Nik Lackey’s review published on Letterboxd:
Films like ‘Shame’ (2011) are more impactful and much more detrimental to us as viewers than we might ever know. There is a rawness, a harshness, a sense of agonizing solitude we don’t know we need to understand. There is so much pain, and so much mourning packed into a film that runs for an hour and forty one minutes. This might seem like a perverted psycho sexual conflict amongst the character, but it’s truly just a film about addiction, and the strain it takes on one’s life. Glorification is not something Steve McQueen seeks to achieve, in fact, it’s a polar mirror to that. Sexual entrapment, and mental destruction is all that’s really shown.
Relationships are the fundamental groundwork to set up this film, and even though much of it has to do with a disconnect of relationships, it’s still the most important aspect. We see the fragmented breakage between our lead, Brandon, and everyone around him. Whether is has to be with the connection of his sister that he wishes to avoid, or the connection he makes with a woman he pays to copulate with, there is clearly a barrier that is struggling to break. Brandon refuses connection and this drives a narrative of self loathing. It’s a difficult image to see, as he drowns himself deeper into a bottomless pit of emotionless forgetfulness.
In connection with the relationships of the film, there is an underlying perspective also at play here. The idea of self doubt and what it can do to a traumatized mind. Fassbender plays into this role so perfectly with so few words. We see the self doubt grow in the back of his mind, even though we pick up with him at a point where it has already overcome his conscious. He manages to balance out a level of confidence towards others, while still sorrowing in his own right all at the same time. The lack of emotions almost say more than any burst of consequential actions. This is a really remarkable performance by one of our greatest contemporary actors, and the suffering in the eyes will tell you everything you need to know.
We have seen a lot of films throughout the years that delve into sexual abuse. ‘Lipstick’ (1976), ‘I Spit On Your Grave’ (1978), ‘Bombshell’ (2019), and ‘She Said’ (2022) are just a few examples of movies that tackle this difficult topic. Not many films look inward though, and show an argument like ‘Shame’ (2011) does. This is not about sexual abuse towards others, it’s about sexual abuse towards one’s self. The lack of connection like mentioned before, only trails the abuse closer and closer towards the characters mindset. The consistency of hatred for love flows throughout this picture in such an apparent way, and delivers such a blow as we see our lead killing himself the only way he knows how, through the abuse of his own corruption.
From a plebs understanding of Steve McQueen’s masterpiece, this would just appear to be “pornography”. I would strongly argue that there is nothing pornographic about this film. This is a movie about addiction, and the illness that can be thrusted towards you from these types of addictions. I can understand how others might read this in a certain way, and perhaps it might be too lewd of an execution for some, but the point still remains. McQueen strives to show the most honest and brutal aspects of human understanding, and addiction falls into such a massive part of that. His craft beyond this film is extensive, but his understanding of the mind crippling fact that is addiction, is truly only honed in on in ‘Shame’ (2011), and it is truly a masterful portrayal.
Setting aside all the ideas and philosophies ‘Shame’ (2011) is successfully showing us, this is simply just a beautiful film to watch. Cinematographer, Sean Bobbitt shoots the entire landscape of New York City like I’ve never seen before. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the day time or night, raining or shine, the city looks remarkable through the lens. There is a gloom that comes with the blue and green color palette, and the tinting of the lens only enhances this. It’s easy to make a Scottish hillside look beautiful, but it’s a craft to light up a city and make it a character with the story, and that’s exactly what ‘Shame’ (2011) does.
I understand the struggle many people will have sitting down and watching Steve McQueen’s ‘Shame’ (2011). I really do understand the trepidation. Unlike other provocative films, that exploit sex though, this one has a much deeper artistic meaning to it. The sexual Congress acted out on screen is not for erotic purpose, but instead to explore a traumatic side of life, and the struggle with addiction. This isn’t an easy movie to sit through, and I admit it isn’t one I should love. However, if you find yourself sitting in for it, you’ll get to see one of the most visceral dramatic depictions of addiction ever put to screen, while also seeing a cinematographers dream of a city. I truly do think ‘Shame’ (2011) is such an important film, and I know it’s impossible to make everyone understand.