
  1. arrow

    Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #memory #array #format #ipc #data #cargo
  2. parquet

    Apache Parquet implementation in Rust

    v54.2.1 1.1M #brotli #apache-arrow #compression #arrow #page #array #object-store
  3. arrow-schema

    Defines the logical types for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #logical #types #array #define #parquet
  4. polars

    DataFrame library based on Apache Arrow

    v0.46.0 206K #apache-arrow #query-engine #dataframe #arrow #data-query #sql-query
  5. arrow-ipc

    Support for the Arrow IPC format

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #ipc #serialization #byte #file-format #read-write
  6. arrow-array

    Array abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #array #arrow #builder #values #vec #abstraction
  7. datafusion

    in-memory query engine that uses Apache Arrow as the memory model

    v45.0.0 689K #apache-arrow #query-execution #execution-engine #sql-query #query #arrow #sql
  8. duckdb

    Ergonomic wrapper for DuckDB

    v1.2.0 28K #sqlite #database #database-interface #arrow #rusqlite #parameters #bindings
  9. datafusion-proto

    Protobuf serialization of DataFusion logical plan expressions

    v45.0.0 69K #apache-arrow #query #sql-query #sql #arrow
  10. datafusion-physical-expr

    Physical expression implementation for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 730K #query-execution #apache-arrow #sql-query #query #data-query #sql #arrow
  11. arrow-odbc

    Read/Write Apache Arrow arrays from/to ODBC data sources

    v15.0.0 6.7K #apache-arrow #arrow #database-table #odbc #database #database-access #data-access
  12. chrono-humanize

    Human-friendly time expressions - similar to Python arrow.humanize

    v0.2.3 136K #date-time #time #date #chrono #humanize #arrow
  13. narrow

    Apache Arrow

    v0.12.3 3.9K #apache-arrow #statically-typed #arrow #data-structures #array #experimental #interop
  14. datafusion-physical-plan

    Physical (ExecutionPlan) implementations for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 726K #query-execution #apache-arrow #sql-query #query #arrow #execution-engine #sql
  15. orc-rust

    Apache ORC file format using Apache Arrow in-memory format

    v0.5.0 7.7K #apache-arrow #file-format #arrow #orc #format-file #file-reader #data-encoding
  16. serde_arrow

    Convert sequences of Rust objects to Arrow arrays and back again

    v0.13.0-rc.2 20K #arrow #deserialize #arrays #dataframe #object #convert #serde-derive
  17. arrow_convert

    Convert between nested rust types and Arrow with arrow

    v0.8.1 14K #arrow #data-conversion #serialization #convert #nested #array #types
  18. delta_kernel

    Core crate providing a Delta/Deltalake implementation focused on interoperability with a wide range of query engines

    v0.8.0 49K #query-engine #delta #table #interop #storage-engine #kernel #arrow
  19. vortex-dtype

    Vortex's core type system

    v0.25.2 1.3K #vortex #serialization #array #file-format #schema #arrow #schema-definition
  20. datafusion-server

    Web server library for session-based queries using Arrow and other large datasets as data sources

    v0.19.6 23K #sql-query #apache-arrow #web-server #data-fusion #arrow #sql #datafusion
  21. arrow-digest

    Stable hashes for Apache Arrow

    v54.1.0 1.2K #apache-arrow #hash #arrow #digest #binary-data #binary-format #data-transfer
  22. datafusion-cli

    Command Line Client for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 1.2K #apache-arrow #sql-query #data-fusion #query #sql #arrow #datafusion
  23. s2protocol

    A parser for Starcraft II - Replay format, exports to different target formats

    v3.1.2 1.9K #binary-format #binary-file #binary-parser #mpq #arrow #polars #nom
  24. datafusion-execution

    Execution configuration support for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 735K #apache-arrow #query-execution #execution-engine #query #sql-query #arrow #sql
  25. vortex-ipc

    IPC message format to exchange Vortex arrays across processes

    v0.25.2 700 #vortex #file-format #array #arrow #ipc #compression #columnar
  26. arrow-udf-js

    JavaScript runtime for Arrow UDFs

    v0.6.0 2.4K #arrow #udf #apache-arrow #javascript
  27. arrow-select

    Selection kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #array #selection #kernel
  28. vortex-mask

