boomnet

    Framework for building low latency clients on top of TCP

    v0.0.40 1.0K #websocket-client #mio #async #tcp-connection #tungstenite #async-client #tcp-client
  37. tosho-musq

    An asynchronous client of MU! API by SQ

    v0.6.1 #manga-downloader #api-client #api #mu #tosho #async-client #sq
  38. generic-async-http-client

    async HTTP(S) client

    v0.6.3 900 #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #http #hyper-http #async-client #client
  39. monzo-lib

    async Monzo client in pure rust

    v0.4.5 650 #async-client #monzo #client #api-client #async #access-token #api-bindings
  40. tmdb-async

    The Movie Database (TMDb) API for async Rust

    v0.7.1 600 #async-api #api-client #tmdb #movie #async-client #database-client #search
  41. tosho-kmkc

    An asynchronous client of KM API by KC

    v0.6.1 #manga-downloader #async-client #api-client #km #tosho #library #authentication
  42. memcache-async

    A no-frills async memcached client for Rust

    v0.8.0 17K #memcached #cache #async-client #async #memcache #database #unix-domain-socket
  43. mastodon-async

    A wrapper around the Mastodon API

    v1.3.2 #mastodon #social #async-client #web #wrapper #api-bindings #cargo-toml
  44. workflow-rpc

    Workflow RPC (wRPC) framework based on the workflow-websocket crate offering native & in-browser (WASM32) clients and a native server (based on tokio & tungstenite). wRPC supports…

    v0.18.0 1.8K #websocket #rpc #browser #client-server #wasm #async-client
  45. async-acme

    async ACME client for tls-alpn-01 challenge

    v0.6.0 550 #tls-certificates #acme-client #async-tls #acme #async-client #async #rustls
  46. transmission_rs

    A safe, ergonomic, async client for the Transmission BitTorrent client implemented in pure Rust

    v0.8.12 1.2K #bittorrent #transmission #async-client #torrent #api-bindings
  47. solaredge

    API client

    v0.4.2 #api-client #solar #http-client #panel #async-client #equipment #interface
  48. twitch-irc

    Connect to Twitch chat from a Rust application

    v5.0.1 2.3K #twitch-api #twitch #irc-client #chat-client #api-bindings #async-client
  49. tosho-amap

    An asynchronous client of AM API by AP

    v0.6.1 #api-client #manga-downloader #async-client #am #tosho #library #download
  50. divviup-client

    Async rust client for divviup.org

    v0.4.28 1.4K #async-client #divviup #org #up
  51. danube-client

    The async client for Danube Messaging Broker platform

    v0.3.4 360 #async-client #pub-sub #event-streaming #message-broker #danube #messaging-system
  52. ldap3_client

    LDAP Client Library for Tokio

    v0.6.0 2.1K #ldap-client #ldap-server #async-client #tokio #security #protocols
  53. hop

    Rust client library for the Api

    v0.1.12 210 #async-api #async #api-client #async-client #tokio #api #client
  54. compressed_log

    Log compression on the fly

    v0.5.6 300 #log #compression #embedded-devices #deflate #async-networking #fly #async-client
  55. ldap3_cli

    LDAP Command Line Tools

    v0.6.0 #ldap #ldap-client #command-line #protocols #async-client #chaos #authentication
  56. trading212

    interacting with the Trading212 API

    v0.2.15 900 #trading #bot #api #async #async-client #intended
  57. msedge-tts

    wrapper of MSEdge Read aloud function API. You can use it to synthesize text to speech with many voices MS provided.

    v0.2.4 #tts #text-to-speech #convert-text #async-read #edge-tts #async-stream #async-client
  58. slack_api

    Interface for the Slack Web API

    v0.23.1 1.0K #slack #web-api #api-client #async-client #sync
  59. gel-tokio

    Gel database client implementation for tokio. Formerly published as gel-tokio

    v0.9.6 #database-client #tokio #transaction #gel #async-client #run-time #await
  60. mpart-async

