Bruno’s review published on Letterboxd:
“Nosferatu. Does this word not sound like the midnight call of the Bird of Death? Do not utter it, or the images of life will fade.”
Incredibly atmospheric, I just know young adults were shitting themselves back in 1922 when they first saw Count Orlok. Max Shreck gives life to Orlok, the costume and makeup are exceptional, the long fingers and skinny body add so much to the overall fear of his character. A silent film where the eerie and haunting score does all the work in transferring the audience into the world created here. I have my utmost respect for this film, a tremendously important one in the world of cinema and one that set the bar high for horror fans and film in general. F.W. Murnau directs this with such style, delivering a silent German Expressionist vampire film that would be iconic for decades to come. Way ahead of it’s time and still somewhat holds up nicely today, although a little outdated at times. I appreciate this very much, great entertainment value and one we should all watch to educate ourselves.