    Vortex Mask - sorted, unique, non-negative integers

    v0.25.2 850 #vortex #file-format #array #arrow #compression #mask #columnar
  29. pyo3-arrow

    Arrow integration for pyo3

    v0.7.2 1.1K #apache-arrow #arrow #python-bindings #zero-copy #pyo3 #interop #data-integration
  30. arrow-cast

    Cast kernel and utilities for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #cast #utilities #data
  31. arrow-buffer

    Buffer abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #buffer #abstraction #parquet
  32. evolution

    Efficiently evolve your old fixed-length data files into modern file formats

    v1.3.0 190 #parquet #arrow #file-format #parquet-file #data-analytics #data-science #data-engineering
  33. arrow-ord

    Ordering kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #sorting #arrow #array #order #kernel #ord
  34. polars-io

    IO related logic for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 207K #polars #io #dataframe #logic #arrow #intended
  35. vortex

    file format with all builtin codecs and a sampling compressor

    v0.25.2 600 #file-format #array #arrow #compression #encoding #compressor #columnar
  36. vortex-io

    Core async and blocking IO traits and implementations, used by IPC and file format

    v0.25.2 800 #file-format #vortex #array #arrow #compression #data-file #columnar
  37. arrow-json

    Support for parsing JSON format to and from the Arrow format

    v54.2.1 1.0M #json-format #apache-arrow #json-parser #arrow #data
  38. arrow-format

    Unofficial flatbuffers and tonic code of Apache Arrow spec

    v0.8.1 66K #apache-arrow #arrow #flat-buffers #tonic #analytics #flight #ipc
  39. arrow-udf

    User-defined function framework for arrow-rs

    v0.6.0 2.1K #arrow #udf #user-defined #apache-arrow #framework #functions #registry
  40. arrow-string

    String kernels for arrow arrays

    v54.2.1 980K #apache-arrow #arrow #string #array #kernel
  41. vortex-layout

    Vortex layouts provide a way to perform lazy push-down scans over abstract storage

    v0.25.2 650 #vortex #file-format #layout #array #arrow #scan #compression
  42. vortex-buffer

    A byte buffer implementation for Vortex

    v0.25.2 1.4K #byte-buffer #vortex #arrow #alignment #slice #zero-copy #file-format
  43. vortex-sparse

    Vortex Sparse array

    v0.25.2 550 #vortex #file-format #array #sparse-array #arrow #encoding #compression
  44. arrow-data

    Array data abstractions for Apache Arrow

    v54.2.1 1.2M #apache-arrow #arrow #data #array #abstraction #parquet #interface
  45. polars-expr

    Physical expression implementation of the Polars project

    v0.46.0 80K #polars #physical #query-engine #dataframe #expression #arrow #internal
  46. polars-mem-engine

    In memory engine of the Polars project

    v0.46.0 76K #polars #dataframe #engine #memory #internal #intended #arrow
  47. hudi

    The native Rust implementation for Apache Hudi

    v0.3.0 320 #cloud-storage #arrow #datalake #query-engine #api-bindings #apachehudi
  48. arrow-arith

    Arrow arithmetic kernels

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #arithmetic #kernel #object-store #parquet
  49. arrow-csv

    Support for parsing CSV format to and from the Arrow format

    v54.2.1 1.0M #apache-arrow #csv #arrow #data
  50. polars-arrow

    Minimal implementation of the Arrow specification forked from arrow2

    v0.46.0 194K #arrow #polars #dataframe #specification #query-engine #forked #arrow2
  51. vortex-scan

    Vortex scan contains logic for smartly performing a filter + projection scan operation

    v0.24.0 750 #vortex #file-format #array #scan #arrow #columnar #compression
  52. polars-stream

    Private crate for the streaming execution engine for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 51K #execution-engine #dataframe #polars #streaming #query-engine #arrow #internal
  53. datafusion-odata

    OData protocol adapter for Apache Datafusion

    v45.0.0 1.0K #odata #datafusion #rest #sql #arrow #api-integration
  54. arrow-row

    Arrow row format

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #row #format #array #sorting #byte
  55. polars-time

    Time related code for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 109K #polars #dataframe #utilities #intended #arrow #external #time-related
  56. arrow-udf-python

    Python runtime for Arrow UDFs

    v0.4.1 1.7K #arrow #python #apache-arrow #udf
  57. parquetry

    Runtime library for Parquet code generator

    v0.15.0 390 #parquet #generation #arrow #required #serialization #run-time #schema
  58. re_chunk