    Asynchronous (Futures-Base) Multipart Requests for Rust

    v0.7.0 4.1K #multipart #requests #future #async-client #stream #client-server #hyper-client
  61. bollard-next-stubs

    Stubs used for the Bollard rust async Docker client API

    v1.45.1-rc.26.0.1 330 #api-client #async-client #stub #bollard #api-version #data #generated
  62. septa-api

    SEPTA Async Rust API Client

    v0.4.0 380 #api-client #async-api #septa #train #async-client #public-transit #regional-rail
  63. hass-rs

    An async websocket client for Home Assistant

    v0.4.0 #home-assistant #websocket-client #async-client #async-std #hass #api-client #async-await
  64. redis_cluster_async

    Async redis cluster driver for Rust

    v0.8.1 15K #redis-cluster #redis #cluster #async #async-client #database
  65. misanthropic

    An async, ergonomic, client for Anthropic's Messages API

    v0.5.1 250 #api-client #async-client #anthropic #async-stream #messages #async #stream
  66. sea-streamer-redis

    🌊 SeaStreamer Redis Backend

    v0.5.2 8.3K #stream-processing #redis #stream #async-stream #async #async-api #async-client
  67. forensic-adb

    Tokio based client library for the Android Debug Bridge (adb) based on mozdevice

    v0.7.0 #android #adb #tokio #devices #forensics #async-client #debugging
  68. radius

    An async/await native implementation of the RADIUS server and client for Rust

    v0.4.0 1.5K #server-client #async-client #async
  69. elastic

    A modular sync and async client for the Elasticsearch REST API

    v0.21.0-pre.5 #elasticsearch #async-client #search #api-client #search-query #http-client #reference
  70. zookeeper-async

    An async ZooKeeper client

    v5.0.0 370 #zookeeper #distributed #async-client #async #zk #coordination
  71. github_v3

    Minimal async GitHub API v3 client

    v1.1.0 110 #github-api #github #rate-limiting #async-client #async #restful #api-client
  72. oci-registry-client

    A async client for Docker Registry HTTP V2 protocol

    v0.2.2 210 #async-client #docker #registry #http-client #api-client #download #compliant
  73. marzban_api

    async client which abstracts/simplifies the interactions with the Marzban panel API (https://github.com/Gozargah/Marzban)

    v0.2.8 #api-client #async-client #marzban #client #async-api #xray #api-bindings
  74. booru

    An async Booru client for Rust

    v0.6.0 #async-client #api-client #danbooru #client #async-api #api-bindings #http-client
  75. async-scgi

    Async SCGI Client & Server

    v1.0.0 #client-server #scgi #async #async-client #requests #io #request
  76. async-http-proxy

    Lightweight asynchronous HTTP proxy client library

    v1.2.5 5.3K #http-proxy #async-http #http-client #async-http-client #http #proxy #async-client
  77. mysql_async_wasi

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.33.0 #mysql #database-client #wasi #database-driver #async-client #wasm-client #async
  78. memcached

    async memcached rust client

    v0.4.5-beta.2 #async-client #connection #async-std #tcp-connection #protocols #tls-connection #unix-domain-socket
  79. amqp-client-rust

    An asynchronous AMQP client library for Rust, designed for high-performance communication with RabbitMQ. Features include automatic queue and exchange management, message publishing, subscribing, and RPC support.

    v0.0.3-alpha.2 #amqp-client #rabbitmq #amqp #tokio #async-client #async #reconnection
  80. tmdb-api

    TMDB client. This one is using async methods.

    v0.8.0 #api-client #tmdb #async-client #async-api #movie
  81. splunk

    client implementation supporting HEC and REST APIs

    v0.1.1-alpha7 #api-client #async-client #hec #supporting
  82. wamp_async

    An asynchronous WAMP implementation

    v0.3.1 1.3K #wamp #async-client #async #client #messagepack #event-queue
  83. booru-rs

