Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road

"Back then, there was no need to snap anybody."

This might seem like me hopping on the Hype Rig all the way to Consensus Town but I really did like this a lot more the second time around. I think the main reason is because I was obviously more prepared for the structure of the thing, essentially two or three (depending on how you divide them) protracted action sequences punctuated by a couple minutes of breathing time. The excitement of these sequences is the real accomplishment here, but I found myself hit by the weird, lyrical beauty of certain parts - example: A brief shot during the grenade attack in the middle of Immortan's pregnant bride cradling her womb as bullets, cars, and explosions are all flying around her. The violence is, uh, furious, but the music is beautiful and contributes to the almost perversely utopian poetry of the image. She later gets crushed underneath the wheels, but it was nice while it lasted.

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