    A chunk of Rerun data, encoded using Arrow. Used for logging, transport, storage and compute.

    v0.22.1 18K #arrow #rerun #compute #logging #transport #chunk #encoded
  59. pqrs

    Apache Parquet command-line tools and utilities

    v0.3.2 120 #parquet #arrow #apache-arrow #command-line-utilities #command-line-tool
  60. polars-utils

    Private utils for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 125K #polars #dataframe #utility #functions #arrow #internal #intended
  61. myval

    Lightweight Apache Arrow data frame

    v0.1.22 170 #apache-arrow #dataframe #arrow #data-transformation #convert #machine-learning
  62. arrow-udf-wasm

    WebAssembly runtime for Arrow UDFs

    v0.5.0 1.8K #wasm-module #udf #arrow #wasm #apache-arrow
  63. exon

    A platform for scientific data processing and analysis

    v0.32.4 #data-processing #data-analysis #file-extension #compression #arrow #data-file #biology
  64. datafusion-dft

    An opinionated and batteries included DataFusion implementation

    v0.2.2 390 #sql-query #query #query-execution #sql #datafusion #arrow #data-fusion
  65. vortex-metrics

    Vortex Metrics

    v0.25.2 #vortex #file-format #array #arrow #metrics #compression #columnar
  66. polars-ops

    More operations on Polars data structures

    v0.46.0 193K #polars #data #data-structures #dataframe #operations #arrow #vectorized
  67. vortex-btrblocks

    BtrBlocks style compressor

    v0.25.2 #vortex #array #file-format #compression #arrow #compressor #data
  68. datafusion-common

    Common functionality for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 705K #apache-arrow #sql-query #data-query #query-execution #query #sql #arrow
  69. xml2arrow

    Efficiently convert XML data to Apache Arrow format for high-performance data processing

    v0.8.0 #xml-data #xml #arrow #xml-parser #conversion #data-processing #parser
  70. yaxp-common

    <yaxp-cli ⚡> Yet Another XML Parser

    v0.1.19 1.9K #duck-db #schema #json-schema #xsd #xml #xml-parser #arrow
  71. arrowx

    高性能本地向量数据库.提供本地 http 服务

    v0.1.0 140 #arrow #http #http-service #db #local #提供本地 #服务
  72. polars-schema

    Private crate for schema utilities for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 69K #polars #schema #dataframe #utilities #arrow #internal #private
  73. polars-python

    Enable running Polars workloads in Python

    v0.46.0 110 #polars #python #workload #dataframe #running #arrow #engine
  74. polars-compute

    Private compute kernels for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 92K #polars #dataframe #kernel #compute #arrow #private #internal
  75. kapot

    Distributed Compute

    v0.2.1 #distributed #scheduler #data-fusion #compute #arrow #query #standalone
  76. polars-json

    JSON related logic for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 35K #json #polars #data-frames #arrow #logic #json-object #internal
  77. arrowdb


    v0.2.1 600 #hnsw #db #u64 #point #arrow #store #persist
  78. datafusion-proto-common

    Protobuf serialization of DataFusion common types

    v45.0.0 66K #sql-query #arrow #query #sql
  79. r2a

    that provides a typesafe way to convert ROS 2 messages into Apache Arrow format

    v0.1.7 500 #apache-arrow #ros #ros2 #arrow #message-format #jazzy #humble
  80. arrow2_convert

    Convert between nested rust types and Arrow with arrow2

    v0.5.0 4.7K #arrow #data-conversion #data-pipeline #arrow2 #format-conversion #convert #nested
  81. hudi-datafusion

    The native Rust implementation for Apache Hudi

    v0.3.0 #hudi #query-engine #datalake #arrow #api-bindings #cloud-storage #apachehudi
  82. polars-error

    Error definitions for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 122K #polars #error #dataframe #definition #arrow #intended #types
  83. arrow-integration-test

    Support for the Apache Arrow JSON test data format

    v54.2.1 800 #apache-arrow #json #arrow #json-format #integration-tests #data-integration #parquet
  84. arrow-udf-flight

    Client for remote Arrow UDFs

    v0.4.0 1.7K #udf #arrow #flight #rpc-client #server-client
  85. arrow_cli

    Replace with description

    v0.1.2 500 #sql-query #arrow #flight #client-server #protocols #command-line-tool #numbers
  86. arrow-avro