    An async Booru client for Rust

    v0.2.8 #async-client #booru #danbooru #gelbooru #tags #explicit #safebooru
  84. http-lib

    High-level, asynchronous API for ureq, a safe HTTP client

    v0.1.0 550 #http-client #async-client #http #ureq #async #client #https
  85. lta

    🚍 Singapore LTA Datamall Rust Client written in pure rust with support for asynchronous requests

    v0.6.0 #api-client #client #async-client #singapore #datamall #async-api
  86. orchestra-toolkit

    Client to interract with Orchestra system, uses HGTP protocol

    v0.5.1 #knowledge #blocking-client #knowledge-graph #graph #networking #async-client #client-connect
  87. bullpen

    unofficial library for AI Model APIs

    v0.1.6 110 #api-key #ai #chat-completion #ai-api #async #chatgpt #async-client
  88. smartsheet-rs

    Async Smartsheet API implementation in Rust

    v0.6.2 #async-client #smartsheet #async #api-client #client #smartsheet-api #async-api
  89. space-traders

    Async SpaceTraders API client for Rust

    v0.1.2-3ff410c 150 #space #client #async-client #api-client #traders #game-client #async-api
  90. sidekiq


    v0.12.0 3.7K #job-queue #job #async-client #client #queue #async #redis-queue
  91. personio-rs

    Async Rust client for the Personio HR management system

    v0.1.1 #async-client #personio #management #system #hr #authentication
  92. rusty_tarantool

    Tarantul async client based on tokio framework

    v0.3.0 500 #tarantool #async-client #api #protocols #async #asynchronous #protocol
  93. mysql_async_uu

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.32.4 #mysql #database-client #async-client #async #connection-pool #database #database-driver
  94. fm-script-client

    Async client to execute scripts on FileMaker servers through Data- and OData API

    v1.1.0 130 #async-client #script #odata #server #execute #file-maker #data
  95. ya-client

    Yagna REST API client async binding

    v0.9.0 #rest-client #api-client #yagna #async-client #data-model #binding #api-bindings
  96. phoenix_channels_client

    async-ready client for Phoenix Channels in Rust

    v0.1.2 #channel #phoenix #elixir #async-client #send-message
  97. replicate-rs

    A minimal async http client for Replicate

    v0.8.7 180 #machine-learning #http-client #async-http-client #replicate #async-client #api-client #model
  98. lastfm

    An async client to fetch your Last.fm listening history or the track you are currently playing

    v0.10.0 #async-client #api-bindings #api-client #api-key #web #web-api
  99. rplaid

    An async client library for Plaid APIs

    v0.4.0 #async-client #api-client #plaid #client #async #finance #api-bindings
  100. rants

    An async NATS client library

    v0.6.0 170 #nats-client #tls-client #nats #async-tls #async-client #client #messaging
  101. podtender

    client for the podman API

    v0.5.0 #container #podman #async-client #api-bindings #api-client #builder-pattern #async-api
  102. delta-sharing

    Delta Sharing client library

    v0.2.0 #delta #sharing #async-client #delta-lake #async-http-client #http-client #protocols
  103. async-nats-wrpc

    A fork of async-nats crate with lower-level async support

    v0.35.1 #nats-client #nats #messaging #distributed-systems #api-bindings #async-client #api
  104. notion-async-api

    A notion client api, in async style

    v0.1.1 #notion-api #api-client #async-api #async-client #sync #style #notion-sdk
  105. mqtt-async-client

    An MQTT 3.1.1 client written in Rust, using async functions and tokio

    v0.3.1 100 #mqtt-client #async-client #requests #functions
  106. async-minecraft-ping

    An async Rust client for the Minecraft ServerListPing protocol

    v0.8.0 110 #minecraft #mc #async-client #serverlistping #api-bindings
  107. lapin-async

    AMQP client library with a low level API designed for use with mio

    v0.22.1 230 #amqp #low-level #mio #rabbitmq #async-client #message #events
  108. csnmp

