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Skull Cowboy Media’s review published on Letterboxd:
Lee Have you still been saying your prayers?
This is a lot of notes I was taking during my second viewing so not really my opinion on how I felt on the film just stuff I noticed on a second viewing. Let me know in the comments if you picked up on any of this stuff or if you picked up on stuff I didn’t notice!
Opening scene is through they eyes of the doll in the passenger seat
When Harker was doing the FBI screening with the images she said mother for an upside down triangle and she the mentioned father when shown me image of a red floor and an orangish sun.
They keep thinking it’s a guy. If we hadn’t seen the trailer would we assume that the longlegs killer is a girl? I guess the opening scene shows longlegs so that kinda blows my theory. But Harker does bring up to her boss when he’s drinking that he could have help like Manson had his family. And spoiler alert Harker and her mom are actually helping longlegs complete his satanic killings.
Also Harkers boss when she visits his home after dropping him off and she goes into his daughters room there is a lot of metal to what I feel to foreshadow the dolls and the medal balls in their heads. The little girl also talks about how she dosent like dolls or feels bad for them being put into a box and being all tied up what now have seen the film is definitely foreshadowing because they are like puppets to longlines and how he is able to control the mind.
Upon Harkers first phone call with her mom she asked why it took her mom so long to answer the phone. Could that be because she was in the basement with longlegs? She also brings up Harkers birthday and a creepy sound is heard when she mentions that in the phone.
When Harker gets her first letter in her house from longlegs she uses her intuition and writes a note or it could be from what longlegs wrote her and it talked about hurting her mother which is foreshadowing the end of the film.
Harker goes to visit the crime scene with the rotting bodies in the bed the cat only hisses when it sees Harker.
Lee calls her mom and says she can’t talk about what she’s working on and her mom then ask her if she’s still saying her prayers because they protect you from the devil. And towards the end of the film Lee says she never said her prayers letting us know that she was always being haunted by longlegs and the devil because she never actually prayed which could have stopped this from happening to her.
When Lee is in the library she sees a creature with horns outside the window that is the first clear image you get if it but they are always showing up the creature usually in dark background so it dosent always draw attention to itself but it lets you know that the devil is close to her once again with the prayers if Lee might have been praying she might have been able to avoid all of this but should she have been an FBI agent?
When Lee and her boss go visit the farm with what I would say is a top five flashlight scene from any film I’ve ever seen there is a triangle on the barn right above the door that matches up to one of the images she saw from the beginning of the film when she was doing the fbi images and tell us what you think when you see that image. And then when they open the box to reveal the first doll there is a note with a triangle and a smiley face on it that goes back to the triangle in the barn.
God I love the scene with cage in the car coming back from getting made fun of by the little girl and he yells mommy daddy save me from hell made me laugh out loud in the theater.
When Lee visits the little girl in the hospital she mentions that Lee she has seen before and thinks she’s been to her house or someone that looks like her has been to her house before so it lets us know it could be her mother which we would only know if we have seen the film before because the mom does all of the deliveries for longlegs to keep Lee from being sent to hell and killed with her mom.
Foreshadowing for the little girl who survived she foreshadowed her own death by saying if the man downstairs told her to jump out a window she surly would. She then is asked my Lee if she ever had a doll and she said she dosent remember just how Lee dosent remember having a doll as well because like when know the man downstairs aka longlegs lives in lees moms house in the basement and probably made a doll for her so she couldn’t remember any of this stuff that occurred so she can help him complete his satanic master plan.
First time we visit lees moms house we can see longlegs car parked in the little garage to the right of the screen with a tarp over it but not covering it all the way letting us know that longlegs is in fact at the house during Lee and her moms first in person visit. That’s also when Lee admits to never saying her prayers and lees mom began to do a crazy laugh because she knows they are fucked and she then says prayers don’t do a damn thing letting us know just how far gone in the rabbit hole she is with helping longlegs.
Same time during lees first visit to her moms house Lee ask her mom if she remembers her 9th birthday and you can visibly tell that lees mom remembers everything from that day but dosent want to let Lee know what all has really been going on in that family/ household.
When longlegs is being interrogated he says that the Asian lady and lees boss will be at the birthday party and for us that have seen the film already they all die on the same day as a birthday party. So once again another great foreshadowing!
Lee was obsessed with figuring out the completion of the triangle by another family going to be killed on the 13th instead of the 14th and the person who actually dies on the 13th is Longlegs himself completing the triangle himself releasing him into hell. He then talks about lees mom and how she is the 7th she. And he then explains how he uses a lady to give a doll to the families who have been killed and they get it for winning a church raffle. But only people who have seen the film will pick up on that reference because we don’t understand that part u til we have seen the entire film!
People who died on the 13th in the film
Longlegs, crazy girl who jumped off building, Asian lady gets shot in the face with shotgun, Lees doll gets shot in the head causing Lee to be knocked out and wake up in the downstairs. But lees mom says once she shoots lees doll in the head it set Lee free does that mean she is no longer under longlegs spell?
Also for you religious people a lot of things happen in threes. There are three parts in the film usually anything happens in the film happens in threes if you really pay attention.
Also in lees mom’s house there are dolls in almost every pile of junk scattered around the house.
When lees fbi boss closes the door after letting Lee into his daughter’s birthday party you can see the creature devil in the door window!
The bullet hole on lees moms head makes an x for x marks the spot.
And lastly after my second viewing the credits roll in the opposite direction as all other films
Update as of 7/15/24
In Lees bedroom she has a little red piano which matches up to when she was doing the test to join the FBI. She mentioned a piano during the images.
At the beginning of the film after it says longlegs and starts to show the actors names with the red background it flashes and shows Lees house upside down and it shows lees mom dressed as a nun.
Anytime Lee hears the demon talking to her it says her name.
The balls in the dolls heads once taken out of the doll can wake the individual up but until it is destroyed they can still be controlled by the man downstairs.
In the scene with Lee in the library at night you can see a triangle outside the window right before she sees the demon saying her name.
In the scene where the fbi is in the bedroom with the dead bodies in the bed there is a chair in the room positioned so that lees mom could sit in the chair and watch as they died.
Long legs talking to Lee in the interrogation room mentions that Lee became an fbi officer on her 20th birthday and he thought it was hilarious probably because he can manipulate her but he says she didn’t think it was funny referring to lees mom.
There is a drawing from Lee on her moms fridge that I can’t really tell but it looked sus