    Support for parsing Avro format into the Arrow format

    v54.2.1 300 #apache-arrow #arrow #avro #data #format #convert #parser
  87. parquetry-gen

    Parquet code generator

    v0.15.0 850 #parquet #generation #schema #required #optional #arrow #generator
  88. hyprstream

    High-performance metrics storage and query service using Arrow Flight SQL

    v0.1.0-alpha-6 350 #metrics #arrow #aggregation #flight #query #cache #sql
  89. arrow_extendr

    Enables the use of arrow-rs in R using extendr and nanoarrow

    v53.0.0 #arrow #extendr #rstats
  90. re_arrow2

    Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

    v0.18.2 20K #apache-arrow #arrow #arrow2 #analytics #safe
  91. exon-bigwig

    Subcrate of the exon crate for working with BigWig files

    v0.32.4 #bioinformatics #file-format #big-wig #data #exon #data-file #arrow
  92. datafusion-common-runtime

    Common Runtime functionality for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 683K #apache-arrow #sql-query #query #arrow #query-execution #sql
  93. yaxp-core

    <yaxp-cli ⚡> Yet Another XML Parser

    v0.1.6 600 #duck-db #xsd #schema #json-schema #xml-parser #another #arrow
  94. datafusion-physical-expr-common

    Common functionality of physical expression for DataFusion query engine

    v45.0.0 679K #apache-arrow #query-execution #sql-query #query #sql #arrow #execution-engine
  95. parquetry-sort

    Runtime sorting library for Parquet code generator

    v0.15.0 700 #parquet #run-time #sorting #serialization #arrow #generation #required
  96. re_format_arrow

    Format arrow data

    v0.22.1 22K #arrow #formatting #table #rerun #visualization #format #family
  97. arcon

    A runtime for writing streaming applications

    v0.2.1 #stream-processing #streaming #distributed-computing #applications #run-time #arrow #data-streaming
  98. polars-ffi

    FFI utils for the Polars project

    v0.46.0 4.5K #polars #dataframe #arrow #python #query-engine #out-of-core
  99. datafusion-materialized-views

    Materialized Views & Query Rewriting in DataFusion

    v0.1.1 #datafusion #arrow #data-fusion #arrow-rs #object-storage #single-file
  100. strawboat

    A native storage format based on Apache Arrow

    v0.2.6 1.9K #apache-arrow #arrow #analytics #storage #file-format #parquet-file
  101. frostbow-cli

    Command Line Client for Frostbow query engine

    v43.1.0 #sql-query #datafusion #query #arrow #sql #data-fusion #apache-arrow
  102. re_sorbet

    Rerun arrow metadata definitions

    v0.22.1 1.2K #metadata #rerun #arrow #definition #batch #data #record
  103. slint-spatial-focus

    Adds arrow key navigation to Slint UI

    v1.9.2-1.0.0 #slint #navigation #spatial #arrow #focus #ui #key
  104. marrow

    Minimalist Arrow interop

    v0.2.2 190 #array #arrow #minimalist #interop #different
  105. datafusion-catalogprovider-glue

    Glue as a CatalogProvider for Datafusion

    v0.4.0 #glue #datafusion #aws #arrow
  106. polars-arrow-format

    Unofficial flatbuffers and tonic code of Apache Arrow spec

    v0.1.0 83K #apache-arrow #arrow #flat-buffers #ipc #analytics #flight #tonic
  107. arrows-svg

    SVG arrow generator

    v1.0.1 170 #svg #arrow #generator #graphics
  108. re_arrow_util

    Helpers for working with arrow

    v0.22.1 1.2K #arrow #helper #data
  109. df-interchange

    Seamless interoperability between Polars and Arrow

    v0.1.2 180 #polars #arrow #interop #seamless #interchange #version #format
  110. exon-common

    Common utilities for Exon

    v0.32.4 550 #object-storage #bioinformatics #file-format #execution-engine #exon #proteomics #arrow
  111. exon-io

    IO utilities for Exon

    v0.32.4 #file-format #object-storage #arrow #biology #file-io #science #data-science
  112. exon-genbank

    Exon GenBank

    v0.32.4 550 #bioinformatics #object-storage #exon #sql #arrow #proteomics #multi-language
  113. parquet-lru