    Community-based async (Tokio) SNMP client library

    v0.6.0 310 #tokio #async-networking #snmp #async #async-client
  109. praiya

    An async PagerDuty API client

    v0.4.0 #incident #pager-duty #async-client #api-client #response #mocking #server
  110. async-mpd

    Async Mpd client library

    v0.6.0 #mpd-client #mpd #async-client #run-time #server #async-std #server-status
  111. ddclient-rs

    client library for the Direct Decisions API

    v0.1.3 #api-client #client #http-client #async-http-client #async-client #http-request #async-api
  112. bing_client

    Async reverse client for Bing copilot

    v0.1.2 #bing #async-client #copilot #gpt #cookies #api-bindings #rustls
  113. async-mq

    Zero-cost async-await abstraction of lapin AMQP client crate

    v1.1.0 #amqp-client #rabbitmq #async-await #amqp #lapin #future #async-client
  114. rs621

    E621 API (a large online archive of furry art)

    v0.7.0-alpha1 #api-client #http-request #e621 #api-bindings #client #furry #async-client
  115. speedrun-api

    A wrapper for the speedrun.com REST API

    v1.3.0 #speedrun #com #client #async-client #query #endpoints #builder
  116. tokkit

    A simple(simplistic) OAUTH toolkit

    v0.17.0 140 #oauth2 #token #client-token #async-client #token-info #s2s
  117. ergast-rs

    An async client for getting Formula 1 schedules, qualifying, and race results powered by the Ergast API

    v0.3.2 #f1 #racing #ergast #async-client #api-client #query-api #formula1
  118. yupdates


    v0.1.1 #api-client #async-client #sdk #sync #module #serialization #requests
  119. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  120. pixelflut

    An async/sync Pixelflut server/client library

    v0.2.0 #client-server #async-client #sync #tokio #pixelflut-client #tokio-rt #net
  121. frontegg

    An async API client for the Frontegg user management service

    v0.6.0 900 #user-management #api-client #sdk #front #async-api #async-client #egg
  122. home-assistant-rest

    Home Assistant Async REST API Client

    v0.2.0 #home-assistant #rest-client #api-client #async-client #deserialize
  123. kiteticker-async

    Async version of the ticker module of the kiteconnect-rs crate

    v0.1.1 #real-time #websocket #trading #websockets #ticker #zerodha #async-client
  124. tokio-stomp

    Asynchronous streaming STOMP client

    v0.4.0 #streaming #stomp #async #async-client #tokio #interface #message
  125. cornucopia_async

    Asynchronous client library for Cornucopia users

    v0.6.0 1.6K #async-client #postgresql #sql #query #generator #tokio-postgres #database-client
  126. metalmq-client

    MetalMQ client library (AMQP 0.9)

    v0.3.0 #amqp-client #amqp #messaging #client-server #async-client #protocols #processor
  127. redis_cluster_async_tls

    Async redis cluster driver for Rust

    v0.7.2-alpha.0 #redis-cluster #redis #cluster #async #async-client #database #database-driver
  128. manic

    Fast and simple downloads

    v0.8.1 #download #async #http #async-client
  129. slack-morphism-hyper

    Slack Morphism Hyper/Tokio support library

    v0.41.0 #slack #client #async-client #env-vars #sockets #web-api #api-bindings
  130. aahc

    Asynchronous, zero-allocation HTTP client that is agnostic to choice of executor

    v0.1.0 #request-headers #async #http-request #http-client #async-client #http #client
  131. client-handle

    A macro to generate client handles when using multithreaded / asynchronous code

    v0.2.0 #async-client #multi-threading #handle #async-channel #macro #resource #thread
  132. bytecon_tls

    sending ByteConverter implementations over TLS from clients to a server

    v0.1.1 #client-server #server #client #async-client #traits #networking #async
  133. druid-io

    Asynchronous Apache Druid client library

    v0.1.0 #druid #tokio #database #async-client
  134. gcp-vertex-ai-vizier

    An async client library for GCP Vertex AI Vizier

    v0.5.0 #gcp #google-cloud #hyper-parameters #optimization #vizier #async-client
  135. thetvdb