    Implement LRU cache reader for parquet::arrow::async_reader::AsyncFileReader

    v0.3.0 140 #lru #reader #lru-cache #file-reader #parquet #arrow #async
  114. warc-parquet

    converting WARC to Parquet

    v0.6.1 150 #parquet #warc #arrow #parquet-file #binary-file
  115. exon-fcs

    Exon FCS

    v0.32.4 130 #bioinformatics #data #object-storage #data-access #exon #file-format #arrow
  116. exon-vcf

    Exon VCF

    v0.32.4 #bioinformatics #vcf #exon #data #arrow #proteomics #primitive
  117. exon-fasta

    reading and writing FASTA files with Exon

    v0.32.4 130 #fasta #bioinformatics #exon #data #reading #arrow #format
  118. exon-bam

    Exon BAM

    v0.32.4 110 #bioinformatics #bam #data #file-format #exon #arrow #sql
  119. exon-gff

    reading and writing GFF files with Exon

    v0.32.4 #bioinformatics #exon #gff #data #reading #file-format #arrow
  120. exon-bed

    Subcrate of the exon crate for working with BED files

    v0.32.4 #bed #bioinformatics #object-storage #exon #file-format #primitive #arrow
  121. vortex-all

    Vortex file format with all builtin codecs and a sampling compressor

    v0.14.0 #file-format #vortex #array #arrow #compression #compressor #columnar
  122. datafusion-row

    Row backed by raw bytes for DataFusion query engine

    v27.0.0 300 #apache-arrow #sql-query #query #arrow #sql #query-execution
  123. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  124. datafusion-iceberg-sql

    Apache Iceberg integration for Datafusion

    v0.7.0 #iceberg #datafusion #apache #integration #arrow
  125. polars-core

    Core of the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 115K #polars #dataframe #arrow #intended #internal #external #sub-crate
  126. exon-cram

    Exon CRAM

    v0.32.4 #bioinformatics #cram #exon #arrow #sql #file-format #ddl
  127. cherry-ingest

    ingesting evm data using common a query/response format

    v0.0.9 350 #data #format #evm #arrow #query-response #ingesting
  128. ascesis

    A language for analysis and synthesis of cause-effect synchronised interacting systems

    v0.0.6 #analysis #synthesis #systems #language #definition #arrow #notes
  129. amadeus-parquet

    An Apache Parquet implementation in Rust

    v0.4.3 #parquet #amadeus #hadoop #arrow #data
  130. ruhvro

    Fast, multi-threaded deserialization of schema-less avro encoded messages

    v0.2.1 #avro #arrow #kafka #serialize-deserialize #message
  131. vineyard-datafusion

    Vineyard Rust SDK: arrow datafusion integration for DataFrame

    v0.17.2 #data-fusion #vineyard #distributed-computing #arrow #sdk #dataframe #integration
  132. arrowbatch

    Reader for arrow-batch format

    v1.14.0 #reader #format #data #arrow
  133. hudi-core

    The native Rust implementation for Apache Hudi

    v0.3.0 350 #hudi #arrow #datalake #apachehudi #api-bindings
  134. datafusion-data-access

    General data access layer currently mainly based on the object store interfaces

    v10.0.0 #apache-arrow #query-execution #data-access #arrow #query #sql-query #sql
  135. datafusion-jit

    Just In Time (JIT) compilation support for DataFusion query engine

    v23.0.0 #query #sql-query #arrow #sql #query-execution #apache-arrow
  136. spiceai

    SDK for Spice.ai, an open-source runtime and platform for building AI-driven software

    v2.0.0 #ai #run-time #spice #sdk #platform #arrow #client
  137. ballista-cache

    Ballista Cache

    v0.12.0 #cache #ballista #distributed #arrow #apache #query
  138. ocra

    Cache in arrow-rs' ObjectStore interface

    v0.1.1 140 #object-store #cache #arrow
  139. xekeys

    getting key-presses

    v2.0.0 #key #termion #arrow #modifiers #key-presses #up
  140. jiffy

    Human-friendly time expressions

    v0.1.1 #time #date-time #date #humanize #arrow #jiff
  141. radix-leptos-arrow

    Leptos port of Radix Arrow

    v0.0.2 120 #leptos #radix #arrow #port
  142. pyo3-geoarrow

    GeoArrow integration for pyo3

    v0.1.0-beta.1 #arrow #pyo3 #geospatial #python #geo-arrow #geoparquet #geoarrow
  143. datafusion-tui

    Terminal based, extensible, interactive data analysis tool using SQL

    v0.1.0 #sql-query #query #datafusion #sql #arrow #data-fusion #query-execution
  144. ballista-core

    Ballista Distributed Compute

    v43.0.0 #ballista #distributed #compute #query #arrow #big-data #apache-arrow
  145. arrow2ndjson-lite

    A little tool to convert an arrow file to a valid ndjson/json-stream

    v0.1.0 #arrow #file #convert #valid #little #tool #ndjson-json-stream
  146. arrow-cast-guess-precision

    Arrow cast function alternative with timestamp integer guessing precision

    v0.4.0 #cast #timestamp #arrow #integer #precision
  147. arrow-flight-sql-client

    An Apache Arrow Flight SQL client

    v0.4.0 #arrow #flight #sql #sql-server #flight-sql #client #query
  148. datafusion-objectstore-s3

    S3 as an ObjectStore for Datafusion

    v0.2.1 #datafusion #query #data-fusion #sql #arrow #aws-sdk
  149. arrow-rayon

    Use parallel iterators for Apache Arrow with rayon

    v0.0.3 #parallel-iterator #arrow #parallel #apache-arrow #concurrency
  150. c-arrow

    allows you to use the arrow operator -> to access the field of the row pointer, just like C/C++

    v0.1.4 #cc #field #arrow #pointers #operator #row #access
  151. prost-arrow

    Derives apache arrow array builders for protobuf messages generated by prost

    v0.0.3 #prost #arrow #protobuf #apache-arrow #grpc #rpc
  152. arrow_util

    Tools for Apache Arrow

    v0.1.3 #dataframe #arrow #apache-arrow #convert #database
  153. plotters-arrows

    Arrow shapes for plotters crate

    v0.1.0 550 #plotters #arrow #shapes
  154. h3arrow

    Integration of the H3 geospatial grid with the arrow memory model

    v0.4.0 130 #arrow #geospatial #spatial #h3 #geo
  155. arrow2

    Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

    v0.18.0 94K #array #apache-arrow #arrow #operation #sorting #arithmetic #compute
  156. valu3-parquet

    Parquet and Arrow encoding and decoding for valu3

    v0.4.5 #apache-arrow #parquet #arrow #valu3 #apache #codec #generic
  157. cherry-core

    Core library for cherry blockchain data framework

    v0.0.18 1.0K #blockchain #data #arrow #cherry #framework #validation #decoding
  158. arrowpipe

    Build complex pipelines easily

    v0.1.0 #data-pipeline #data-processing #pipeline #arrow #data #processing
  159. datafusion-bigtable

    Bigtable data source for Apache Arrow Datafusion

    v0.1.0 #apache-arrow #arrow #bigtable #datafusion #data-source #data-fusion #sql
  160. cherry-svm-schema

    SVM schema definitions for cherry

    v0.0.3 110 #schema #definition #cherry #svm #arrow #validating #decoding
  161. cherry-evm-decode

    EVM decoding implementations in Arrow format

    v0.0.2 190 #arrow #format #decoding #data #evm
  162. cherry-evm-schema

    EVM schema definitions for cherry

    v0.0.3 120 #schema #definition #evm #cherry #arrow #validating #decoding
  163. teki

    Touhou-style shoot'em up

    v0.2.0 #up #sdl2 #key #shoot-em #touhou-style #arrow #game
  164. arrow-parser

    Parser for the Arrow programming language

    v0.0.2 #arrow #programming-language #parser
  165. cherry-cast

    casting arrow colums with support for specific blockchain types

    v0.0.4 440 #cast #arrow #blockchain #type #data #colums
  166. geoarrow-wasm

    Efficient, vectorized geospatial operations in WebAssembly

    v0.1.0 #geospatial #arrow #wasm #web-assembly
  167. arrow-udf-macros

    Procedural macros for generating Arrow functions

    v0.5.1 1.7K #udf #arrow #macro #generate #functions #user-defined #procedural
  168. datafusion-optd-cli

    Command Line Client for DataFusion query engine with optd patch

    v32.0.0 #query #datafusion #arrow #sql #data-fusion #query-engine