    API async client

    v0.1.0-beta.2 #api-client #api-key #client #async-client #api #video #api-bindings
  136. fast_websocket_client

    A fast asynchronous websocket client built on top of fastwebsockets library

    v0.2.0 110 #websocket-client #async #async-client #wss #client-connect #tokio #client
  137. oss-vizier

    An (unofficial) async client library for OSS Vizier

    v0.4.0 #hyper-parameters #vizier #optimization #api-client #async-client
  138. snapcast-control

    a wrapper for the Snapcast JSON-RPC Control API based on tokio

    v0.1.0 #snapcast #json-rpc #api-client #control #tokio #control-api #async-client
  139. titan-client

    HTTP and TCP client for Titan bitcoin and runes indexer

    v0.1.20 1.6K #indexer #bitcoin #runes #blocking-client #http-client #async-client #rust
  140. pshovr

    An opinionated wrapper for the v1 pushover api

    v0.4.0 #pushover #opinionated #async-client #bindings #api
  141. npm-package

    client for fetching metadata from the npm package

    v0.2.0 2.7K #package-metadata #npm #async-client #registry #fetching #sync
  142. wayland-protocols-async

    Wayland client protocols implemented in async as handlers using the Actor-model and tokio messaging

    v1.0.0 #wayland-client #wayland-protocol #async-client #protocols #actor-model #tokio #implemented
  143. apod_async_client

    apod-async-client is a crate providing a simple client for NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

    v0.2.0 #async-client #day #astronomy #picture #api-client #date #nasa
  144. misskey-util

    High-level API for the misskey-rs library

    v0.2.0-rc.1 #misskey #async #async-client #client
  145. manja

    Asynchronous client library for Zerodha's KiteConnect trading API

    v0.1.1-rc #api-client #trading #async-client #client-builder #connect #zerodha #http-api
  146. dmzj

    dmzj api bindings

    v0.3.0 #protobuf #api-bindings #async-client #api-client #api
  147. surreal-simple-client

    An async Rust client for SurrealDB's RPC endpoint

    v0.2.0 #surrealdb #rpc #async-client #websocket #client
  148. postcode-nl

    Async client for the free Netherlands postcode API at https://postcode.tech

    v0.1.1 #postcode #async-client #netherlands #numbers #address #free #tech
  149. tus_async_client

    native async client library to interact with *tus* enabled endpoints

    v0.2.1 #async-client #tus #upload #async #resumable #file-upload #file-server
  150. tokio-hglib

    Tokio-based async client library for Mercurial command server

    v0.4.0 #async-client #mercurial #server #command #tokio-based
  151. nightly-async-nats

    A async Rust NATS client

    v0.27.1 #nats-client #nats #async-client #client #messaging #api #api-bindings
  152. gcp-vertex-ai-generative-ai

    An async client library for GCP Vertex AI Generative models - Examples

    v0.1.0 #generative-ai #gcp #google-cloud #vertex-ai #async-client
  153. noxious-client

    An async client library for Toxiproxy and its Rust port, Noxious

    v1.0.4 310 #chaos #proxy #tcp #toxiproxy #async-client
  154. rqlite-ha421

    An async implementation of a rqlite client

    v0.1.2 #async-client #rqlite #http-client #requests #http-request #root #scheme
  155. torznab

    An async client for the Torznab protocol, an extension to RSS

    v0.7.2 #bittorrent #torrent #api-bindings #async-client
  156. bookkeeper-client

    Async rust client for Apache BookKeeper

    v0.2.1 #book-keeper #async-client #apache #api-bindings #write
  157. spn

    A client for the Save Page Now 2 API

    v0.2.0 #spn2 #savepagenow #request-parameters #api-bindings #async-client
  158. v_rusty_tarantool

    Tarantul async client based on tokio framework

    v0.1.5 #tarantool #api #protocols #async #asynchronous #async-client #protocol